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[sPAM] NorthPoint Journal Feb 4 to 10, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

February 4 to 10, 2008

Note: If you have difficulty reading or copying the text of this issue, please visit the "Journal" page of my website: www.northpointastrology.com.

Our week revolves around the Solar Eclipse on Wednesday (Thursday in some time zones). The chart drawn for the time of the eclipse is notable for its line-up of planets in Aquarius: Chiron conjunct retrograde Mercury, conjunct the Moon and Sun, conjunct Neptune conjunct Vesta, and finally, conjunct the North Node.

This stellium of planets is then trine Mars in Gemini and semisquare Pluto in Capricorn -- so there is plenty of energy on the move for us to navigate.

Eclipses occur in pairs every six months, setting new themes and corresponding with important changes in perspective. A Solar Eclipse is equivalent to a highly energized New Moon, and so corresponds with the ending of an old phase and the beginning of a new growth direction.

This Solar Eclipse will be followed on February 20 by a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. The intention of an eclipse can be ascertained from the chart drawn for the lunation, as well as from the Sabian symbol for the eclipse degree.

The Sabian symbol for 18 degrees Aquarius, the location of the Solar Eclipse, reads:

"A man's secret motives are being publicly unmasked: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives."

While this symbol may seem to indicate uncomfortable circumstances for some, there is a positive spin gained through exploring the Solar Eclipse chart.

Chiron leads the line-up of planets forming the stellium, indicating that there is likely to be some wound exposed through the influence of the eclipse. The promise of Chiron, however, is also of healing. A wound cannot be attended to if it is kept hidden and unacknowledged.

The wound exposed by Chiron in Aquarius is the fear of separation. The healing is in the awareness that in truth, there is no separation. This shift in perspective requires that we utilize the Aquarian perspective of life as energy, and the realization -- proven scientifically -- that nothing that exists is ever lost, but only changes form.

With Mercury retrograde also conjunct the Sun-Moon alignment, whatever is revealed may not be clearly understood right away. In fact, we may not completely embrace the new awareness until Mercury has changed direction on February 18 -- or we may even wait until he recrosses his current location on March 3.

The Chiron-Mercury connection brings another theme into the mix: Do we trust what we know? What if, as often happens when Aquarius is involved, that "knowing" comes from intuitive rather than logical sources? Are we finally ready to accept our ability to tap into the collective unconscious, to know that which we may not be able to prove with facts and figures?

The Neptune-Vesta-North Node conjunction on the other end of the stellium adds another level of intentionality to this Solar Eclipse. Neptune is the slowest moving of the planets involved, and so has ultimate say about the overall purpose. Neptune in Aquarius is dissolving boundaries that have separated us, and supports the concept of spiritual community.

The involvement of Vesta and the North Node also helps us look at the Sabian symbol in a different light. The North Node points us along our path of highest spiritual growth, while Vesta carries the themes of spiritual dedication and service. What if the "secret motives publicly unmasked" refer to our need to claim our spiritual truth, to no longer "keep secret our private motives?"This idea is supported by Pluto's semisquare to both the Sun and Mercury at the time of the Solar Eclipse. Pluto's intention is to bring to the surface what has been hidden, and a semisquare, while not as combative as a square, still contains a good amount of "push." With Pluto now in Capricorn, we are beginning the phase of dismantling some of the social structures that have defined our way of life for decades, if not centuries. New structures will eventually be built -- and how that part of the process unfolds will depend very much on how willing we are as individuals and as a global community to claim our spiritual purpose.

It is worthwhile to note that while Neptune adds a spiritual dimension to the eclipse intention, there is also the possibility of disillusion or delusion. Our challenge and opportunity is to utilize the higher vibration Neptune -- compassion and understanding -- without falling into the lower vibration of victimization and martyrdom.

This Solar Eclipse is given a "5" rating on a 1-to-7 scale (7 being the strongest) in the book Eclipses by Celeste Teal. The author notes that the eclipse triggers the Moon in the chart of the United States, affecting issues relating to homes, real estate and domestic concerns.

Those born within a day or two of February 6, May 8, August 10 or November 10 may find this to be an especially significant time of personal growth, as the eclipse triggers the Sun in their charts.

And, for everyone who has access to their astrological chart, check to see if you have any planets or points between 16 and 18 degrees of the fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio). If you find that these degrees are emphasized in your personal chart, it is an indicator that you are also primed for a new beginning in some area of your life.



Highlighted Aspects for This Week

Monday: Pluto semisquare Sun, Chiron conjunct Sun; Wednesday: SOLAR ECLIPSE 7:45pm PST, Sun conjunct Mercury, Uranus sextile Venus; Thursday: Chiron conjunct Mercury; Friday: Pluto semisquare Mercury; Saturday: Neptune parallel Sun; Sunday: Saturn sesquisquare Venus, Neptune conjunct Sun

About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. The information contained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by factors at work with your personal chart.

If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or are interested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail pam@... or call 425-445-3775.


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All information contained in this NorthPoint Astrological Journal is the sole property of Pam Younghans. The right to distribute this content is based upon prior terms of service and agreements. Please visit our website for more details, or call or e-mail for more information. See contact information in sidebar of this issue of the NorthPoint Journal. 956 Stow Lane, Lafayette, CA 94549.

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