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Butcher's Broom Herb

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Butchers Broom (box holly)Ruscus aculeatus This page contains information on butcher's broom and how it is used as a herb in alternative herbal treatments to treat ailments and problems, such as jaundice, gout, kidney stones and inflammation. On this page Botanical classification of butcher's broom Description of butcher's broom Parts used Properties of butcher's broom Internal use External use Use of essential oil Safety precautions and warnings Used in the following products Herbal Index Please note that we are not advocating that people stop using their normal medication, but would like to make people aware that some

alternative therapies can be very effective to help treat problems and create a healthier, younger and more vital you. For more information on our range of products, please click here. Although we believe in the therapeutic and healing properties of herbs, care must be taken in the use thereof, as they are powerful compounds. Botanical Classification Family Ruscaceae Genus and specie Ruscus

aculeatus Other names Box holly and Jew's myrtle. Description of the herb butcher's broom Butcher's broom is a small, clump-forming shrub with erect shoots bearing stiff, ovate, leaf-like cladophylls. Tiny green flowers appear in late winter and spring on the cladophylls. Parts used The whole plant, young shoots, and roots are used medically and the young shoots are eaten like asparagus. Properties Butcher's broom is an aromatic, diuretic, mildly laxative herb that reduces inflammation, increases perspiration, and constricts the veins. It contains

steroidal saponins with the main compounds being ruscin (monodesmosidic spirostane type), ruscoside (bidesmosdic furostane type) with the corresponding aglycones (ruscogenin and neoruscogenin). The herb stimulates the a-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscle cells in the vascular wall and in doing so supports and strengthens the dilated venous vessels. Therapeutic uses Internal use Butcher's broom is used internally to treat venous problems, which vary from varicose veins to hemorrhoids, or in any other cases where the veins and capillaries can do with strengthening. Traditionally it is also used as a mild laxative and a diuretic, which would explain its use for jaundice, gout, as well as kidney

and bladder stones. External use The external use of butcher's broom would be for all cases of venous insufficiency, but it is often included in preparations to help with the symptomatic relief of hemorrhoids, to relieve itching, swelling, pain and heaviness. Ruscogenine is a powerful venous vasoconstrictor which gives it a great action against edemas. It has been demonstrated that the activity of ruscogenine is due to direct stimulation of the a- adrenergic receivers, and it is a partial agonist both for a-1 receivers and for a-2 in the cells of the venous smooth muscle. This direct mechanism is strengthened when ruscogenine causes the liberation of noradrenalin in the adrenergetic terminations of the blood vessel walls. This action suggests an increase in the tone of the venous and lymphatic wall and an improvement in the venous return, which provides a considerable anti-edema effect. This final effect is

important for the formulation of cosmetic products aimed at improving weary legs or legs with varicose veins and for cellulite treatments. It is also useful for facial products, used to remove make up, anti-cuperosis products and cosmetics to be applied to the eye surround or on sensitive and irritated skins. Aromatherapy and essential oil use None noted. Safety precautions and warnings It should be used with care internally in cases of hypertension (high blood pressure). http://www.ageless.co.za/herb-butchers-broom.htm

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