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Hi, . When my daughter (who is now 17) was about 6 or 7 years

old, she started getting some warts on one of her hands. At first she

was able to hide them with her fingers or other hand, but eventually

they got to the point where she couldn't hide them anymore because

there were just too many of them and some of them had gotten quite

large. She started being teased at school and would cry about having

the warts. We tried all the usual treatments including duct tape and

OTC wart removers, and the doctor even froze some of them off only to

have them return.

Finally the doctor said she would order some stuff that would

definitely do the trick, even for persistent warts. She ordered some

liquid that she applied to the largest warts very very carefully with

a tiny wooden stick. She then wrapped the treated warts and I think

we removed the wrap after a night or so. The stuff was amazing. It

destroyed the warts quickly and with almost no discomfort for my

daughter. They blistered up and we removed the dead skin after a few

days. After the larger warts died, the smaller ones went away on

their own. I can't remember the name of the stuff the doctor used,

but I just did some quick Internet research, and though I couldn't

find exactly the stuff she used, I'm pretty sure I found a comparable

product, though it is only sold in Canada now. It's pricey, and it's

not a natural remedy as would probably be best, but if your child is

having trouble walking or is being teased about it at all, it might be

an option for you.

The medicine is Cantharidin (Cantharone, Canthacur), and there's a

stronger version for plantar warts called Canthacur PS.

Here's a link for more info:


I also found a pharmacy in Canada that sells it:


Maybe if you talk with your child's doc, he or she can order it for

you (and maybe she/he would know how to get it cheaper). My

daughter's doc didn't charge us any more than the usual visit cost

when she used it on my daughter. I did notice that one of the active

ingredients in the PS version is salicylic acid (the same stuff used

in OTC preparations), so if your child is sensitive to salicylates,

you might want to prepare for that with No-Fenol and/or epsom salt


Just another option... Best of luck to you!

Kathy in Florida


> ds developed a wart on the bottom of his foot while taking


> and ole. We were hoping the Vs would resolve it at the high doses.

> It didn't. We tried duct tape & wart remover pads but we couldn't


> them to stick. Then we tried vitamin A topically & then tea tree


> & 000. After all of that had no effect we gave up because it wasn't

> bothering him. Now its spreading like crazy! there are 2 big warts

> surrounded by many many small ones. He now has one small one on-


> ball of his foot too. I'm alarmed. Any suggestions are welcome.




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Ooh, ooh! I just remembered the name of the stuff my daughter's doc

used...she called it beetle juice. Now I'm sure that I found the

right stuff in my earlier online search because when I just searched

on " beetle juice wart " I got a ton of links that match the protocol

my daughter's doc followed. Here's a good link to read that

specifically mentions the use of cantharidin for warts (it talks

about foot warts, but I think it can also be followed for warts on

hands and in ears).


Again, good luck!

Kathy in Florida


> >

> > ds developed a wart on the bottom of his foot while taking

> virastop

> > and ole. We were hoping the Vs would resolve it at the high


> > It didn't. We tried duct tape & wart remover pads but we


> get

> > them to stick. Then we tried vitamin A topically & then tea tree

> oil,

> > & 000. After all of that had no effect we gave up because it


> > bothering him. Now its spreading like crazy! there are 2 big


> > surrounded by many many small ones. He now has one small one


> the

> > ball of his foot too. I'm alarmed. Any suggestions are welcome.

> >

> >

> >


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  • 6 months later...
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I think they go as mysteriously as they come -- which is why there are

so many, utterly different folk remedies

xx sally

Ken Maher wrote:


> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlli ng of warts?


> Thanks

> in IL



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> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL


> Hi,

I have been giving my son Antivirals, Virastop and OLE and from this

group I have learned that they should help. My son has warts on his

feet but the antivirals haven't helped that yet but it could take

awhile. I also read somewhere that you could put GSE right on the

warts and that should dry them up.



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I tried tea tree oil and it didn't work on my daughter's warts (on

feet). I'll admit I didn't apply it as often as I was supposed to...

I remember reading about lemon oil as part of a tinture, too.



> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL




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Duct tape (yes, plain duct tape) will get rid of plantar's (foot)

warts. Google for directions.

Homeopathically, Thuja is the wart remedy.

Monolaurin (Lauricidin) may help with the wart virus.



> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of warts?


> Thanks

> in IL




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what kind of warts or where are they?

My son had what I thought were skin tags/moles on his neck. The doctor

corrected me and said that they were actually viral warts. (now you'll have to

excuse me if this is a repeat, I know I've told this story a few times) My

mother told me about when my Aunt got warts so bad she was hospitalized.

However the docters couldn't do anything and sent her home (sounds toooo

familiar), anyway on their way out, the nurse told their mom to put caster oil

on every night. It worked for herand it worked for us.

In addition to this I will say, that now that we are on NCD the warts have

NOT come back since I've stopped the caster oil. Maybe it coincedence, and he

outgrew them - I think it's the NCD. You could even apply it topicly for

stubborn ones.


[ ] warts

Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of warts?


in IL

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Warts have been a problem for my son for about 2 years now. I have

tried everything!!! One wart on his thumb became several on both his


He is now completely wart free thanks to " Thuja 30 " . This is in most

health food stores or on Amazon.com. It's a small blue tube with little

pellets inside made by Boiron.

You collect three pellets in the cap, and then place them under the

tongue without touching them 3x/day away from food. In six weeks all

the warts were gone!!!

I know this sounds to good to be true, but for us it WORKED!

Best of luck,


> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL




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When I was a child I had a total of 22 wart son my hands! Needless to

say no child wanted to be around me. My mom had tried everything but

freezing them b/c ther ewere so many. Someone told my mom a remedie

that I did every day for about two weeks or so and it worked. Take a

raw potato cut it in half and rub it on the warts. The acid is

supposted to eat at the warts. I did this while watching tv at night. I

would also us regular rubbing alcohol and rub it on my hands between

the two they begain to dry up and fall off. It took about a month or so

but it worked. I haven't had them since and I have no scars!

Good Luck!


> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL




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> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL


I asked on here about warts for my son. He had gotten many on his

foot while doing a antiviral protocol. Here is the update I posted

after taking the advice I got. 1-2 weeks after posting the update

all of the warts fell off and didn't come back.

I posted a few days back about the warts on my ds's toe. I typed foot

in my original post but meant toe, not that that matters too much. I

wanted to thank all of you for your responses. I decided to increase

ds's maintenence dose of VS/OLE from 1 a day to 2 a day. I also added

25mg of zinc a day. Since doing that one of the big warts turned

black and fell off. All of the smaller plantar warts have turned

black too. The initial big wart on his toe looks the same. He says

they don't hurt so we are going to keep up with the above and hope

they all fall off. Thanks everyone.

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> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of warts?

I eliminated my warts with vitamin C, olive leaf extract, and Virastop



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Try Vitamin A too - that did it for me.....

danasview <danasview@...> wrote:


> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of warts?

I eliminated my warts with vitamin C, olive leaf extract, and Virastop




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We tried that and it didn't work. OLE worked great. Dd lost all of her

warts in 4 weeks. She took 1 pill/day.

[ ] Re: warts


Duct tape (yes, plain duct tape) will get rid of plantar's (foot)

warts. Google for directions.

Homeopathically, Thuja is the wart remedy.

Monolaurin (Lauricidin) may help with the wart virus.



> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL




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>Since doing that one of the big warts turned

> black and fell off. All of the smaller plantar warts have turned

> black too.

Exactly what happened with n's. So freaky, isn't it? Somehow the

idea of all these viruses hiding inside and coming out thanks to

VS/OLE kind of creeps me out. In a good way.


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Both of my daughters were afflicted with warts on their hands and

face. It took me three years to get rid of them. We used a

combination of four things. The topical acid 2x per day on the hands

and feet only, otc freezing 1x per day, Aldara 2x per day on the face

and Wart Free from King Bio- 4-5 sprays in the mouth 3x per day.

Daily I had to file them with an emery board. I took them both to

dermatologists, but the treatments never did anything. I've tried

all kinds of natural stuff too: Tag Away (recommended by a

chiropractor), some kind of colloidal silver salve, some other herbs-

including clove oil, which is very strong and volitile. I also would

put cider vinegar compresses on them to no avail. I also tried

boosting immune systems with ImmunA and colostrum- didn't help. I was

always worried about them rubbing the oil into their eyes. At the

height of my older dd's warts, she had about 26 on her hands and 5 on

her face. My younger dd had them much worse, because she gets

eczema, and would itch the eczema and spread the warts- especially if

they were being treated. Before they went away for good, she had 22

on her fingers, 3 on her wrists, 4 on her face, on growing on her

neck, one on her hip, two in her armpits, one the size of a dime on

her big toe, and tiny crops of them growing in the crooks of her arms

and backs of her knees. The final insult was she got them between her

buttocks cheeks from scratching eczema. I was getting frantic, I

couldn't sleep some nights and would be up all night searching the

internet looking for a " cure " . The dermatologist said that she had

never met such a warty kid and would tell my dd that if she didn't

cooperate with the doctor's treatments (which resulted in big

blisters and pain) that all the kids would laugh and tease her. They

threatened to force her out of her preschool and I was putting tape

all over her every morning. Last summer, before kindergarten, I went

on the attack. She hated me filing the ones on her fingers and toe,

and complained about the freezing and acid- which do hurt. And then

I would slather everything in Aldara. The only thing she didn't

complain about was the Wart Free spray. By the end of the week, I

noticed they were starting to peel and shrink. The ones on her face

started looking puffy and then fell off. Once I got her body to

attack the ones on her hands and feet, her body just took off and

attacked the ones everywhere else. Her older sister's warts reacted

in exactly the same way. They were completely gone within 2 weeks.

In time for school.

Unfortunately, I did not know about Virastop and olive leaf extract.

If I had known about those, I would have added them to my treatment

plan. I am going to do a viral detox on my kids, but I am waiting

for summer becasue I am so afraid of them having a wart breakout as

the virastop cleaneses the virus out.

Hope that helps! Warts are some of the most stubborn and frustrating

things. I feel your pain. Good luck!

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I just used the OLE on my daughter. They all fell off, I don't think

they even turned black. She also said that it didn't hurt. This was

over 6 months ago and nothing has come back. Freezing and the topical

solutions never did anything.

[ ] Re: warts

> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of



> Thanks

> in IL


I asked on here about warts for my son. He had gotten many on his

foot while doing a antiviral protocol. Here is the update I posted

after taking the advice I got. 1-2 weeks after posting the update

all of the warts fell off and didn't come back.

I posted a few days back about the warts on my ds's toe. I typed foot

in my original post but meant toe, not that that matters too much. I

wanted to thank all of you for your responses. I decided to increase

ds's maintenence dose of VS/OLE from 1 a day to 2 a day. I also added

25mg of zinc a day. Since doing that one of the big warts turned

black and fell off. All of the smaller plantar warts have turned

black too. The initial big wart on his toe looks the same. He says

they don't hurt so we are going to keep up with the above and hope

they all fall off. Thanks everyone.

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> >Since doing that one of the big warts turned

> > black and fell off. All of the smaller plantar warts have turned

> > black too.


> Exactly what happened with n's. So freaky, isn't it? Somehow the

> idea of all these viruses hiding inside and coming out thanks to

> VS/OLE kind of creeps me out. In a good way.


> Nell

Yes, Nell, it was creepy. He'd never had a wart before starting the

VS/OLE. Then the one exploded into like 10 warts. Then the worked

their way out. Wild. Some of the other symptoms he had were wild

too. But it was so worth it. My ds's recently had a backslide, mainly

at school. Its been almost a yr since we did the VS/OLE. I'm wondering

if we need to revisit the whole virus issue. Can anyone pass me their

crystal ball?

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> Does anyone have any information on the treatment/controlling of warts?

I eliminated my warts with vitamin C, olive leaf extract, and Virastop

enzyme. It took about a month.


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> Yes, Nell, it was creepy. He'd never had a wart before starting the

> VS/OLE. Then the one exploded into like 10 warts. Then the worked

> their way out. Wild. Some of the other symptoms he had were wild

> too. But it was so worth it. My ds's recently had a backslide, mainly

> at school. Its been almost a yr since we did the VS/OLE. I'm wondering

> if we need to revisit the whole virus issue. Can anyone pass me their

> crystal ball?

I don't have a crystal ball, but my son's virus issues came back until

he was fully loaded with vitamin C.


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>Some of the other symptoms he had were wild

> too. But it was so worth it.

Same here. Once we ran out of VS and it was like he was suddenly

possessed -- gibbering and hooting and twitching. Yow! And he snapped

ut of it within a few hours of taking more.

>My ds's recently had a backslide, mainly

> at school. Its been almost a yr since we did the VS/OLE. I'm wondering

> if we need to revisit the whole virus issue. Can anyone pass me their

> crystal ball?

I did VS with n two more times, each time at least a few months,

with more improvements, though not as dramatic as the first time. He's

also done well with mushroom extracts, Valtrex, ProBoost, and

especially LDN.


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  • 6 months later...

Anyone has experience with warts. My son has one on his thumb and chews at it

constantly till it bleeds. thks Kavita

Re: Interesting speech on autism

Hey Rhoda -

I don't know of those docs in particular but have a

lot of familiarity with (having not listened to much

yet) where they are going ...

I will say I'm fascinated by the topic. I haven't

delved as far as to ferment my own foods but I did

pick up some diet changes that were very helpful to me

because I have digestive problems.

I find that foods that have had culturing or lactic

acid treatements give me more energy, whereas other

types of foods sap my energy for hours after I eat

them. I rarely eat (lately) before mid-noon anymore

because once I do, I'm wiped out. It's getting worse,

and I remembered today (before I clicked on this video

lol) to pull out my book and refresh my memory on the

foods I ate that gave me energy.

I do not have any plans to ferment foods in the near

future. I'm unable to go there right now. But there

are other things like homemade bone broths and

choosing good foods that are really healthy for the

gut, and I've bought some foods that were fermented

then pasteurized and still found that they were

helpful - the fermentation processed made them a lot

more digestible (some chutneys I can't locate


There's a book called Nourishing Traditions by Sally

Fallon that I love that helped introduce foods into my

diet because I have eating issues, and the american

diet just doesn't appeal to me at all. If you're

interested in this, I think you'd love the book.

While they are huge fans of raw dairy, there is still

an enourmous amount of -friendly foods in it that

I've liked. It has opened up a new diet world to me

when I've struggled w/what to eat.

--- Rhoda Boyd <rboydcyberus (DOT) ca> wrote:

> I came across this from another group. It is so

> interesting -- especially all the information about

> gut, brain, immune systems, fungal infections, etc.

> Has anyone heard of either of these doctors?



http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=Zpe4kcvaesw & mode=related & search=


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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