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Fw: [AwakeningCosmicConsciousness] Independent Occult Knowledge by MistyEve

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In his article Birthing the New Human, Hornecker says that our own DNA can be altered through meditation to “wake up” these parts of our innate nature so that we can also experience this evolution that the ‘new kids’ are born with. tells us, “Our soul also has the equivalent of genetic structures, which carry within them the cumulative evolutionary history of our soul's journey. When we embody in physical human form, our genetic matrix becomes a composite of our soul genetics plus our human family genetic lineage. Through this interactive matrix, shifts in our soul genetic structures bring about related changes within our human DNA."Our metamorphosis to the New Human is being triggered by a shift and expansion in our consciousness, both individually and collectively. Through our composite genetic matrix, these shifts are awakening dormant aspects within our human DNA, enabling our bodies to function in new and enhanced ways.”For more on this see: http://www.walk-ins.com/articles/newhuman.htmEach time we humbly 'Enter the Silence' of the Great Mystery with a question, we are given Occult Knowledge. Occult means “hidden” and where better to hide this secret information than in the depth of our being where we are the closest to the Source of Creation!It’s not so difficult to obtain this Occult Knowledge. All you have to do is practice daily meditation.I’ve noticed that if events get in my way, or I develop a cough or something prevents my daily meditations, I will lose the higher focus I have. However, it only takes a day or two of resuming my daily meditative discipline before it comes back!I’ve often thought of my meditations as bringing me higher and higher inspiration with every practice. When first starting out it may take a while – perhaps a month or so of daily practice – before you’ll begin to notice the changing perspective and daily inspiration. Each time you practice you’ll go a little higher. Soon you’ll become aware that the view is very different from up here!What can you see from this new perspective?Meditation does for the mind what climbing a mountain does for your eyes. As you climb to each new vantage point, you’ll notice that each time you stop and look around, the view is even grander than it was before!ALL we could ever want to know lies waiting for us to Enter the Silence and ASK for guidance and understanding. This way of Knowing for ourselves brings true Independence! Many of the great inventors demonstrated this independent ‘knowing’ after taking time out for “cat naps”. Edison, one of the worlds greatest inventors, was called a dunce by his teachers and left school as a failure and a dropout. He is famous, however, for inventing the light bulb. What change made the difference? He took time out for 15 minute ‘cap naps’.Leonardo Da Vinci's polyphasic sleep is nearly always mentioned whenever the art of napping comes into question.What happens when we enter the Silence with a question on our minds? When we commune with those on “the other side” does it change our perspective? Does it alter our chemistry? Does it change our DNA? Will you become a different person?How curious are you? Do you want to know what’s going on? Are you curious enough to find out for yourself?It’s worth thinking about…

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