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Fw: Joyce, Big Myth #1 Of Removing Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags

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I am sharing, to let you know, I will be forwarding more info on removing warts and moles. Love, Joy

Joyce, Big Myth #1 Of Removing Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags

Hello Joyce, I want to first take the time to personally thank you for visitingour website http://www.molewartremoval.com/c/index.html. I really appreciate you putting your trust in me and allowing me to send you these series of letters about having "No More Moles, Warts, or Skin Tags." My name is Gibson and I am an internationally recognizedauthor, naturalist, and whole health advocate. However, that is notwhat is important. The fact that you are searching for answers andinformation for yourself or a loved one dealing with these types ofskin problems is what is truly important! Even though there are only a few extremely effective methods ofdealing with moles, warts, and skin tags, I am truly amazed at theamount of misinformation that still circulates about their natureand how to safely remove them. I have the awesome privilege ofhelping people everyday with these kinds of common skin issues. I can assure you that there are ways OTHER than burning, freezing,zapping, and cutting to remove them permanently. How does one learnabout dealing with these effectively and how to separate the mythfrom reality? Well, I have good news. I have put together a very popular report on dealing with moles,warts, and skin tags called, "The 5 Big Myths Of Removing Moles,Warts, and Skin Tags." What I am most proud of is we have been ableto make this information available to you free of charge. I will be emailing you over the next 5 days and providing you with thereal information on these skin problems as part of this educationalseries. Please be on the lookout for each one as they arrive. I promise that you are going to learn more than you ever knew aboutthese annoying skin issues, and come away with a betterunderstanding about how you get rid of them. Together we willtackle moles, warts, and skin tags, but first let's take a closerlook at warts. BIG MYTH #1 - Over-The-Counter Products Provide A CureNot so at all! I remember when I first started looking for aviable solution for my wart problem. I would hear all of these TVand radio commercials that touted the ability of a particularcompany's product to kill warts. All you would have to do is go down to the local grocery store,pick up their over-the-counter solution, and presto... within acouple of weeks or months they would be gone forever! The main problem I found with these types of solutions was the highrecurrence rate. What I mean is I would remove the wart and it would just keep coming back stronger than ever.Why did this keep happening? Well, what you have to understand isthat most of the products available just do not get deep enoughinto the skin for their chemical components to work properly. Thepremise of these products is to kill the tissue the wart viruslives in and thus kill the virus. Unfortunately, by not being able to get down far enough to removeall of the virus infected cells of a wart, it survives to re-growanother day. This usually leaves the person chronically treatingthe same areas over and over again -- sometimes for years. If you have tried these methods in the past, I am sure you canattest that the results are often bleeding, pain, secondaryinfections, itching, and finally abandoning the treatment thathurts worse than the wart itself. I know you understand thefrustration and anger felt when you do persevere for the length oftime recommended to remove the wart, only to find the sucker comingback! What I have found through experience is that it is not worthwasting your time, money, and patience on over-the-counterproducts. If you have a mole, wart, or skin tag you want to getrid of safely and permanently, there is another way! Please follow through to the next link to learn more of how I wasable to remove my moles, warts, and skin tags the natural way, andwith absolutely no scarring or risk of infection...http://www.molewartremoval.com/c/index.htmlIt will provide you with more information and tips from my #1 bestselling book, "No More Moles, Warts, or Skin Tags." Just recentlyThe Birmingham Times proclaimed this about it, "The methods Chrisrecommends are simple, effective, and easy to follow... It is good toknow there is a natural solution to these nagging little problems!" I hope you found this information helpful and useful. I lookforward to sharing more with you soon!Wishing you whole health and wellness! GibsonP.S. Don't forget, the next big myth should arrive in your mailboxvery soon... be on the look out for it!http://www.molewartremoval.com/c/index.htmlUniversal Marketing Media, 1216 Raymilton rd, Polk, PA 16342, USATo unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:http://www.aweber.com/z/r/?zMysLAwctMxs7IzsnBystGa0TJyMLAws

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