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[sPAM] The Galactic Times ~ A Planet With No Name (Yet)

The Galactic Times

Planet With No Name (Yet) ~ 02 Feb 2008

Despite all the Aquarian vibrations out there, Pluto digs deeper into Capricorn, seeking a new foothold in consciousness that demands full earthly integration of every morsel of wisdom that can be found. What's a person trying to deal with worldly uncertainty to do? If one does apply the "get down and get dirty" underworld approach to transformation, what's next? The post-transformation era often reminds me of the opening voice over in the movie, The Right Stuff. The monologue accuses the sound barrier of being a demon in the sky and those attempting to get beyond it will pay dearly. Humankind mastered the sound barrier and some master Pluto's transformation barrier. After the sound barrier, what? The light barrier? The time barrier? After Pluto, what?

Pluto soon transits (throughout 2009) the fastest spinning pulsar known. The potent message derived from this passage assists in transforming the time barrier. If one assesses tasks at hand in terms of the energy required to perform the task instead of the time evidently needed, tasks organically unfold and finish in less time than would have been originally imagined.

The loosely applied astronomical naming axiom suggests that any Trans-Neptunian/Kuiper Belt object possessing an orbital period longer than that of Pluto should be assigned a name referring to resurrection/creation deity. Presently, astronomers ponder names for four probable planets - dwarf though they might be that maintain orbits within the realm of bodies to take on uplifting, beyond transformation names. The most notable of these bodies: minor planet 136108, previously and provisionally designated 2003 EL61 and nicknamed Santa Claus in the same spirit that once called Eris by the colloquial name Xena.

So if you were Neil Young traversing the desert night sky on a planet with no name, how could you derive any meaning for it? One, consider its nature, uniqueness and physical profile. Two, assign interpretive delineations by pondering the sign and degree of critical orbital elements, specifically the node and closest point the body makes to the Sun. This gives a curious soul a heads-up, hands-on, early bird approach to planetary integration and the clues of what lies beyond transformation. The discovering astronomers have submitted names from Hawaiian lore for 136108 and its moons, but who can hardly wait?

EL61 or 136108 holds some of the most interesting attributes of bodies in the Kuiper Belt and because of those attributes, unlocked an unknown truth about the edge of our solar system. EL61 is an elongated shaped roundish object, consisting of solid rock, unlike its ice-covered companions common in that portion of the solar system. The body maintains the fastest spin of any object in the solar system - spinning end over end once every four hours. And it holds two moons (the larger with an orbital period of 49 days in a very round orbit) in its grasp and travels with an orbital entourage of at least five notably sized icy companions. The conclusion: EL61 was once the point of impact for a violent collision at the edge of our solar system. Thus, the odd shape and rapid spin. Evidently, the impact knocked the ice right off the planet and might have extracted its moons from its body! The third largest Kuiper Belt Object behind Eris and Pluto, EL61 orbits the Sun once every 284.77 years at a mean distance of 43.28 AU (1 AU = distance of the Earth from the Sun) with a range between 35.021 and 51.545 AU. In a billion years, this planet could become a comet 10,000 times brighter than Hale-Bopp (for more technical data).

So what can we make of this horse? One, it passes through a day ultra-quickly, symbolizing the need to quickly move into, through and beyond the matters of a day. Get in, get done, get out. Here, it offers a key for healing emotional or spiritual matters: linger not, lunge forward and clear. The planet holds two companions within its grasp while allowing other companions to travel in company outside the inner proximity of its chosen moons. Can this be a symbol noting the need to define which companions of life get to be part of one's inner circle and which do not? When applied to the signs of the planet's orbital element, this suggestion gains momentum.

The planet comes closest to the Sun in Aries (1° 4', heliocentrically). This places the aphelion, its most distant point in orbit in the corresponding degree of Libra, which closely aligns with the Super-Galactic Center (2 Li 04). The Super-Galactic Center, ZS, purports the need for a person to locate their ultimate soul mate. That's right says ZS, "Find your soul and make it the primary inhabitant, in fact the only inhabitant, within your body." With that soulful integration complete, one can locate a partner of similar spirit and soulfulness to share life and the body temple as applicable within one's spiritual belief system. Mate with your soul and hang with kindred spirits. Sometimes other appear, grooving on a person's energy, but not of the same spiritual stock. The self-referential perihelion of EL61 suggests periodic culling of companions to ensure those closely aligned share the ever so important path of following individual purpose. Since Mars refers to Aries, the perihelion sign, and since Mars makes notable orbital contacts to itself every six months (one-fourth of its two-year orbit), perhaps the process of realignment with fellow pilgrims naturally occurs every half year. If not naturally occurring perhaps on the equinoxes (1 Aries is vernal equinox adjacent) a review of relationships and connections that ensures each soul fulfills its personal quest above and beyond other concerns. If directions pursued align, then a journey shared becomes congruent and copesetic.

Tidily, the destiny revealing North Node of EL61 trines the perihelion degree from Leo (2 Leo 02) manifesting a third of a ring of fire. Borrowing from Hawaiian images, could this be get your inner lava flow in order? Absolutely! The flow of fire offers up passion for life, regeneration of resources and inspires the fire in the belly to expand to fill the bowels of the being and everywhere from the balls of the feet to the blood vessels in the brain. With the application of EL61, a sense of vital aliveness might supercede any previously known before. Certainly we can hope for a world full of passionate, purpose fueled, awake individuals.

Presently EL61 retrogrades from 16 to 15 degrees of Libra, trine the healer Chiron. EL61 applies a soothing ointment to the wounds of Chiron: feeling unwanted, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not skilled enough and disregarded. Perhaps an assessment of one's personal and natural attributes, talents, mental skills and healing interests fan a subtle spark of interest into a fully fanned and fueled passion. It's in the air and it's cheaper than a trip to Hawaii. How about a contemplative reflection upon your spirit-rich gifts, soulful aspirations and destiny journey while watching Hawaii's lava expand the platform of land beyond known proportions?

EL61's Libran transit and aphelion might offer a remedy for this upcoming Valentine's Day. If you're full of yourself and with a full of herself/himself partner, you might be able to create a non-codependent line of love cards for next year's celebration. Then again, you might want to take advantage of the Twin Stars Relationship Report that includes the soul mate minded centaurs Chiron, Chariklo, Hylonome and Cyllarus. And you might need to upgrade your software to Solar Fire Gold to have Eris, Sedna, EL61 and more planets at your finger tips. Just click here!

The videos of my recent talks in Tucson are now done and the store completely connected. This is some of the latest stuff going! To Order, fly through cyberspace on a hyperlink.

If you'd like a nudge along the way, you can sign up for a consultation, get a Galactic Trilogy CD or tune into the new Solar Fire software. At least take a peek at the scopes on www.mommytalk.com.


To view a gallery of my photos online, please go to www.theperceptivelens.com and click on "Other Photographers." Browse around the whole site, too. Some great pics in there... and shot on film, the old-fashioned way.

Philip Sedgwick

602.404.6506 or e-mail to: galactic@...

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Copyright, 2008, Philip Sedgwick, all rights reserved.

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