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Dr. Blaylock and vaccine warning.

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The Killer Vaccines An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers

An important message to Newsmax readers:

Dr. BlaylockVaccines routinely given to millions of children and adults can be very dangerous to your health, a respected neurosurgeon warns.

"The medical industry is making a fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary vaccinations," Dr. Blaylock warns in The Blaylock Wellness Report – published by Newsmax.com.

Dr. Blaylock says that during the past few decades we have seen a “vaccination explosion.”

For example, the number of vaccines given to children has increased from a few vaccines, for polio and other common childhood diseases during the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for many schoolchildren today.

Vaccines are even being promoted for newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk to children. The greatest danger is the vaccines themselves.

And many in the medical community would like to see annual flu vaccinations as mandatory.

Powerful lobbies are pushing for many more new vaccinations to be added to the list!

The popular theory is that vaccines vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more the better.

But don’t believe it, Dr. Blaylock warns.

He argues that vaccinations themselves are now causing a major upsurge in childhood diseases, adult maladies – and even deadly ailments such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Dr. L. Blaylock is a respected medical doctor who is unafraid to challenge establishment thinking. He doesn’t parrot what the New England Journal of Medicine – which receives heavy subsidies in advertisements – claims.

Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized, board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer. He has more than a quarter century of medical experience.

And he is now editing The Blaylock Wellness Report because he believes too many Americans are not getting the best advice for preventing and dealing with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s, and dozens of health problems besetting the American people. You can get the report by going here.

In his latest report Dr. Blaylock challenges the conventional wisdom that vaccines are the “golden path to health” and offers these startling conclusions:

Vaccines already may have caused harm to your health. Vaccinations are not providing the protection they claim to provide.

Studies on vaccines, including ones that should link vaccinations with autism are inadequate.

There are serious dangers in our present vaccine policy, a policy that may cause tremendous harm to the human brain.

Deadly and debilitating diseases such as Gulf War Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease may be caused or greatly aggravated by overvaccination.

The mysterious Gulf War Syndrome – which may have killed hundreds and seriously incapacitated tens of thousands of GIs – may have been caused by overvaccination.

In his wellness report Dr. Blaylock says, “Our soldiers were given approximately 17 vaccinations during a short period of time, despite manufacturers’ warnings that many of the vaccines were to be spaced over a one-year period.”

The interaction of so many vaccinations administered so closely together is extremely harmful and dangerous, according to Dr. Blaylock.

It’s an important warning for you, because many doctors like to give multiple vaccines at the same time.

The largely uninvestigated effect on humans of administering several vaccinations together or within a short period of time can be serious.

Dr. Blaylock adds that there may be many long-term harmful effects of vaccinations, especially on the brain. Find out the full benefits by going here.

These effects include:

A highly stressed immune system unable to combat infections and cancer The accumulation of free radicals in the body, which can cause “bystander injuries” and immune system dysfunction Advanced aging and general debilitation The onset of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, which are now afflicting Americans at ever younger ages

Despite growing scientific evidence of the terrible health effects of overvaccination, pharmaceutical companies and other “big medicine” lobbyists continue to push for many more mandatory vaccinations of children and adults.

Lifesaving Advice

In The Blaylock Wellness Report, you will discover critically important information that you’ll find nowhere else, information that could improve – and maybe even save – your life.

In the current edition you’ll discover:

The hidden link between Lou Gehrig’s disease and anthrax vaccinations What your doctor won’t tell you: harmful chemical additives such as aluminum that you receive in your vaccinations The toxic levels of mercury in many vaccines How omega-6 oils could be harming your health The over-the-counter supplement (beta-1,3-glucan) that can help protect you from anthrax The truth about annual flu shots and one study that says they are strongly linked to Alzheimer’s The safe and sane alternatives to vaccinations The vitamins you and your children need to take before and after a vaccine shot

And there’s much, much more in The Blaylock Wellness Report. Just go here now!

Each month you’ll hear about the latest medical breakthroughs and the simple ways you can improve and protect your health.

Here are some tips from Dr. Blaylock in the current edition:

How to avoid overuse of antibiotics. How to avoid harmful chemical additives in the food you eat. Urgent warning for men: Aspartame, artificial sweetener, may cause sterility and actually shrink your testes. How soy products may be harming your health and even promoting breast cancer. Childhood obesity: MSG may be the culprit. Death in a can: Something most of us drink every day could be slowly killing us. Why you should ask your doctor to give you the C-Reactive Protein test.

The information presented by Dr. Blaylock is both timely and extremely important.

Dr. Blaylock’s credentials include 26 years ofexperience in neurosurgery, editorship of the respected Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and Journal of the American Nutriceutical Association. He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in , MS, and is currently a visiting professor of Biology at the Belhaven College in , Mississippi.

Each month you’ll get his Blaylock Wellness Report. Each month it will focus on a major health concern, such as cancer, heart conditions, diabetes, weight control, infectious diseases and many other worries. To get this report go here.

And each month you’ll hear some of the best alternative information that may indeed save your life – information buried in the medical literature and rarely seen even by your doctor.

Typically, Dr. Blaylock’s Wellness Report sells for $96 a year, or $8 a month.

But as a special offer to Newsmax readers, you can get this report emailed to your inbox in convenient PDF attachment or easily accessibly by a hyperlink online – for just $4 a month. Just go here now!

That’s a saving of more than 50 percent off the annual subscription price.

And there is no risk. You may cancel at any time with no risk of future obligations – and keep your special report.

So don’t miss this important edition of The Blaylock Wellness Report – Click Here Now!

Special FREE offer worth more than $100!

PLUS we'll give you FREE access to ALL previous published Blaylock Wellness Reports on dozens of health topics – a value of more than $100!

These FREE reports include:

"Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure"

If you're among the 50% of Americans at risk for hypertension, it's time to follow Dr. Blaylock's advice – which includes details about an amazing natural supplement that lowers blood pressure. VALUE $15

"Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous"

Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you need to read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15

"Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea"

Are you are worried about a heart attack, stroke or depression? Dr. Blaylock explains how this one fatty acid can change your whole life. VALUE $15

"Health Exams That Can Save Your Life"

If you plan to visit a physician, you need to ask him to give you these specific tests – the ones that your doctor won't tell you about. VALUE $15

"Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late"

Know someone who has had cancer? You can avoid getting this deadly disease by reading Dr. Blaylock's special double report . Cancer is not inevitable! You can prevent it. Start now. VALUE $30

There's much, much more we can tell you – vital health information that may not just make you better – it could save your life!

As a subscriber you have access to all of Dr. Blaylock's reports – more than a dozen of them – all at no extra charge!

Don't miss this limited-time opportunity. Start receiving The Blaylock Wellness Report today!Go Here Now

Some of the topics Dr. Blaylock discusses in this Vaccination report are: vaccines, Autism in children, flu shots, brain diseases, Alzheimer's, the anthrax vaccine, Gulf War Syndrome, toxins, Lou Gehrig's disease, and HPV. Go Here to order Now!

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This is disturbing b/s the other day on the news for

my state of Oregon, we had a broadcast about the

outbreak of whopping cough, true we have a dank place

in winter time, moist air, and cold so this breeds the

disease, however they were pushing parents to get

their kids shots of course, though there was someone

on, a nurse, saying that it is up to the parents

whether they want it for the child, so it wasn't so

bias, however one other nurse states, that the

children should be vaccinated so that they can

participate in school not be banned from school.

You see when a child is vaccinated the child is

contagious with the disease, the children that arent

vaccinated are not contagious, so the risk is that the

kids that get the shots give the disease to the other


It looks to me that big pharma and their lobbyist

friends are looking to make big bucks$$$pushing their

agenda to give everyone and not excluding children and

even newborns their shots.

Oregon is a state where if you want it you do it, if

not, you can say you dont want it for your own

reasons, and the health department excepts it, I got

my 15 yr old exempted for reasons of health risks to


Pertussis is in the DPT shot the one you give children

at school age, dipthyria, pretusis, and tetnus, I am

well informed about vaccinations since I was leary

about giving my kids the shots back in 1986, I read

everything I could about it, the pertusis is a really

bad vaccine, and I told my doctor who then was a

naturalpathic doc to take it out of their shots, I

lived in New York at that time, he did take it out, I

gave my kids polio and measles vaccinations too,

figuring they would be safer to have it then catch it

from someone who just got the vaccination in school.

When I moved to Florida (a real police state) my

younger son was given the pertusis vaccination b/s the

nurse was going to call the authorities on me, and got

me in fear, so I let her, my son got so sick from this

vaccine I thought he would die, he had a very high

fever 104, his head was rolling around, he was

unconscious, and it was symptoms of meningitis is what

he got from the vaccine, let me tell you, ever since

then, no shots for no one, I was able to get an

exemption through a chiropractor and stated why I

didnt want shots for my kids, you really got to stand

firm and not let these people push you into something

your instincts tell you not to do.

It's way too early for a newborn or small child to be

vaccinating, especially now a days, what they put into

shots, mercury, monkey parts, HIV and Cancer virus, oh

please, why in the world does one need that to combat

measles? all the new vaccines like Hepatitis, and

chicken pox, I wouldn't trust.

Just my humble experience..



--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:







> The Killer Vaccines

> An Honest Physician Warns of Serious

> Dangers

> An important message to Newsmax readers:



> Dr. Blaylock

> Vaccines routinely given to millions of

> children and adults can be very dangerous to your

> health, a respected neurosurgeon warns.



> " The medical industry is making a

> fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary

> vaccinations, " Dr. Blaylock warns in The

> Blaylock Wellness Report – published by Newsmax.com.



> Dr. Blaylock says that during the past

> few decades we have seen a “vaccination explosion.”


> For example, the number of vaccines

> given to children has increased from a few vaccines,

> for polio and other common childhood diseases during

> the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for

> many schoolchildren today.


> Vaccines are even being promoted for

> newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk to

> children. The greatest danger is the vaccines

> themselves.


> And many in the medical community would

> like to see annual flu vaccinations as mandatory.


> Powerful lobbies are pushing for many

> more new vaccinations to be added to the list!


> The popular theory is that vaccines

> vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more the

> better.


> But don’t believe it, Dr. Blaylock

> warns.


> He argues that vaccinations themselves

> are now causing a major upsurge in childhood

> diseases, adult maladies – and even deadly ailments

> such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig’s disease.


> Dr. L. Blaylock is a respected

> medical doctor who is unafraid to challenge

> establishment thinking. He doesn’t parrot what the

> New England Journal of Medicine – which receives

> heavy subsidies in advertisements – claims.


> Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized,

> board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner,

> author and lecturer. He has more than a quarter

> century of medical experience.


> And he is now editing The Blaylock

> Wellness Report because he believes too many

> Americans are not getting the best advice for

> preventing and dealing with cancer, heart disease,

> diabetes, brain diseases such as Parkinson's and

> Alzheimer’s, and dozens of health problems besetting

> the American people. You can get the report by going

> here.


> In his latest report Dr. Blaylock

> challenges the conventional wisdom that vaccines are

> the “golden path to health” and offers these

> startling conclusions:


> a.. Vaccines already may have caused

> harm to your health.

> b.. Vaccinations are not providing the

> protection they claim to provide.

> c.. Studies on vaccines, including

> ones that should link vaccinations with autism are

> inadequate.

> There are serious dangers in our present

> vaccine policy, a policy that may cause tremendous

> harm to the human brain.


> Deadly and debilitating diseases such as

> Gulf War Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and

> Parkinson’s disease may be caused or greatly

> aggravated by overvaccination.


> The mysterious Gulf War Syndrome – which

> may have killed hundreds and seriously incapacitated

> tens of thousands of GIs – may have been caused by

> overvaccination.


> In his wellness report Dr. Blaylock

> says, “Our soldiers were given approximately 17

> vaccinations during a short period of time, despite

> manufacturers’ warnings that many of the vaccines

> were to be spaced over a one-year period.”


> The interaction of so many vaccinations

> administered so closely together is extremely

> harmful and dangerous, according to Dr. Blaylock.


> It’s an important warning for you,

> because many doctors like to give multiple vaccines

> at the same time.


> The largely uninvestigated effect on

> humans of administering several vaccinations

> together or within a short period of time can be

> serious.


> Dr. Blaylock adds that there may be many

> long-term harmful effects of vaccinations,

> especially on the brain. Find out the full benefits

> by going here.


> These effects include:


> a.. A highly stressed immune system

> unable to combat infections and cancer

> b.. The accumulation of free radicals

> in the body, which can cause “bystander injuries”

> and immune system dysfunction

> c.. Advanced aging and general

> debilitation

> d.. The onset of Parkinson’s and

> Alzheimer’s disease, which are now afflicting

> Americans at ever younger ages

> Despite growing scientific evidence of

> the terrible health effects of overvaccination,

> pharmaceutical companies and other “big medicine”

> lobbyists continue to push for many more mandatory

> vaccinations of children and adults.


> Lifesaving Advice

> In The Blaylock Wellness Report, you

> will discover critically important information that

> you’ll find nowhere else, information that could

> improve – and maybe even save – your life.


> In the current edition you’ll discover:


> a.. The hidden link between Lou

> Gehrig’s disease and anthrax vaccinations

> b.. What your doctor won’t tell you:

> harmful chemical additives such as aluminum that you

> receive in your vaccinations

> c.. The toxic levels of mercury in

> many vaccines

> d.. How omega-6 oils could be harming

> your health

> e.. The over-the-counter supplement

> (beta-1,3-glucan) that can help protect you from

> anthrax

> f.. The truth about annual flu shots

> and one study that says they are strongly linked to

> Alzheimer’s

> g.. The safe and sane alternatives to

> vaccinations

> h.. The vitamins you and your children

> need to take before and after a vaccine shot

> And there’s much, much more in The

> Blaylock Wellness Report. Just go here now!


> Each month you’ll hear about the latest

> medical breakthroughs and the simple ways you can

> improve and protect your health.


> Here are some tips from Dr. Blaylock in

> the current edition:


> a.. How to avoid overuse of

> antibiotics.

> b.. How to avoid harmful chemical

> additives in the food you eat.

> c.. Urgent warning for men: Aspartame,

> artificial sweetener, may cause sterility and

> actually shrink your testes.

> d.. How soy products may be harming

> your health and even promoting breast cancer.

> e.. Childhood obesity: MSG may be the

> culprit.

> f.. Death in a can: Something most of

> us drink every day could be slowly killing us.

> g.. Why you should ask your doctor to

> give you the C-Reactive Protein test.

> The information presented by Dr.

> Blaylock is both timely and extremely important.


> Dr. Blaylock’s credentials include 26

> years ofexperience in neurosurgery, editorship of

> the

=== message truncated ===



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Michele, I am in agreement with you. When vaccines become mandatory, we are in a police state. When we are told we have to use Allopathic medicine we are in a police state. Slowly we are losing rights, in the name of protection, and the people are letting it happen. When the majority of people, do not care, do not take responsibility for their actions/ health/what ever, and are not willing to speak up for their rights, then we deserve what we get.

This is a good lesson for all of us. To be aware but do not fear. Just remember our lives on this Earth is only a transition, to experience the physical. When we cross over, we go back to our true energy forms where our Spirits are in control and not ego, as here on Earth. Do not walk in fear, do not focus on the negative, because what you place your intent upon, creates it more. Focus upon seeing Earth as a place of Love, Peace, Beauty, and Harmony. By putting your Intent on these, you help create them. Blessings and Love, Joy

Re: [ ] Dr. Blaylock and vaccine warning.

This is disturbing b/s the other day on the news formy state of Oregon, we had a broadcast about theoutbreak of whopping cough, true we have a dank placein winter time, moist air, and cold so this breeds thedisease, however they were pushing parents to gettheir kids shots of course, though there was someoneon, a nurse, saying that it is up to the parentswhether they want it for the child, so it wasn't sobias, however one other nurse states, that thechildren should be vaccinated so that they canparticipate in school not be banned from school.You see when a child is vaccinated the child iscontagious with the disease, the children that arentvaccinated are not contagious, so the risk is that thekids that get the shots give the disease to the otherkids.It looks to me that big pharma and their lobbyistfriends are looking to make big bucks$$$pushing theiragenda to give everyone and not excluding children andeven newborns their shots. Oregon is a state where if you want it you do it, ifnot, you can say you dont want it for your ownreasons, and the health department excepts it, I gotmy 15 yr old exempted for reasons of health risks tovaccinations.Pertussis is in the DPT shot the one you give childrenat school age, dipthyria, pretusis, and tetnus, I amwell informed about vaccinations since I was learyabout giving my kids the shots back in 1986, I readeverything I could about it, the pertusis is a reallybad vaccine, and I told my doctor who then was anaturalpathic doc to take it out of their shots, Ilived in New York at that time, he did take it out, Igave my kids polio and measles vaccinations too,figuring they would be safer to have it then catch itfrom someone who just got the vaccination in school.When I moved to Florida (a real police state) myyounger son was given the pertusis vaccination b/s thenurse was going to call the authorities on me, and gotme in fear, so I let her, my son got so sick from thisvaccine I thought he would die, he had a very highfever 104, his head was rolling around, he wasunconscious, and it was symptoms of meningitis is whathe got from the vaccine, let me tell you, ever sincethen, no shots for no one, I was able to get anexemption through a chiropractor and stated why Ididnt want shots for my kids, you really got to standfirm and not let these people push you into somethingyour instincts tell you not to do.It's way too early for a newborn or small child to bevaccinating, especially now a days, what they put intoshots, mercury, monkey parts, HIV and Cancer virus, ohplease, why in the world does one need that to combatmeasles? all the new vaccines like Hepatitis, andchicken pox, I wouldn't trust.Just my humble experience..Blessings,Michele--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:> > > > > > > The Killer Vaccines > An Honest Physician Warns of Serious> Dangers> An important message to Newsmax readers:> > > Dr. Blaylock > Vaccines routinely given to millions of> children and adults can be very dangerous to your> health, a respected neurosurgeon warns. > > > "The medical industry is making a> fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary> vaccinations," Dr. Blaylock warns in The> Blaylock Wellness Report - published by Newsmax.com.> > > Dr. Blaylock says that during the past> few decades we have seen a "vaccination explosion." > > For example, the number of vaccines> given to children has increased from a few vaccines,> for polio and other common childhood diseases during> the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for> many schoolchildren today. > > Vaccines are even being promoted for> newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk to> children. The greatest danger is the vaccines> themselves. > > And many in the medical community would> like to see annual flu vaccinations as mandatory. > > Powerful lobbies are pushing for many> more new vaccinations to be added to the list! > > The popular theory is that vaccines> vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more the> better. > > But don't believe it, Dr. Blaylock> warns. > > He argues that vaccinations themselves> are now causing a major upsurge in childhood> diseases, adult maladies - and even deadly ailments> such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig's disease.> > Dr. L. Blaylock is a respected> medical doctor who is unafraid to challenge> establishment thinking. He doesn't parrot what the> New England Journal of Medicine - which receives> heavy subsidies in advertisements - claims. > > Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized,> board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner,> author and lecturer. He has more than a quarter> century of medical experience. > > And he is now editing The Blaylock> Wellness Report because he believes too many> Americans are not getting the best advice for> preventing and dealing with cancer, heart disease,> diabetes, brain diseases such as Parkinson's and> Alzheimer's, and dozens of health problems besetting> the American people. You can get the report by going> here.> > In his latest report Dr. Blaylock> challenges the conventional wisdom that vaccines are> the "golden path to health" and offers these> startling conclusions: > > a.. Vaccines already may have caused> harm to your health. > b.. Vaccinations are not providing the> protection they claim to provide. > c.. Studies on vaccines, including> ones that should link vaccinations with autism are> inadequate. > There are serious dangers in our present> vaccine policy, a policy that may cause tremendous> harm to the human brain. > > Deadly and debilitating diseases such as> Gulf War Syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and> Parkinson's disease may be caused or greatly> aggravated by overvaccination.> > The mysterious Gulf War Syndrome - which> may have killed hundreds and seriously incapacitated> tens of thousands of GIs - may have been caused by> overvaccination. > > In his wellness report Dr. Blaylock> says, "Our soldiers were given approximately 17> vaccinations during a short period of time, despite> manufacturers' warnings that many of the vaccines> were to be spaced over a one-year period." > > The interaction of so many vaccinations> administered so closely together is extremely> harmful and dangerous, according to Dr. Blaylock. > > It's an important warning for you,> because many doctors like to give multiple vaccines> at the same time. > > The largely uninvestigated effect on> humans of administering several vaccinations> together or within a short period of time can be> serious.> > Dr. Blaylock adds that there may be many> long-term harmful effects of vaccinations,> especially on the brain. Find out the full benefits> by going here. > > These effects include: > > a.. A highly stressed immune system> unable to combat infections and cancer > b.. The accumulation of free radicals> in the body, which can cause "bystander injuries"> and immune system dysfunction > c.. Advanced aging and general> debilitation > d.. The onset of Parkinson's and> Alzheimer's disease, which are now afflicting> Americans at ever younger ages > Despite growing scientific evidence of> the terrible health effects of overvaccination,> pharmaceutical companies and other "big medicine"> lobbyists continue to push for many more mandatory> vaccinations of children and adults. > > Lifesaving Advice > In The Blaylock Wellness Report, you> will discover critically important information that> you'll find nowhere else, information that could> improve - and maybe even save - your life. > > In the current edition you'll discover: > > a.. The hidden link between Lou> Gehrig's disease and anthrax vaccinations > b.. What your doctor won't tell you:> harmful chemical additives such as aluminum that you> receive in your vaccinations > c.. The toxic levels of mercury in> many vaccines > d.. How omega-6 oils could be harming> your health > e.. The over-the-counter supplement> (beta-1,3-glucan) that can help protect you from> anthrax > f.. The truth about annual flu shots> and one study that says they are strongly linked to> Alzheimer's > g.. The safe and sane alternatives to> vaccinations > h.. The vitamins you and your children> need to take before and after a vaccine shot > And there's much, much more in The> Blaylock Wellness Report. Just go here now!> > Each month you'll hear about the latest> medical breakthroughs and the simple ways you can> improve and protect your health. > > Here are some tips from Dr. Blaylock in> the current edition: > > a.. How to avoid overuse of> antibiotics. > b.. How to avoid harmful chemical> additives in the food you eat. > c.. Urgent warning for men: Aspartame,> artificial sweetener, may cause sterility and> actually shrink your testes. > d.. How soy products may be harming> your health and even promoting breast cancer. > e.. Childhood obesity: MSG may be the> culprit. > f.. Death in a can: Something most of> us drink every day could be slowly killing us. > g.. Why you should ask your doctor to> give you the C-Reactive Protein test. > The information presented by Dr.> Blaylock is both timely and extremely important. > > Dr. Blaylock's credentials include 26> years ofexperience in neurosurgery, editorship of> the === message truncated === ____________________________________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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yes, Joy,

truly awesome the plans of the creator. However in

this life we live, we have to raise awareness through

our own experience, that is what I was trying to

portray here to the group, so that a mother or father

reading this can truly take a good look at their

rights as parents. As in my experience I knew my

rights but gave in and was proven that my instincts

were right. I should have listened to myself and not

given into the fear of being turned in to the


When one door is closed many others are opened..

No fear here, just informed awareness..

With love as always,


--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Michele, I am in agreement with you. When vaccines

> become mandatory, we are in a police state. When we

> are told we have to use Allopathic medicine we are

> in a police state. Slowly we are losing rights, in

> the name of protection, and the people are letting

> it happen. When the majority of people, do not

> care, do not take responsibility for their actions/

> health/what ever, and are not willing to speak up

> for their rights, then we deserve what we get.


> This is a good lesson for all of us. To be aware

> but do not fear. Just remember our lives on this

> Earth is only a transition, to experience the

> physical. When we cross over, we go back to our

> true energy forms where our Spirits are in control

> and not ego, as here on Earth. Do not walk in fear,

> do not focus on the negative, because what you place

> your intent upon, creates it more. Focus upon

> seeing Earth as a place of Love, Peace, Beauty, and

> Harmony. By putting your Intent on these, you help

> create them. Blessings and Love, Joy

> Re: [ ] Dr. Blaylock and

> vaccine warning.



> This is disturbing b/s the other day on the news

> for

> my state of Oregon, we had a broadcast about the

> outbreak of whopping cough, true we have a dank

> place

> in winter time, moist air, and cold so this breeds

> the

> disease, however they were pushing parents to get

> their kids shots of course, though there was

> someone

> on, a nurse, saying that it is up to the parents

> whether they want it for the child, so it wasn't

> so

> bias, however one other nurse states, that the

> children should be vaccinated so that they can

> participate in school not be banned from school.


> You see when a child is vaccinated the child is

> contagious with the disease, the children that

> arent

> vaccinated are not contagious, so the risk is that

> the

> kids that get the shots give the disease to the

> other

> kids.


> It looks to me that big pharma and their lobbyist

> friends are looking to make big bucks$$$pushing

> their

> agenda to give everyone and not excluding children

> and

> even newborns their shots.


> Oregon is a state where if you want it you do it,

> if

> not, you can say you dont want it for your own

> reasons, and the health department excepts it, I

> got

> my 15 yr old exempted for reasons of health risks

> to

> vaccinations.


> Pertussis is in the DPT shot the one you give

> children

> at school age, dipthyria, pretusis, and tetnus, I

> am

> well informed about vaccinations since I was leary

> about giving my kids the shots back in 1986, I

> read

> everything I could about it, the pertusis is a

> really

> bad vaccine, and I told my doctor who then was a

> naturalpathic doc to take it out of their shots, I

> lived in New York at that time, he did take it

> out, I

> gave my kids polio and measles vaccinations too,

> figuring they would be safer to have it then catch

> it

> from someone who just got the vaccination in

> school.


> When I moved to Florida (a real police state) my

> younger son was given the pertusis vaccination b/s

> the

> nurse was going to call the authorities on me, and

> got

> me in fear, so I let her, my son got so sick from

> this

> vaccine I thought he would die, he had a very high

> fever 104, his head was rolling around, he was

> unconscious, and it was symptoms of meningitis is

> what

> he got from the vaccine, let me tell you, ever

> since

> then, no shots for no one, I was able to get an

> exemption through a chiropractor and stated why I

> didnt want shots for my kids, you really got to

> stand

> firm and not let these people push you into

> something

> your instincts tell you not to do.


> It's way too early for a newborn or small child to

> be

> vaccinating, especially now a days, what they put

> into

> shots, mercury, monkey parts, HIV and Cancer

> virus, oh

> please, why in the world does one need that to

> combat

> measles? all the new vaccines like Hepatitis, and

> chicken pox, I wouldn't trust.


> Just my humble experience..


> Blessings,

> Michele

> --- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The Killer Vaccines

> > An Honest Physician Warns of Serious

> > Dangers

> > An important message to Newsmax

> readers:

> >

> >

> > Dr. Blaylock

> > Vaccines routinely given to millions

> of

> > children and adults can be very dangerous to

> your

> > health, a respected neurosurgeon warns.

> >

> >

> > " The medical industry is making a

> > fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary

> > vaccinations, " Dr. Blaylock warns in The

> > Blaylock Wellness Report - published by

> Newsmax.com.

> >

> >

> > Dr. Blaylock says that during the

> past

> > few decades we have seen a " vaccination

> explosion. "

> >

> > For example, the number of vaccines

> > given to children has increased from a few

> vaccines,

> > for polio and other common childhood diseases

> during

> > the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for

> > many schoolchildren today.

> >

> > Vaccines are even being promoted for

> > newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk

> to

> > children. The greatest danger is the vaccines

> > themselves.

> >

> > And many in the medical community

> would

> > like to see annual flu vaccinations as

> mandatory.

> >

> > Powerful lobbies are pushing for

> many

> > more new vaccinations to be added to the list!

> >

> > The popular theory is that vaccines

> > vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more

> the

> > better.

> >

> > But don't believe it, Dr. Blaylock

> > warns.

> >

> > He argues that vaccinations

> themselves

> > are now causing a major upsurge in childhood

> > diseases, adult maladies - and even deadly

> ailments

> > such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig's

> disease.

> >

> > Dr. L. Blaylock is a

> respected


=== message truncated ===



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Sugar, I know you are aware and working to raise your Spiritual vibrations, as am I. :-) My statement was for others to remember. And I am so glad, that I am not alone, in trying to teach. You are doing a great job. By sharing your own experience with the vaccines, will hopefully teach those who need to learn it too. I, also, appreciate all on this group who shares with us their life experiences. It's what we are about. Lots of Love, Joy

Re: [ ] Dr. Blaylock and> vaccine warning.> > > This is disturbing b/s the other day on the news> for> my state of Oregon, we had a broadcast about the> outbreak of whopping cough, true we have a dank> place> in winter time, moist air, and cold so this breeds> the> disease, however they were pushing parents to get> their kids shots of course, though there was> someone> on, a nurse, saying that it is up to the parents> whether they want it for the child, so it wasn't> so> bias, however one other nurse states, that the> children should be vaccinated so that they can> participate in school not be banned from school.> > You see when a child is vaccinated the child is> contagious with the disease, the children that> arent> vaccinated are not contagious, so the risk is that> the> kids that get the shots give the disease to the> other> kids.> > It looks to me that big pharma and their lobbyist> friends are looking to make big bucks$$$pushing> their> agenda to give everyone and not excluding children> and> even newborns their shots. > > Oregon is a state where if you want it you do it,> if> not, you can say you dont want it for your own> reasons, and the health department excepts it, I> got> my 15 yr old exempted for reasons of health risks> to> vaccinations.> > Pertussis is in the DPT shot the one you give> children> at school age, dipthyria, pretusis, and tetnus, I> am> well informed about vaccinations since I was leary> about giving my kids the shots back in 1986, I> read> everything I could about it, the pertusis is a> really> bad vaccine, and I told my doctor who then was a> naturalpathic doc to take it out of their shots, I> lived in New York at that time, he did take it> out, I> gave my kids polio and measles vaccinations too,> figuring they would be safer to have it then catch> it> from someone who just got the vaccination in> school.> > When I moved to Florida (a real police state) my> younger son was given the pertusis vaccination b/s> the> nurse was going to call the authorities on me, and> got> me in fear, so I let her, my son got so sick from> this> vaccine I thought he would die, he had a very high> fever 104, his head was rolling around, he was> unconscious, and it was symptoms of meningitis is> what> he got from the vaccine, let me tell you, ever> since> then, no shots for no one, I was able to get an> exemption through a chiropractor and stated why I> didnt want shots for my kids, you really got to> stand> firm and not let these people push you into> something> your instincts tell you not to do.> > It's way too early for a newborn or small child to> be> vaccinating, especially now a days, what they put> into> shots, mercury, monkey parts, HIV and Cancer> virus, oh> please, why in the world does one need that to> combat> measles? all the new vaccines like Hepatitis, and> chicken pox, I wouldn't trust.> > Just my humble experience..> > Blessings,> Michele> --- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The Killer Vaccines > > An Honest Physician Warns of Serious> > Dangers> > An important message to Newsmax> readers:> > > > > > Dr. Blaylock > > Vaccines routinely given to millions> of> > children and adults can be very dangerous to> your> > health, a respected neurosurgeon warns. > > > > > > "The medical industry is making a> > fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary> > vaccinations," Dr. Blaylock warns in The> > Blaylock Wellness Report - published by> Newsmax.com.> > > > > > Dr. Blaylock says that during the> past> > few decades we have seen a "vaccination> explosion." > > > > For example, the number of vaccines> > given to children has increased from a few> vaccines,> > for polio and other common childhood diseases> during> > the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for> > many schoolchildren today. > > > > Vaccines are even being promoted for> > newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk> to> > children. The greatest danger is the vaccines> > themselves. > > > > And many in the medical community> would> > like to see annual flu vaccinations as> mandatory. > > > > Powerful lobbies are pushing for> many> > more new vaccinations to be added to the list! > > > > The popular theory is that vaccines> > vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more> the> > better. > > > > But don't believe it, Dr. Blaylock> > warns. > > > > He argues that vaccinations> themselves> > are now causing a major upsurge in childhood> > diseases, adult maladies - and even deadly> ailments> > such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig's> disease.> > > > Dr. L. Blaylock is a> respected> === message truncated === ____________________________________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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thank you Joy,

this group we are in is truly awesome and I owe you

many thanks for it, as you do let us speak and teach

about our experiences. experience is the best teacher.

Love you,

In gratitude,


--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Sugar, I know you are aware and working to raise

> your Spiritual vibrations, as am I. :-) My

> statement was for others to remember. And I am so

> glad, that I am not alone, in trying to teach. You

> are doing a great job. By sharing your own

> experience with the vaccines, will hopefully teach

> those who need to learn it too. I, also, appreciate

> all on this group who shares with us their life

> experiences. It's what we are about. Lots of Love,

> Joy

> Re: [ ] Dr. Blaylock

> and

> > vaccine warning.

> >

> >

> > This is disturbing b/s the other day on the

> news

> > for

> > my state of Oregon, we had a broadcast about

> the

> > outbreak of whopping cough, true we have a

> dank

> > place

> > in winter time, moist air, and cold so this

> breeds

> > the

> > disease, however they were pushing parents to

> get

> > their kids shots of course, though there was

> > someone

> > on, a nurse, saying that it is up to the

> parents

> > whether they want it for the child, so it

> wasn't

> > so

> > bias, however one other nurse states, that the

> > children should be vaccinated so that they can

> > participate in school not be banned from

> school.

> >

> > You see when a child is vaccinated the child

> is

> > contagious with the disease, the children that

> > arent

> > vaccinated are not contagious, so the risk is

> that

> > the

> > kids that get the shots give the disease to

> the

> > other

> > kids.

> >

> > It looks to me that big pharma and their

> lobbyist

> > friends are looking to make big

> bucks$$$pushing

> > their

> > agenda to give everyone and not excluding

> children

> > and

> > even newborns their shots.

> >

> > Oregon is a state where if you want it you do

> it,

> > if

> > not, you can say you dont want it for your own

> > reasons, and the health department excepts it,

> I

> > got

> > my 15 yr old exempted for reasons of health

> risks

> > to

> > vaccinations.

> >

> > Pertussis is in the DPT shot the one you give

> > children

> > at school age, dipthyria, pretusis, and

> tetnus, I

> > am

> > well informed about vaccinations since I was

> leary

> > about giving my kids the shots back in 1986, I

> > read

> > everything I could about it, the pertusis is a

> > really

> > bad vaccine, and I told my doctor who then was

> a

> > naturalpathic doc to take it out of their

> shots, I

> > lived in New York at that time, he did take it

> > out, I

> > gave my kids polio and measles vaccinations

> too,

> > figuring they would be safer to have it then

> catch

> > it

> > from someone who just got the vaccination in

> > school.

> >

> > When I moved to Florida (a real police state)

> my

> > younger son was given the pertusis vaccination

> b/s

> > the

> > nurse was going to call the authorities on me,

> and

> > got

> > me in fear, so I let her, my son got so sick

> from

> > this

> > vaccine I thought he would die, he had a very

> high

> > fever 104, his head was rolling around, he was

> > unconscious, and it was symptoms of meningitis

> is

> > what

> > he got from the vaccine, let me tell you, ever

> > since

> > then, no shots for no one, I was able to get

> an

> > exemption through a chiropractor and stated

> why I

> > didnt want shots for my kids, you really got

> to

> > stand

> > firm and not let these people push you into

> > something

> > your instincts tell you not to do.


=== message truncated ===



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