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Fw: Current Earthquake Swarms Could Be Precursor to 'Cascadia Subduction' Mega Quake

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Current Earthquake Swarms Could Be Precursor to 'Cascadia Subduction' Mega Quake

March 5, 2008


with Mitch Battros

Current Earthquake Swarms Could Be Precursor

to 'Cascadia Subduction' Mega Quake

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

Something is happening deep beneath the Earth's crust. There are currently three very active earthquake swarms occurring along the Pacific Rim. It would appear something "big" is brewing. If geological teams from the US, Italy, Germany, and Japan are correct in their suspicions, we may be witnessing the precursor of the feared, yet inevitable Cascadia Subduction Zone eruption.

At this time there are three major earthquake swarms occurring in the world, and they just happen to be along the Pacific Rim from northern Mexico to Alaska. The first is the 'Cerro Prieto' volcano and geothermal field at the Baja Peninsula near Mexicali, Calif. The second is the Clear Lake volcano; also known as 'The Geysers' geothermal field in northern California near Santa just north of San Francisco. The third swarm is at Atka volcano along the Aleutian Islands.

Baja 'Cerro Prieto' Map: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/images/Baja_Peninsula.jpg

Clear Lake 'The Geysers' Map: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/images/clear_lake.jpg

Atka volcano Map: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/images/atka_island_volcano.jpg

There is the Baja, California swarm at the 'Cerro Prieto' geothermal field. It began on February 9th 2008 with a 5.4 magnitude quake followed by over two hundred smaller quakes measuring 5.0 to 1.3 magnitude. There is no sign of this swarm letting up. The swarm at Clear Lake, Calif. known as The Geysers began just days after the 'Cerro Prieto' swarm. The third swarm at Atka Island, Alaska also began around the same time.

Quake List for Baja and Geysers: http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Quakes/quakes0.html

Quake List for Aleutian Islands: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsus/Maps/special/Alaska_eqs.php

Sitting in the middle of this vast array of volcanoes which lines the West Coast of America up to Alaska, is the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a very long sloping fault that stretches from mid-Vancouver Island to Northern California. It separates the de Fuca and North America plates. New ocean floor is being created offshore of Washington and Oregon. As more material wells up along the ocean ridge, the ocean floor is pushed toward and beneath the continent.

Cascadia Subduction Zone: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/images/cascadia_subduction.gif

Large Subduction Zone quakes are the largest earthquakes in the world, and can exceed magnitude 9.0. Because earthquake size is proportional to fault area, is perfectly set for "the big one" which is often mentioned. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a very long sloping fault that stretches from mid-Vancouver Island to Northern California. It separates the de Fuca and North America plates.

Emergency Management Officials Prepare for Catastrophic Earthquake

This notice was released just yesterday March 4th. Regional emergency management officials are preparing now for the next big one. On Wednesday, March 5th over 50 local public and private sector agencies are testing emergency plans and communications by participating in a catastrophic earthquake exercise dubbed "Sound Shake '08".

Based on the Regional Fault Earthquake Scenario; a study written by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the exercise will mock-up serious impacts to the region's transportation and communications systems. Additionally the scenario plan includes extended power outages, utility disruptions, and impacts to the health care system.

Full Article: http://earthchangesmedia.com/secure/3247.326/article-9162520984.php


Bringing in Baby

Thank you to those who have supported "Bringing in Baby". I will have this open for just a few more days.

MORE HERE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/publish/article-9162521000.php


Earth Changes Media 'Radio Hour'

Thursday February 7th - Dr. Bradley; director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics. Dr. Bradley is head researcher of the "Stardust Project". Remember the "Deep Impact Mission"? It appears our surmise was right on the money. There is very little difference between asteroids and comets. Website: http://physci.llnl.gov/stardust/stardust.html

Tuesday February 12th - Dr. Goncharov, Dr. Crowhurst, and Dr. Mike Brown; The Earth Core is "Softer" than once believed. Their new research suggests that material in part of the lower mantle has unusual electronic characteristics that make sound propagate more slowly, suggesting that the material there is softer than previously thought. The results call into question the traditional techniques for understanding this region of the planet.

Website: http://cdac.gl.ciw.edu/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/

Wednesday February 13th Special Announcement: I will have Jim Berkland, Geologist on the ECM 'Radio Hour' tomorrow night "live" Feb. 13th to discuss the current events in Baja as well as the Feb. 20/21st Full Lunar Eclipse. Jim is most known for his accuracy in predicting earthquakes. Website: www.syzygyjob.com/

Tuesday February 19th - Dr. Siegfried Schubert of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Schubert is a lead researcher in the study of El Nino and La Nina. We will discuss his new findings indicating 'coupled ocean-atmosphere' effect that has a sweeping influence on weather around the world.

Website: http://www.usclivar.org/Organization/MJO%20WorkingGroup/NASAsubseas.workshop1.report.pdf

Tuesday February 26th - Stein, author of "When Technology Fails" - We will discuss how to survive Climate Change, Hurricanes, Superstorms- Peak Oil and Gasoline Shortages- Sustainable Living and Self-Reliant Communities- Disruptions in Supplies and Services -Biological Terrorism and Pandemics- Skyrocketing Energy Bills- Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires. Website: http://www.whentechfails.com/

Tuesday March 4th - J. Marvin Herndon, Geophysicist; He is the proponent of a radical theory about Earth's core and its relationship to Earth's magnetic field, the shield that protects our planet's animal and plant life from the Sun's radiation.

Website: http://nuclearplanet.com/

Tuesday March 11th - Solara - author of "11:11 Inside the Doorway". She is one of my favorite guests. I am one who has been transfixed on 11:11 for some years. I knew it just had to be more than a coincidence. "11:11 is our wake-up call. It is our map for the next twenty years. The 11:11 is our bridge to ascension. It is our doorway Home"

Website: http://www.nvisible.com/

*** Barrios, Mayan Elder - COMING SOON


Preparing For Coming Earth Changes

I have begun to note it is not just the "external" (earth changes) which is shifting, but humans as well. Remember: we too have magnetic fields which surround each of us. I think it is not unrealistic to conjecture what is happening "externally" is also happening "internally". I believe current science will acknowledge this notion, showing the Sun's "charged particles" and its influence on Earth's magnetic field is the impetus of change. In-like, this same causal effect occurs with human magnetic fields ushering in a change or "transition". Perhaps this is what our Mayan elders are trying to tell us---

We are coming into "cycle 24" which was predicted "live" on ECM Radio Hour by NASA stating cycle 24 will be up to 50 percent stronger than "Cycle 23" in which we witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. This means larger earth changing events in the way of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various storms. But it also means we (humans) will be bombarded with charged particles via severe geomagnetic storms from the Sun. (Mitch Battros) http://earthchangesmedia.com/publish/article-9162520155.php


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Mitch Battros

Producer - Earth Changes Media

Author "Solar Rain" and

"Global Warming: A Convenient Disguise"


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