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Fw: [SPAM] NorthPoint Journal Mar 3 to 9, 2008

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Sunday, March 3, 2008

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

For March 3 to 9, 2008

Note: If you are unable to read or copy the text of this issue, please visit the "Journal" page of my website: www.northpointastrology.com.

It's a busy week astrologically, with the three transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) making strong aspects and adding to the intensity of these changing times. This week initiates a three-week cycle of change that will allow us to move beyond some of the places where we've been feeling stuck -- even if it means prying our fingers free from the attachment to life as it used to be.

(It's a rather lengthy Journal this week, so you may want to get a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate and put your feet up for a spell...)

Mars enters Cancer for the second time on Tuesday, having first entered the sign of the Crab late last September. Due to Mars' retrograde phase that began in mid-November, the Red Planet returned to the previous sign on December 31, and has been in Gemini for the entirety of these first two months of 2008.

Throughout Mars' revisit of Gemini, we've had opportunities to review the thinking processes that drive our actions, and perhaps learned a bit about the consequences of putting the cart before the horse. Now we're ready to take another foray into the emotional world represented by Cancer, and for the next two months, we'll explore further the best ways to use our sensitivity and nurturing instincts.

During these past few months, Pluto and Mars have been on opposite sides of the zodiac twice, both times working with the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity. We've examined the disparity that often exists between beliefs that are espoused and the actions and words actually brought to life. Hopefully we have achieved new self-awareness in the process, and decided that we will be more purposeful and dedicated to "walking our talk" than we might have been before.

With both Pluto and Mars having changed signs, their final opposition this week works with the Cancer-Capricorn polarity, and also occurs at the infamous "Aries Point" — the first degree of cardinal signs that indicates more far-reaching effects than might usually be expected. According to astrologer Kim Falconer, the Aries Point represents:

"...a movement (cardinal) from an inner quality to an outer manifestation. It orients us towards the world at large — society, public events and all relationships propelled from the individual to the collective."

Pluto rules power, and how it is used physically, psychologically and spiritually; Mars rules individual action, desire and will. As the two planets oppose each other at Aries Point degrees, there may be outer manifestation of how those in positions of power and authority (Capricorn) use their influence in ways that ignite the emotional (Cancer) response of the individual.

As is always the case when Pluto is involved, we are likely to confront some inner and outer demons over the course of these next three weeks, as the dwarf planet stirs the cauldron of hidden motives and desires. And, also a result of Pluto influence, we are intended ultimately to gain in self-empowerment through the process that is initiated here.

An opposition by definition brings into awareness something that is out of balance, that perhaps has seesawed to one extreme or the other, and needs to equalize. The cycle of rebalancing symbolized by the Pluto-Mars opposition culminates with the Full Moon on March 21, when Pluto, Mars, the Sun and Moon form a Cardinal Grand Cross and bring the pressure of change to its zenith.

We are assisted in gaining a more spiritual perspective on current events with Neptune's influence the latter half of the week. The planet first conjoins Venus on Thursday, squares Ceres on Friday, and finally conjoins Mercury on Sunday.

Neptune's effect is usually oblique, meaning that we may become aware of it only by using our extra-sensory abilities, and may miss it entirely if we try to see it straight-on. That Neptunian effect was apparent from our very first knowings of the planet, since its discovery in 1846 was through mathematical prediction rather than direct observation.

And so it is with spiritual matters — we gain more and understand more when we allow ourselves to perceive more symbolically than literally.

Our learning through Neptune's aspects this week involves initiating a new spiritual understanding of our relationships (Venus) and our intellects (Mercury), which of course means that we must "look" at these areas of experience through different eyes than usual. This gentle shift in perception is facilitated with the Neptune conjunctions to these two planets. We can assist the process by consciously opening our hearts to our spiritual connection and letting ourselves be guided by the wise voice of our higher self.

Meditation, creative/artistic activities, spiritual support groups and dream journaling are all supported with Neptune conjunct Venus and Mercury this week. However, the Neptune-Ceres square indicates there may be a bit of a challenge involved as well.

With Ceres in Taurus, there may be attachment to physical/immediate results, which doesn't allow the subtlety of Neptune to have full effect before judging it as useless or inadequate. Disappointment can then lead to feeling victimized or martyred.

The key is to allow the self to be nurtured through the experience of allowing Love to flow through us to others, not in self-sacrifice, but in understanding of the intangible benefits received when we participate with the Universe in this way.

Also on the list of aspects for the week are two that involve Uranus and the Sun: the alignment by degree, called a conjunction, and by declination, known as a parallel. There are similar effects from both, but having them occur within days of each other is significant, and emphasizes those effects.

Uranus is the liberator; the Sun represents our core self and sense of purpose. When Uranus and the Sun align as they do this week, the potential for rebellion against the status quo increases, and erratic behavior is expected. Also in the mix, since this all occurs in Pisces, is a greater intuitive knowing, and openness to messages from other dimensions.

We are awakening to life as the vast interplay of energies that it actually is, and learning to look past physical definitions and appearances. This Uranus-Sun conjunction marks a new phase in that enlightenment process.

The New Moon on Friday weaves the energies of all of this week's aspects into the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The Sabian symbol for the Pisces New Moon is:

"In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance; The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory."

This image plays naturally into our awareness of current events; with the U.S. in the middle of a highly energized political election process, we are very likely to observe continued "displays of skill and oratory" this week and for many weeks to come.

However, remembering that this New Moon also includes the energy of the Pluto-Mars opposition, the Uranus-Sun conjunction/parallel, and the Neptune-Venus-Mercury conjunction, there is likely to be much more in the breeze than politics as usual. An alternate interpretation of the 18th degree of Pisces reads:

"Inside a huge tent, a populist politician stirs up the crowd with damning facts about government corruption."

What was going on at that first Pluto-Mars opposition in late September? Has the Mars retrograde through Gemini corresponded with fact-finding, which will now bring something to light over the next three weeks? What will be initiated during this week's New Moon that will revolutionize some facet of our collective lives? And, how does this change then manifest in our individual lives?

Time, as we now know it, will tell.



Highlighted Aspects for This Week

Tuesday: Mars enters Cancer, Chiron conjunct Mercury; Thursday: Jupiter sextile Sun, Neptune conjunct Venus, Uranus parallel Sun; Friday: Pluto opposite Mars, New Moon 9:15am PST, Neptune square Ceres; Saturday: Uranus conjunct Sun; Sunday: Neptune conjunct Mercury, Ceres square Mercury

About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. The information contained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by factors at work with your personal chart.

If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or are interested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail pam@... or call 425-445-3775.


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