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Re: Fwd: Re: s.1959

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MELVIN JAENSCH <starchildrebelborninutah@...> wrote: Spread far and wide!Note: forwarded message attached. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:46:42 -0800 (PST)From: MELVIN JAENSCH <starchildrebelborninutah@...>Subject: Re: s.1959MELVIN JAENSCH <starchildrebelborninutah@...>MELVIN JAENSCH <starchildrebelborninutah@...> wrote: MELVIN JAENSCH <starchildrebelborninutah@...> wrote: Hi There, This is Rebekah as far as I have been able to determine so far, Senate Bill s.1959 AKA as The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 by it's very Defifinition of what is considered to be Homegrown Terrorism presents not only a threat to our Constitution but is also a Weapon of Mass Destruction that is targeted at The Free Agency of The American People and any True Gospel of Jesus The Christand is unconstitutional. SEC. 899A. DEFINITIONS. 1. Commssion- The term Commision means the National Commision on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism established under Sec.,899c 2. Violent Radicalization- The Term Violent Radicalization means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief for the purpose of

facilatating ideaolically based Violence to Advance political, religous or social change. 3. Homegrown Terrorism- The term Homegrowm Terrorism means the use, planned use or threatend use of force or violence by a group individual born, riased or biased and operating primarily within the United States or any Possesion of the United States to intimadate or coerce the American Government, the Civilian population of the United States, or any Segment thereof, in furtherance of social abjectives. 4 Idealogically based Violence- The Term idealogically bassed Violence means the use, planned use,planned use,or threatend use of force of forceor violence by group or individual to promote to group or individual's political, religous or Social beliefs. You will notice that there are no Definititions for what are called Extrimist Belief System in an extrimist

belief system could be anything not considered to Mainsteam Christian AE: Calvery Chapel, Luthurian, Baptist, Set Free ect... The Morman Church is known as a Cult by these Religions, Native Americans are known as Pagans that worship the Earth who know nothing of The Creator and any belief system that involves Meditation is a tool of the Devil. Furthemore whe and if a definition is ever decided apon for this bill as to what exactly is an extremist believe system that definition will also serve to determin what is a right and wrong Religion or what are right or wrong spiriitual beliefs. number 2 and there are no Definitions for is Force in number 4. The entire Bill is loosely worded in the same fasion. you and others can look up this bill at: http://thomas.loc.gov Please sign the online Petition against S.1959 at: www.petitiononline.com/s1959/petition.html and write and or call your Senators! Starchildrebel PS. An example of a Group that has now been targeted for being a Homegrown terrorist group with extremist beliefs is: www.911thuthie.com this group exists for the purpose of educating people about what really happened during 9/11 and is aposed to any and all emoral and amoral acts of tyranny that are being imposed by the US Government apone it's peoples and if s.1959 is allowed to pass I will be considered a Terrorist for saying so but I must "do what is right". Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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