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http://www.meridianinstitute.com/echerb/files/1benzoin.html Benzoin Botanical Name: Styrax benzoin Common Names and Synonyms: Gum , Gum Benzoin Background: The benzoin tree is native to the tropical areas of the Far East. The resin or gum from the benzoin tree is used as an aromatic in perfumes. Medicinally, benzoin is used as an antiseptic treatment for dry, cracked skin and as an expectorant for respiratory conditions such as severe bronchitis. A tincture made from benzoin added to a vaporizor has been prescribed for croup. The resin, also called gum benjamin, ranges in color from pale yellow to red brown and is harvested by making incisions into the tree's bark to establish a flow, which then hardens into lumps.

Benzoin in the Cayce Readings Edgar Cayce recommended benzoin for a wide variety of applications, most often as an ingredient in massage oil formulas and inhalant formulas. Benzoin was mentioned in 599 readings between 1925-1944 with peak utilization in 1936 (73 readings). Benzoin was typically recommended with other substances in a compound. Although a wide diversity of formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with benzoin were as follows: Turp (Turpentine) 214 readings Tolu 184 readings Eucalyptus 148 readings Olive Oil 124 readings Creosote 102 readings Camphor 96 readings Mutton Tallow 81 readings Sassafras 73 readings Myrrh 54 readings Cedar Wood Oil 54 readngs Canadian Balsam 53 readings Cayce Quotes on Benzoin 849-35 The absorption of the Benzoin into the muscular forces BY the thorough massage will be a material aid to stimulating the superficial circulatory forces, and thus enabling the body to gain better control of the muscular forces where there has been the inclination for an atrophy or the lack of the vital superficial circulation in the muscular and tendon forces of the lower extremities, especially. This would be massaged, of course, all over the cerebrospinal system, but more particularly

through the lumbar and the sacral and the muscular forces of the sciatic nerves and tendons or ends in the hip and the tendon under the knee, and about the 805-5 To 4 ounces of Pure grain Alcohol, add - IN THE ORDER NAMED: Oil of Eucalyptus....................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.........30 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp.................5 minims, Tolu in Solution.....................15 minims. Shake the solution well and inhale the fumes (removing both corks)

into the nasal passages, first one side then the other; also into the throat. Do this morning and evening, or when there is the least tendency for irritation in the throat or nasal passages. This is an antiseptic or a nature that will reduce the irritation produced by congestion, cold, or ANY irritation existent there as indicated in the present. 538-69 We find that material benefit may be had from the use of stupes made with heavy salt, heated and then sprinkled with Compound Tincture of Benzoin. This is not only good as an inhalant for the body, under the conditions, but this applied to the side of the head and over the eye area will be of material benefit in aiding to clear up the conditions with and in the eye. Do not have it too hot, but sufficiently warm that when the compound Tincture of Benzoin is sprinkled on same it will cause quick evaporation. Do not hold it too lose, - don't get it too hot

on the face, but the fumes of same close to the face will be most helpful. 303-34 (Q) How may I clear up the wheezing in my right lung? (A) This naturally comes from weakness and the general debilitation. A few drops of Compound Tincture of Benzoin will relieve the wheezing - this taken internally. 3542-1 At any period when there are severe spasmodic reactions, it will be helpful to have the burning of certain fumes in the room - as in a croup cup or boiling water. To a pint of boiling water, put half an ounce of Compound Tincture of Benzoin. Just breathe the air or the fumes from this - it will be helpful. 658-13 In removing the condition, then, we would use an inhalant for the muco-membranes in head, throat, in the antrums and soft tissue of the face, made in this manner: To 4 ounces of grain alcohol, add: Eucalyptus, Oil of.,..................20 minims, Rectified Creosote.....................5 minims, Tincture of Benzoin...................15 minims, Oil of Turp............................5 minims, Canadian Balsam........................5 minims, Tolu in solution......................30 minims. Keep this solution in a

container twice the size of the quantity, or an eight ounce glass corked container. Only shake solution together when this is to be inhaled; then inhale deep into the nostrils (that is, from the bottle itself), either side, and into the throat. This solution is only an antiseptic, so far as cleansing powers are concerned, but is very penetrating in its effect and will clear the head. So much, now, for the CAUSES; for these inhalations, as given, are for effects, see? 487-15 To 1 ounce of pure olive oil (heated, not to boiling but heated) add, while the olive oil is still warm, and stir into same in THIS manner this quantity, and in the order as given: Tincture of Benzoin..................1/2 ounce,

Tincture of Myrrh....................1/4 ounce, Russian White Oil....................1/2 ounce, Witchhazel...........................1/4 ounce, Oil of Sassafras..................2 to 3 minims. Use this night and morning to massage over the right side covering, the caecum area, and also over all portions of the pelvis bone, see? over the upper part to the lower portion of the sacral area; the caecum, the pelvis bone, to the lower portion of sacral area, on the right side. 1144-1 First, we would begin, then, with the FUME BATHS; that is, heating the body in the cabinet - but DO NOT raise

the temperature in same too high above the BODILY temperature, or not above a hundred and one (101). And with the heat add the fumes from equal portions of Compound Tincture of Benzoin and witchhazel; preferably heat these and let the fumes rise upon the body during the period of the bath. This done once a week should be sufficient. 1800-26 (Q) First: T-I-M, a remedy for hemorrhoids, a jar of which T. B. House holds in his hand. Does this product carry enough Tincture of Benzoin to act as an effective astringent in reducing the surplus skin or sac left by the hemorrhoid after it has been assimilated in the system? (A) In this particular jar here, not sufficient; though it will act as an astringent. But a small quantity added to same would make it more effective, though in some types more irritating. 1208-9 As we find in the present, we would keep the inhalations or the room or air

ladened with the fumes; but these we would change somewhat from those being used. Prepare same in this manner: Tincture of Benzoin (NOT the Compound).....1 ounce, Oil of Eucalyptus........................1/2 ounce, Oil of Turp..............................1/4 ounce. Put these together. Use a teaspoonful of the mixture in the croup cup, or in the boiling water, so that the fumes are inhaled. 1553-6 Have a GENERAL massage using an equal combination of Olive Oil AND Compound Tincture of Benzoin, over those portions of the limb and along the spine. This will not only

aid in quieting the body but the absorption of these properties will stimulate the better circulatory forces, with the suggestive forces as to the activity of the flow of circulation in the system - and thus quieting the nerves, stimulating the ganglia. And especially make this stimulation, through the massage, in the areas of the upper dorsal and across the lumbar and sacral, as well as the limbs - or those centers from which impulses for nerve and blood supply are received for circulatory forces to the limbs.

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