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Herbal Smoking Mixtures

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Herbal Smoking Mixtures

by Howie Brounstein


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Medicinal Uses

Herbs for Calming

Calming herbs are antispasmodic for muscle cramps,

sore muscles, menstrual cramps, hiccups, spasms, tight

muscles, etc. They are also used for their

psychological effects. They are good for anger, fear,

pain, anxiety, circular thoughts that go round and

round in your head that you can't get rid of, relaxing

after a hard day, blues, melancholy, irritability, too

much coffee or other stimulants, and circular thoughts

that keep coming back to you.

Calming herbs are very good for quitting Marijuana

smoking. Many people smoke Marijuana because they want

to unwind after work. The constant hustle- bustle of

modern life only leaves us a few hours in the evening

to relax. Many people are too wound up from work. The

only socially acceptable drugs available are alcohol

and pharmaceutical tranquilizers that wreak havoc on

our bodies, thus the evening Marijuana smoker.

Unfortunately, Marijuana has effects other than just

relaxing. Many people become cloudy, paranoid, or

shaky from blood sugar imbalances, but it is the only

drug they know to take. These people can be helped

greatly by calming herbs.

These herbs will relax you without clouding your

judgment. You will feel them. They are as strong as

Marijuana but with a different effect. It causes a

calm clear feeling that will not interfere with the

rest of your evening's thoughts. It will relax you and

stop the rehashing of the days constant traumas so

that you can fall asleep naturally, if you're tired. I

find many people try these herbs for this reason and

wake up in front of the TV set after smoking these

plants. It didn't knock them out. They were just so

tired they needed the sleep.

Sometimes people smoke these plants and don't feel

anything. You may have to take notice of it

consciously. However, if you are irritable and about

to fight with your partner, you will find the effects


Other smokable calming herbs worth an honorable

mention include Passionflower, Passiflora sp., and

Hops, Humulus sp.

Skullcap, Scutellaria sp.

Skullcap is a very good calming herb to smoke. I find

that the commercially available Scutellaria

lateriflora is not very strong as a smoke. Almost all

commercially available Skullcap is too dry and stemmy

to make a good smoke. The Scutellaria galericulata the

more common plant found growing wild in the United

States is much stronger. It is roughly equivalent in

strength to good Marijuana leaf or bud shake. It works

in almost all cases. The nice green leaf is easy to

roll and blends well with many smoking mixtures. It is

one of my standard smoking ingredients.

I have found through blatant experimentation that the

desert species of Skullcap, Scutellaria nana, is

exceptionally strong. We affectionately call it Mad

Dog Desert Skullcap. Mad Dog Weed is another common

name for Skullcap as this plant was used to treat

rabies in the past. Found throughout the Great Basin

the small, nearly invisible plant is as strong as the

highest quality Marijuana. Unfortunately, it will

cloud your head and make you tired unlike most of the

other herbs we use. If you live in a desert area you

should definitely try your local little Skullcap. This

herb is so strong I urge mixing it with other herbs.

Elephant's Head, Parrot's Beak, and Indian Warrior,

Pedicularis sp.

All of the Pedicularis' are tranquilizers and muscle

relaxants. They are of varying strengths with

Elephant's Head, Pedicularis groenlandica, being the

mildest. The most outstanding thing about Pedicularis'

are their flavor. They are the best tasting herbs for

smoking I have found. Some are so strong that they

rival Mad Dog Desert Skullcap. Many of them form

unusual looking groups of flowers that dry into

illegal looking buds. Indeed, Elephant's Head dries to

beautiful red or purple buds with what appears to be

red hairs. Cobrahead, Pedicularis bracteosa, dries

into green buds that could easily confuse a local

peace officer. The effects however are profoundly


A student of mine went by herself to collect some

Elephant's Head for her smoking mixture. While she

picked, she kept munching on the heads. The next thing

she knew, she was waking up from a nap and the sun was

going down. It is a fine herb indeed.

There is very little reference to these plants in the

herbal literature except for 's Medicinal

Plants of the Mountain West. I did find a few other

references like the natives in Tibet using their

Pedicularis for upset stomachs and kidney problems.

Still as I wander through the high mountain meadows

enjoying the wonderful gifts of the earth, I find it

very hard to believe that the Native Americans in my

area did not use this plant.

A number of years back I had a student whose uncle was

very woods wise. After a number of classes he visited

his uncle. The uncle was impressed with his knowledge,

and with a wry grin asked, " But have you tried the

Pedicularis yet? " I wondered how the uncle knew about

these plants. I found out that he learned of

Pedicularis from a Native American friend whose tribe

smoked it. There are many uses of plants that have not

been recorded even now.

These plants are a welcome addition to any smoking

mixture both as flavor and a medicine. Elephant's Head

has the best flavor but is the mildest, but every

Pedicularis I have tasted has been an excellent smoke.

Herbal Smoking Mixtures

by Howie Brounstein


©1995HB This file may be reprinted and distributed

freely as long as it remains unchanged and with this

header attached. Text versions of this work are

available for downloading from this site or at Sunsite

or its mirrors. Hard copies are available for




Sometimes an herbal smoking mixture can be quite

bland, or the smoker may like menthol cigarettes. The

herbs in this section are good for flavoring. Most are

aromatic or good smelling herbs with no system wide

effect when smoked.

If you were to smoke these herbs alone full strength,

they wouldn't taste good. They may even be irritating

this way. Only add a little to the mixture and taste

it. Experiment to find your own special flavor and

strength. Go light handed at first.

Feel free to go further in experimenting with flavors.

Any smelly edible plant might be useful as a

flavoring. Look in your spice and tea rack for

possibilities like lemon grass, etc.

Mints, Mentha sp.

Mints are probably the most accessible and used

flavoring agents for smoking mixtures. They impart a

menthol flavor. This includes Spearmint, Peppermint,

and all the numerous ornamental varieties such as

Apple Mint, etc. Remember to go light so as not to

irritate your lungs and throat.

Mugwort Herbaceous Artemisia sp. (not shrubs)

Mug means glass; Wort means plant. It's the mug plant

used for beer in medieval times. It is also used today

at country fairs and gatherings by the more esoteric

beer makers. It replaces hops in the beer formulas.

Mugwort is a very interesting plant deep in historical

references. It is often said to promote prophetic

dreams. I don't find this to be true all the time. It

seems to me that Mugwort intensifies the dreaming

process. It all depends on where you are in this


If you don't dream, Mugwort will help you to dream,

but you may not remember them. If you don't remember

your dreams Mugwort will help you to remember them. If

you remember your dreams, Mugwort will help you to

have conscious dreams. Conscious dreams are dreams

where you are aware that you are dreaming and in full

control of the situation. If you are consciously

dreaming already, the plant will increase the

frequency and control.

None of this implies that the dreams will be pleasant.

Some people don't remember their dreams for a reason.

Mugwort can cause nightmares and restless dreams

leading to lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep. I

know of an essential oil company that puts a warning

on their Artemisia oil: Caution, may cause nightmares.

Certainly, Mugwort can lead to prophetic dreams if

that is what you are into. I do not prefer that course

of dream work. It is all up to you. One of my long

term students feels that Mugwort is the most reality

altering of all the psychotropics he's tried. Maybe

you will too.

These effects are most pronounced with long term

exposure to the herb. Dream pillows, fresh bundles

allowed to dry by your bed, and smoking over a period

of weeks. You may not always experience the subtle

effects with one joint.

You can smoke Mugwort alone, but it's best to use as a

flavoring agent because it is strongly aromatic.

Mugwort can also be rubbed into a very good

consistency as a carrier for the smoking mixture like

Mullein but the flavor can overwhelm the mixture.

Internal use of Mugwort has physiological effects on

your stomach and female reproductive system but this

will not transfer through smoking.

Tarragon is a herbaceous Artemisia called Artemisia

dranunculus or Dragon Sagewort.

Sagebrush, shrubby Artemisia sp.

Sagebrush is a shrub found growing throughout the

desert western United States. It is in the Sunflower

family and is not related in any way to the Salvia

Sage used in cooking. It has been traditionally used

to purify the environment. It is indeed an anti-

bacterial for airborne bacteria. Often found in Sage

sticks, and in stores labeled as Sage, it can be used

as a flavoring for smoking mixtures. Native people

used this plant like Salvia if they lived in an area

where there was no Salvia.

Sage including White, Black, and Hummingbird, Salvia


There are many kinds of Salvia Sages. Some are good to

smoke as flavors including the white, black, purple

and garden Sages. Some are not so pleasant but worth a

try. Some of these Sages were used by Native Americans

for purification rituals. They are in the mint family

and are not related to Artemisia Sagebrush or Mugwort.

These are also found in sage sticks.

Lemon Balm, officinalis

is an herb often escaped from gardens and easy

to find in the Pacific Northwest growing wild in

cities. It is a very mild and friendly calming herb

that will add a peaceful lemony flavor to any blend.

Yerba Buena , Satureja douglasii

Yerba Buena is a good herb for flavoring that grows in

the coastal west. It should not be confused with

peppermint, which is also sometimes called Yerba

Buena. It has a menthol flavor that should satisfy

those people who like " Kools. "

, sp.

has many physiological effects when taken

internally. When smoked as a flavoring in small

amounts, it should have no system wide effects. You

can use the root, dried and powdered and thoroughly

mixed with the rest of the blend. Feel free to

experiment with the leaves and green seeds for

different flavor and strengths.

Osha, Oshala, Lovage , Ligusticum sp.

Ligusticums are yet another very special herb that the

Native Americans deemed powerful and sacred.

Ligusticum porteri, Osha, is called Peyote's little

sister. All native Ligusticums were held in high

regard by the local Natives. As a smoke it is only a

flavor. You can use the root, dried and powered, but I

find that the root hairs, not usually used for their

medicinal effects, to be the best for flavor.


A common kitchen spice used with a light hand. Use the

powder. Clove cigarettes with Tobacco were very

popular for a while. Clove can be very irritating to

the esophagus and lungs. This, together with the

exceptionally strong Tobacco found in these imported

cigarettes, quickly caused lung and esophageal

problems. I have known many singers who have lost

their voices in a few weeks of clove cigarette

smoking. So feel free to use it, but respect it.


Use the flowers and rub them if you wish. I love the

smell of lavender but I hate the taste of smoked dried

lavender. Perhaps you will love it, feel free to check

it out.

Sweet Cicely, Osmorhiza sp.

This is another local Pacific Northwest plant with a

pleasant aromatic anise flavor. You can use the root

dried, powdered if it smells good. Seeds are also



Use dried powder, thoroughly mixed with a light hand.


Use dried powder, thoroughly mixed with a light hand.


For those who like the licorice flavor, try these


Further Experimentation

This area of herbalism is still very unexplored. If

you want to experiment further with herbs not

mentioned here, check out innocuous edible leafy herbs

like Violets, Viola sp., Self-Heal, Prunella vulgaris,

Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum sp., and Paintbrush,

Castilleja sp., to name a few. You may wish to explore

plants with names like Indian Tobacco, but be

cautious. This common name refers to many plants. Some

are not good to smoke. Some were not smoked by Native

Americans at all. Yellow Dock is called Indian Tobacco

because the old flowers look somewhat like Tobacco in

some people's eyes.

Homepage - Apprenticeships - Workshops - Catalog -

Plant Lists


Standard Smoking Mix

Rubbed Mullein leaf as a base

Kinnikinnik leaf, for body, finely broken

Optionally Manzanita leaf and Pipsissewa for added


Optional flavoring herbs to taste

Another Favorite Mix

Rubbed Mullein leaf as a base

Willow Bark, finely cut for body

Skullcap Leaf, for calming effects

Osha Root, finely ground for flavor

Mix thoroughly. Mildly relaxing

To Quit Smoking

Phase 1

Rubbed Mullein leaf as a base

Kinnikinnik leaf, for body, finely broken

Manzanita leaf, for added body, finely broken

Skullcap Leaf, for vitally needed calming effect

Lobelia, as needed for lobeline

Mint, small amounts for menthol cigarette smokers

Phase 2

Stop adding Lobelia

Add Coltsfoot, as needed, not so strong as to cause

coughing fits

Increase the Mullein Leaf

Continue to add more Mullein until Phase 3, Mullein


Expectorant Blend

Rubbed Mullein leaf as a base

Coltsfoot, not so strong as to cause coughing fits

Horehound, not so strong as to cause coughing fits

Flavorings optional

This blend is excellent for a general lung cleanse or

chest cold, but do not use when coughing up blood, or

if it hurts when you breathe.

Mellow Mixture


Parrot's Beak

Elephants Head to taste

Relaxing, mild and pleasant alternative to Marijuana

Strong Relax

Desert Skullcap

Lobelia - a pinch

This can make you sleepy so do not drive any

bulldozers or jumbo jets when smoking.

Too Stoned Blend

Rubbed Mullein Leaf as a base

Calamus Root, small pieces or powder

Elephant's Head Buds, for calming effect and flavor

Coltsfoot, not so strong as to cause coughing fits

This mixture is smoked as an aid to quit a long term

Marijuana habit.

Too Expensive Blend

1/2 High Quality Cannabis buds

1/4 Elephant's Head Buds

1/4 Skullcap Leaf

This blend will help with the rising costs of

Cannabis. You can substitute the Cannabis buds with

any quality Cannabis, and the other herbs will help to

stretch it out without diluting its effect.

Ceremonial Smoke

Rubbed Mullein leaf as a base

Fermented Scotch Broom Flowers

Desert Skullcap, just a small amount

Skullcap Leaf

Elephant's Head Leaf

Parrot's Beak Leaf

Osha Root, powdered for flavor

Not an everyday smoke, for vision quests and spiritual

pursuits. Use consciously.

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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