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We are Natural Solutions: More Than Just Talk!

February 20, 2008

NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOUNDATION -MORE THAN JUST TALK!HEALTH FREEDOM INFORMATION YOU NEED PLEASE FORWARD VERY WIDELYClick Here to Make Sure You ReceiveHealth Freedom eAlertshttp://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187

In this issue:

Vaccine Danger Quotes

Health Freedom: Visible at Last... Codex relenting

Educating Congress

Protecting Moms and Babies

Vaccine Issues Heating Up

Natural Solutions Demonstration Projects; New Video Link

Natural Solutions Health Freedom Strategic Alliance: From Educating to... Lobbying


Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating:

"The only safe vaccine is one that is never used."

Dr. R. , former Director, National Institute of Health

"Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent. The live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis (brain damage)" Jonas and Darrell Salk, 1977

"The DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had been vaccinated."

"It took over three years of research before we looked at each other and said 'Vaccines are killing babies'."

"It is a well documented fact that the incidence and mortality from infectious diseases fell by 90% well before any vaccine was even introduced... So [the U.S.] mandated vaccination and it resulted in a three-fold increase in whooping cough..."

"This is not a rare occurrence. Epidemics in fully vaccinated populations are a rule rather than an exception..."

Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viera_Scheibner

Do you still believe vaccines are safe? http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=534

Natural Solutions Foundation:

The Solution is Natural So It Works!

Blah, blah, blah.

Codex and health freedom have gone from invisible subjects no one talked about to topics that pop up everywhere. That's wonderful! Unfortunately, though, most of the conversation is just that: talk without action. On the other hand, the Natural Solutions Foundation is about one thing: solutions that do work. Just identifying a problem may be interesting from an academic point of view, but it's not very useful in the long run.

The Natural Solutions Foundation is exceptionally good at identifying problems, finding the solutions to them AND disseminating those solutions to people who can do something to solve the problem. For example, we defined the problem of Codex and the World Trade Organization's (WTO) trade sanctions that are the teeth of Codex. Then we set about finding the solution to that problem and developed the Codex Two Step Process (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=220) with the critically important input of two talented lawyers, Jim and Ralph Fucetola.

Next, we began attending Codex meetings, learned the lay of the land, got to know the cast of characters and initiated a series of visits to the people whom we developed relationships with and whom we believed could make a difference in their home countries. That's a "boots on the ground" approach to solving the problems presented by Codex on a global basis.

No other health freedom group identified the core problems preventing pro-health countries from breaking away from Codex standards and guidelines - misplaced awe of US science and a fear of WTO trade sanctions - and then found the solution to the problems. That's what the Natural Solutions Foundation does.

Once we found the solutions to the Codex problems, we "took the show on the road" to help the potential pro-health nations to develop the willingness and capacity to do something definitive about solving them. We have spent the last three years traveling almost non-stop to build the alliances and relationships to allow developing countries to take pro-health steps away from the multinational agenda promoted by Codex.

That three year long strategy is bearing fruit today: The developing countries (especially in Africa) are taking their power into their own hands to improve, rather than degrade, the quality of their food and trade options for their benefit, not the multinational's.

At the Codex meeting on the labeling of Genetically Modified foods in Ghana two weeks ago, the Natural Solutions Foundation strategy was in evidence: an African coalition started to come into its own with strategy and tactics that knocked the US and its Monsanto advisor off their pins. The ball is still definitely in play, and the next round will be played at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) in Ottawa, Ontario in late Apri, 2008. But increased strategic thinking and careful preparation may allow another scenario to unfold instead of the tired old score:


The Solution is Natural So It Works!

Natural Solutions Foundation

Educates Congress

Some say that your communication with Congress does not matter. They are wrong.

Every time you take action and send an email to Congress, you are building the health freedom constituency. Not only are you letting Congress know about a particular issue, you are also letting Congress know that there is a tidal wave of voters who are watching and who care about the fact that health decisions, all of them, are private decisions, not the business of government! And you make it easier for the Natural Solutions Foundation to gain access to Congressional decision makers to let them know what we want them to do - and to not do. They know, when we walk into their offices, who we are because you have told them who you are and what you want and do not want from them. "Oh, the Natural Solutions Foundation", they say, "We get lots of emails from your people. How can we help?" You, through your activism, provide entree to the halls of legislative power.

You are the real power behind the Natural Solutions Foundation.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=531) to read more about what's going on in Congress and their call for the resignation of the FDA's chief because of lack of confidence in his "leadership" Earlier this month, Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee Ralph Fucetola and our Congressional Education Director, Charlie Frohman, visited Congress.

Click here (http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2008/02/educating-congress.html) to read Ralph's report.

Here is Charlie's letter thanking the staff for their time (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=529) and here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=533) is Ralph's follow up letter to Congress.

On another, related front, natural supplements like DHEA, although protected by DSHEA (the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act, 1994) which classifies nutrients as foods rather than drugs, are under attack as if they were steroids. Senator Hatch, a long time friend of supplements, defended them once again and the Natural Solutions Foundation is watching.

Here (http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2008/02/senator-hatch-defends-dietary.html) is Ralph's blog on the subject.

You can read here how Ralph beat back the FDA when they tried to ban DHEA last time so he is uniquely qualified to report on this battle. And it bears watching, of course, because the piecemeal attack on supplements does not let up. To the Pharma Phriendly FDA, any stick will do to beat a dog and they are determined to beat the natural medicine dog to death since it steals the bacon from the Big Pharma Mammoth every day of the week.

Of course, all of this activity costs money. We know you value our efforts to educate and help Congress do the right thing for health freedom.

That's why it makes sense to give generously and make a recurring tax deductible donation (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Now would be a great time! Your activism and your financial support are the life blood of health freedom.

And don't forget to sign up for the free, secure Health Freedom eAlerts - http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187

Ask your contacts and friends to do the same. Your voices protect our health freedom.

When we find a strong solution to a health freedom problem, not only do we articulate it, we put it into action. ly, that is what distinguishes us from the rest of the pack. We use the "Boots on the ground" approach, not the blah, blah, blah one.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=532)to learn more about what makes us different from the health freedom pack.

The Solution is Natural So It Works!

Pharma Preying on New Moms, Babies

Click here to Protect Mothers and Babies from

"screening" and "treatment" with life threatening drugs


Big Pharma's list of outrages in creating new markets is shocking and long. Its new and shameless market ploy is called "The Mother's Act", S 1375 IS (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=527).

This bill makes them the next market by compelling screening and "offering" what it calls "appropriate treatment" (read "psychiatric drugs"). The bill was stimulated in response to the tragic death by suicide of Stokes, a pharmaceutical rep., who took her own life by leaping from a balcony several stories off of the ground. Because she was a new mom, the death was attributed to "Post Partum Depression". We believe that, despite the spin, it was not post-partum depression that was 's likely killer, but the numerous anti-depressant drugs she was using. After all, the FDA confirms that their use doubles the suicide risk of people taking them.

New moms would be an especially vulnerable group for suicide or homicide when using these drugs since hormone changes, normal stress, sleeplessness and anxiety would increase their vulnerability to the lethal changes in reasoning these drugs bring about as part of their toxic profile. These changes are given the shorthand term "suicidal and homicidal ideation" on the black box warning labels that psychoactive medication finally carries. What that means on the ground is tragedy like the suicide of a new mom."

"Thirty years ago…Merck's aggressive chief executive Henry Gadsden told Fortune magazine of his distress that the company's potential markets had been limited to sick people. Suggesting he'd rather Merck to be more like chewing gum maker Wrigleys, Gadsden said it had long been his dream to make drugs for healthy people. Because then, Merck would be able to "sell to everyone." Three decades on, the late Henry Gadsden's dream has come true."

Alliance for Human Research Protection

Mothers, unborn babies and infants are the next group to "sell to". If Congress has its way, every pregnant mother and her unborn baby, every new mother and her (perhaps) nursing infant in the US would be someone to "sell to", not just by Merck, but by the entire pharmaceutical industry.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=526) to learn more about this assault on the next generation

And then click here(http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=23065)to protect Moms and babies, not Big Pharma's bottom line. Tell your Senators and Representatives that pregnant and new moms do not need drugging with meds that increase suicide and homicide and harm babies. Let them know that mental health decisions - like all health decisions - are a private matter, not a government one.

And, oh, by the way, there are natural solutions to Post Partum states including herbs taken as tinctures and teas. In fact, there is a whole body of wisdom about treating postpartum feelings naturally. These can include Evening Primrose Oil, Motherwort, Blessed Thistle, Licorice Root, Raspberry Leaf, Rosemary Leaf and Skullcap, among others. There are thousands of years of natural solutions that work!

If keeping abreast of these issues, and taking action on them is important to you, please make a generous donation(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to the Natural Solutions Foundation and ask at least three more people to sign up for our free, secure Health Freedom eAlert (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187) . Your donations are tax deductible and enable us to keep working for you.

The Solution is Natural So It Works!

Vaccine Issue Heats Up in New Jersey, Elsewhere

The day General Stubblebine and I got back from Africa last week (more about that below) we headed straight for central New Jersey where a group of motivated and determined moms, a dad and we met around a kitchen table to discuss how to support the important legislation being proposed to the NJ Legislature to allow vaccine exemptions on philosophical grounds (Assembly Bill A260).

You may remember that New Jersey has become the first state in the Union to require annual flu shots (which may contain mercury) for babies and toddlers. In New Jersey, a fully vaccinated child will receive 74 vaccinations!

NJ is a state with a religious and medical exemption structure which this Health Department edict violates. It is also one of the states with a strong Drug Company presence. Could there be a connection? Click here (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=2308) to tell the Governor and legislators of New Jersey to allow a philosophical exemption. It is likely that the actions of New Jersey will serve as a guide for the rest of the country so this is important for us all, no matter where we live.

It is interesting to note that a local NJ paper, the Star-Ledger, published an article on Saturday, February 16, 2008 noting an AP report that says this year's flu season is "getting worse, and US health officials say it's partly because the flu vaccine doesn't protect against most of the spreading flu bugs.... The flu shot is a good match for only about 40% of this year's flu viruses, officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said yesterday.... In good years, the vaccine can fend off 70 to 90 percent." Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=530) to read the whole AP story.

Of course, it is important to note that the CDC and the World Health Organization literally guess which viruses will be a problem next year during the flu season (not allowing, of course, for the inevitable mutations which will make the vaccine even more useless than it usually is) and then make the vaccines up on the basis of that guess. Most years, they get it wrong, but that does not stop the government agencies and Pharma companies from urging ever more people to bring them profits by exposing themselves to a worthless and dangerous procedure.

For example, this week the World Health Organization announced next year's flu vaccine make-up. Tacitly acknowledging the dismal failure of this year's flu vaccine, the AP reported in the same article, "This week the World Health Organization took the unusual step of recommending that next season's flu vaccine have a completely different makeup from this year's. The US FDA is expected to make its decision about the US vaccines next week."

Despite this dismal performance, which is the case in well over half the years in which flu vaccines are given resulting in huge exposure, huge risks and huge profits with little or no health gain, Pharma Friendly New Jersey has become the front runner in exposing its children to an unwarranted risk which does not even work!

By the way, there is excellent statistical evidence to support the use of homeopathic vaccination to prevent disease without risk since there are no dangerous components in these preparations. Check with your local homeopath!

The Solution is Natural So It Works!

Africa and Panama Share Natural Solutions

The Natural Soltuions Foundation is out in the world, boots on the ground, making a difference. You know that about us already. We work hard to find experts in governments and in the private sector who can apply our solutions and teach us more about solving the huge problems facing us so we can share those solutions. One such expert is the remarkable founder of Songhai Center, Porto Novo, Benin, Father Godfrey Nzamufo, o.p. (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=518). Father Nzamufo describes himself as a "Cosmic Dancer" and that fills the bill. He has, through concerted effort, created a center of teaching and production which follows the three basic principles of Songhai:

1. Be very good at what you do

2. Be passionate about it

3. It must be profitable

That pretty well describes what we are building in Panama, too, and, in fact, while we help Father Nzamufo build his Natural Health Center he will help us design and create our zero emissions farm and school, matching his success in Africa with ours in Panama through collaboration and enthusiastic mutual co-creation. Father Nzamufo is a US citizen of Nigerian origen, a PhD in electrical engineering who is on the staff of UC Irvine, a world-recognized expert in optical measuring devices and a visionary of the first water. He took totally arid, barren land 20 years ago and has created not only a productive paradise, but the model for such productivity in Africa and the rest of the world.

The Natural Solutions Foundation's International Decade of Nutrition is exemplified in every corner of Songhai and we honor and celebrate the achievement of Father Nzamfuo. That would be cool if it were as far as it went. Joyously, it goes a lot further! Father Nzamufo and we have become collaborators at a number of levels. We will bring him our knowledge of Natural Medicine, assisting in the setting up of his Medical Facility and he will personally mentor us in the creation of our fully sustainable, zero emissions community, farm and farm school.

Songhai Center, (http://www.songhai.org/songhai_en/), a United Nations Center of Excellence for Africa, has perfected a model of self-sustaining economic independence and beyond-organic integrated food/energy production which is, to my knowledge, the most advanced in the world and the most effective in terms of resources and output. Called "ZERI" or Zero Emissions Research Initiative", the Songhai model assures that nothing is wasted, nothing is lost and both output energy and food production are phenomenal. In fact, the fermentation of waste from animals and plants allows enough bio-gas for energy production aplenty with no environmental degradation, carbon emissions or waste.

You can watch a brief video about Songhai Center here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUoGUlt_YuI

Our YouTube Channel is: http://youtube.com/NaturalSolutions

I invite you to use your imagination to see what Panama, which starts with highly fertile land and excellent water supplies (as opposed to the totally barren land without water which Father Nzamufo started with in Africa) will look like in a short time!

Having been to Songhai, eaten there, toured it and returned to it over and over, I can tell you that there are no offensive odors although human and animal waste is a chief ingredient in the circulation of energy and nutrients. There are eager, bright eyed students and staff who are working with a dream of excellence and self sufficiency. We are deeply honored to become a sister community to Songhai and an active collaborator in the self sustainability movement. After all, if we want to reclaim food production from the industrializers, we have to spread the model of self sustainable agriculture far and wide. That's what we are doing through this collaboration and through our relationship with both the government of Benin and Songhai. But that is not all!

Natural Solutions Foundation is

Giving Birth - Again!

Natural Solutions Foundation, the US tax exempt not for profit humanitarian organization you are familiar with has given birth to the Natural Solutions Foundation - Panama, another tax exempt NGO, for the purpose organizing and running the Panama Project and helping to spread the doctrine of sustainable beyond-organic food production and the Codex Two Step Process in Panama and the region. Africa needs a Natural Solutions Foundation presence, too, and we are about to have one, putting more boots on the ground to make a difference at many levels!

We are deeply please and gratified to announce to you that both Father Nazamujo and Col. Dr. Denis A. Mikode, Director of the Benin Food Safety and Security Directorate (DANA), have agreed to become the founding members, and to direct, the Natural Solutions Foundation - Benin. NSF-B will be set up as a not for profit organization capable of widening and deepening the collaboration between the Natural Solutions Foundation and this remarkable African state. We will certainly keep you posted on the developments associated with this emerging organization and its work to spread Natural Solutions!

If you are interested and intrigued, and maybe even curious about whether you would like to participate in the Panama project, a model community in the highlands of Panama complete with state of the art Health Center, fully sustainable agriculture beyond organic farm and school and farm as a zero emissions, fully self sustaining system to demonstrate what can be done, and how to do it to reclaim food and food production for ourselves and the farmers of the world, you are welcome to find out more.

In fact, for those on our list who are interested, you can find out if participation in this unique community might be just what you are looking for by sending an email to our trustee, Ralph Fucetola, at ralph.fucetola@... with "Panama" as the subject line. If you write to him, Ralph will invite you to join the NSF-Panama Forum where you can learn more about this boots on the ground project to protect, and teach, natural solutions that really work! Maybe your boots want to be on this ground!

Natural Solutions Health Freedom Strategic Alliance

Wouldn't you like to have a Congressional lobbyist working for you? There is only one way to do that legally: set up a separate 501© (4) organization which is legally allowed to lobby. While we can, and do, educate Congress, we cannot lobby them and we cannot exert any influence to impact the outcome of an election. The Natural Solutions Foundation cannot accept money for that purpose although we would very much like to see such an organization exist which could lobby and could impact legislative and electoral outcomes. If you agree that there should be such an organization fighting for our side, you probably want to contact Ralph Fucetola and discuss making substantial, but not tax deductible, donation to set up such an entity. Here is Ralph's email: ralph.fucetola@.... Put "Strategic Alliance" in the subject line and make sure you provide your contact information. Please use Ralph's personal email ONLY for issues where we ask you to contact him.

But here's a question for you: When you can give tax deductible donations (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to the Natural Solutions Foundation (and we appreciate it greatly when you do), why would you contribute to something that is not tax deductible?

Of course, if you are running a company, any expenses you incur in setting up or supporting a lobbying effort may well be a business expense so this question does not really apply to you. In fact, it is an excellent way to support Health Freedom and protect your right to market natural solutions. Please let your favorite vitamin companies and health food stores know about this new way to support natural solutions and tell them your patronage will be affected by what they do to support our health freedom cause!

And why would I ask you to give money to another organization (the Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom Strategic Alliance) when the Natural Solutions Foundation needs every dollar we can raise to do the essential work that we are carrying out here and abroad like fighting Codex, protecting your rights here in the US and making a definitive documentary (https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=2835) on Health Freedom and the Codex Agenda?

Simple, as a tax exempt 501 © (3) not-for-profit organization, the Natural Solutions Foundation cannot directly influence the outcome of any legislation or election. We can educate, and we sure do. We can propose and demonstrate natural solutions at the political and practical levels, and you know we do that very well. We are more than just talk. BUT we cannot engage in lobbying.

What we can do, however, is allow the creation of a sister organization which shares our policies, our programs and our priorities to bring these directly to Congress. While we cannot fund it directly, you can. Our determination is an abundant resource which we will share with this organization devoted to lobbying for health freedom and the needs of the wellness industry.

What do we need to set this organization up and keep it running at an effective level? Ask Ralph.

A Final Note of Caution

Oh, by the way, please be cautious. Look-alike organizations are being set up to funnel off support and funds. Ask carefully if they are tax exempt before you make a donation. Ask carefully what they have done in the health freedom arena to deserve your support and ask carefully what they are currently doing before you get involved with them. If they are a legitimate health freedom organization, great! The more the merrier. The other side is huge and complex and we need all the activism we can muster. But if not, then save your support and involvement for real boots on the ground. There is only one Natural Solutions Foundation "Mother Ship". There will only be one Natural Solutions Health Freedom Strategic Alliance. But there are several Natural Solutions Foundations emerging around the world, like NSF-Benin and NSF-Panama! That does not mean that look-alike groups are affiliated with us. If in doubt, send us an email at dr.laibow@... and ask!

Our Solutions are Natural So They Work!

Much more than just talk...

Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

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SIGN CITIZEN'S PETITIONAsk the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius

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VOTE!Register to vote in the US

To unsubscribe from this Health Freedom Action Alert, click on the link below and enter your email address: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/healthfreedomusa/unsubscribe.jsp

Action Steps

Tell Congress to Protect Mothers and Babies: from dangerous drugs: Vote "No" to the Mothers Act, S. 1375http://tinyurl.com/2bvk8j

Support Philosophical Vaccination Exemptionshttp://tinyurl.com/2mknl3

Join No Forced Vaccine Forumhttp://tinyurl.com/272qvv

Sign Tiburon DeclarationEnd Compulsory Vaccinationhttp://shorten.ws/z4p3

Tell Legislators to Protect You and Your Family from Compulsory Vaccination http://t3k2.shorten.ws/

Support Child Medication Safety Act: Keeps Schools from Mandating Drugshttp://o5q0.shorten.ws/

Support Truthful Health Claims http://tinyurl.com/yvm8tr

Donate now to cover cost of the health freedom campaign http://g8x2.shorten.ws/

Do Yopu Have the New, Updated "Nutricide: the DVD" Yet? Order athttp://tinyurl.com/2ewxzz

Order the Codex eBookhttp://tinyurl.com/3yy5zq

Sign Citizens Petitionhttp://shorten.ws/y5k0

Shop at our online store www.Organics4U.org

Get the BioMag Advantage!

Check outwww.Organics4U.org

Action Steps

Tell Congress to Protect Mothers and Babies: from dangerous drugs: Vote "No" to the Mothers Act, S. 1375http://tinyurl.com/2bvk8j

Support Philosophical Vaccination Exemptionshttp://tinyurl.com/2mknl3

Join No Forced Vaccine Forumhttp://tinyurl.com/272qvv

Sign Tiburon DeclarationEnd Compulsory Vaccinationhttp://shorten.ws/z4p3

Tell Legislators to Protect You and Your Family from Compulsory Vaccination http://t3k2.shorten.ws/

Support Child Medication Safety Act: Keeps Schools from Mandating Drugshttp://o5q0.shorten.ws/

Support Truthful Health Claims http://tinyurl.com/yvm8tr

Donate now to cover cost of the health freedom campaign http://g8x2.shorten.ws/

Do Yopu Have the New, Updated "Nutricide: the DVD" ? Order athttp://tinyurl.com/2ewxzz

Order the Codex eBookhttp://tinyurl.com/3yy5zq

Sign Citizens Petitionhttp://shorten.ws/y5k0

Shop at our online store www.Organics4U.org

Get the BioMag Advantage!

Check outwww.Organics4U.org

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