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PROBIOTICS BENEFITS WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS?Probiotics are bacteria that, while passing through the intestine, may exert specific beneficial effects on the host's physiology. In general, probiotics are members of the group of the lactic acid-producing bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF

PROBIOTICS?The potential health benefits of probiotics include alteration of the intestinal micro-flora balance, inhibition of the growth of harmful bacteria, promotion of good digestion, boosting immune function, and increased resistance to infection [1-4]. HOW DOES PROBIOTICS KILL GERMS?Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are believed to produce beneficial compounds such as B vitamins, lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid to lower the pH of the intestine as to inhibit the growth of the harmful bacteria [5,6]. They also produce bacteriocins or natural antibiotics to kill the harmful bacteria [7]. WHAT OTHER BENEFITS THAT PROBIOTICS MAY OFFER?Study has showen that other Lactobacillus species such as L. rhamnosus and L. plantarum are involved in the production of several nutrients such as short-chain fatty acids and amino acids [8]. They may also help detoxify the gut [9]. Twice daily probiotics supplementation has been shown to enhance immune function [ [10,11]. IS THERE A DEPLETION OF PROBIOTICS?People using antibiotics, eating a poor diet, or suffering from diarrhea are likely to have depleted colonies of probiotics. Diarrhea flushes probiotics out of the GI tract, leaving the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections (by the harmful bacteria). Antibotics may

kill the good bacteria as well. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TOF TAKING PROBIOTICS SUPPLEMENTS?Replenishing the beneficial bacteria may help prevent the opportunistic infections. Use of probiotics supplements may prevent traveler's diarrhea, caused by the harmful bacteria in drinking water or raw foods [12]. They are also important in the colonizing the intestine during and after antibiotic use. Finally, probiotics supplements may also aid digestion since some of them produce lactase to digest milk sugar. Probiotics may be helpful to lactose-intolerant people as they are in lack of this enzyme [13].WHAT IS PREBIOTICS?Prebiotics is a recent novel food concept that includes food ingredients that are not digested in the human upper intestinal tract and hence arrive in the colon where they are selectively fermented by a limited number of colonic bacteria. It was demonstrated that prebiotic carbohydrates and probiotics consistently reduced processes of carcinogenesis and tumorigenesis.ARE THERE ANY SCIENTIC SUPPORTS FOR PROBIOTICS BENEFIT CLAIMS? There are limited studies to support the claims and the key studies are summarized as follows:Inflammatory bowel disease Feillet H et al, Necker Hospital, Paris, France suggested that colitis onset could be prevented by bacteria, bacterial extracts, or helminthes from murine studies. Pena JA et al, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, reported Probiotic Lactobacillus spp. diminish Helicobacter hepaticus-induced inflammatory bowel disease in interleukin-10-deficient mice. [14,15]Phagocyte Enhancement Lee Y and Lee TS, Seoul Women's University, Seoul, enhanced ex vivo phagocytic capacity of peritoneal leukocytes in mice by oral delivery of various lactic-acid-producing bacteria. [16] Hepatic Encephalopathy / Liver Cirrhosis Jia L and Zhang MH, First People's Municipal Hospital of Guangzhou, China found that probiotics may be safe and useful for the long-term treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy from their study using rats. [17] Zhao HY et al, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences, found Probiotics effectively increased the Bifidobacterium count and reduced the level of fecal pH and fecal and blood ammonia from their clinical studies.[18]Colon Cancer Approximately 70% of colorectal cancer is associated with environmental factors, probably mainly the diet. Saikali J et al, Nutrition Research, Palaiseau Cedex, France, reported the protective role of milks fermented with probiotic cultures in colon cancer risk reduction in their

review article. [19] Rafter J., Karolinska Institute, Sweden, also got similar results. [20]Marotta F et al, University of Milan, Italy, found probiotics might exert significant antimutagenic properties against colon cancer via decreased fecal pH, specific reduction of carcinogenetic bacterial enzymes, modulation of gut-associated and systemic immune system from their animal studies [21] Major depressive disorder (MDD) MDD patients have been shown to have elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, increased oxidative stress, altered gastrointestinal (GI) function, and lowered micronutrient and omega-3 fatty acid status. Logan AC et al, Nutrition Research Consulting, New York, suggested probiotics have the potential to lower systemic inflammatory cytokines, decrease oxidative stress, improve

nutritional status, and correct small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Consequently, probiotics can be used as an adjuvant therapy for people suffered from MDD. [22]Abdominal bloating / Intestinal Gas People have an imbalance in their normal colonic flora, as some bacterial taxa are more prone to gas production than others. Upon colonization of probiotics, the probiotics seemed to be able to reduce gas formation. Two studies are outlined as below: Functional abdominal bloating is a condition dominated by a feeling of abdominal fullness or bloating and without sufficient criteria for another functional gastrointestinal disorder. Di Stefano M et al, University of Pavia, Italy, suggested that the administration of probiotics to modify the composition of colonic flora and thus the production of

intestinal gas. [23]Nobaek S et al, Lund University Hospital, Sweden, reported that oral administration of Lb. plantarum with known probiotic properties decreased pain and flatulence in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. [24] http://www.zhion.com/digestion/Probiotics.html

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