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http://www.dicksutphen.com/html/webcol309.htmlMASTER OF LIFE COLUMNDick SutphenDate: 2-28-08COSMIC COPSLast week's column, "Entity on the Loose" generated considerable interest. As a correction, I need to explain there were two psychics who helped my daughter Cheyenne get rid of an entity who was bothering her. Phelan was the one who told me about the cars. To get rid of him, she said she contacted the entity, showed him a place with many vehicles and told him he had access to all of them. Contact for : telepathictv@...Once in awhile, as a hypnotherapist, I have to call upon the "spirit police" to take a bothersome entity away. The book, "Companions In Spirit -- A Guide to Working With Your Spirit Helpers" by Laeh Maggie Garfield and Jack Grant tells about "Cosmic Cops."Excerpt: Several years ago I put out a request for a guide to help me with some research for a proposed book. I needed a guide who was in an advanced loka, one who was beyond having to reincarnate.That night as I lay in bed, I looked out the window into the trees and saw the face of a man. He seemed to be signaling to me that he was the being I sought. I asked his name. He gave it as "Calvin," along with the dates of his last lifetime (his birth happened to occur exactly a hundred years before mine and took place a hundred miles away). I switched on the bedside lamp to enter all this data into my journal. The signs seemed auspicious and I was excited, yet I also felt an under-current of unaccountable misgiving.When I turned the light back off, Calvin had vanished. So I called him once again. As he reappeared, more clearly this time, I suddenly realized that this being was in fact the tormentor of two unhappy people with whom I had been marginally acquainted for several years.Vern and a were chronic victims of ill luck regarding their place of residence. One spring as they slept through a heavy rain, the rising waters flooded their basement and garage, causing structural damage that forced them to move. Thanks to the Red Cross, they found a trailer to rent on sixty acres of land. Only two weeks before my encounter with Calvin, however, a November windstorm had sent a tree toppling across their trailer, destroying it along with many personal possessions. They then took a cabin adjacent to friends of mine. Within days, their stove blew up, and that very evening the toaster caught fire, enough to scorch the cabinets above.My first response to Calvin's actual identity was to fill my little house with light and to ask my two main guides to come to my side and give me extra protection. Then I asked for information. What was the story on this being who had so kindly introduced himself as my research assistant?I learned that he was a husband of a's from a previous life. Their marriage had been childless, and Calvin was obsessed with envy at her present fecundity. As a consequence, he'd set about to sabotage her happiness in every way he could.If a and Vern had been inviting less difficulty into their own lives, Calvin's influence would have been limited to something like cracking a bedroom window with a hailstone. But despite their good points, they had serious problems. In general they thought that the world owed them everything. In combination with their basic lack of self-confidence, this attitude led to their habit of floundering around, soliciting advice as to what they ought to do next. The result was that Calvin was able to afflict them with inimical events. Although my contact with Calvin lasted no more than ten minutes, I was infuriated that he had tried to fool me in order to gain my trust. So I sent for the cosmic cops; I asked that they appear. Mentally, I blew a whistle and pictured a very strong, moral being coming to my aid. The cop turned out to look like one of the brothers on the cough-drop box. I saw him take Calvin by the shoulders and haul him away.Cosmic cops truly exist. They're entities who have power and know how to use it. They're not at all pushy or cruel, but they're adept at taking care of any spook who tries to make trouble in the physical realm. If you sincerely need them, they'll come, manifesting as anything from an English bobby to a Japanese samurai, whatever costume inspires comfort. And they do their job well. Five months after my confrontation with Calvin, Vern and a were both working gainfully. They still had their problems, but their housing situation seemed to have stabilized.* * * * *
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