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color therapy

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To Whom Color Therapy might be an interest. You might not need a guru to

find the information you might need to better understand the application of

light radiation and it's frequencies as it effects your mental and physical

state. Read about the pioneer of such therapies Wilhelm Reich though

considered a quack by the FDA he was the pioneer of many of the technology

driven therapies and found the corellation and cure for conditions that are

directly caused by the level of light one might get during the winter

months. Reich was put into a federal prison for his continuation for selling

what the FDA deemed as quack medical apparatus. Perhaps it was not so much

what he sold as much as what he had been working on in his mountain retreat

called Orgonon, in Oregon. Read about his experiements and his observation

of the human condition, having been one of the first true

Bio-Physiologists. He is philosophies and therapies are now recognized and

praticed by specially trained doctors certified in the same manner

homeopathic physicians are certified, via a rigorous augentation in their

medical training. A good place to begin would be to read " In search of the

Orgone " by Riech and or the biography by Sharf, the books exact little I

believe is " The Unforgettable Fire " . I only mean to point those interested

in color or light therapies to the original source. Perhaps also to find

some other approuches to understanding the effect of general mood and

psychological health which directly will effect digestion and elimination

and the absorption of nutrition.

color therapy

> Nina,


> thank you so much for sharing the information on color therapy. i am so

interested in this and will definitely get the books and perhaps the color

filters. i imagine they can be used for several things. i am following a

spiritual teacher, sri siva, a guru and indian mystic who primarily teaches

sound meditation. one of the meditations for busting through karma so that

we can get rid of our unnecessary crap and really begin to create and

manifest that which we desire without any karma in the way, includes a blue

light meditation where you actually visualize a blue light going into your

throat. that is where karma resides. (adam's apple's etc. bad karma)

anyways i highly value the power of color and of sound and thanks again for

sharing this info with the group.


> my best,


> Joyce




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  • 11 months later...

color therapy



> You MUST get the book. This is the only and best guide for this


> system of color therapy. It is very inexpensive. And the plastic color

> filters to get are listed in the book. You MUST get the filters listed


> the book because of their particular wavelengths.


> Best,

> Nina

> -------------------------------------

> Hi Nina. I understand that a person needs the book to be able to do

the therapy, but I would like more info before cutting loose with fifty

bucks. smile.

> So I am wondering how long it took your friend to treat herself with

yellow and how she did it and if she saw tape worm segments come out of her

or how she knew she was tapeworm free, etc.

> Thanks,

> Donna

Actually, the book is only $12. Membership in the Dinshah Health Society is

$20 a year, which includes the book, video, newsletters, and tonation chart

(optimal times to do the color therapy based on principles of Aryuveda and

where you live).

You can get the color filters for $20, $30 if it's the larger sheets. I

added the cost of a $10 clip-on light from the hardware store, but you can

use any light source, including sunlight.

My friend saw results within a couple of weeks, and yes, she saw worm

segments come out (yucch!) within a month. Of course, it's different for

each person, but it's clear that parasites and worm do NOT like the yellow


Darius Dinshah, who carries on the work of his father, does not make much

money from this venture. He has dedicated his life to publicizing the color


I hope this helps.



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Nina, do you have an online source for the filters? I

don't think any websites are included in the book.


--- Nina Silver wrote:


> You can get the color filters for $20, $30 if it's

> the larger sheets. I

> added the cost of a $10 clip-on light from the

> hardware store, but you can

> use any light source, including sunlight.




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Re: color therapy

> Nina, do you have an online source for the filters? I

> don't think any websites are included in the book.

> Joy


Darius Dinshah's book LET THERE BE LIGHT mentions the Texas-based company

that sells the precise color gels needed for the Spectro-Chrome therapy. (I

don't have the name of the company handy at the moment.) This company sells

plastic gels mainly for theatre productions. Darius likes these gels because

they most closely approximate the glass plates that were once used by his

father for the color therapy.

One REALLY cannot do this color therapy without the book, which gives over

300 entries for color schedules for different symptom pictures and diseases.

There is a whole, elaborate system for doing this therapy. It's not hard,

but it's necessary to understand the information before doing the therapy.

It's much more info than I can possibly provide in an email.



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Re: color therapy

> Nina, do you have an online source for the filters? I

> don't think any websites are included in the book.

> Joy


Darius Dinshah's book LET THERE BE LIGHT mentions the Texas-based company

that sells the precise color gels needed for the Spectro-Chrome therapy. (I

don't have the name of the company handy at the moment.) This company sells

plastic gels mainly for theatre productions. Darius likes these gels because

they most closely approximate the glass plates that were once used by his

father for the color therapy.

One REALLY cannot do this color therapy without the book, which gives over

300 entries for color schedules for different symptom pictures and diseases.

There is a whole, elaborate system for doing this therapy. It's not hard,

but it's necessary to understand the information before doing the therapy.

It's much more info than I can possibly provide in an email.



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The Texas source listed in my copy of Let There Be Light is:

Samarco, Inc. PO box 153008, Dallas, Tx, 75315 in US.

Outside US . When I ordered mine I just asked for the

Spectrochrome filters. They know what it is, and have a packet prepared.

But, Nina is quite right, you won't get anywhere without the Dinshah

book. Another book on the subject is Light:Medicine of the Future, by

Dr. Liberman. Liberman's book is long on scientific evidence and

short on how-to, but it will convince a skeptic that color therapy has

merit. Dinshah's book is long on how-to, and the filters are inexpensive

compared to Liberman's light machine that costs thousands of dollars.

Also, work done by a number of doctors clearly show that colored light

flashing at specific frequencies, such as 8Hz, has a much more profound

effect than colored light alone. For example, a red light flashing at

that frequency raises growth hormone levels markedly!

www.toolsforwellness.com carries a lot of different books & products for

color therapy, including inexpensive colored eyeglasses that can be

purchased indiviually or in sets.

jim :)

Nina Silver wrote:

> >

> > Nina, do you have an online source for the filters? I

> > don't think any websites are included in the book.

> > Joy


> Joy,

> Darius Dinshah's book LET THERE BE LIGHT mentions the Texas-based company

> that sells the precise color gels needed for the Spectro-Chrome therapy. (I

> don't have the name of the company handy at the moment.) This company sells

> plastic gels mainly for theatre productions. Darius likes these gels because

> they most closely approximate the glass plates that were once used by his

> father for the color therapy.


> One REALLY cannot do this color therapy without the book, which gives over

> 300 entries for color schedules for different symptom pictures and diseases.

> There is a whole, elaborate system for doing this therapy. It's not hard,

> but it's necessary to understand the information before doing the therapy.

> It's much more info than I can possibly provide in an email.


> Regards,

> Nina

> --

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people seem bright

until you hear them speak. --Lou Rubinacci

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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The Texas source listed in my copy of Let There Be Light is:

Samarco, Inc. PO box 153008, Dallas, Tx, 75315 in US.

Outside US . When I ordered mine I just asked for the

Spectrochrome filters. They know what it is, and have a packet prepared.

But, Nina is quite right, you won't get anywhere without the Dinshah

book. Another book on the subject is Light:Medicine of the Future, by

Dr. Liberman. Liberman's book is long on scientific evidence and

short on how-to, but it will convince a skeptic that color therapy has

merit. Dinshah's book is long on how-to, and the filters are inexpensive

compared to Liberman's light machine that costs thousands of dollars.

Also, work done by a number of doctors clearly show that colored light

flashing at specific frequencies, such as 8Hz, has a much more profound

effect than colored light alone. For example, a red light flashing at

that frequency raises growth hormone levels markedly!

www.toolsforwellness.com carries a lot of different books & products for

color therapy, including inexpensive colored eyeglasses that can be

purchased indiviually or in sets.

jim :)

Nina Silver wrote:

> >

> > Nina, do you have an online source for the filters? I

> > don't think any websites are included in the book.

> > Joy


> Joy,

> Darius Dinshah's book LET THERE BE LIGHT mentions the Texas-based company

> that sells the precise color gels needed for the Spectro-Chrome therapy. (I

> don't have the name of the company handy at the moment.) This company sells

> plastic gels mainly for theatre productions. Darius likes these gels because

> they most closely approximate the glass plates that were once used by his

> father for the color therapy.


> One REALLY cannot do this color therapy without the book, which gives over

> 300 entries for color schedules for different symptom pictures and diseases.

> There is a whole, elaborate system for doing this therapy. It's not hard,

> but it's necessary to understand the information before doing the therapy.

> It's much more info than I can possibly provide in an email.


> Regards,

> Nina

> --

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people seem bright

until you hear them speak. --Lou Rubinacci

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Thanks Nina and Jim,

Yes, I have Dinshah's book and Lieberman's book. I

will be ordering the filters from Samarco. I was

hoping there was a website because I like to see what

it is I'm ordering before I order.

Thanks again, Joy

--- jlambert@... wrote:

> Joy,


> The Texas source listed in my copy of Let There Be

> Light is:


> Samarco, Inc. PO box 153008, Dallas, Tx, 75315 (800)

> 530-4905 in US.

> Outside US . When I ordered mine I

> just asked for the

> Spectrochrome filters. They know what it is, and

> have a packet prepared.


> But, Nina is quite right, you won't get anywhere

> without the Dinshah

> book. Another book on the subject is Light:Medicine

> of the Future, by

> Dr. Liberman. Liberman's book is long on

> scientific evidence and

> short on how-to, but it will convince a skeptic that

> color therapy has

> merit. Dinshah's book is long on how-to, and the

> filters are inexpensive

> compared to Liberman's light machine that costs

> thousands of dollars.


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Thanks Nina and Jim,

Yes, I have Dinshah's book and Lieberman's book. I

will be ordering the filters from Samarco. I was

hoping there was a website because I like to see what

it is I'm ordering before I order.

Thanks again, Joy

--- jlambert@... wrote:

> Joy,


> The Texas source listed in my copy of Let There Be

> Light is:


> Samarco, Inc. PO box 153008, Dallas, Tx, 75315 (800)

> 530-4905 in US.

> Outside US . When I ordered mine I

> just asked for the

> Spectrochrome filters. They know what it is, and

> have a packet prepared.


> But, Nina is quite right, you won't get anywhere

> without the Dinshah

> book. Another book on the subject is Light:Medicine

> of the Future, by

> Dr. Liberman. Liberman's book is long on

> scientific evidence and

> short on how-to, but it will convince a skeptic that

> color therapy has

> merit. Dinshah's book is long on how-to, and the

> filters are inexpensive

> compared to Liberman's light machine that costs

> thousands of dollars.


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Re: color therapy

> Also, work done by a number of doctors clearly show that colored light

> flashing at specific frequencies, such as 8Hz, has a much more profound

> effect than colored light alone. For example, a red light flashing at

> that frequency raises growth hormone levels markedly!

> www.toolsforwellness.com carries a lot of different books & products for

> color therapy, including inexpensive colored eyeglasses that can be

> purchased indiviually or in sets.

> jim :)


This little tidbit of info fascinates me. I have a Rife frequency device

with a 660 nanometer red light attachment. Any frequency at all can be

programmed through the light attachment.

Therefore, if I understand you correctly, if I set the unit to 8 Hz and

shine it on my forehead, this should stimulate my pineal and pituitary

glands. Is this correct?

Consider the possibilities!



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Re: color therapy

> Also, work done by a number of doctors clearly show that colored light

> flashing at specific frequencies, such as 8Hz, has a much more profound

> effect than colored light alone. For example, a red light flashing at

> that frequency raises growth hormone levels markedly!

> www.toolsforwellness.com carries a lot of different books & products for

> color therapy, including inexpensive colored eyeglasses that can be

> purchased indiviually or in sets.

> jim :)


This little tidbit of info fascinates me. I have a Rife frequency device

with a 660 nanometer red light attachment. Any frequency at all can be

programmed through the light attachment.

Therefore, if I understand you correctly, if I set the unit to 8 Hz and

shine it on my forehead, this should stimulate my pineal and pituitary

glands. Is this correct?

Consider the possibilities!



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Re: color therapy

> Thanks Nina and Jim,

> Yes, I have Dinshah's book and Lieberman's book. I

> will be ordering the filters from Samarco. I was

> hoping there was a website because I like to see what

> it is I'm ordering before I order.

> Thanks again, Joy

The color filters are clear plastic sheets not quite the thickness of the

average post card.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Reading about the light sensitivity .. a couple years back I found a set

of glasses... 9 colors... chakra colors... for COLOR THERAPY eyewear...

Living in Ohio...where we have GREY skies constantly... these glasses are

GREAT.. the violet shades make the grey/white ski BLUE !!!.. when you first

put them on .. everything appears VIOLET.. but in about 10 minutes, your

eyes 'translate' the color and you appear to see normal.. not the deep purple...

and this particular color makes reds appear neon oranges etc etc... I love


The bright teal make everything look very CLEAN ... ahahaha so I wear them


I don't want to clean house AHAHAHAHAHA

The green were great for St. 's day too :o))

Color therapy WORKS!!!!! and brain is such a mightly tool!!! I LOVE MY





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Where did you buy them from? Dr. Megson suggested using color shields over

the pages in books for ph to learn to read, as color uses the cones of

the eyes instead of the rods. But therapy would go so much easier if he

could put on glasses.

Re: Color Therapy

> Reading about the light sensitivity .. a couple years back I found a set

> of glasses... 9 colors... chakra colors... for COLOR THERAPY eyewear...


> Living in Ohio...where we have GREY skies constantly... these glasses are

> GREAT.. the violet shades make the grey/white ski BLUE !!!.. when you


> put them on .. everything appears VIOLET.. but in about 10 minutes, your

> eyes 'translate' the color and you appear to see normal.. not the deep



> and this particular color makes reds appear neon oranges etc etc... I love



> The bright teal make everything look very CLEAN ... ahahaha so I wear

them when

> I don't want to clean house AHAHAHAHAHA


> The green were great for St. 's day too :o))


> Color therapy WORKS!!!!! and brain is such a mightly tool!!! I LOVE MY




> Patti

> www.biomax1.com



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Guest guest

Where did you buy them from? Dr. Megson suggested using color shields over

the pages in books for ph to learn to read, as color uses the cones of

the eyes instead of the rods. But therapy would go so much easier if he

could put on glasses.

It may be easier but with the overlays, there are 24 (I think) colors to try

out to see which is best. You can order the sample pack and try out the

different ones before you buy the color and shade that best suits ph.

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Excellent, was it biomax that you ordered them from?

Re: Color Therapy

> Where did you buy them from? Dr. Megson suggested using color shields over

> the pages in books for ph to learn to read, as color uses the cones of

> the eyes instead of the rods. But therapy would go so much easier if he

> could put on glasses.



> It may be easier but with the overlays, there are 24 (I think) colors to


> out to see which is best. You can order the sample pack and try out the

> different ones before you buy the color and shade that best suits ph.




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  • 3 years later...

COLOR THERAPY For centuries it's been known that colors can dramatically affect our health, inner harmony and even our emotions. With the help of color the medical effect can be got which the conventional West medicine cannot receive with traditional approaches. Color is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. As the light is absorbed and reflected we end up with different colors. Everything in nature is full of color. Vibration forms everything in life. The universe is only the energy in vibration. Our body has energy fields (called charkas). All of our organs are comprised of vibrating atoms. All of us have our own unique energy system and our organs have different vibrational patterns. We all emit color. Light has different particles

called photons and microwaves. Light penetrates everything, even our bodies. Light also emits wavelengths that we cannot see (ultraviolet). These wavelengths contain radiation, which is energy. Energy is Qi and life. Now it is revealed that the length of a wave defines its color. In our environment there is an enormous quantity of waves with different frequency characteristics. Moreover, concrete frequency and color corresponds to each organ. Having the electromagnetic nature the color cooperates with the energetic structures of a human body, strengthening or suppressing their vibrations. Significant changes in energy structure of the person invariable entail changes at a physical level. HOW DOES COLOR THERAPY WORK? The method of color therapy is based on the law of resonant colors interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body. There is a resonant interaction of zones of hands and feet (chakras energy points, acupuncture

points of meridians and waves surrounding them) to similar frequency of a color source (artificial or natural). The set of frequencies related to musical notes is an example how colors works. If you place two properly tuned guitars in the same room and pluck the A string on one guitar, the A string on the second guitar will also ring. This is because the sound frequency of the A note traveled across the room causing the resonant frequency of the A string on the second guitar to sound. Likewise, the body's organs have their own resonant frequencies related to the charkas and meridians. Hence, we can "tune " our bodies for optimal wellness through color therapy by exposing our chakras and meridians to the specific color needed. The light beam is as language of the organism cells which communicate with each other, and they do so via photons and microwaves. The color scale promotes restoration of the energy balance broken by illness. Different colors give off different

wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions and consequently different disorders. Colored light can be used directly on the body's health and immuno strength, affecting the body and the emotions. It does not alter the material make up of the body, but rather the vibrational aspect, similar to homeopathy. The treatment itself involves the application of colored light to the acupuncture points on the skin with an instrument that resembles a simple pen light. It does not use needles or pierce the skin. Rather the color sensitivity of acupuncture receptors on the skin is used to absorb the colored light. Acupuncture meridians then channel healing information encoded in the light to targeted cells and the brain where it is needed. On jogas' representation, every chakra depending on frequency of vibrations prevailing in it has own color. The aura of the healthy person has pure colors.

The mechanism of many illnesses is caused by infringement of color (electromagnetic) harmony, mixture of colors, and also deficiency of the certain color necessary for normal activity of the organs and mind-emotional condition of the person. RED stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good color to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a color for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun. Spiritually it is the root color of fire and connects us to our physical self. ORANGE is the color of joy and wisdom. It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good color for

illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the color of joy. It connects us to our emotional self. YELLOW is the solar plexus chakra. It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite and helps in digestive problems. Spiritually it is the color of wisdom and connects us to our mental self. GREEN affects the heart chakra. It has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. Green color is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness. It is a good color for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers. Since green stimulates growth, it should be avoided in cancers and other tumors. Spiritually it is the color of love and connects us to perfect love. BLUE is the color for the throat chakra. It is a good color in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good

color to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the color of health and connects us to holistic thought. INDIGO is the color for healing of the brow chakra. It is a good color for sinusitis, immunity problems, and all face problems. Too much of this color can cause depression. Spiritually it is the color of intuition and connects us to our unconscious self. VIOLET is the color of the crown chakra. It is cleansing, strengthening, and awakening, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment. It affects the skeletal system of the body. It is a good color for improving immunity, cancerous conditions, and arthritis. It also purifies the system and is an excellent color for headaches and migrains. Spiritually it is the color of faith and connects us to our spiritual self. TREATMENT WITH COLOR. You can practice some exercises to heal your chakras. * Balancing the chakras. Take 7 clothes of different

colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Put violet cloth on the crown chakra. Place the rest clothes over your body at the appropriate chakra. Relax, and breathe deeply for 5 minutes. The body will absorb these colors and saturate the charkas, in that way the vibrations in your body will be balanced. * With a deep breathing imagine that you breathe air into every part, every organ of your body.This air is transformed then into different frequencies of energy. Inhale slowly though your nostrils and exhale through the mouth. Inhale and exhale to the count of 5. Place the tip of the tongue to the palate of the mouth during breathing. See and feel the air coming in at a certain color. This exercise can be done for 10 minutes in the morning. * This exercise is used when you feel that some basic color needs stimulating. Water can be infused with the color by placing water in colored glasses and exposing the water for 3 hours to sunlight. The next

day drink the water. Water can be also placed in the glass with the colored paper over it and being exposed to the sunlight for 3 hours. Colortherapy is a prolonged method of stimulation. This method of healing is carried out with the help of: felt-tip pens, markers, color varnishes, color pencils. Treatment by color can be performed on finger meridians, on chakras, painting the certain points by the certain color following the laws of colors interaction (and consequently, energies) and thus changing the energy potential (balance) both in the point, and in all meridian, and, hence, in organ. http://www.biopulse.org/color.html

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