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Re%3A %5Bhyperaldosteronism%5D Brain Fog

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Thanks .We direly need someone who wishes to help with our Filemaker Pro database. Volunteers?Others please read the items below and make suggestions. I think each person working on the "brain fog definition" for them should add their discussion to their "story".Indeed I think each story should have several chapters? These chapters can be updated as progress thru the diagnostic and treatment occurs. 1. My Diagnosis of Conn's: I am x years old, male/female, ethnic group. My educational background is: My work background is: History of smoking cigarettes is: My BP: How and when was my BP first up What drugs did and did not work and why? My K: how and when was my K found low? Are you difficult to get blood from? Did they always have you pump your fist to get blood? What was the explanation for why your K was low? What was tried to get it back up. When and what Sx did my low K cause? My Dx of PA: How and when was this first made? When Dx of Conn's was first suspected or raised what was your medical team's response? How many Drs did you have to "go thru" before the Dx was made? Were you on birth control pills at any time during this? Did you have any BP/K problems when pregnant or right after delivery? My family History of high blood pressure, low K, early stroke, early heart disease(before age 55 in men, 65 in women is: 2. My Symptoms: Peeing more that once a night: When did this start and what was the maximum number of times I was getting up to pee? What was the reason(s) given for this probelm? Fatigue: When did this start? How bad did it get before Dx? What were the explanations given for me being so tired? Muscle Cramps: When did this start? How bad did it get before Dx? Hands? describe Feet? describe Other muscle groups such as calves, back or shoulders? What were the explanations given for my cramps? What helped them? Paralysis: Describe in detail any episodes of extreme weakness or paralysis of muscle groups. Describe in detail any weak spells you would have. Brain: Did you experience any issues with: Thinking Problems? Details Balancing the checkbook for example? Memory: details Speaking/using correct words Did you have any change in the ability to taste or smell? Heart: Did you have any problems with fast or irregular heart beats? Give as many details as possible. What was the explanation for these problems? What did the chest X-ray say about my heart size? What did EKG's show?-LVH? What did an Echocardiogram show?-LVH? Was a Holter done? Results?` Was a 24 hr BP done? Results? Other heart problems have been: detail Psychological: Did you have any of the following: "Anxiety attacks": describe in detail "Panic attacks" "Depression" What explanation or Dx was given for these problems? What treatments were tried? Did you ever have a symptom complex you or others called "Brain Fog". If so what EXACTLY do you mean by brain fog? Did anyone suggest trying to rebreath in a paper bag? Did it help. Emergency Room Visits: Did you ever have to visit the ER for any of the things above. If so how many visits before the Dx. What was done and what were you told were the causes of the visits.3. My diagnostic evaluation: For testing I was referred to: An Internist Cardiologist Endocrinologist Nephrologist Hypertensionologist Who finally made the Dx? When was a renin and aldosterone first measured? List dates and all results Was a 24 hr urine collected on the same day? List dates and all results What other any Endocrine tests were done. Did you have a saline infusion test? Results? How much did you pee out during the infusion. When was a CT or MRI first done? Results. If a contrast agent (dye) was used did kidney tests change after these tests? When was an AVS done? Was ACTH used? Use our form to fill in the results. Describe you experience before and after the AVS test so others can read about it. Was the DX of Cushing's Disease tested for? Before or after testing for Conn's? Was Renal Artery stenosis every considered? What tests were done for this if any? My urine tests for proteinuria showed? What other tests were done?4. My treatment for Conn 's Medical: The medications used were: list dates, response and side effects if any. Spironolactone, Eplerenone A DASH or low salt/high potassium diet was first recommended by on date List response, side effects if any. I lost weight and my BP got better or worse or did not change? I exercised more and " " P" I was encouraged to do meditation or relaxation therapy. List response etc. Do a time line showing treatmenst on the x axis and BP, K and other responses on the y axis. Surgery: I had surgery on: The type pf surgery was: It took me x time to get back to work: days or weeks or months It took me x time to get completely back to normal. My pathology report showed: type in microscopic report.5. Miscellaneous: Add other issues we did not thing of here. On Mar 15, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Bingham wrote:Ah that damn potassium. This topic gets me pretty emotiona.l I am one of it's biggest advocates now. I also notice the difference in dietary vs pills big time. Both work, but diet is so much better. Your K loss probably had more to due with peeing than you realized......Your K had to go somewhere, but you likely just didn't notice because it might not have been dramatic. I for one peed all night and now Inever do - I don't even know how much each night for many years (at least from 2004 until2010 when we found the Conn's and hyperthryoid 6 months a part in 2010), but I never really counted HOW many times but it was easy always over 5 times a night (I think Dr G said he had someone once with 20ish times a night!) They - meaning friends, family, doctors, doctor "friends" and co-workers, etc had ME almost convinced I was stressed, over-worked, out-of-shape, drank too many sodas, etc and that my weeks long insomnias were the cause of peeing all night because I just "felt the urge because I had woke up or was already up". I ALWAYS felt the urge, but never like my bladder was going to explode - it was alot, but still subtle enough to make me wonder if it was mental or physical. But I've been saying the same thing about potassium since I discovered that all those years of not being to able to explain to anyone how absolutely fatigued I was, that brain fog, that weakness, etc was all low K. And I had hyperthyroid on top of it and through the years there were some bizarre periods kind of like you say where I would TRY to tell my wife that, "I CAN move my legs, but I really CAN'T move my legs" a strange "almost" paralysis. On the April 2010 Sunday AM they found the hyperthyroid (I WAS low K too and incredible hypertensive but they blamed it on thryoid and not Conn's yet) and that am when I went to the ER and hospital, I had to get help to get there because my legs were too weak. This AM was a culmination of somewhere though between 10-15 ER visits to the same ER in 2009-2010 and always had low K. They were never checking my thyroid, not even just TSH all the other times, even with the severe HTN and complaints of insomnia, chest pain, heart pounding etc - what's "classic" hyperthyroid. They definetely never suggested Conn's at any time. For me, today, after the fact, I recall trying to describe the leg weakness especially like there was a very strange disconnect between my legs and my brain. Anyone else feel that way, like the legs (or other ) were almost disconnected from the brain? But .....I KNEW deep down - or right on the surface really - that it wasn't due to "out of shape" or stress and that I was much more, AND REALLY sick, but I have learned the hard way for not listening to "me" better. Some questions Dr Grim asked about brain fog when I first posted about it. What is meant by brain fog? Do you mean after you smoke special cigarettes or what?Certainly not standard terms. So unless we know exactly what you and those who are to answer know what your are talking about?Also want to know what brings it on? what makes it worse? What makes it go away? Can you "tell" when it is coming on? How? If you know it is coming on can you stop it? How do you do that?How long does it last? Describe how it comes on and goes away in as much detail as possible.What time of day? Does food affect either? Do menses affect either. Are meds you are taking related to either? Does peeing or having a BM bring it on or off? Does it occur before during or after sexual activity?Is your vision affected by either?What does you heart rate do during either? What does your breathing rate do during either.Do you also get dizzy? If yes answer all the above.Do you have vertigo? see above.

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