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page editor:Inken Denker last modified: 20/11/2007

26 September 2007

Persistent corruption in low-income countries requires global actionConcerted efforts needed in rich and poor countries to stem flow of corrupt monies and make justice work for the poorest

Press Release CPI in français, español, arabic, russian, chinese CPI table CPI sources CPI table and sources Regional Fact Sheets Methodology short

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Corruption drains desperately needed resources, says TI’s Labelle National Chapter events and press releases

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Persistent corruption in low-income countries requires global action

Concerted efforts needed in rich and poor countries to stem flow of corrupt monies and make justice work for the poorest

The divide in perceived levels of corruption in rich and poor countries remains as sharp as ever, according to the 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), released today by Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption. Developed and developing countries must share responsibility for reducing corruption, in tackling both the supply and demand sides.

“Despite some gains, corruption remains an enormous drain on resources sorely needed for education, health and infrastructure,†said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International. “Low scoring countries need to take these results seriously and act now to strengthen accountability in public institutions. But action from top scoring countries is just as important, particularly in cracking down on corrupt activity in the private sector.â€

The 2007 results

The 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index looks at perceptions of public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories - the greatest country coverage of any CPI to date – and is a composite index that draws on 14 expert opinion surveys. It scores countries on a scale from zero to ten, with zero indicating high levels of perceived corruption and ten indicating low levels of perceived corruption.

A strong correlation between corruption and poverty continues to be evident. Forty percent of those scoring below three, indicating that corruption is perceived as rampant, are classified by the World Bank as low income countries. Somalia and Myanmar share the lowest score of 1.4, while Denmark has edged up to share the top score of 9.4 with perennial high-flyers Finland and New Zealand.

Scores are significantly higher in several African countries in the 2007 CPI. These include Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa and Swaziland. These results reflect the positive progress of anti-corruption efforts in Africa and show that genuine political will and reform can lower perceived levels of corruption.

Other countries with a significant improvement include Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominica, Italy, FYR Macedonia, Romania and Suriname. Countries with a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption in 2007 include Austria, Bahrain, Belize, Bhutan, Jordan, Laos, Macao, Malta, Mauritius, Oman, Papua New Guinea and Thailand.

The concentration of gainers in South East and Eastern Europe testifies to the galvanising effect of the European Union accession process on the fight against corruption.

At the same time, deeply troubled states such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, and Sudan remain at the very bottom of the index. “Countries torn apart by conflict pay a huge toll in their capacity to govern. With public institutions crippled or non-existent, mercenary individuals help themselves to public resources and corruption thrives,†said Labelle.

Good governance begins at home

The poorest countries suffer most under the yoke of corruption. And it is ultimately their responsibility to tackle the problem. Low scores in the CPI indicate that public institutions are heavily compromised. The first order of business is to improve transparency in financial management, from revenue collection to expenditure, as well as strengthening oversight and putting an end to the impunity of corrupt officials.

An independent and professional judicial system is critical to ending impunity and enforcing the impartial rule of law, to promoting public, donor and investor confidence. If courts cannot be relied upon to pursue corrupt officials or to assist in tracing and returning illicit wealth, progress against corruption is unlikely.

“Partnering with civil society and citizens is another essential strategy for developing countries seeking to strengthen the accountability of government. Civil society organisations play a vital watchdog role, can help stimulate demand for reform and also bring in expertise on technical issues,†said Cobus de Swardt, Managing Director of Transparency International. “But, increasingly, many governments are moving to restrict the operating space of civil society.â€

In addition, many countries are unable to shoulder the burden of reform alone. In countries where public sector institutions were historically based on patronage and nepotism rather than merit, reform takes time and can require a substantial investment of resources, as well as technical assistance. As significant development assistance donors, top scoring countries play a special role in supporting greater accountability and institutional integrity in countries plagued by the highest levels of public sector corruption. Technical assistance is a key requirement of the landmark United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

Corruption is a problem with global roots

The top scores of wealthy countries and territories, largely in Europe, East Asia and North America, reflect their relatively clean public sectors, enabled by political stability, well-established conflict of interest and freedom of information regulations and a civil society free to exercise oversight.

But corruption by high-level public officials in poor countries has an international dimension that implicates the CPI’s top scorers. Bribe money often stems from multinationals based in the world’s richest countries. It can no longer be acceptable for these companies to regard bribery in export markets as a legitimate business strategy.

In addition, global financial centres play a pivotal role in allowing corrupt officials to move, hide and invest their illicitly gained wealth. Offshore financing, for example, played a crucial role in the looting of millions from developing countries such as Nigeria and the Philippines, facilitating the misdeeds of corrupt leaders and impoverishing those they governed.

Akere Muna, Vice Chair of Transparency International, pointed to the recovery of stolen assets as another area ripe for enhanced action by developed nations, noting, “Criticism by rich countries of corruption in poor ones has little credibility while their financial institutions sit on wealth stolen from the world’s poorest people.â€

In many cases, asset tracing and recovery are hindered by the laundering of funds through offshore banks in jurisdictions where banking secrecy remains the norm. Through the UNCAC, priority should be given to improving international cooperation and mutual legal assistance, expediting action to recover assets, and developing legal and technical expertise in nations requesting the return of looted assets.

For many countries, repatriation of funds will mean long and extensive litigation. “In addition to ensuring adequate legal funding, simplifying recovery procedures and provisions for third party institutions to act as escrows during litigation must be a high priority,†Muna added.

Act now: urgent steps

photo: Hagen Schenk

As a problem of global scale, with global roots, fighting corruption demands action on a broad front.

Developing countries should use aid money to strengthen their governance institutions, guided by national assessments and development strategies, and to incorporate strengthened integrity and corruption prevention as an integral part of poverty reduction programmes.

Judicial independence, integrity and accountability must be enhanced to improve the credibility of justice systems in poorer countries. Not only must judicial proceedings be freed of political influence, judges themselves must be subject to disciplinary rules, limited immunity and a code of judicial conduct to help ensure that justice is served. A clean and capable judiciary is essential if developing countries are to manage requests for assistance in the recovery of stolen assets from abroad.

Governments must introduce anti-money laundering measures to eradicate safe havens for stolen assets, as prescribed by the UNCAC. Leading banking centres should explore the development of uniform expedited procedures for the identification, freezing and repatriation of the proceeds of corruption. Clear escrow provisions for disputed funds are essential.

Wealthy countries must regulate their financial centres more strictly. Focusing on the roles of trusts, demanding knowledge of beneficial ownership and strengthening anti-money laundering provisions are just a few of the ways that rich governments can tackle the facilitators of corruption.

The world’s wealthiest governments must strictly enforce the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, which criminalises the bribery of foreign public officials. Lack of compliance with the convention’s provisions continues to hinder corruption investigations and prosecutions.

The boards of multinational companies must not only introduce but implement effective anti-bribery codes, and ensure that they are adhered to by subsidiaries and foreign offices.

Huguette Labelle speaks about the Corruption Perceptions Index 2007

listen to mp3 file “Despite some gains, corruption remains an enormous drain on resources sorely needed for education, health and infrastructure, Low scoring countries need to take these results seriously and act now to strengthen accountability in public institutions. But action from top scoring countries is just as important, particularly in cracking down on corrupt activity in the private sector.â€

listen to mp3 file “It is blatantly immoral that wealth stolen from poor countries is allowed to circulate freely in the economies of some of the world’s wealthiest nations. Governments must tighten their control on their banking infrastructure to ensure that this money is returned to its rightful owners".

listen to mp3 file “Countries at both ends of the Corruption Perceptions Index have responsibilities in fighting corruption. Poor countries can’t fight this battle alone. Helping to facilitate the recovery of assets stolen by corrupt dictators is just one way developed countries can take an active role.â€

Questions and answers on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2007 with Huguette Labelle

listen to mp3 Question: The countries with the best scores in the CPI seem to be some of the world’s richest countries – is higher GDP the key to less corruption?Answer: I think the difference between the countries at the top and the bottom is not so much due to their relative wealth or poverty, but to the development of their institutions. The top scorers have effective public sectors, with open contracting procedures, strong disclosure rules and access to information.listen to mp3 file Question: Many of the countries with the worst scores in the CPI are victims of violent conflict (Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan). What is the relationship between failed states and corruption?Answer: In a crisis situation, the institutions of government are weakened, so corruption can more easily take hold and spread. It is not just individuals, but also institutions, that are responsible for maintaining integrity in a country. Many countries at the bottom of the CPI are failed states that are at the intersection of poverty, conflict and corruption.

listen to mp3 file Question: What are some of the problems with regard to returning assets?Answer: Generally speaking, government oversight of financial systems is still inadequate. All countries should tighten their banking laws. Countries home to major financial centres have an additional responsibility in this regard. Different legislation and procedures in countries around the world are also a barrier to the recovery of stolen assets.

listen to mp3 fileQuestion: What should banks do to help return stolen assets?Answer: Banks should know their customers and follow strict guidelines to assess whether very large deposits are coming from suspicious or illegal sources or activities. Some banks have already made such commitments, for example, to monitor Politically Exposed Persons and their deposits.

listen to mp3 fileQuestion: What are priority areas for developing countries to address to improve the perceptions of corruption in their countries?Answer: Developing countries should use aid money to strengthen their governance institutions, and incorporate strengthened integrity and corruption prevention as an integral part of poverty reduction programmes. The justice system is also a priority area. Judicial independence, integrity and accountability must be enhanced to improve the credibility of justice systems in poorer countries. Of course, the key starting point for any of these reforms is, very simply, political will.

Press kits







News coverage

GlobalThe Wall Street Journal Asia: Combating Corruption2 October 2007

Globeandmail: How do we break the corruption cycle?27 September 2007

Washington Post: Corruption Index cites Burma, Somalia27 September 2007

Times online: Multinationals 'fuel corruption in poor states'26 September 2007

The Financial Times: West ‘complicit’ in Third World corruption26 September 2007

Hindustan Times (AP): Myanmar, Somalia ranked worst in 2007 corruption index26 September 2007

USA Today (AP): Burma, Somalia ranked most corrupt26 September 2007

AFP: Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq top corruption hit list: sleaze watchdog26 September 2007

Radio Canada: Champions de la corruption26 September 2007

Africa and Middle East Deutsche Welle: Lutte contre la corruption26 September 2007

Afrique Information: Botswana, South Africa rated least corrupt African nations27 September 2007

Gulf Daily News: Corruption index blow for Bahrain27 September 2007

The Nation: Kenya: Country Scores Low Grade in Graft War27 September 2007

Middle East Online: Iraq, Somalia top corruption hit list 26 September 2007

Americas Starbroeknews: Corruption still perceived as rampant here -TI survey27 September 2007

El Universal: Comptroller rejects Transparency International report 27 September 2007

Jamaican Gleaner: Jamaica more corrupt - Falls 23 places on International Perception Index27 September 2007

Radio Nederland: Conflicto y corrupción van de la mano26 September 2007

BBC Brasil: Brasil melhora 'nota' de corrupção apesar de escândalos26 September 2007

AFP: América Latina sigue a la zaga en lucha contra corrupción26 September 2007

Globo.com: Brasil fica em 72º em ranking mundial de corrupção, diz ONG26 September 2007

Asia and Pacific RegionBloomberg: Asia Has Deja Vu as Corruption Leaves Its Mark27 September 2007

Channel News Asia: S'pore ranked among least corrupted in global index: TI27 September 2007

Merinews: TI Corruption Index dubs South Asia most corrupt27 September 2007

Asia News: Myanmar is the world's most corrupt country27 September 2007

BBC News: Burma hits new low in corruption 26 September 2007

The Guardian: Burma is world's most corrupt country, says report26 September 2007

Forbes: Funny Money In Myanmar26 September 2007

Korea Times: Transparency International Says Korea's Corruption Worsens26 September 2007

Digitaljournal (DPA): Corruption prevalent in Asia-Pacific region, Transparency says26 September 2007

The Lede, New York Times blog: How to Spot a Corrupt Nation26 September 2007

Central Asia and EuropeArmenia now: Better than Myanmar, Worse than Turkey: Corruption report “no occasion for joy†28 September 2007

Regnum: Russian prime minister does not trust in Transparency International ratings28 September 2007

B92: Balkan corruption perception remains high27 September 2007

The Tiraspol Times: Moldova among most corrupt nations, says watchdog27 September 2007

Reuters: Multinationals fuel graft in poor states-watchdog26 September 2007

Radio Free Europe:Russia Influence 'Bad For Corruption' In Ex-Soviet Area26 September 2007

Novinite: Bulgaria Falls on Anti-Corruption Index, Still Ahead of Romania26 September 2007

Britain: Corruption Rankings Are Topped by Myanmar, Somalia

IRNA: Denmark, Finland are least corrupt countries in the world: survey26 September 2007

Irish Times: Irish rating edges up on anti-corruption26 September 2007

Spiegel: Kaum Fortschritt bei Korruptionsbekämpfung in Deutschland26 September 2007

The CPI is carried out for Transparency International by Prof. Johann Graf Lambsdorff of the University of Passau in Germany.

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2008 past editions 2007

corruption analysis in southern africa global corruption barometer 2007 ten years OECD convention democracias latinoamericanas latin american democracies TI annual membership meeting


cpi 2007 table launches around the world

back to school whistleblowers 3rd oecd progress report G8 gcr 2007 AR2006 uncac Africa revenue transparency NIS in East and Southeast Asia RECREA world economic forum youth and corruption year in review

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page editor:Inken Denker last modified: 20/11/2007

26 September 2007

Persistent corruption in low-income countries requires global actionConcerted efforts needed in rich and poor countries to stem flow of corrupt monies and make justice work for the poorest

Press Release CPI in français, español, arabic, russian, chinese CPI table CPI sources CPI table and sources Regional Fact Sheets Methodology short

Methodology long FAQ

Download worldmap and poster of the CPI 2007

Corruption drains desperately needed resources, says TI’s Labelle National Chapter events and press releases

News coverage Previous CPIs National Integrity System Studies Media contacts

Click here to download the worldmap as PDF

Persistent corruption in low-income countries requires global action

Concerted efforts needed in rich and poor countries to stem flow of corrupt monies and make justice work for the poorest

The divide in perceived levels of corruption in rich and poor countries remains as sharp as ever, according to the 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), released today by Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption. Developed and developing countries must share responsibility for reducing corruption, in tackling both the supply and demand sides.

“Despite some gains, corruption remains an enormous drain on resources sorely needed for education, health and infrastructure,†said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International. “Low scoring countries need to take these results seriously and act now to strengthen accountability in public institutions. But action from top scoring countries is just as important, particularly in cracking down on corrupt activity in the private sector.â€

The 2007 results

The 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index looks at perceptions of public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories - the greatest country coverage of any CPI to date – and is a composite index that draws on 14 expert opinion surveys. It scores countries on a scale from zero to ten, with zero indicating high levels of perceived corruption and ten indicating low levels of perceived corruption.

A strong correlation between corruption and poverty continues to be evident. Forty percent of those scoring below three, indicating that corruption is perceived as rampant, are classified by the World Bank as low income countries. Somalia and Myanmar share the lowest score of 1.4, while Denmark has edged up to share the top score of 9.4 with perennial high-flyers Finland and New Zealand.

Scores are significantly higher in several African countries in the 2007 CPI. These include Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa and Swaziland. These results reflect the positive progress of anti-corruption efforts in Africa and show that genuine political will and reform can lower perceived levels of corruption.

Other countries with a significant improvement include Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominica, Italy, FYR Macedonia, Romania and Suriname. Countries with a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption in 2007 include Austria, Bahrain, Belize, Bhutan, Jordan, Laos, Macao, Malta, Mauritius, Oman, Papua New Guinea and Thailand.

The concentration of gainers in South East and Eastern Europe testifies to the galvanising effect of the European Union accession process on the fight against corruption.

At the same time, deeply troubled states such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, and Sudan remain at the very bottom of the index. “Countries torn apart by conflict pay a huge toll in their capacity to govern. With public institutions crippled or non-existent, mercenary individuals help themselves to public resources and corruption thrives,†said Labelle.

Good governance begins at home

The poorest countries suffer most under the yoke of corruption. And it is ultimately their responsibility to tackle the problem. Low scores in the CPI indicate that public institutions are heavily compromised. The first order of business is to improve transparency in financial management, from revenue collection to expenditure, as well as strengthening oversight and putting an end to the impunity of corrupt officials.

An independent and professional judicial system is critical to ending impunity and enforcing the impartial rule of law, to promoting public, donor and investor confidence. If courts cannot be relied upon to pursue corrupt officials or to assist in tracing and returning illicit wealth, progress against corruption is unlikely.

“Partnering with civil society and citizens is another essential strategy for developing countries seeking to strengthen the accountability of government. Civil society organisations play a vital watchdog role, can help stimulate demand for reform and also bring in expertise on technical issues,†said Cobus de Swardt, Managing Director of Transparency International. “But, increasingly, many governments are moving to restrict the operating space of civil society.â€

In addition, many countries are unable to shoulder the burden of reform alone. In countries where public sector institutions were historically based on patronage and nepotism rather than merit, reform takes time and can require a substantial investment of resources, as well as technical assistance. As significant development assistance donors, top scoring countries play a special role in supporting greater accountability and institutional integrity in countries plagued by the highest levels of public sector corruption. Technical assistance is a key requirement of the landmark United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

Corruption is a problem with global roots

The top scores of wealthy countries and territories, largely in Europe, East Asia and North America, reflect their relatively clean public sectors, enabled by political stability, well-established conflict of interest and freedom of information regulations and a civil society free to exercise oversight.

But corruption by high-level public officials in poor countries has an international dimension that implicates the CPI’s top scorers. Bribe money often stems from multinationals based in the world’s richest countries. It can no longer be acceptable for these companies to regard bribery in export markets as a legitimate business strategy.

In addition, global financial centres play a pivotal role in allowing corrupt officials to move, hide and invest their illicitly gained wealth. Offshore financing, for example, played a crucial role in the looting of millions from developing countries such as Nigeria and the Philippines, facilitating the misdeeds of corrupt leaders and impoverishing those they governed.

Akere Muna, Vice Chair of Transparency International, pointed to the recovery of stolen assets as another area ripe for enhanced action by developed nations, noting, “Criticism by rich countries of corruption in poor ones has little credibility while their financial institutions sit on wealth stolen from the world’s poorest people.â€

In many cases, asset tracing and recovery are hindered by the laundering of funds through offshore banks in jurisdictions where banking secrecy remains the norm. Through the UNCAC, priority should be given to improving international cooperation and mutual legal assistance, expediting action to recover assets, and developing legal and technical expertise in nations requesting the return of looted assets.

For many countries, repatriation of funds will mean long and extensive litigation. “In addition to ensuring adequate legal funding, simplifying recovery procedures and provisions for third party institutions to act as escrows during litigation must be a high priority,†Muna added.

Act now: urgent steps

photo: Hagen Schenk

As a problem of global scale, with global roots, fighting corruption demands action on a broad front.

Developing countries should use aid money to strengthen their governance institutions, guided by national assessments and development strategies, and to incorporate strengthened integrity and corruption prevention as an integral part of poverty reduction programmes.

Judicial independence, integrity and accountability must be enhanced to improve the credibility of justice systems in poorer countries. Not only must judicial proceedings be freed of political influence, judges themselves must be subject to disciplinary rules, limited immunity and a code of judicial conduct to help ensure that justice is served. A clean and capable judiciary is essential if developing countries are to manage requests for assistance in the recovery of stolen assets from abroad.

Governments must introduce anti-money laundering measures to eradicate safe havens for stolen assets, as prescribed by the UNCAC. Leading banking centres should explore the development of uniform expedited procedures for the identification, freezing and repatriation of the proceeds of corruption. Clear escrow provisions for disputed funds are essential.

Wealthy countries must regulate their financial centres more strictly. Focusing on the roles of trusts, demanding knowledge of beneficial ownership and strengthening anti-money laundering provisions are just a few of the ways that rich governments can tackle the facilitators of corruption.

The world’s wealthiest governments must strictly enforce the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, which criminalises the bribery of foreign public officials. Lack of compliance with the convention’s provisions continues to hinder corruption investigations and prosecutions.

The boards of multinational companies must not only introduce but implement effective anti-bribery codes, and ensure that they are adhered to by subsidiaries and foreign offices.

Huguette Labelle speaks about the Corruption Perceptions Index 2007

listen to mp3 file “Despite some gains, corruption remains an enormous drain on resources sorely needed for education, health and infrastructure, Low scoring countries need to take these results seriously and act now to strengthen accountability in public institutions. But action from top scoring countries is just as important, particularly in cracking down on corrupt activity in the private sector.â€

listen to mp3 file “It is blatantly immoral that wealth stolen from poor countries is allowed to circulate freely in the economies of some of the world’s wealthiest nations. Governments must tighten their control on their banking infrastructure to ensure that this money is returned to its rightful owners".

listen to mp3 file “Countries at both ends of the Corruption Perceptions Index have responsibilities in fighting corruption. Poor countries can’t fight this battle alone. Helping to facilitate the recovery of assets stolen by corrupt dictators is just one way developed countries can take an active role.â€

Questions and answers on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2007 with Huguette Labelle

listen to mp3 Question: The countries with the best scores in the CPI seem to be some of the world’s richest countries – is higher GDP the key to less corruption?Answer: I think the difference between the countries at the top and the bottom is not so much due to their relative wealth or poverty, but to the development of their institutions. The top scorers have effective public sectors, with open contracting procedures, strong disclosure rules and access to information.listen to mp3 file Question: Many of the countries with the worst scores in the CPI are victims of violent conflict (Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan). What is the relationship between failed states and corruption?Answer: In a crisis situation, the institutions of government are weakened, so corruption can more easily take hold and spread. It is not just individuals, but also institutions, that are responsible for maintaining integrity in a country. Many countries at the bottom of the CPI are failed states that are at the intersection of poverty, conflict and corruption.

listen to mp3 file Question: What are some of the problems with regard to returning assets?Answer: Generally speaking, government oversight of financial systems is still inadequate. All countries should tighten their banking laws. Countries home to major financial centres have an additional responsibility in this regard. Different legislation and procedures in countries around the world are also a barrier to the recovery of stolen assets.

listen to mp3 fileQuestion: What should banks do to help return stolen assets?Answer: Banks should know their customers and follow strict guidelines to assess whether very large deposits are coming from suspicious or illegal sources or activities. Some banks have already made such commitments, for example, to monitor Politically Exposed Persons and their deposits.

listen to mp3 fileQuestion: What are priority areas for developing countries to address to improve the perceptions of corruption in their countries?Answer: Developing countries should use aid money to strengthen their governance institutions, and incorporate strengthened integrity and corruption prevention as an integral part of poverty reduction programmes. The justice system is also a priority area. Judicial independence, integrity and accountability must be enhanced to improve the credibility of justice systems in poorer countries. Of course, the key starting point for any of these reforms is, very simply, political will.

Press kits







News coverage

GlobalThe Wall Street Journal Asia: Combating Corruption2 October 2007

Globeandmail: How do we break the corruption cycle?27 September 2007

Washington Post: Corruption Index cites Burma, Somalia27 September 2007

Times online: Multinationals 'fuel corruption in poor states'26 September 2007

The Financial Times: West ‘complicit’ in Third World corruption26 September 2007

Hindustan Times (AP): Myanmar, Somalia ranked worst in 2007 corruption index26 September 2007

USA Today (AP): Burma, Somalia ranked most corrupt26 September 2007

AFP: Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq top corruption hit list: sleaze watchdog26 September 2007

Radio Canada: Champions de la corruption26 September 2007

Africa and Middle East Deutsche Welle: Lutte contre la corruption26 September 2007

Afrique Information: Botswana, South Africa rated least corrupt African nations27 September 2007

Gulf Daily News: Corruption index blow for Bahrain27 September 2007

The Nation: Kenya: Country Scores Low Grade in Graft War27 September 2007

Middle East Online: Iraq, Somalia top corruption hit list 26 September 2007

Americas Starbroeknews: Corruption still perceived as rampant here -TI survey27 September 2007

El Universal: Comptroller rejects Transparency International report 27 September 2007

Jamaican Gleaner: Jamaica more corrupt - Falls 23 places on International Perception Index27 September 2007

Radio Nederland: Conflicto y corrupción van de la mano26 September 2007

BBC Brasil: Brasil melhora 'nota' de corrupção apesar de escândalos26 September 2007

AFP: América Latina sigue a la zaga en lucha contra corrupción26 September 2007

Globo.com: Brasil fica em 72º em ranking mundial de corrupção, diz ONG26 September 2007

Asia and Pacific RegionBloomberg: Asia Has Deja Vu as Corruption Leaves Its Mark27 September 2007

Channel News Asia: S'pore ranked among least corrupted in global index: TI27 September 2007

Merinews: TI Corruption Index dubs South Asia most corrupt27 September 2007

Asia News: Myanmar is the world's most corrupt country27 September 2007

BBC News: Burma hits new low in corruption 26 September 2007

The Guardian: Burma is world's most corrupt country, says report26 September 2007

Forbes: Funny Money In Myanmar26 September 2007

Korea Times: Transparency International Says Korea's Corruption Worsens26 September 2007

Digitaljournal (DPA): Corruption prevalent in Asia-Pacific region, Transparency says26 September 2007

The Lede, New York Times blog: How to Spot a Corrupt Nation26 September 2007

Central Asia and EuropeArmenia now: Better than Myanmar, Worse than Turkey: Corruption report “no occasion for joy†28 September 2007

Regnum: Russian prime minister does not trust in Transparency International ratings28 September 2007

B92: Balkan corruption perception remains high27 September 2007

The Tiraspol Times: Moldova among most corrupt nations, says watchdog27 September 2007

Reuters: Multinationals fuel graft in poor states-watchdog26 September 2007

Radio Free Europe:Russia Influence 'Bad For Corruption' In Ex-Soviet Area26 September 2007

Novinite: Bulgaria Falls on Anti-Corruption Index, Still Ahead of Romania26 September 2007

Britain: Corruption Rankings Are Topped by Myanmar, Somalia

IRNA: Denmark, Finland are least corrupt countries in the world: survey26 September 2007

Irish Times: Irish rating edges up on anti-corruption26 September 2007

Spiegel: Kaum Fortschritt bei Korruptionsbekämpfung in Deutschland26 September 2007

The CPI is carried out for Transparency International by Prof. Johann Graf Lambsdorff of the University of Passau in Germany.

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