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Fw: [SPAM] NorthPoint Journal Mar 10 to 16, 2008

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This is an excellent astrological commentary. Don't worry about the dates, it will continue for a couple of more weeks. It even coincides with what Bishop says. Blessings, Joy

[sPAM] NorthPoint Journal Mar 10 to 16, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

For March 10 to 16, 2008

Note: If you are unable to read or copy the text of this issue, please visit the "Journal" page of my website: www.northpointastrology.com.

The seesaw effect of the Mars-Pluto opposition has been on either front or back burners since last September. These have been months of intense experience and major change as these two forceful planets have played tug-of-war from opposite sides of the zodiac. Accordingly, we are dealing with the aftermaths of life-altering challenges, important transitions and, in some cases, heartbreaking losses.

Through these experiences, we've had opportunities to take charge of life in new ways. While Pluto was in Sagittarius and Mars in Gemini, that empowerment came through an increased awareness of what core truths we choose to live by. And, through a confrontation between knowledge and wisdom, our definition of truth was changed.

We may have found new value in situation ethics, rather than relying without question on the unbending morals once presented as absolute. Concepts of right and wrong have mutated, and we've learned a new tenet: that Love is the ultimate Rule, and that Truth is only that which is based in Love.

The world view that we once relied upon for support had become a crutch that obsolved us of the need to find our own interpretation of the laws of living. Now, having taken back our ability to trust our own wisdom, we are learning to walk again on our own. Along the way, we are mending the wounds incurred as we struggled to accommodate and understand the incredible shifts underway.

As we take our first steps without reliance on the old beliefs, our balance is not yet solid, and we waver. But with Pluto now in Capricorn, we have opened a new chapter in our textbook for Empowerment 2008 -- a graduate-level class, for certain. Whereas the last chapter may have been entitled "The Power in Wisdom," this new chapter may be called "The Power of Inner Authority."

(But, since a chapter title in this magic textbook called life becomes known only once it has been read, I retain my right to rename this chapter as time unfolds...)

During this portion of our education, our lessons will most likely involve learning how to walk on our own, without the authorities and social structures we once relied upon to tell us what mountain to climb, which road to take to get to the top, and what to pay attention to on the way there.

With Pluto in Capricorn, the current opposition with Mars finds the red planet in sensitive Cancer. Back on the seesaw, we can sense the empowerment to be gained through taking on greater responsibility for the progress of our personal and common goals. But as we consider standing up to those in authority, we are still well aware of our vulnerability.

Overcome by the magnitude of the confrontation, we may hide inside our caves in hope that things will settle down soon, or, alternatively, we may come out of our dens with guns blasting, like Yosemite Sam in the old Warner Brothers cartoons. Interestingly, what seem like opposite responses are both the result of feeling overly vulnerable and not knowing how to move beyond those feelings -- and both are examples of how Mars in Cancer can manifest when under stress.

In contrast, Capricorn prefers to focus on the practical goal, and doesn't like to be sidetracked by emotional issues. Pluto's job while in Capricorn -- and especially when triggered by another planet -- is to help us realize the power of our individual intentions and focus. As a part of his task, he will be challenging our commitment to the status quo, and to commonly accepted protocols and goals. Our fears of confronting "the powers that be," are likely to be triggered as Pluto helps us ultimately rise above them and reclaim our Inner Authority.

How do we navigate this new variation on the Pluto-Mars seesaw ride? The main character in "To Kill a Mockingbird" comes to mind, as an example of how one man utilized the strengths of both the focus and integrity of Capricorn and the heart and sensivity of Cancer.

The story is told through the eyes of a six-year-old girl named Scout, daughter of Atticus Finch, a lawyer in racially divided Alabama in 1932. I highly recommend both the book and the movie. Peck won an Academy Award in 1962 for his inspiring portrayal of Scout's father, who takes a case defending an African American man, and does so with both strength and vulnerability.

So, you may be asking yourself, why so much time spent on an aspect that was exact a week ago?

The reason is that the Cardinal Grand Cross formed by the Full Moon on March 21 involves the Pluto-Mars opposition, and so the energy of this aspect is being extended, and perhaps even emphasized, for the next couple of weeks. And, with Pluto only recently having entered Capricorn, this is our first real-life experience of what his intentions in the new sign may be.

Other influences this week are more other-worldly in effect. On the heels of the Neptune-Mercury conjunction on the day of this writing, comes a Neptune-Mercury parallel on Tuesday, and the ingress of both Venus and Mercury into Pisces in the days that follow. These all emphasize the spiritual/creative side of physical reality, helping elevate us to new heights of compassion and heart-centered living.

And, since Venus and Mercury both interact in helpful ways with Pluto during the week, there are likely to be opportunities for us to find better balance on the Pluto-Mars seesaw, based our enhanced ability to intuit spiritual/creative solutions to issues that arise. In addition, Saturn in Virgo makes a flowing aspect to Mars, assisting us in developing the practical skills needed to put those solutions into action.

The North Node is also involved in several of the highlighted aspects for the week. This point in space represents the direction of our collective spiritual growth, and is currently in Aquarius. Aspects throughout the week compel us to take that next growth-step of working with others for the common good, rather than for purposes of self-aggrandizement, personal pride or individual power.

Seeing our choices now, it will be interesting to see which road is taken by each of the players on the political stage over the next couple of weeks -- and especially important for each of us as individuals to take the highest road available.



Highlighted Aspects for This Week

Monday: Venus conjunct North Node; Tuesday: Neptune parallel Mercury; Wednesday: Venus enters Pisces, Mercury conjunct North Node, Venus parallel North Node; Thursday: Pluto sextile Venus; Friday: Saturn contraparallel Venus, Saturn sextile Mars, Mercury enters Pisces; Saturday: Pluto sextile Mercury, Saturn opposite Venus; Sunday: Mars trine Venus, Mercury parallel North Node, Jupiter semisquare Mercury

About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. The information contained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by factors at work with your personal chart.

If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or are interested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail pam@... or call 425-445-3775.


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