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[sPAM] NorthPoint Journal March 17 to 23, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

For March 17 to 23, 2008

Note: If you are unable to read or copy the text of this issue, please visit the "Journal" page of my website: www.northpointastrology.com.

We move through a series of energetic waves this week, each one building on the last to move us forward on our journey:

First, Saturn the Teacher brings our dreams into the bright light of reality and asks us to rethink our priorities. Then the Sun enters Aries, marking the Spring Equinox and the beginning of the Astrological New Year. Toward week's end, a powerful Full Moon empowers us to make important shifts that will guide us for many months to come. And the weekend focuses our intentions as we make necessary adjustments, while also offering new opportunities for self-realization.

Saturn is known as the Teacher or Lesson-Bringer among the planets, and begins this week testing the practicality of our dreams. While his intention is always to make us stronger and more self-sufficient, Saturn's effect can also result in negative thinking, if we allow discernment to become overly critical.

With Saturn working with Mercury on Monday and Jupiter on Tuesday, do your best to be objective about your goals and dreams, and be willing to take note of what will and won't work for you in practical ways. Remember that this is a time to refine our imaginings, not to discard them completely. If you are tempted to throw in the towel, give yourself a day or two to think about it before making a final decision. However, if it clear that something is not working, Saturn can supply the objectivity to help you let go and move on.

This is, after all, Saturn's intention -- to help us to think more rationally and responsibly, and to create forms that are both functional and supportive. While Mercury in Pisces has been expanding our imaginations and intuitive abilities, Saturn in Virgo will require that we balance those waking and sleeping dreams with a mature perspective and a focus on tangible results.

Saturn then moves into aspect with Jupiter, further refining our aspirations. Jupiter is currently in Capricorn, with the intention of expanding our self-sufficiency and reliance on our own inner authority for guidance. At the same time, Jupiter may also exaggerate our need for someone to take charge, to fill the role of father for us and tell us what is right.

If our expectations have gotten out of hand, if we are feeling overly self-important or are stuck in the role of needy child, Saturn will supply a reality-check this week. We will be reminded of our responsibilities, not only to ourselves but also in service to the Whole.

This Saturn-Jupiter aspect is one phase in a cycle that began back in May and June of 2000, when Saturn and Jupiter aligned in Taurus. That conjunction marked the beginning of a 20-year developmental cycle meant to realign the values on which our society is based.

In this phase of the cycle, we are now challenged to find new ways to manage the Earth's resources as well as our financial assets. The ultimate question becomes: What do we value, and where do we want to invest our time, our energy and our hope for the future? And, with both Saturn and Jupiter currently in earth signs, how do we bring those values into tangible form?

Fortunately, with Mars and Mercury working hand-in-hand this week, we are enabled to tap into the emotional energy and spiritual inspiration that will positively guide the forms we create.

Also of help is the fact that Wednesday is the astrological New Year, when the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This change of signs marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. As we move into a month of seeding new thoughts and potentials, it is good to know we will all have the Earth's well-being and the strengthening of our shared foundations as priorities.

One would think that would be enough to digest in one sitting -- but we haven't yet discussed the primary influence of the week: the Full Moon and Cardinal Grand Cross on Friday.

The Sabian symbol* for the Full Moon gives us the hope we've been seeking through these times of challenge. The symbol description reads:

"The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed-realizations of the forever-creative spirit; A repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness."

The explanation by astrologer Dane Rudhyar (in his book An Astrological Mandala) indicates that the original wording of this symbol was: "The light of the sixth Race transmuted to the seventh." He states that it "represents the fruition of all past efforts" and the realization that:

"All that was manifested in the plant is gathered in the hidden seed, which in due time becomes the foundation of a new cycle of existence. The fruit decays. For a brief moment, the released seed may be seen; this is the 'seventh' period that becomes the creative power fathering a new cycle."

This description of the energies at work during this Full Moon contains clues to the impact of the Cardinal Grand Cross formed at the time of the lunation.

A Grand Cross occurs when four or more planets are anchored in four corners of the zodiac, each representing the energies of a different sign. It is a time when we are at a crossroads, considering many conflicting energies and making decisions about where to go from here. Under this influence, we must find a centerpoint where we can take advantage of the positives inherent in each of potentials, rising above the negativity and conflict.

During a Grand Cross, we are pulled in four different directions, each related to one of the four elements -- Earth, Water, Fire and Air. This means we are needing to consider the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental ramifications of any decisions we may make.

In a Cardinal Grand Cross, the planets involved are located in the four cardinal signs. On Friday, the Moon will be in Libra, opposite the Sun in Aries, while Pluto is in Capricorn, opposite Mars in Cancer.

The higher intention of Pluto in Capricorn is to tear down old structures that have outlived their usefulness. This is represented by the decaying fruit mentioned in the description of the Full Moon energies.

Pluto just entered Capricorn at the end of January, and since then many in authority have stepped down or fallen, left the physical realm, or seen their integrity questioned. While some or all of these events may seem to be negative, the passing of the old is the first step in ushering in a new era. Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024, so we are just beginning this transition process.

In comparison, Mars moves much more quickly, and will be in Cancer through May 9. While in the sign of the Crab, Mars is teaching us to act only when we are in alignment with our hearts, and to understand that true vulnerability is a strength rather than a weakness.

When opposed by Pluto, Mars can become defensive, not understanding the lessons and either retreating or becoming aggressive in response to the feelings of vulnerability. The challenge of this opposition is to find the courage to remain heart-centered, to rise above the potential power struggles, and listen to the calm, clear voice of our inner authority that know all is well.

The other two signs in this Cardinal Grand Cross are anchored by the Sun and the Moon. With the Sun in Aries, we are encouraged to venture into new territory, to lead the way and take the initiative. The Moon in Libra emphasizes that we must also collaborate with others and consider their needs in addition to our own.

The balance point in the middle of this seesaw is enlightened self-awareness and interdependency, drawing upon the positives of both polarities. The alternatives are aggressive selfishness or co-dependence, both of which we may feel drawn to, but neither of which gives us the strength we need to move forward productively.

If we can stay centered amidst what may be tumultuous energies, this Full Moon/Grand Cross offers us a many opportunities:

to be empowered through taking greater individual responsibility for existing conditions, being willing to let go of what stands in the way of true progress towards our goals, rising above tendencies to be dictatorial (Pluto in Capricorn);

to have the courage to be vulnerable, listening to our heart's guidance, taking emotional risks, rising above defensiveness and withdrawal (Mars in Cancer);

to step bravely into the new and unknown, leading the way for others to follow, rising above purely selfish intentions (Sun in Aries); and

to treat others and ourselves fairly, remembering the value of relationships and commitments, rising above the fear of discord and disagreement (Moon in Libra).

Saturn and Pluto share the stage for the final scenes of the week on Sunday. As Saturn aspects the Sun, we make slight course adjustments, realizing we can't do it all at once. And, we are reminded that even as we work on improvements, it is imperative that we maintain and express an attitude of unconditional love -- both for ourselves and for others. It can be difficult to see imperfection and to love anyway, but with Saturn in Virgo, it is an important part of our current lessons.

Finally, Pluto forms aspects with Venus and Mercury right before the two align Monday morning. This "quintile" aspect can be quite variable in effect, since it represents the power of the mind to both create and destroy.

To the extent we have succeeded in maintaining our balance and choosing the high road, we can utilize this energy in positive ways -- to shift our perspective and gain a deeper knowing of abstract concepts, and to tap into creative abilities and resources we may not have realized existed within us.



*For an explanation of Sabian symbols, please see the "Questions" page on my website, www.northpointastrology.com.

Highlighted Aspects for This Week

Monday: Saturn opposite Mercury, Saturn parallel Mercury; Tuesday: Saturn sesquisquare Jupiter, Mars trine Mercury; Wednesday: Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox); Friday: Full Moon 11:40am PDT, Pluto square Sun; Sunday: Saturn inconjunct Sun, Pluto quintile Venus, Pluto quintile Mercury

About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. The information contained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by factors at work with your personal chart.

If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or are interested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail pam@... or call 425-445-3775.

To Learn More

Visit www.northpointastrology.com for more information about Pam, her astrological viewpoint, and personal astrology readings.


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