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Cholesterol, CoQ10 and statins

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This is an advertisement, but has a lot of good information in it. Blessings, Joy

Report for NewsMax Readers:

The Shocking Truth About Cholesterol—Lowering Drugs!

If you’re taking:Lipitor®, Mevacor®, Pravachol®, Altocor®, Lescol®, Zocor®, Crestor® Or any other statin drugs…

Read This Urgent Bulletin Immediately!

Dear heart conscious-friend,

If you or your loved ones are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, you may be in grave danger. In fact…

…This health hazard is so dangerous, it may literally stop your beating heart!

Here’s what’s even more appalling:

Based on new guidelines from the American Medical Association…

…A whopping 39 million Americans will soon take cholesterol-lowering drugs every day to help keep their blood vessels clear and reduce their risk of heart problems.

That means doctors are writing out MILLIONS of prescriptions for Lipitor®, Mevacor®, Crestor®, Pravachol®, Zocor® and other powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs–and NOT TELLING patients about one very deadly side effect!

My name is Layne Lowery.

As president of Health Resources™, one of the nation’s fastest growing nutritional health companies, I’m sending you this urgent bulletin–at my own expense–so you can take action NOW to protect your family.

Because if you’re taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, also known as “statins”–you must know this:

Numerous scientific studies from prominent scientists and universities now PROVE popular cholesterol-lowering drugs significantly lower your precious levels of the lifesaving nutrient called Coenzyme Q10–also known as “CoQ10!”

The critical “spark” that keeps your heart beating strong!

You’ve probably heard about CoQ10. Without a doubt, it’s one of the most remarkable discoveries of the 21st century. Put simply: This amazing nutrient is the “energy switch” that sparks life to all 100 trillion cells in your body. And your heart uses up to 10 TIMES more CoQ10 than any organ in your body!

More than 1,000 published human and animal trials performed all over the world, prove this Nobel-Prize winning nutrient can help you:

Flood your cells with endless energy…

Normalize and may even restore healthy blood pressure…

Relieve tooth and gum problems…

Shield your brain–and help prevent memory loss…

Repair damaged cells and feed healthy cells…

Protect you from free radical damage that can prematurely age your body…

Put an end to headache pain

When you were a kid, your liver produced an abundance of CoQ10 for your cells. That’s why you could go… Go… GO all day long!

But around the age of 30, you start to produce less of this critical nutrient. And your CoQ10 levels continue to decline with every passing decade.

And when you take cholesterol-lowering drugs–you can virtually WIPE OUT your essential levels of CoQ10 and prevent your cells from functioning properly. That means…

Skin cells–get old faster!

Lung cells–choke!

Liver cells–fill with toxins!

Brain cells–shut down!

And heart cells–stop beating!

In fact, scientific studies show cholesterol-lowering drugs alone can reduce serum levels of CoQ10 by up to 40%.

That’s serious because according to noted CoQ10 expert Dr. Karl Folkers…

“…When CoQ10 levels fall just 25%, you can experience illness. But when levels fall by 75%– the result can be death!”

Here’s the proof: A study recently reported in Clinical Investigation shows that low CoQ10 levels predict death within six months in 94 consecutive patients they studied!

Scores of other studies confirm the devastating effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs. For example…

Columbia University College reports dangerous side effectscan happen in just 14 days!

A study from Columbia University College in New York found that patients taking Lipitor® significantly decreased CoQ10 levels in just 14 days!

CoQ10 levels PLUMMET with popular cholesterol-lowering drug Lovastatin.

As far back as 1990, researchers discovered CoQ10 levels dropped in patients taking the popular statin drug Lovastatin. All the patients were suffering from a potentially fatal deterioration of the heart muscle.

The lower their CoQ10 levels fell, the worse their condition became!

Blood levels of CoQ10 take a NOSE DIVE while taking Simvastatin!

British researchers discovered that patients taking Simvastatin had substantially lower levels of CoQ10 in their blood. The greater the dosage of the statin drug, the lower their CoQ10 levels!

Cholesterol-lowering drugs damage heart muscle in just 12 weeks!

French researchers proved statin drugs significantly weaken the heart muscle in as little as 12 weeks.

What’s more, The Journal of the American Medical Association reported taking just 20 milligrams of Simvastatin a day lowered CoQ10 levels by 22%!

With all this research, clinical trials and studies showing the damaging effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs, let me ask you this…

Why in the heck are drug companies producing cholesterol-lowering medicines WITHOUT WARNING your doctor–and you–about this health hazard?

The truth is, pharmaceutical giants know the dangers of taking cholesterol-lowering drugs without supplementing with CoQ10.

In fact, back on January 18, 1989 and February 2, 1989, Merck filed two patents to combine cholesterol-lowering drugs with CoQ10. Yet they’ve sealed and locked away those patents for over 18 years!

It’s an outrage that pharmaceutical fat cats IGNORE the lifesaving value of CoQ10. They’re still producing their cholesterol-lowering drugs without including this essential and life-saving nutrient! But that’s not all…

The FDA, American Heart Association, and leading medical journals are also aware of this danger!

Medical journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine… The Lancet… The American Heart Association… and even the FDA are well aware cholesterol-lowering drugs seriously lower your CoQ10 levels. In fact…

…In Canada, it’s now MANDATORY for drug companies to disclose the CoQ10 deficiency danger when taking their prescriptions.

Well, that’s great news for Canadians, but what about us living in the good ole U.S. of A.?

In our country, drug companies can legally keep MUM about this health threat–and that just boils my blood!

Noted cardiologist Langsjoen, M.D. studied 20 patients with completely normal heart function taking the popular cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor®. He made this eye-popping discovery:

After six months on a low dose of 20 mg of Lipitor® a day, a whopping two-thirds of the patients developed abnormalities in the heart's filling phase—the stage when the muscle fills with blood!

According to Dr. Langsjoen, this malfunction is due to CoQ10 depletion. Statin drugs deplete the body of this critical energy-producing enzyme. Without CoQ10, the cell's mitochondria can't produce energy. This leads to muscle pain, weakness, and serious heart problems. Dr. Langsjoen adds, "The heart is especially susceptible because it uses so much energy."

The muscle pain and weakness you experience may be your body's silent cry for more CoQ10!

But fortunately, there’s some good news–no, make that FANTASTIC news!

Because if you:

Take any of the popular cholesterol-lowering drugs including Lipitor®, Mevacor®, Crestor®, Pravachol®,or Zocor®…

Worry about the health of your heart…

Suffer from serious heart problems…

Experience low energy levels…

Are plagued by fuzzy thinking, forgetfulness, and “senior moments”…

Struggle with poor circulation and have cold hands and feet…

Or want to look and feel decades younger…

Then you simply MUST take CoQ10! It’s a wonder nutrient that’s now proven to help REVERSE many serious health problems. For example…

91% of patientsimprove within 30 days!

According to a study published in the Medical Journal Cardiovascular Drugs Therapy, a whopping 91% of patients who suffer interruption of blood flow to the heart experience improvement within 30 days of starting CoQ10 supplementation!

What’s more…

75% of patients have fewer heart rhythm disturbances!

66% of patients report diminished chest pain!

50% fewer patients suffer from a future cardiac event!

The journal’s startling conclusion: CoQ10 supplementation, “can provide rapid protective effects in patients if administered within three days of the onset of cardiac symptoms.”

87% restore heart function in just 8 weeks!

In another study published in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine, researchers discovered among patients who suffered from heart valve problems, an amazing 87% completely restored normal heart function after receiving CoQ10 supplementation for eight weeks!

Double the survival rate!

In yet another study in the medical journal Circulation, published by the American Heart Association, 49 patients who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after suffering a heart stoppage were randomly selected to receive CoQ10 along with other forms of treatment. The results?

The CoQ10 group had double the survival rate–that’s 68% compared to 29%!

The researchers also found that 36% of patients in the CoQ10 group had good neurological results at three months, versus only 20% in the placebo group.

46% reduction in angina attacks!

A study printed in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that 150 mg of CoQ10 reduced the frequency of angina attacks by up to 46%, while improving the capacity for physical activity in those patients.

CoQ10 supplements REVERSE drug-induced deficiencies!

Italian researchers demonstrated by giving CoQ10 to patients taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood levels of this vital nutrient were maintained and CoQ10 deficiencies were REVERSED! In other words…

CoQ10 can help UNDO the damages of cholesterol-lowering drugs!

I could go on and on about the scientific proof that supports crowning CoQ10 the wonder nutrient of the century! But in a nutshell…

…There have been at least 34 placebo-controlled studies involving 2,152 patients on CoQ10’s effect on serious heart problems. Yet there were no reported toxicity or drug interactions! That’s an astounding record!

If you have high blood pressure …“skipped” heart beats…or frequent chest pain— you need CoQ10!

Recent clinical trials show high blood pressure can be linked to low CoQ10 levels. In one study printed in Pharmacotherapy, over 50% of patients with high blood pressure were able to stop taking between one and three blood pressure medicines after just four months of starting CoQ10 supplements!

In another equally impressive study on patients with cardiovascular conditions, 43% of these patients successfully stopped taking between one and three cardiovascular drugs thanks to CoQ10!

Plus, more than 1,000 published human and animal trials performed on CoQ10 show this stellar nutrient is completely safe.

With CoQ10, you can help:

Strengthen and protect your heart!

Avoid brain problems!

Boost healthy blood circulation!

Protect your heart during surgery!

Help keep arteries clog-free!

Stabilize and restore regular heart beats!

And much more!

Despite the overwhelming scientific proof and positive results from CoQ10, I must warn you about this little-known fact:

You will not experience the healing miracles of CoQ10 if you’re not taking the right form of this amazing nutrient. In fact…

…There’s a 90% chance you may be taking the WRONG form of CoQ10 and getting little benefits. Here’s why:

If your CoQ10 is a powder–TOSS IT OUT! CoQ10 can be manufactured in either a liquid or a powder form. Many supplement companies trying to make a quick buck choose the powder route–simply because powder is cheaper to produce. The problem is: Laboratory studies show up to 99% of most powdered CoQ10 is not absorbed by your body.

If your CoQ10 is liquid and contains crystals–DUMP IT! For optimal absorption, CoQ10 has to be free of crystals. However, the heating and cooling process used to manufacture CoQ10 turns a significant amount of the nutrient into crystals. It’s impossible for your body to absorb these microscopic “rocks.” That means you’re only getting a fraction of the CoQ10 your body needs for optimal health!

If your CoQ10 doesn’t contain healthy fat–CHUCK IT! Put simply, CoQ10 can’t be absorbed in your blood stream unless it’s surrounded by healthy fats. So, if you’re taking CoQ10 and you’re on a low-fat diet, you may not have enough available fat in your digestive tract to properly absorb the CoQ10!

Now, there’s a way to GUARANTEE you’ll experience your CoQ10 miracle. Introducing one of the most potent and powerful CoQ10s on the planet!

It’s a revolutionary, patent-pending formula called Super CoQ10™–available from Health Resources™! Here are three reasons why Super CoQ10™ is the clear choice:

Superior Advantage #1:Maximum Absorption!

Super CoQ10™ comes in liquid soft gel capsules. That means Super CoQ10™ quickly enters your blood stream to ignite your cells to optimum activity. How will you know if Super CoQ10™ is working for you? How about sharper thinking… a regular, steady, heart beat… and a boost of energy that lasts all day–and night!

Superior Advantage #2:100% Crystal-FREE for Optimum Absorption!

Super CoQ10™ includes vitamin E and D-Limonene–a natural substance taken from the peels of lemons, limes, and oranges. Why do we include these nutrients when our competitors don’t? Because research shows vitamin E helps convert CoQ10 to its most powerful, active form. That way, you’ll get maximum potency with every dose. Plus, our scientific research shows D-Limonene is essential to help maintain the CoQ10 in a 100% crystal-free state for optimum absorption. That’s why we can guarantee you Super CoQ10™ is 100% crystal-FREE!

Superior Advantage #3: 24-hour Availability!

Super CoQ10™ provides essential fat molecules to help ensure maximum absorption every time you take Super CoQ10™–even if it’s at bedtime! We add an optimum dose of medium chain triglycerides from healthy coconut oil to each capsule of Super CoQ10™. This guarantees you have the available fat in your digestive tract to help ensure maximum absorption of your Super CoQ10™. If you’re on a low-fat diet–don’t worry–your Super CoQ10™ will still get the job done!

Special Introductory Offer: Up to $466.85 in Free Gifts and discounts reserved for you… to order Super CoQ10™ now, Click Here.

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