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Hi Matt, That is interesting, glucosamine for your vertigo.  I take it for

arthritis, and get vertigo all the time, so it does not do a thing for me in

that department.  Interestingly, I first got my glucosamine with boswellia, from

Amway.  I ran out and bought some at the store, and it is truly not half as good

as what i got from Amway, so am ordering more from them.  i did not think there

could be that much difference in the two, one was with chondroitin, I don't know

what that is, but i do know boswellia reduces the inflamation of the joints.  I

have never heard of it being used for dizziness, but good luck with it.  Have

you tried the epley maneuvers?  I think that is what they are called, if not,

someone will surely correct me.  They do work, several of us have done them and

found the vertigo lessens.  Bobby


From: mtmaynor@... <mtmaynor@...>

Subject: [ ] Glucosamine

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:17 PM

When I was on Gleevec, I found that it gave me

vertigo and I was very unsteady going down stairs.

I fell a number of times and one particularly nasty

fall on the side of a pool did some damage to my

knee caps. It finally got so bad I went to my primary

care physician and he recommended that I take

Glucosamine tablets.

Any knowledgeable CMLers now if there is a drug

interaction between Tasigna (or Gleevec) and Glucosamine?

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

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