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Iridology - A Detailed Study Of The Iris Of The Eye

Wednesday 5 September 2007

The eyes are the soul of your body. So the regular examination of your eyes is essential.

Iridology offers a detailed examination of patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris for information about your systemic health.

Iridology is an alternative medical practice. This practice involves the diagnosis of the disease by studying the iris of the eye.

Iridologists said that the areas of the eye correspond to bodily systems and areas of the body. Any changes in the iris can cause problems in that area of the body.

Iridology is not a method of treatment and is used as a diagnostic tool. According to iridologists, markings, patterns, and irregularities in the iris can emphasize a tendency toward problems with a particular organ group or system, allowing them to prescribe treatments.

Most of the iridologists use iridology in combination with a system of medicine such as reflexology therapy or homeopathy medicine.

In recent years, iridology uses equipment such as a flashlight and magnifying glass, cameras, slit-eye microscopes or other methods to examine your irises for tissue changes.

They see with iris charts that divide the eye into as many as 80 or 90 zones. Each zone indicates an area of your body.

Iridology is mainly proposed to recognize:

Common health levels and transitions Stages of inflammation Absence of biochemical Toxins and location of them Body constitution Inborn weakness or strength

Benefits of iridology:

Iridologists make the points that:

Iridology treatment is completely non-invasive. The only thing you have to tolerate is the shining of light into your eyes. The main aim of iridology is to keep you healthy by recognizing early signs of possible problems and recommending holistic and natural treatments to prevent them from developing into more serious problems. The greatest benefit of iridology over other forms of health screening is that changes appear in the iris before the physical symptoms develop. Hence a preventative action can be taken early to improve your health and can avoid those diseases which might appear.

Criticism of iridology:

According iridologists, iridology is not only to diagnose specific conditions and but also involve examinations of photographs of eyes, and it is intended to be used with living flesh. Most importantly it is ineffective practice and is waste of time and money for you. Sometimes iridology can lead to wrong diagnosis, with the effect of either terrifying a patient, or lulling into a false sense of security, or suggest an unnecessary and possibly harmful treatment. The treatment will be delayed if you are seeking treatment for real medical problems. This treatment is not licensed or regulated and anyone can practice it. Hence, it leads to the possibility of fraud and incompetent medical practice. It can not reveal specific diseases, since many diseases create similar changes in body tissues.

Iridology can help to diagnose the disease and potential ill health by studying the iris of your eye. It dose not concerned with named diseases. It can help in restoration and maintenance of health through building up your immunity and life force.

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Iridology - Perfect Method Of Diagnosing Your Disease

Saturday 1 September 2007

Iridology is a method of alternative treatment in which the color of the iris is used to indicate the presence of different toxins.

It is mainly the study of the visible parts of the eye, especially the iris.

The eyes are the mirror to the soul. They are also the mirror to the body, particularly for the purpose of determining various ailments.

The iris of the eye reveals body constitution, inherent weakness, levels of health and transitions that take place in the body according to the way one lives.

Iridology is used in conjunction with many forms of therapies including acupuncture (Benefits of Acupuncture), herbal medicine, and homeopathy (Uses of Homeopathy Medicine). According to iridologists the nervous system comes to the body surface in the eyes, so the condition of all parts of the body is reflected in the eye’s appearance.

The practitioners of iridology use the method to help you as a preventative measure understand the basic problems in order to refer you to a specialist if needed.

The principle behind this is, if a disease is detected in the very early stages it can be prevented from spreading further.

The iris, the colored part of the eye is studied for these markings and color changes by isolating the iris and taking pictures of it with a very strong lens. All these process takes about an hour.

During this process you won’t experience any pain. The photos are observed by your iridologist by using a magnifying glass and used to determine and identify potential ailments.

This holistic treatment is well accepted by other disciplines of alternative medicine.

When you are taking this treatment, the color changes in the eye at the very onset of the degenerative disease are used by the body to indicate an upcoming health problem. It warns you to seek preventative measures.

Benefits of iridology:

The main advantage of iridology over other forms of health techniques is that changes appear in the iris before the physical symptoms develop. Iridology is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic technique. It requires no anesthetic or drugs. It helps in restoration and maintenance of health through building up your immunity and life force. Iridology indicates the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions.

Criticisms of iridology:

Since the courses offered are usually no more than two to three days in length, the practitioners of iridology are often not completely trained. They are put on by marketing companies who offer certification as an iridologist to their distributors. This results in over diagnosis with the distributors pushing their products through their specialists. It doesn’t connect with the named diseases. Iridology will not reveal surgery performed under anesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. Iridology doesn’t locate parasites, gallstones, or germ life.

10:41 am - Fri 15 Feb 2008 Copyright © 2008 Alternative Medicine Zone. .

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