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Archive for the 'Holistic Medicine' Category

Long Lasting Relief With Gentleness From Bowen Technique!

Saturday 22 December 2007

Bowen technique is one of the holistic system healing and it is one version of a group of technical interpretations.

Bowen technique is not a massage, acupressure or chiropractic and no manipulation, adjustment or force is used.

The practitioner just uses his fingers and thumb for moving muscles and tissues. In between the moves, the practitioner gives the gap.

Bowen technique is unique because of gentleness and pauses.

It will provide rapid and long lasting relief from pain and discomfort. This technique requires only 2-3 treatments for curing any type of conditions.

This technique got high rate success due to the speed recovery. Because of this speed recovery and effectiveness many medical professionals are using this treatment.

This technique does the healing by utilizing healing mechanism of your body. While doing Bowen technique the practitioner just gives the impulses to trigger your healing systems (muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves) and rest of the work is done by your body itself. This helps in rebalancing of energy.

Bowen technique is used as simple and powerful technique and provides relief over all kinds of pains. There is no any age difference for using this technique. Bowen technique helps in rebalancing of your body, increasing performance, relieving pain and tendon stress.

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Searching For a Magical Weight Loss Cure? Holistic Health Care Is A New Way!

Monday 27 August 2007

Have you tried all the fitness equipment and still you didn’t lose weight?

Till now you have tried all the medications and some other things to loose weight.

Once try for a holistic health care method which helps you a lot to lose your weight.

If the pills that you have used to lose weight do really works, America wouldn’t be the top over weight country in the world.

There are different types of holistic health care systems which can help with weight loss and with great results.

Whereas no holistic health care is a magical solution, only by practicing these principles can help you become more limber, feel energetic, and the end result that you will acquire is weight loss.

Holistic health care systems to lose weight:


Acupuncture works as an effective alternative medicine. It has exact pressure points in the ear which helps in reducing cravings and detoxifying teas and herbs can help you feel healthier.

Most of the holistic health care systems for weight loss come in the form of detoxifying teas, energy supplements and vitamins. Acupuncture stimulates your body to release endorphins which helps to control your appetite resulting in weight loss.

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What Are The Questions To Ask At Your First Visit With An Holistic Health Provider?

Thursday 23 August 2007

Decided to go at your holistic health provider for your condition?

Is this your first with him or her? Worried about what to ask? Don’t worry; here is a list of questions.

Be prepared with this list of questions and be sure to get all the answers that you need to evaluate whether the therapy and the practitioner are right for you.

Your first meeting with an holistic health practitioner is very important. It gives you a chance to ask questions and gauge your comfort with them. It also gives you a chance to evaluate the credentials and knowledge of holistic health provider.

Here are the questions you can ask with your holistic health practitioner at your first visit.

What are the benefits which I can get from this therapy?

Ask for particulars like will it strengthen muscles, improve balance, and improve immune system function. Evaluate the answers that you get with your own research. Be careful with a practitioner who makes excessive claims for the therapy.

Are there any threats associated with this therapy?

Again, evaluate the answers that you get with your own research. Do they seem knowledgeable and open even when discussing risks?

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How To Choose A Better Treatment To Attain Holistic Health For Child?

Monday 20 August 2007

Some of the diseases and illnesses that your children experience are sometimes difficult to treat.

Because administering conventional treatments to your child is harder and children refuse to take medications.

That’s why treatments of holistic health for child took place.

Attaining holistic health for child is very simple, because these treatments don’t consists of any medicinal usages.

All the children love to participate in these treatments. These treatments are something new and are exciting for your child’s eyes.

Asthma in your child is the most difficult to treat. The children do not enjoy using their puffers or any other type of treatment that is recommended.

One thing you must keep in mind before using alternative treatment is that they have no scientific research and are not equal to conventional medications. However, the below mentioned methods used in holistic health for child do work to an extent.

Acupuncture therapy:

This treatment of holistic health for child consists of needles that are placed into the acupoints of the body.

Some evidences about this treatment of holistic health for child suggest that these needles release endorphins in the brain, which in turn help reduce the pain. If your child is suffering from asthma then this holistic health for child may find it easier to breathe more calmly and relaxed.

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The Use Of Holistic Healing In Your Everyday Life!

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Have you ever heard about holistic healing? If not read this article to become aware of all about the holistic healing.

Holistic healing doesn’t mean to hurt yourself. It is about exploring some other methods of medicine other than swallowing the tablets.

The reason for this is because of avoiding addiction to allopathic drugs, which can directly do more harm than good and somewhat due to your continuous curiosity to try something new.

You will find no harm in searching for new things if you can find something better to deal with your day-to-day health problems. Most of the holistic healing techniques comes from the early medical knowledge.

Some practitioners use sharp needles to cure your pain, some others use herbs and shrubs for great relief, while some will use a paste of mud on their body to cool down, or use an ice pack, hot water bottle, or simple massaging.

What is holistic healing?

It is very difficult to found a single definition for holistic healing. Complementary medicine, holistic medicine, integrated medicine, and natural medicine are all the characteristics of holistic healing techniques.

Most common alternative therapies include acupressure, aromatherapy, ayurveda, homeopathy, hypnosis, meditation, music therapy, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, relaxation, and yoga.

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Holistic Therapy - A Vibrant Tradition to Cure Your Illness

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Want to step into a method other than conventional medicine?

Try for holistic therapy which offers you great benefits.

A therapy which is considered as an addition of conventional treatment is called alternative holistic medicine.

Many different factors are taken into consideration before initiating a cure with alternative holistic medicine.

They include not only the physical state but also the emotional and intellectual states.

Holistic therapy not only concerned with the physical problems but also with the problems of the whole body. This feature makes it much different from any other medicinal system.

Holistic therapy has evolved from the beginning and has survived through the ages of pills and pain removers. This medicinal system includes herbal medicine, herbal tea, massage therapy and more.

Massage therapy is one of the oldest and first styles of holistic therapy known today. There are two types of healers, the professional physicians and folk healers. The folk healers lived in the lower class and healed the people of each village who could not afford the expensive physician.

These people only believed in the folk treatment and it worked for them. This type of situation also occurred in many other cultures.

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Is There A Way To Enter Into The World Of Holistic Health? If So, in What Way?

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Holistic health is a broad subject, usually referred to as practices and applications that are not taught by conventional or western medical schools as treatment for illness.

This practice is not covered by health insurance.

If you are interested to become an holistic health provider then the practice is mainly divided into seven major categories.

The seven major categories include:

Bioelectromagnetic application such as diet, lifestyle changes, magnetic therapy, and nutrition Herbal medicine Manual healing Biological treatments

Holistic health is a holistic treatment which means that it treats your body holistically including body, mind and spirit. It is highly based on preventative practices. Only 30 percent of the people in the world use western or modern medicine and the remaining 70 percent use holistic health cures.

Most of the American doctors are beginning to see the benefits of the holistic forms of therapy and most of them are beginning to add some form of holistic health medicine to their practice.

Conventional doctors are suggesting their patients for massage therapy, surgeons are referring to chiropractors. Hence the two terms conventional and holistic are beginning to blur.

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Holistic Medicine! A System Of Health Care That Emphasizes The Whole Person!

Friday 29 June 2007

Searching for a system that provides whole body treatment?

Holistic medicine is helpful for you and it provides whole body treatment.

Holistic medicine is a system of health care that emphasizes the whole person, not just the disease.

Holistic therapy is based on the idea that the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social characteristic of health are of the same importance to a person’s well-being.

Holistic medicine mainly observes all aspects for cure of any state, including herbal, conventional, physical, mental, natural, and emotional to choose a treatment plan that treats the whole person. It is mainly a method or collection of techniques and is mostly a philosophy of well-being and health.

Your holistic medicine practitioner may recommend or use any of various types of alternative and conventional methods in treatment. Those alternative and conventional methods include counseling and support groups, herbal medicine, conventional drug therapy, diet and nutritional supplements, herbal and natural healing, surgery, aromatherapy, and massage therapy.

It has become more common for your health care provider to support a holistic medicine approach for your health. Most of the health care plans now include coverage for gym and health club memberships, support groups for weight loss and smoking cessation, educational outreach, nutritional counseling, and referrals to some alternative practitioners.

Holistic Medicine! A System Of Health Care That Emphasizes The Whole Person!

Searching for a system that provides whole body treatment?

Holistic medicine is helpful for you and it provides whole body treatment.

Holistic medicine is a system of health care that emphasizes the whole person, not just the disease.

Holistic therapy is based on the idea that the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social characteristic of health are of the same importance to a person’s well-being.

Holistic medicine mainly observes all aspects for cure of any state, including herbal, conventional, physical, mental, natural, and emotional to choose a treatment plan that treats the whole person. It is mainly a method or collection of techniques and is mostly a philosophy of well-being and health.

Your holistic medicine practitioner may recommend or use any of various types of alternative and conventional methods in treatment. Those alternative and conventional methods include counseling and support groups, herbal medicine, conventional drug therapy, diet and nutritional supplements, herbal and natural healing, surgery, aromatherapy, and massage therapy.

It has become more common for your health care provider to support a holistic medicine approach for your health. Most of the health care plans now include coverage for gym and health club memberships, support groups for weight loss and smoking cessation, educational outreach, nutritional counseling, and referrals to some alternative practitioners.

Holistic medicine may refer to one of a number of different alternative therapies. This medical treatment must take the entire lifestyle and life of a person into account when prescribing treatment. These treatments include naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and ayurveda.

The main focus is on three elements. The first element is diet. Your body needs certain nutrients and supplements in order to work properly and to maintain its self-healing process. Hence you must take a balanced diet which consists of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The second part of holistic medicine approach is to maintain your body in good physical condition by regular activity. The most important activity is regular exercise.

The third element of the holistic approach is to try to control your mind. Controlling your mind is very important to avoid some stress related disorders like depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Benefits of holistic medicine:

Since holistic medicine includes many disciplines, it is difficult to define specific research or study that support the use of holistic medicine. Treatment methods which do less harm are used first in holistic medicine. It is non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical. It is best alternative to conventional medicine approach.

Criticisms of holistic medicine:

The holistic medicine approach like hypnotism has not been proven to aid in pain reduction. Various types of holistic medicine like homeopathy or naturopathy results in some risks. The healing method of holistic medicine approach has been unproven and it may be waste of time and money in treating diseases.

10:38 am - Fri 15 Feb 2008 Copyright © 2008 Alternative Medicine Zone. .

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