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Don't Drain The Brain There Are Total Body Consequences

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Wonder Labs Health Bulletin

Don't Drain The BrainThere Are Total Body Consequences

The brain is a hungry organ, its cells requiring two times the amount of energy than that of other cells in the body. To work well and efficiently throughout the day, this energy level must be kept high enough so not to cause mental stress and exhaustion.

What keeps your brain working at peak levels may surprise you.

Rest/MeditationPut your brain on hold for a few minutes. As little as 15 minutes a day can make a big impact. Meditating does more than just make you feel good and calm you down, it makes you perform better - and alters the structure of your brain

SleepVaries from person to person but generally 6 to 8 hours each day of peaceful sleep keeps the brain from fatigue and overload. Without sleep, neurons may become so depleted in energy or so polluted with byproducts of normal cellular activities that they begin to malfunction. Sleep also may give the brain a chance to exercise important neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate from lack of activity.

LaughterLaughing releases chemicals in the body and brain which boost immune system function; they will improve your outlook on life; they will tend to diminish any symptoms of depression; and because they help reduce stress, they will also prevent all of the various diseases and disorders that are caused by chronic stress.

ContactInteract (in a peaceful way) with others. The brain needs interaction in a multitude of ways. Do not be a hermit. TV is not interaction.

ExerciseAlthough the brain needs rest, at times it needs to be stimulated. Do puzzles, play games, do memory exercises etc. The brain operates like a muscle in the leg. Use it or lose it.

FoodIt has been proven that good fats are necessary for proper brain functioning. Eat for the heart and you are probably feeding the head. Try a Mediterranean style diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of fish and a minimum of red meat.

SupplementsVery few of us consume sufficient quantities of healthful foods. So supplementation with a good multi-vitamin, fish oil, B Vitamins, Vitamins C and E are a good source of your daily brain requirements.

Red WineOne recent study presented convincing evidence that Resveratrol prevents the buildup of plaques in the brain that snarl intercellular communication. These plaques are a signature of Alzheimer's disease. So in addition to reducing the risk for cancer and heart disease, red wine may also slow (but probably not prevent) the degeneration of neural processes. Toast!

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