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Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

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I love it when you give us the "behind the scenes" look at research that is being made a big deal of in the media, Judy! Thanks for informing us again!

Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

i know a few like this and it stems further then just weight.its self esteem and lack of mental ability to do so,so their pattern is to make fun of others in some way or try to find a weak spot. whose to say where it started but they choose in some way to continue the pattern.obviously these women must be proud of themselves to have the confidence to be on tv and that is great but my issue is all these shows with average women or size 2 gals, always exploit drama and this one i am afraid will go for the social jugular with the weight and what ppl think of them and their weight and judge them for weight and looks. some of them look very pretty and seem so sweet. like i say before i have a bit of a belly bulge and it bothers me i am trying to work on it,but i have one bitch at work that will just point out and be negative like this little bulge defines who i am. there is more to me then a little stomach. there are just as many ppl like the evil woman i work with(whom is naturally thin good for her but eats like crap and parties like she is 20 again but won't come weight lift with me hhhmm) who will be willinging to define you to other based on how you look and its almost that repeat pattern again of ppl judging you. even working out they expect me to be thin like pari hilton or something when i am looking for strength and ability. overall its a media frenzy of looks! well i don't seem ppl on this group on any magazine covers and they are more of an inspiration and more beautiful then celebs and reality 15 min of fame stars. but not everybody would appreciate the beauty of each of us b/c they are so wrapped up in working out for looks then they are about health and strength and i blame a lot of tv for that. kassia

fitness blogSpecial Needs Scouting

I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.---

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I love it when you give us the "behind the scenes" look at research that is being made a big deal of in the media, Judy! Thanks for informing us again!

Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

i know a few like this and it stems further then just weight.its self esteem and lack of mental ability to do so,so their pattern is to make fun of others in some way or try to find a weak spot. whose to say where it started but they choose in some way to continue the pattern.obviously these women must be proud of themselves to have the confidence to be on tv and that is great but my issue is all these shows with average women or size 2 gals, always exploit drama and this one i am afraid will go for the social jugular with the weight and what ppl think of them and their weight and judge them for weight and looks. some of them look very pretty and seem so sweet. like i say before i have a bit of a belly bulge and it bothers me i am trying to work on it,but i have one bitch at work that will just point out and be negative like this little bulge defines who i am. there is more to me then a little stomach. there are just as many ppl like the evil woman i work with(whom is naturally thin good for her but eats like crap and parties like she is 20 again but won't come weight lift with me hhhmm) who will be willinging to define you to other based on how you look and its almost that repeat pattern again of ppl judging you. even working out they expect me to be thin like pari hilton or something when i am looking for strength and ability. overall its a media frenzy of looks! well i don't seem ppl on this group on any magazine covers and they are more of an inspiration and more beautiful then celebs and reality 15 min of fame stars. but not everybody would appreciate the beauty of each of us b/c they are so wrapped up in working out for looks then they are about health and strength and i blame a lot of tv for that. kassia

fitness blogSpecial Needs Scouting

I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.---

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I agree too, that there are some people who are psychologically held back from losing weight. I honestly believe that most obese people should do some kind of counseling to heal old wounds that they try to take care of with food. That isn't a WW philosophy though, just my own observation.

Sounds like your DH is doing GREAT, Donna! I don't think you have to be "super fit" or even a super great eater to be healthy, which is what I took away from Judy's comments. I love WW because it teaches moderation... exercising in moderation and not trying to cut yourself off from not so helpful treats so that you can live in the real world and enjoy it too, even more so as a healthy person. Your DH is doing what everyone should do. You don't have to spend money on WW even, just use common sense about food & exercise and pay attention to your body's hunger signals. (Easier said than done, for me too though often enough!)

Re: OT: More to Love? Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:31 PM

Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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I agree too, that there are some people who are psychologically held back from losing weight. I honestly believe that most obese people should do some kind of counseling to heal old wounds that they try to take care of with food. That isn't a WW philosophy though, just my own observation.

Sounds like your DH is doing GREAT, Donna! I don't think you have to be "super fit" or even a super great eater to be healthy, which is what I took away from Judy's comments. I love WW because it teaches moderation... exercising in moderation and not trying to cut yourself off from not so helpful treats so that you can live in the real world and enjoy it too, even more so as a healthy person. Your DH is doing what everyone should do. You don't have to spend money on WW even, just use common sense about food & exercise and pay attention to your body's hunger signals. (Easier said than done, for me too though often enough!)

Re: OT: More to Love? Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:31 PM

Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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I couldn't agree more .  It really does get old.  I, as a personal trainer, am here to help, want to help, love to help.  I HATE the excuses though.  I HATE, HATE HATE that I don't have time, or am tired, or what not...ugh.  You simply have to make time.  You have to make it a priority.  You have to do more than have an active day.  You need to devote some time of your day to EXERCISE.  You need to plan what you are going to eat, you need to follow through and do it TODAY.  Not tomorrow....... and STOP feeling sorry for yourself!  I, fortunately, only have one client right now who does NOTHING other than work with me one piddly hour a week.  My other two clients are more hard-working.  Whew.  It's tough being a trainer and working with clients who are there because they think they " have " to, and don't enjoy exercising an iota.   Hoping some day they " get it " .

DarcyOn Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:24 PM, <nancydewolf@...> wrote:


Oooooohhhhh you hit my hot button . I have to deal with those people every day and believe me, there are days when I am totally sick of the excuses and leave wanting to scream. Today was one of them. I absolutely dread weighing the people who swear they are " doing everything right but it just isn't working! "  99.99999% of those people have no medical issues for why it shouldn't work, THEY just aren't working like they think they are. They're working really hard at the things they want to work hard at and taking short cuts on the rest but won't admit it. Thankfully, there are also people who really are working at making themselves healthier and it is great fun to support and celebrate with them as they see themselves making steps towards that goal.



Re: OT: More to Love?


Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as " pretty " when celebs with the same " flaws " with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her " saggy butt " . she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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I couldn't agree more .  It really does get old.  I, as a personal trainer, am here to help, want to help, love to help.  I HATE the excuses though.  I HATE, HATE HATE that I don't have time, or am tired, or what not...ugh.  You simply have to make time.  You have to make it a priority.  You have to do more than have an active day.  You need to devote some time of your day to EXERCISE.  You need to plan what you are going to eat, you need to follow through and do it TODAY.  Not tomorrow....... and STOP feeling sorry for yourself!  I, fortunately, only have one client right now who does NOTHING other than work with me one piddly hour a week.  My other two clients are more hard-working.  Whew.  It's tough being a trainer and working with clients who are there because they think they " have " to, and don't enjoy exercising an iota.   Hoping some day they " get it " .

DarcyOn Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:24 PM, <nancydewolf@...> wrote:


Oooooohhhhh you hit my hot button . I have to deal with those people every day and believe me, there are days when I am totally sick of the excuses and leave wanting to scream. Today was one of them. I absolutely dread weighing the people who swear they are " doing everything right but it just isn't working! "  99.99999% of those people have no medical issues for why it shouldn't work, THEY just aren't working like they think they are. They're working really hard at the things they want to work hard at and taking short cuts on the rest but won't admit it. Thankfully, there are also people who really are working at making themselves healthier and it is great fun to support and celebrate with them as they see themselves making steps towards that goal.



Re: OT: More to Love?


Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as " pretty " when celebs with the same " flaws " with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her " saggy butt " . she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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I couldn't agree more .  It really does get old.  I, as a personal trainer, am here to help, want to help, love to help.  I HATE the excuses though.  I HATE, HATE HATE that I don't have time, or am tired, or what not...ugh.  You simply have to make time.  You have to make it a priority.  You have to do more than have an active day.  You need to devote some time of your day to EXERCISE.  You need to plan what you are going to eat, you need to follow through and do it TODAY.  Not tomorrow....... and STOP feeling sorry for yourself!  I, fortunately, only have one client right now who does NOTHING other than work with me one piddly hour a week.  My other two clients are more hard-working.  Whew.  It's tough being a trainer and working with clients who are there because they think they " have " to, and don't enjoy exercising an iota.   Hoping some day they " get it " .

DarcyOn Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:24 PM, <nancydewolf@...> wrote:


Oooooohhhhh you hit my hot button . I have to deal with those people every day and believe me, there are days when I am totally sick of the excuses and leave wanting to scream. Today was one of them. I absolutely dread weighing the people who swear they are " doing everything right but it just isn't working! "  99.99999% of those people have no medical issues for why it shouldn't work, THEY just aren't working like they think they are. They're working really hard at the things they want to work hard at and taking short cuts on the rest but won't admit it. Thankfully, there are also people who really are working at making themselves healthier and it is great fun to support and celebrate with them as they see themselves making steps towards that goal.



Re: OT: More to Love?


Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as " pretty " when celebs with the same " flaws " with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her " saggy butt " . she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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Any idiot that would tell you that you aren't thin enough for him to love ain't worth loving!

Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese? That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones. In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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Any idiot that would tell you that you aren't thin enough for him to love ain't worth loving!

Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese? That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones. In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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I see your point on the exploitation too and agree with it, Kassia.

Re: Re: OT: More to Love? Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 7:01 PM

i have to say i'm sorry my last post was kinda mean and i didn't mean for it to sound that way. i in NO way meant to insult or criticize anyone i was just trying to express how i feel about that!


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I see your point on the exploitation too and agree with it, Kassia.

Re: Re: OT: More to Love? Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 7:01 PM

i have to say i'm sorry my last post was kinda mean and i didn't mean for it to sound that way. i in NO way meant to insult or criticize anyone i was just trying to express how i feel about that!


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Trish you are doing fantastic. Look back at the last week and how many HUGE improvements you have made. You should feel really proud. Don't say you are a failure. You are still doing it:-) Keep up the wonderful strides!!!!

Hot Deals at Dell on Popular Laptops perfect for Back to School

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Trish you are doing fantastic. Look back at the last week and how many HUGE improvements you have made. You should feel really proud. Don't say you are a failure. You are still doing it:-) Keep up the wonderful strides!!!!

Hot Deals at Dell on Popular Laptops perfect for Back to School

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yea nancy - wish I could come to your WW meetings!judyFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:39:47 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

What you're missing though, Trisha, about workout videos is that many of those women used to be plus-sized and got themselves healthy, not "skinny"! On some videos they'll tell you someone lost 70 pounds using the star's videos, etc. I had a lady in one of my WW meetings expressing exactly what you did and had another member tell her this information. Many people in the group found it inspiring and started changing their thoughts about using workout videos. When I first started with videos I was not overweight but was also not at all toned. I looked at the people in the videos and picked out the bodies I wanted to have. I knew that if I kept at it I could. (I'm still working at it but have made great progress!)

I agree the media celebrating very thin with huge boobs does have a very negative impact on women but I don't think celebrating being overweight is any better. The guy on that show isn't exactly the hunky model type like on the bachelor either so what message does that send? That yes, these women can get an "average" guy but not a male super model? That doesn't send a very positive message either I think.

(who really should be cooking dinner & who meant to read the other posts on this topic before jumping in but just jumped in anyway, sorry if these points have already been made, I promise to be quiet until I read more from now on!)

Re: OT: More to Love?

Wow, it looks like I really started something here. I didn't think the discussion would get this intense so fast.Kassia has a great point that the media wrongly portrays how people--especially women--should look. I'm not in favor of that at all.My suspicion about this show is that it may normalize obesity by showing what a great thing it is that such a woman can find a guy.Now, before everybody throws rotten tomatoes (or worse) at me, let me make myself clear. I know it's not realistic to expect every woman to be a miniature size, and I wish the media didn't put that pressure out there. At the same time, approving of obesity is not a healthy message to send either. I suspect the tone of the show will be "See, here's a guy who's not too shallow to date a heavy woman unlike the rest of you shallow American men, so there's nothing wrong with being fat."To which my response is: Yes, there is something wrong with that. It's hazardous to your health. Where is the personal responsibility of those who are overweight? How can anybody--male or female--live a lifestyle that contributes to obesity and all the health problems that come with it and yet expect that other people should just overlook the problems of being in a relationship with an obese person?Maybe the guy on the show does have a problem with women so he needs something pathetic like this show to get a date. (Of course he's also doing it for the money.) But if he's smart, why would he get into a relationship with a woman who is on a collision course with a heart attack and could be dead in a few years?Of course, not all obesity is within our ability to control. I've known people with thyroid problems and things that make them obese no matter what. I don't blame them for the way they are, and I feel sorry for them. But I have no sympathy for the growing number of people in this country--both men and women--who are to darned lazy and undisciplined to take responsibility for keeping themselves healthy. Face it; that's what most of American obesity is.I bust my butt down there in the workout room 5 or 6 days a week just like a lot of you. I don't think I have a right to expect that a woman should fall in love with me if decide to let myself blow up to 300 lbs. Willingly letting your health go down the drain like that is selfish, short-sighted and says a lot about your personality.Okay, can I come out from cover now? :-)>> oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > kassia>

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yea nancy - wish I could come to your WW meetings!judyFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:39:47 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

What you're missing though, Trisha, about workout videos is that many of those women used to be plus-sized and got themselves healthy, not "skinny"! On some videos they'll tell you someone lost 70 pounds using the star's videos, etc. I had a lady in one of my WW meetings expressing exactly what you did and had another member tell her this information. Many people in the group found it inspiring and started changing their thoughts about using workout videos. When I first started with videos I was not overweight but was also not at all toned. I looked at the people in the videos and picked out the bodies I wanted to have. I knew that if I kept at it I could. (I'm still working at it but have made great progress!)

I agree the media celebrating very thin with huge boobs does have a very negative impact on women but I don't think celebrating being overweight is any better. The guy on that show isn't exactly the hunky model type like on the bachelor either so what message does that send? That yes, these women can get an "average" guy but not a male super model? That doesn't send a very positive message either I think.

(who really should be cooking dinner & who meant to read the other posts on this topic before jumping in but just jumped in anyway, sorry if these points have already been made, I promise to be quiet until I read more from now on!)

Re: OT: More to Love?

Wow, it looks like I really started something here. I didn't think the discussion would get this intense so fast.Kassia has a great point that the media wrongly portrays how people--especially women--should look. I'm not in favor of that at all.My suspicion about this show is that it may normalize obesity by showing what a great thing it is that such a woman can find a guy.Now, before everybody throws rotten tomatoes (or worse) at me, let me make myself clear. I know it's not realistic to expect every woman to be a miniature size, and I wish the media didn't put that pressure out there. At the same time, approving of obesity is not a healthy message to send either. I suspect the tone of the show will be "See, here's a guy who's not too shallow to date a heavy woman unlike the rest of you shallow American men, so there's nothing wrong with being fat."To which my response is: Yes, there is something wrong with that. It's hazardous to your health. Where is the personal responsibility of those who are overweight? How can anybody--male or female--live a lifestyle that contributes to obesity and all the health problems that come with it and yet expect that other people should just overlook the problems of being in a relationship with an obese person?Maybe the guy on the show does have a problem with women so he needs something pathetic like this show to get a date. (Of course he's also doing it for the money.) But if he's smart, why would he get into a relationship with a woman who is on a collision course with a heart attack and could be dead in a few years?Of course, not all obesity is within our ability to control. I've known people with thyroid problems and things that make them obese no matter what. I don't blame them for the way they are, and I feel sorry for them. But I have no sympathy for the growing number of people in this country--both men and women--who are to darned lazy and undisciplined to take responsibility for keeping themselves healthy. Face it; that's what most of American obesity is.I bust my butt down there in the workout room 5 or 6 days a week just like a lot of you. I don't think I have a right to expect that a woman should fall in love with me if decide to let myself blow up to 300 lbs. Willingly letting your health go down the drain like that is selfish, short-sighted and says a lot about your personality.Okay, can I come out from cover now? :-)>> oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > kassia>

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yea! laura - someday I want to meet you - you are like meI am at 181 right now. At my peak fitness (riding,/VB/trainer/teaching KB ie when I was in grad school) I weighed 130. BUT I was a fat kid I was 100 at a very early age --- so I have been everywhere ---BUT - I am fit - very low resting HR, great BP, cholesterol, CV fitness you name it.... From my Spin class (we get evaluations from students 2 times a year) my only critiques of the spin class I teach is -- She is too tough-- only elite athletes can do her class hahaha -- I don't think that is me : but I am working on it!judy...From: Pink <pinkpussycat@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:35:15 PMSubject: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!

I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese?

That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!

I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?

I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones.

In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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yea! laura - someday I want to meet you - you are like meI am at 181 right now. At my peak fitness (riding,/VB/trainer/teaching KB ie when I was in grad school) I weighed 130. BUT I was a fat kid I was 100 at a very early age --- so I have been everywhere ---BUT - I am fit - very low resting HR, great BP, cholesterol, CV fitness you name it.... From my Spin class (we get evaluations from students 2 times a year) my only critiques of the spin class I teach is -- She is too tough-- only elite athletes can do her class hahaha -- I don't think that is me : but I am working on it!judy...From: Pink <pinkpussycat@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:35:15 PMSubject: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!

I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese?

That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!

I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?

I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones.

In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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yea!! this is why I love WW!! plus I can screw up (yea I just had wine and cheese) but say log it in and say I am going to run tomorrow to burn those points! WW is (for me) the most realistic program...love having you on this board nancy!judyFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Tuesday,

July 28, 2009 9:38:09 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree too, that there are some people who are psychologically held back from losing weight. I honestly believe that most obese people should do some kind of counseling to heal old wounds that they try to take care of with food. That isn't a WW philosophy though, just my own observation.

Sounds like your DH is doing GREAT, Donna! I don't think you have to be "super fit" or even a super great eater to be healthy, which is what I took away from Judy's comments. I love WW because it teaches moderation.. . exercising in moderation and not trying to cut yourself off from not so helpful treats so that you can live in the real world and enjoy it too, even more so as a healthy person. Your DH is doing what everyone should do. You don't have to spend money on WW even, just use common sense about food & exercise and pay attention to your body's hunger signals. (Easier said than done, for me too though often enough!)

Re: OT: More to Love?Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:31 PM

Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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yea!! this is why I love WW!! plus I can screw up (yea I just had wine and cheese) but say log it in and say I am going to run tomorrow to burn those points! WW is (for me) the most realistic program...love having you on this board nancy!judyFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Tuesday,

July 28, 2009 9:38:09 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree too, that there are some people who are psychologically held back from losing weight. I honestly believe that most obese people should do some kind of counseling to heal old wounds that they try to take care of with food. That isn't a WW philosophy though, just my own observation.

Sounds like your DH is doing GREAT, Donna! I don't think you have to be "super fit" or even a super great eater to be healthy, which is what I took away from Judy's comments. I love WW because it teaches moderation.. . exercising in moderation and not trying to cut yourself off from not so helpful treats so that you can live in the real world and enjoy it too, even more so as a healthy person. Your DH is doing what everyone should do. You don't have to spend money on WW even, just use common sense about food & exercise and pay attention to your body's hunger signals. (Easier said than done, for me too though often enough!)

Re: OT: More to Love?Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:31 PM

Thanks, everybody. Donna, I'll even go a little further than you did. I think it is fair to make a judgment about people who won't lose weight. (Not those who for medical reasons CAN'T but those who just WON'T.) It does say something about you and what you think of the people who love you if you're not willing to make your own health a priority. I'm all in favor of supporting those who want to improve themselves. I just lose all patience with people who whine about their obesity or poor health even though they have made the choices that made them that way.> >> > oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > > > kassia> >>

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i've only ever seen 1 OLD tape that a very skinny girl had said she lost over 100lbs on the workout she showed pictures of her amazing results and sure i was impressed. And great job to all those who have succeeded on the workout programs. i would just like to see those bigger girls up there showing us that even someone bigger can do the workout.when i first started working out just back in june i couldn't complete an entire set in a workout let alone the entire workout. and the whole time i standing there panting my lungs out all i could think was sure all u skinny ppl can do this and like men wouldn't have trouble doing weight training. i just want to see a girl or guy my size out there, their first time trying these sets and workout. in the beginning i couldn't do the whole set because

it would push me further then i was capable and i forced to stop, i was jealous of those skinny ppl on the tapes and dvds. that made me want to quit all together but i stuck it out even though i wanted to quit and instead of stopping when it got too hard or to intense i learned to alter those part to something similar but easier on me. i do the same thing in place of equipment. sorry my point being i have issues but there are alot of overweight ppl that have more issues if i feel that way about the skinny ppl in the world others do to and maybe not near as nicely. so i know all this i have said is jealousy. yep i'm chubby, stubborn, and jealous (and a lot more) but i will admit it and it's not over just women. oh no men and boys make me jealous too and my son is included. i am not a short person 5' 10 1\2" in flats which i don't wear often. my 9 yr old son isn't either. he comes to my armpits and is a stick is such an unhealthy picky

eater that i don't want to tell u what junk i allow him to eat. i mean he should be bese with the crap he ingests but if it weren't for shoulders and belts his clothes wouldn't stay on him the boy is a stick but he's withing normal weight and height ranges all his levels are normal. BUT she can sit around all day playing game eating bags of chips and ice cream, and junk and gain NOTHING. so see i am an equal-opportunity jealous person, or what ever (lol i'm so goofy sometimes). i'm just jealous some ppl are mean about it or so upset they quit maybe more ppl would succeed if they get just one big not OBESE but big guy or girl in everything.some the heathiest ppl iknow are bigger then me, they are ok with being 150lbs and thats great for them and it should be great to everyone else. i do want to say thank u to donna for pointing it's not just the physical medical problems like thyroid that causes uncontrollable obesity, there are more mental

issues that cause obesity then any other medical cause. and in most cases it's women. i am scared to be one of those ppl, that's why i have always gone to drastic measures if i felt necessary to keep my weight down. why? because the tv, magazines and stores all told me i had to. if i wanted clothes that looked nice i had to do what ever it took to stay thin. THAT'S SO WRONG, that messed my head up so bad as a kid. i don't want it to happen to other girls. TrishaFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...>To:

Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:39:47 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

What you're missing though, Trisha, about workout videos is that many of those women used to be plus-sized and got themselves healthy, not "skinny"! On some videos they'll tell you someone lost 70 pounds using the star's videos, etc. I had a lady in one of my WW meetings expressing exactly what you did and had another member tell her this information. Many people in the group found it inspiring and started changing their thoughts about using workout videos. When I first started with videos I was not overweight but was also not at all toned. I looked at the people in the videos and picked out the bodies I wanted to have. I knew that if I kept at it I could. (I'm still working at it but have made great progress!)

I agree the media celebrating very thin with huge boobs does have a very negative impact on women but I don't think celebrating being overweight is any better. The guy on that show isn't exactly the hunky model type like on the bachelor either so what message does that send? That yes, these women can get an "average" guy but not a male super model? That doesn't send a very positive message either I think.

(who really should be cooking dinner & who meant to read the other posts on this topic before jumping in but just jumped in anyway, sorry if these points have already been made, I promise to be quiet until I read more from now on!)

Re: OT: More to Love?

Wow, it looks like I really started something here. I didn't think the discussion would get this intense so fast.Kassia has a great point that the media wrongly portrays how people--especially women--should look. I'm not in favor of that at all.My suspicion about this show is that it may normalize obesity by showing what a great thing it is that such a woman can find a guy.Now, before everybody throws rotten tomatoes (or worse) at me, let me make myself clear. I know it's not realistic to expect every woman to be a miniature size, and I wish the media didn't put that pressure out there. At the same time, approving of obesity is not a healthy message to send either. I suspect the tone of the show will be "See, here's a guy who's not too shallow to date a heavy woman unlike the rest of you shallow American men, so there's nothing wrong with being fat."To which my response is: Yes, there is something wrong with that. It's hazardous to your health. Where is the personal responsibility of those who are overweight? How can anybody--male or female--live a lifestyle that contributes to obesity and all the health problems that come with it and yet expect that other people should just overlook the problems of being in a relationship with an obese person?Maybe the guy on the show does have a problem with women so he needs something pathetic like this show to get a date. (Of course he's also doing it for the money.) But if he's smart, why would he get into a relationship with a woman who is on a collision course with a heart attack and could be dead in a few years?Of course, not all obesity is within our ability to control. I've known people with thyroid problems and things that make them obese no matter what. I don't blame them for the way they are, and I feel sorry for them. But I have no sympathy for the growing number of people in this country--both men and women--who are to darned lazy and undisciplined to take responsibility for keeping themselves healthy. Face it; that's what most of American obesity is.I bust my butt down there in the workout room 5 or 6 days a week just like a lot of you. I don't think I have a right to expect that a woman should fall in love with me if decide to let myself blow up to 300 lbs. Willingly letting your health go down the drain like that is selfish, short-sighted and says a lot about your personality.Okay, can I come out from cover now? :-)>> oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > kassia>

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i've only ever seen 1 OLD tape that a very skinny girl had said she lost over 100lbs on the workout she showed pictures of her amazing results and sure i was impressed. And great job to all those who have succeeded on the workout programs. i would just like to see those bigger girls up there showing us that even someone bigger can do the workout.when i first started working out just back in june i couldn't complete an entire set in a workout let alone the entire workout. and the whole time i standing there panting my lungs out all i could think was sure all u skinny ppl can do this and like men wouldn't have trouble doing weight training. i just want to see a girl or guy my size out there, their first time trying these sets and workout. in the beginning i couldn't do the whole set because

it would push me further then i was capable and i forced to stop, i was jealous of those skinny ppl on the tapes and dvds. that made me want to quit all together but i stuck it out even though i wanted to quit and instead of stopping when it got too hard or to intense i learned to alter those part to something similar but easier on me. i do the same thing in place of equipment. sorry my point being i have issues but there are alot of overweight ppl that have more issues if i feel that way about the skinny ppl in the world others do to and maybe not near as nicely. so i know all this i have said is jealousy. yep i'm chubby, stubborn, and jealous (and a lot more) but i will admit it and it's not over just women. oh no men and boys make me jealous too and my son is included. i am not a short person 5' 10 1\2" in flats which i don't wear often. my 9 yr old son isn't either. he comes to my armpits and is a stick is such an unhealthy picky

eater that i don't want to tell u what junk i allow him to eat. i mean he should be bese with the crap he ingests but if it weren't for shoulders and belts his clothes wouldn't stay on him the boy is a stick but he's withing normal weight and height ranges all his levels are normal. BUT she can sit around all day playing game eating bags of chips and ice cream, and junk and gain NOTHING. so see i am an equal-opportunity jealous person, or what ever (lol i'm so goofy sometimes). i'm just jealous some ppl are mean about it or so upset they quit maybe more ppl would succeed if they get just one big not OBESE but big guy or girl in everything.some the heathiest ppl iknow are bigger then me, they are ok with being 150lbs and thats great for them and it should be great to everyone else. i do want to say thank u to donna for pointing it's not just the physical medical problems like thyroid that causes uncontrollable obesity, there are more mental

issues that cause obesity then any other medical cause. and in most cases it's women. i am scared to be one of those ppl, that's why i have always gone to drastic measures if i felt necessary to keep my weight down. why? because the tv, magazines and stores all told me i had to. if i wanted clothes that looked nice i had to do what ever it took to stay thin. THAT'S SO WRONG, that messed my head up so bad as a kid. i don't want it to happen to other girls. TrishaFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...>To:

Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:39:47 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

What you're missing though, Trisha, about workout videos is that many of those women used to be plus-sized and got themselves healthy, not "skinny"! On some videos they'll tell you someone lost 70 pounds using the star's videos, etc. I had a lady in one of my WW meetings expressing exactly what you did and had another member tell her this information. Many people in the group found it inspiring and started changing their thoughts about using workout videos. When I first started with videos I was not overweight but was also not at all toned. I looked at the people in the videos and picked out the bodies I wanted to have. I knew that if I kept at it I could. (I'm still working at it but have made great progress!)

I agree the media celebrating very thin with huge boobs does have a very negative impact on women but I don't think celebrating being overweight is any better. The guy on that show isn't exactly the hunky model type like on the bachelor either so what message does that send? That yes, these women can get an "average" guy but not a male super model? That doesn't send a very positive message either I think.

(who really should be cooking dinner & who meant to read the other posts on this topic before jumping in but just jumped in anyway, sorry if these points have already been made, I promise to be quiet until I read more from now on!)

Re: OT: More to Love?

Wow, it looks like I really started something here. I didn't think the discussion would get this intense so fast.Kassia has a great point that the media wrongly portrays how people--especially women--should look. I'm not in favor of that at all.My suspicion about this show is that it may normalize obesity by showing what a great thing it is that such a woman can find a guy.Now, before everybody throws rotten tomatoes (or worse) at me, let me make myself clear. I know it's not realistic to expect every woman to be a miniature size, and I wish the media didn't put that pressure out there. At the same time, approving of obesity is not a healthy message to send either. I suspect the tone of the show will be "See, here's a guy who's not too shallow to date a heavy woman unlike the rest of you shallow American men, so there's nothing wrong with being fat."To which my response is: Yes, there is something wrong with that. It's hazardous to your health. Where is the personal responsibility of those who are overweight? How can anybody--male or female--live a lifestyle that contributes to obesity and all the health problems that come with it and yet expect that other people should just overlook the problems of being in a relationship with an obese person?Maybe the guy on the show does have a problem with women so he needs something pathetic like this show to get a date. (Of course he's also doing it for the money.) But if he's smart, why would he get into a relationship with a woman who is on a collision course with a heart attack and could be dead in a few years?Of course, not all obesity is within our ability to control. I've known people with thyroid problems and things that make them obese no matter what. I don't blame them for the way they are, and I feel sorry for them. But I have no sympathy for the growing number of people in this country--both men and women--who are to darned lazy and undisciplined to take responsibility for keeping themselves healthy. Face it; that's what most of American obesity is.I bust my butt down there in the workout room 5 or 6 days a week just like a lot of you. I don't think I have a right to expect that a woman should fall in love with me if decide to let myself blow up to 300 lbs. Willingly letting your health go down the drain like that is selfish, short-sighted and says a lot about your personality.Okay, can I come out from cover now? :-)>> oh yeah kitchen nightmares. it was originally a BBC thing he did in britian then brought over here. tell ya the american version MADE tv b/c of how more embarrassing the ppl in america acted over britian. > > donna i have to agree we are over bombarded with images of perfection and beauty. while its nice to play dress and be glamorous there is almost no looking at the other side of things and if some magazines do its with such negativity that its hard to see ourselves as "pretty" when celebs with the same "flaws" with get chastize for it in a magazine. > > i read one standing line one day about katherine heigel and her "saggy butt". she didn't really have a saggy butt but she is like a kettlebell queen like darcy and i so i took a little offense that this thin woman who can hoist heavy bells with the best of can't be given a positive spin. okay she is not perfect but she is a strong lady to take on such a tough routine from a tough trainer! they sure as heck don't say that! > > i have a bit of belly buldge that hates to go away the older i get. its hard to say gosh i am strong i workout hard when i have the body of britney when everybody called her fat.shoot i would have like to have been britney fat LOL she was still in better shape then my abs look now. i have serious self esteem issues b/c i was raised by somebody in the same fashion. never looking on the bright side or the positives or even praising when it was good time too. just always negative negative could be better etc. there are millions like me too! like i said i won't blame media on ALL of it but they have their hands in a big chunk of it. > > i give a shout out to all my curvy girls though b/c real men love curves and a woman who isn't afraid to order more then just a light salad on a date. > > kassia>

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well i think i did it again, i misspoke didn't i. not ALL workouts videos and dvds have the skinnies but yeah there are many workout with muscular men and women but there is always a skinny in the group somewhere but not always the 14. ribs poking out just upset me that's too small! if the girls on that show where just chubby like me where ppl say o ur not fat ur just fine. no i'm not but if those girl were my size i dont know that's we'd be having this discussion (which i freaking LOVE this group is so freaking awesome i love u all!)Kassia i guess that's kinda where i have been going with all these posts who are we to judge, even if they are grossly obese who are we to judge. it is wrong of them to put all those burdens and stress on the ppl they love and those who love the

obese ones. but it's not our place to judge and be angry that they are on tv. most of them have to know going into this what to expect. they have to know on some level the drama and problem they are going to incounter if they ever watched tv in their lives or stepped foot out their homes. if not they are delusional. OH YES it's gonna be packed full of drama and i foresee alot of fighting betwee the girls. It's not our place to judge. them. i say good for them for having the courage to live in front of the camera in the public eye for as long as they make it. that's all i mean.TrishaFrom: Kassia <ldy_solana@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:13:04 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

trish i can seem some videos where you say skinny a$$(i like jari love videos but do not like her ribs sticking at me) but i have some kathy smith back in the day and she was pretty healthy as opposed to an extremely lean self she has now. not sure if you ever looked into amy bento or cathe friedrich. they are lean but i wouldn't call them skinny. especially since they both can out bench me in a heart beat LOL they are full muscular women. ya never see any of them on a reality show either.the only reason i am not crazy about the show is b/c its always drama! if not a dating show then another show its all drama and its not really reality b/c

they kind of force the drama(the producers do) and the publicity will really play on "weight". i don't know why it can't be just ppl not skinny,not plus size, not black or white just HUMAN. i would still not like the

show anyway b/c i just don't like that kind of show but ppl do get their feelings hurt and TV knows how to play it up without regard to them and this whole premise is the guy likes his women bigger. which is fine good for him but really a show? and since we are on the topic of not getting our space in the sun how about my size. not skinny not plus size falling in the middle we get NO love, as you can tell about my rant about ppl at work. with the bigger women i am a skinny bitch to the skinny girls i am a heffer. doesn't feel to good which is why i try not to judge somebody on weight and wish ppl would see the beauty in all shapes and sizes. we have no representation either. kassia

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well i think i did it again, i misspoke didn't i. not ALL workouts videos and dvds have the skinnies but yeah there are many workout with muscular men and women but there is always a skinny in the group somewhere but not always the 14. ribs poking out just upset me that's too small! if the girls on that show where just chubby like me where ppl say o ur not fat ur just fine. no i'm not but if those girl were my size i dont know that's we'd be having this discussion (which i freaking LOVE this group is so freaking awesome i love u all!)Kassia i guess that's kinda where i have been going with all these posts who are we to judge, even if they are grossly obese who are we to judge. it is wrong of them to put all those burdens and stress on the ppl they love and those who love the

obese ones. but it's not our place to judge and be angry that they are on tv. most of them have to know going into this what to expect. they have to know on some level the drama and problem they are going to incounter if they ever watched tv in their lives or stepped foot out their homes. if not they are delusional. OH YES it's gonna be packed full of drama and i foresee alot of fighting betwee the girls. It's not our place to judge. them. i say good for them for having the courage to live in front of the camera in the public eye for as long as they make it. that's all i mean.TrishaFrom: Kassia <ldy_solana@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:13:04 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT: More to Love?

trish i can seem some videos where you say skinny a$$(i like jari love videos but do not like her ribs sticking at me) but i have some kathy smith back in the day and she was pretty healthy as opposed to an extremely lean self she has now. not sure if you ever looked into amy bento or cathe friedrich. they are lean but i wouldn't call them skinny. especially since they both can out bench me in a heart beat LOL they are full muscular women. ya never see any of them on a reality show either.the only reason i am not crazy about the show is b/c its always drama! if not a dating show then another show its all drama and its not really reality b/c

they kind of force the drama(the producers do) and the publicity will really play on "weight". i don't know why it can't be just ppl not skinny,not plus size, not black or white just HUMAN. i would still not like the

show anyway b/c i just don't like that kind of show but ppl do get their feelings hurt and TV knows how to play it up without regard to them and this whole premise is the guy likes his women bigger. which is fine good for him but really a show? and since we are on the topic of not getting our space in the sun how about my size. not skinny not plus size falling in the middle we get NO love, as you can tell about my rant about ppl at work. with the bigger women i am a skinny bitch to the skinny girls i am a heffer. doesn't feel to good which is why i try not to judge somebody on weight and wish ppl would see the beauty in all shapes and sizes. we have no representation either. kassia

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i with u laura, i'm in that ur too fat to date i'm 28 yrs old and have been on 3 dates my whole life that's all i heard ur too fat, the 3 dates i have had were with my jeff (starting 10 yrs toget in Nov) i finally found him when i was at my largest. i got lucky there but i have to think what would have happened to me if he hadn't come along would i have lost the weight would i be alone and huge and criticized because of the deep set depression i was in. i can see myself being one of those girls on that show so desparate to be loved that i'd humiliate myself in the eyes of the world for a shot at love that probably isn't real. what about all of u, hwta if it was u up there how would u feel? would u be sad to know ppl were mad and angry and disgusted with u cause u chose not to lose the weight. i

would be, i am sad now thinking about it. TrishaFrom: Pink <pinkpussycat@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:35:15 PMSubject: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!

I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese?

That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!

I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?

I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones.

In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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i with u laura, i'm in that ur too fat to date i'm 28 yrs old and have been on 3 dates my whole life that's all i heard ur too fat, the 3 dates i have had were with my jeff (starting 10 yrs toget in Nov) i finally found him when i was at my largest. i got lucky there but i have to think what would have happened to me if he hadn't come along would i have lost the weight would i be alone and huge and criticized because of the deep set depression i was in. i can see myself being one of those girls on that show so desparate to be loved that i'd humiliate myself in the eyes of the world for a shot at love that probably isn't real. what about all of u, hwta if it was u up there how would u feel? would u be sad to know ppl were mad and angry and disgusted with u cause u chose not to lose the weight. i

would be, i am sad now thinking about it. TrishaFrom: Pink <pinkpussycat@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:35:15 PMSubject: Re: OT: More to Love?

I agree, this has been a good "hot topic" thread!

I am split in two. On one hand I agree with Kassia, our society is overly obsessed with other peoples' weight and maybe this show will in some way glamorize being obese?

That said, I am in Judy's "fat and fit" category myself. I'm at 210 right now and not happy with this and taking steps to change this. I was at 170 last year. I teach Turbo Kick and can do a Cathe workout. I have slender friends who are winded and done within 10 minutes!

I have been told by men before in tactful and sometimes not-so-tactful ways that they liked me a lot but that I was too fat for them to date. I understand, you like what you like, but it also bums me out that they supposedly like me that much and this is the one thing that stands in the way. What if I was 140 lbs, they got everything they wanted, then I got in a car accident and lost both of my legs? Would they still love me and stick around or would they split?

I have also been blessed to have dated men who liked me just the way I was, and what a glorious feeling that is! Men preferring slender women is mostly a North American and European thing, other cultures prefer women with some meat on their bones.

In short - thank goodness for those men out there who like heavier women and aren't afraid to defy the North American norm or buy into the size 6 and under craze!

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