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April 2, 2008



Getting Health Freedom eAlerts?

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My God! What Have We Done?

I watched a video clip this morning sent to me by a dear friend and colleague who knows a good video when she sees them because she makes documentary videos (and is our collaborator on our health freedom video project). I was struck with a sense of awe and speechless wonder at the sight presented: a self-aware being creating a self-portrait with assurance and aplomb. The being is an elephant. We think we know a great deal about animal psychology and are killing these majestic creatures with deadly efficiency and ferocity but, as this thrilling video shows, we know little or nothing about these astounding companions who share the earth with us. Will we learn who they are before we kill them all?

Click here (

) to share this video with me and be filled with wonder. If you are like me, you will also be filled with a profound sense of regret and sorrow for what we are doing to our planet and our fellow sentient beings.

Now think a moment about what we are doing to ourselves on this planet.

Have you heard of the nightmare condition called Morgellon's Disease (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=599)?

Victims experience unbearable sensations - all the time, day and night - of insects crawling under their skin, burning and itching so terrible that people have committed suicide to end the torture. To make matters worse, much, much worse, these unfortunate people, who range in age from babies to the elderly, have open lesions on their skin that produces sharp, thin red, black, blue and white fibers and black sand-like grains. The fibers appear to move as if alive and, incredibly, when placed in a Petri dish after removal, continue to move and grow!

The origin of this horror has been unclear since it was first named in 2001 by the mother of a 3 year old baby whose symptoms she described and documented on a website. Since that time, thousands of people have been identified with this condition for which the only successful cure has been that most potent (and safe) of all antibiotics, nano silver. But the nature of the condition, and its cause, have remained a mystery until now.

This Plague Brought To You By BioTech

When fibers from Morgellon's Disease lesions from numerous patients were analyzed by competent scientists, they were found to contain DNA from BOTH a fungus and a bacterium used in the production of commercial Genetically Modified plants and animals!

Merging organisms that have totally separate DNA and characteristics for the sake of profit, regardless of the health or other consequences, the line between animate and inanimate has been crossed.

And we are all paying the price.

Like the fictional Dr. enstein, who transformed the non-living into a living creature which escaped his control, the biotech industry has, we fear, created a real enstein's Monster: en Foods which are bringing new plagues on us and on the earth. The future of our planet is literally and truly at stake. That is why the Natural Solutions Foundation has taken on the task of educating decision makers about GM threats.

As our good friends and collaborators from the Ecological Options Network (http://www.eon3.net/) have noted on their website, "To survive in the world we have transformed, we must learn to think in a new way. As never before, the future of each depends on the good of all." Statement of 100 Nobel laureates on the 100th anniversary of the Nobel prize

That's Our Table!

Nine out of ten Americans already know that they do not want to eat GM foods but the FDA and other decision makers in the US and abroad do not necessarily get the message yet. After all, Big Biotech, like Big Pharma, has bought a seat at the Power Table - in fact, some say they have bought the whole table. Well, we, the "netroots" -- the consumers, have a seat at the table, too - in fact, it's our table! We want the food on it to be clean, wholesome and healthful. That's why we need your help to make sure this message is heard at every Codex meeting and in the halls of power around the world.

As it happens there is a Codex meeting coming up this month in Ottawa Canada where labeling of GM foods will be on the agenda, once again. For almost 20 years the US has been trying to force Big Biotech's Agenda down the throats (literally!) of the rest of the world. It has not been going well for the US.

The wonderful innovation in Codex proceedings that began at the last Codex Working Group on labeling of GM foods (Feb, Accra), when developing nations told the US that it can no longer dictate what happens to them and their health for the sake of the corporations who determine US policy (and who send advisors to sit on the US delegations of every Codex meeting), will be put to the test at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL), April 28-May 2, 2008.

Natural Solutions Foundation will be there, reporting e very day to tell you what's going on, straight from the shoulder. No other organization has the respect and cooperation of so many countries in the Codex community.

AFTER the CCFL meeting we will tell you all about the strategy meeting that we have helped initiate and its impact on the proceedings at CCFL. You can understand why we are not saying much about the who, what, when or where. The why is pretty clear: an emerging coalition of nations is taking their own power back to make it clear that their food and health- and yours, since so much US food is imported from the developing world -- is not for sale. The US FDA, EPA and USDA may be for sale, but these countries actually value the health of their people so much that they will not permit GM foods in their countries or will only permit GM foods if clearly labeled as such. It remains to be seen how effective the developing nations are in their coalition strategy. We'll let you know!

The Natural Solutions Foundation will be there, supporting and assisting them and you'll have a ring-side seat.

But this is an expensive endeavor. In a few days we'll leave for Africa to meet with the officials in charge of food safety and our Agricultural Project to enhance crop production and nutrient density using magnets. Then, off to Benin where we meet with Father Godfrey Nzamuio, the Founder and genius behind the remarkable a UN Center of Excellence for Africa, the Songhai Center (http://www.songhai.org/songhai_en/), video at www.YouTube.com/NaturalSolutions our mentor on sustainable beyond-organic Zero Emissions farming for our Panama Santa Clara demonstration project - see: (http://www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org ).

Next, we head to Ottawa for the 2008 meetings of the CCFL and the meetings around it that could change the course of Codex, then off to Panama to meet with people who are interested in becoming part of the Santa Clara Project. If you are interested in knowing more about the community To find out about how to become a participant, click (http://tech./group/NSF-Panama/join).

After that, we are off to the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting in Geneva where each Codex committee reports on its work and moves it forward (or not - that's our opportunity!)

One of our supporters has generously donated $25,000 to cover the cost of airfare for the three members of the Natural Solutions Foundation delegation on this trip. That is a wonderful start and we are deeply moved by their support. The trip will cost a lot more.

The 545 people who donated to the Natural Solutions Foundation during the month of March have our profound thanks! Without you, we could not continue our work. Moving forward is becoming easier because our footprint is larger in the health freedom world and in the developing world. We have been asked by the Codex Contact Points of two countries to work with them to establish Natural Solutions Foundation organizations in their countries!

But there are both on-going and special expenses we need your help to cover . Won't you make your tax-deductible donation -(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) right now to make sure that your health and freedom have the voice and the vision that they deserve? Small donations add up. Big donations are wonderful. Whatever you can give, give! And thank you! And if you donate $100 or more, we will count that as special help towards the funding of our documentary film on health freedom and the Codex agenda. Don't forget that every purchase you make at our outstanding online store, www.Organics4U.org helps to fund us and helps to keep you healthy. And you get a 40% tax deduction of the total price, too!

We Are There For You, Wherever That Takes Us

The health freedom issues don't stop at Codex. They are larger than compulsory drugging or vaccination. They go beyond medical privacy. They include forced toxification with dangerous areal sprays, for example, or taking kids away when their parents won't medicate or vaccinate them.

When California and the EPA decided to spray for a non pest with chemicals which are not safe and whose long term effects are not known, but to spray every 30 days for 5 years none the less, the Natural Solutions Foundation was rght there for you. To donate, click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189 )

In fact, you can take a look at my comments and General Stubblebine's at a meeting last month on the insane spraying of the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) by visiting our webpage, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org or our YouTube channel at www.YouTube.com/naturalsolutions where you will find more information on the California spraying plan for that mythical pest, LBAM. While you are there, check out the amazing Songhai videos!

GM: the Most Expensive Cheap Food You'll Ever Eat

GM food is cheap. It is grown under conditions that turn lush complex ecosystems once known as "farms" into monoculture (single crop) deserts. The very concept of integrated farming, where one plant or animal uses the waste of another and sustains the first one (or yet another) is meaningless in monoculture. Vast industrial techniques and huge government subsidies make GM food inexpensive and chemical additives keep the prepared and fast foods so easily available cheap, cheap, cheap.

Foods "rich" in GM ingredients and chemical substitutes for real flavors and components are poor in nutrition. But when you pick up a box of this or that or drive through a fast food lane, you don't tend to count the cost of that cheap food: cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, Morgellon's Disease, potentially lethal allergies, infertility, depressed immunity, auto immune disease, poor school performance, depression, anxiety, worry about a loved one's illness or your own, doctor bills, hospital bills, lost days at work or school, etc. The "food" may be cheap, but the price you pay for eating or serving it is enormous.

To read a summary of the health concerns associated with GM foods, click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=600 ).

While the US is dedicated in its support of the deadly technology which produces "food" then-President H. W. Bush declared -- without a shred of science to back him up -- to be identical to natural food, other countries are beginning to fear that they have made a terrible mistake in embracing GM technology. While the rest of the EU, for example, fears GM foods and ingredients, Romania, concerned about the damage to the environment and health, is considering ending its approval of GM food crops.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=598) to read more. While the US approves GM sugar beets to provide you with GM sugar (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=585) later this year, the EU has blocked approval of a GM potato (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=587) for this year's planting.

Australia, whose last Prime Minister could not wait to get as many GM crops into the ground as possible is seeing things a little differently now. Strong agitation is pressing the government there to delay approval of GM crops (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=587) until their safety has been tested and fairly evaluated.

When you go to a market that sells real, nourishing foods (perhaps your local farmers market) you do not hesitate to bear the extra cost of organic and wholesome foods. You know the hidden cost of cheap, factory-made en Foods is the health of your family.

Staples like taro in Hawaii, rice in Asia, soy and corn in the US have already been genetically modified. Papaya, peas, potatoes, pigs, they are all fair game for the GM boys (and girls). Never mind that species besides the crop which has been genetically modified are being contaminated -- for example, us, through Morgellon's Disease. Insects, arguably significantly smarter than we are, have already figured out how to resist the super plants and their loads of super pesticides, becoming resistant and passing their resistance on to the huge levels of pesticide many plants are engineered to produce. In South Africa the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) has published trial results that indicate stalk-borer larvae have developed the ability to survive the Bt poison contained in GM maize [corn] plants. Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=580) to read more.

But consumers who do not want to eat GM foods and do not want their word, or their bodies, contaminated by GM technology and its cataclysmic mistakes are on the march. In Hawaii, where taro is a staple food, consumers have gotten the State Legislature to consider a 10 year moratorium on GM taro (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=584).

It would be a good idea to make that march a quick step double time, too, because even the existence of clean food, certified organic, is threatened by the use of GM plants. That may be hard to imagine, but GM food spreads beyond its boundaries on wind and wheels and wings. The continued availability of components to make organic foods, which are grown without pesticides, artificial fertilizers, genetically modified components or other food-born toxins is in question.

Widespread contamination of U.S. corn, soybeans and other crops by genetically engineered varieties is threatening the purity of organic and natural food products and driving purveyors of such specialty products to new efforts to protect their markets.

Read more (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=588). This is particularly remarkable when you consider that although most countries allow a 0.9% contamination level of GM components in organic products, the US allows a shocking 10% contamination in certified organic foods. So if products which are 90% free of GM crops are increasingly hard to come by, what does that say about the urgency of the situation for those of us who do not want to undergo forced drugging by toxic components or en Foods?

Ready to Get Involved?

I hope you are now good and steamed and looking for an outlet for your outrage (justified) at a system which actively prohibits labeling of GM foods because it (the FDA) knows that you will reject GM foods so they make it a crime to tell you if your foods are genetically modified.

Join the Natural Solutions Foundation Say NO! to GMO forum and become part of a community ready for action. Visit no-genetically-modified-food/ to become a member of the forum.

And, most importantly, get everyone you know to join as well. If ever netroots had a part to play in shaping policy, now is that time. And if ever the timeline before the tipping point into environmental disaster was close enough to take action without waiting any longer, now is that time, too.

We need to force the FDA to REQUIRE labeling of GM foods, not forbid it, to hold hearings on the safety (really, the lack thereof) of GM foods for the environment and for people, to make all corporate information submitted to the FDA about GM foods and non-food crops public, to find out what the USDA knows and does not know about the pharmaceutically modified crops it has lost control of, according to an internal audit of its Pharma modified crop test plantings, etc. And we need to do it quickly.

We need to get GM foods out of schools, hospitals, and off our tables, and we need to do it now!

GM is the problem, but WE, yes, WE! Are the answer…

Featured Film

Sage and the BioInitiative Report: Biological Standards for Microwave. Click

(http://blip.tv/file/597424) to view this important film. Be prepared to be shocked if you think your cell phone (or your kid's cell phone) is safe to use!

We know there are a number of other health freedom issues that that excite your ire. Chief among these is the continuing story of mandated vaccinations. You can follow some of those developments at my co-trustee, Ralph Fucetola JD's blog. Click here: http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2008/03/media-blitz-supports-big-pharma.html

There will be more about these issues in future eAlerts!

Natural Solutions Foundation:

We are more than just talk, and so are you!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



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