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Apitherapy: Medicine Made by Bees

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By Lynn Behrendt, contributing writer for Green Living at Care2.com

Did you know that bees, those quiet, buzzing, diligent workers that gathernectar and pollinate plants, help to provide us with about one third of our foodsupply by pollinating crops? And that’s not all they do. Bee products can beused as medicine.

Raw HoneyRaw honey is not only wonderfully tasty and loaded with B vitamins, it can also be used as a topical salve to treat burns and wounds, dueto its antibacterial qualities.

BeeswaxRecent studies have shown that a beeswax and olive oil mixture can help easedermatitis or psoriasis.

Bee PollenIngesting bee pollen is thought to increase energy levels and stamina. It has beenused to ease back pain as well as seasonal allergies.

Bee VenomSince it is believed to have anti-inflammatory qualities, the venom from beestings has been used to treat arthritis and other joint ailments. Bee venomtherapy (sometimes called Apipuncture) has also been reported to successfully ease multiple sclerosis symptoms, such as fatigue, vision problems and numbness.

Royal JellyRoyal jelly is produced in the salivary glands of bees. It is used to feed allbee larvae and, if a queen bee is needed, the queen hatchling will continue toreceive royal jelly for the first four days of its growth. It’s a milky whitesubstance, and medicinally has been used to treat chronic fatigueproblems and to increase appetite. Studies have indicated that royal jelly canlower cholesterol. Some practitioners consider royal jelly to be effective inbolstering the immune system, increasing energy levels, easing menopausalrelated headaches and vaginal dryness, preventing osteoporosis and, even, improving skin tone.

PropolisBee propolis is a sort of bee glue that bees make from tree sap and beeswax.They use it to stick their hives together and repair hive walls. Propolis isconsidered an antioxidant and can be used to make lip balm. It’s also thoughtto be able to break down and soften scar tissue and help easespasms in people with MS. If you have asthma, don’t use propolis because it canworsen your condition.

For some great ideas on how to add honey to your pampering routine, read Honey Do: Kitchen Cupboard Beauty Tips.

A word of cautionBee products can, in some instances, cause severe allergicreactions, so be an informed consumer and consult with an experiencedapitherapist or a doctor who uses apitherapy.

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