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Re: Article: The Death of Metaphysics

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I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be the case here. First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm. There for the Physical referes to a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and

teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open. If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die. It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888@...> wrote:  The

Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself. 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things

are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist. For example, there is overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage. The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is

pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle senses and, as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current,

laboratory experiments became much easier to perform. It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will also produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already

succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The

boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?" then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift

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Rebekah, while we live in the lower dimensions what you call the Carnal mind is always opened. We have to train ourselves to the Spiritual mind. A few people are born with it open at different levels, but that isn't the case for the average person. If it was, then All would recognize each spark of God. There would be no wars, murder, need for theft or negativity. One of the goals in this dimension is to relearn to tap into our Spiritual mind and remember whence we came from.

All Owens is saying here, is as more people become aware of the Spiritual element, there won't be a division between physics and metaphysics. That's all, Honey.

Blessings, Joy

Re: [ ] Article: The Death of Metaphysics

I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be the case here.

First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound

Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth

The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm.

There for the Physical referes to a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open.

If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die.

It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888@...> wrote:

The Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself. 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist. For example, there is overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage. The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle senses and, as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments became much easier to perform. It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will also produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?" then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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What your is saying is inopposition to what I have been taught and what I have experianced. If the Carnal mind is always open I don't believe it is open to Spirit infact it has been my experiance that Carnism tends to block your mind from recieveing the Higher self and Spirit Mind. Then Dark Entitities latch on to excuses to try and suck the light from you while saying that they'll give you your soul back if you trust and believe in their false hoods. Th Carnal mind is open to animalistic survival, Sex and aquasition there for the Carnael mind is also open to Greed, Doubt, Fear, Poverty, abuse and Jealousy The Spirit Mind is open to love, trust, Learning, Bueuty, Recieving of the Annointment of the Christ Spirit, Wealth, Sharing and the Child... Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote: Rebekah, while we live in the lower dimensions what you call the Carnal mind is always opened. We have to train ourselves to the Spiritual mind. A few people are born with it open at different levels, but that isn't the case for the average person. If it was, then All would recognize each spark of God. There would be no wars, murder, need for theft or negativity. One of the goals in this dimension is to relearn to tap into our Spiritual mind and remember whence we came from. All Owens is saying here, is as more people become aware of the Spiritual element, there won't be a division between physics and metaphysics. That's all, Honey. Blessings, Joy Re:

[ ] Article: The Death of Metaphysics I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be the case here. First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm. There for the Physical referes to

a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open. If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die. It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888msn> wrote:  The Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means 'beyond

physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself. 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist. For example, there is

overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage. The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built,

subtle senses and, as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments became much easier to perform. It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way

for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will also produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously

recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will

occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?" then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I agree with your definitions of the Carnal mind and the Spiritual mind.

Would the Spiritual mind be interested in greed, sex, or power? NO! But the Carnal mind (ego) is. Now look all around you? Look what the commercials are based on, Sex. What are wars fought over, Greed. What is going on around us all the time? Those elements of the Carnal mind, and that is why it's opened. It basically what the people are thinking about.

Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Dalai Lama and many more used their Spiritual minds. But they had to be trained. Fortunately they recognized this at an early age. They were tuned in to Spirit. This is achieved through meditation and other forms of training. It's always there, but most people ignore it. They are caught up in living in this physical plane of existence.

I am not saying that the Carnal mind is open to Spirit. But to go within and be in touch with our Spirits, we have to learn to control the ego (Carnal mind).

By open, I mean that which we recognize and listen to on a daily basis, in other words, Constant. And that is the Carnal mind or ego. And just look around you and you will see and hear the Carnal mind. It's not open for enlightenment unless it's been trained and to do that, first you have to recognize it for what it is. Then you have to recognize that you have a Spiritual part too. By merging, so to speak, you train the Carnal mind/ego.

I believe it's the phrasing that is being confused. Blessings, Joy

Re: [ ] Article: The Death of Metaphysics

I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be the case here.

First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound

Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth

The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm.

There for the Physical referes to a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open.

If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die.

It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888msn> wrote:

The Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself. 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist. For example, there is overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage. The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle senses and, as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments became much easier to perform. It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will also produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?" then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Morning. you're up late

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 1:13 AM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

I agree with your definitions of the Carnal mind and the Spiritual mind.

Would the Spiritual mind be interested in greed, sex, or power? NO! But the Carnal mind (ego) is. Now look all around you? Look what the commercials are based on, Sex. What are wars fought over, Greed. What is going on around us all the time? Those elements of the Carnal mind, and that is why it's opened. It basically what the people are thinking about.

Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Dalai Lama and many more used their Spiritual minds. But they had to be trained. Fortunately they recognized this at an early age. They were tuned in to Spirit. This is achieved through meditation and other forms of training. It's always there, but most people ignore it. They are caught up in living in this physical plane of existence.

I am not saying that the Carnal mind is open to Spirit. But to go within and be in touch with our Spirits, we have to learn to control the ego (Carnal mind).

By open, I mean that which we recognize and listen to on a daily basis, in other words, Constant. And that is the Carnal mind or ego. And just look around you and you will see and hear the Carnal mind. It's not open for enlightenment unless it's been trained and to do that, first you have to recognize it for what it is. Then you have to recognize that you have a Spiritual part too. By merging, so to speak, you train the Carnal mind/ego.

I believe it's the phrasing that is being confused. Blessings, Joy

Re: [ ] Article: The Death of Metaphysics

I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be the case here.

First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound

Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth

The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm.

There for the Physical referes to a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open.

If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die.

It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888@...> wrote:

The Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the

word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside

of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself. 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can

anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural'

implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist.

For example, there is overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen

when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage.

The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is

pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle senses and,

as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere

curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of

static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments became much easier to perform.

It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial

Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will also

produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the

weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on

merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of

that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in

subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other

words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics

will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking

the question, " How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that? " then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything

in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this

expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift

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Exactly....that is the key to Alchemy. The Transmutation of the lower carnal desires into finer tuned spiritual vibration. Lead into Gold. When we master this, we open up the awareness to be in tune with the laws of nature / God. Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote: Morning. you're up late On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 1:13 AM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyfuliglou> wrote: I agree with your definitions of the Carnal mind and the Spiritual mind. Would the Spiritual mind be interested in greed, sex, or power? NO! But the Carnal mind (ego) is. Now look all around you? Look what the commercials are based on, Sex. What are wars fought over, Greed. What is going on around us all the time? Those elements of the Carnal mind, and that is why it's opened. It basically what the people are thinking about. Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Dalai Lama and many more used their Spiritual minds. But they had to be trained. Fortunately they recognized this at an early

age. They were tuned in to Spirit. This is achieved through meditation and other forms of training. It's always there, but most people ignore it. They are caught up in living in this physical plane of existence. I am not saying that the Carnal mind is open to Spirit. But to go within and be in touch with our Spirits, we have to learn to control the ego (Carnal mind). By open, I mean that which we recognize and listen to on a daily basis, in other words, Constant. And that is the Carnal mind or ego. And just look around you and you will see and hear the Carnal mind. It's not open for enlightenment unless it's been trained and to do that, first you have to recognize it for what it is. Then you have to recognize

that you have a Spiritual part too. By merging, so to speak, you train the Carnal mind/ego. I believe it's the phrasing that is being confused. Blessings, Joy Re: [ ] Article: The Death of Metaphysics I can't get through this and I don't believe that the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of interferance from some dark entitity although I have been having that problem when I read that doesn't seem to be

the case here. First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound Physics is a Science that deals with the Known laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on Earth The root word is Physical. There for the word Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the Spirit World that is all about and within us all things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk, Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm. There for the Physical referes to a more carnal state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed while the Spiritual Mind is always open. If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is no way that the Metaphyisical world can

Die. It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of seperation from the Creation that the gift of enlightenment apeers to wane. Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888msn> wrote:  The Death of Metaphysics by Owen Waters Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist? To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e. 'beyond the study of the phenomena of nature.' Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself.

'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics. Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist. For example, there is overwhelming evidence to support the idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is an envelope of etheric energy surrounding the physical body. While only clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what will happen when a device is invented which allows the aura to be displayed on a physical

monitor screen? One thing that will happen, is a boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions before they can physically manifest and cause real damage. The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today. Etheric energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy deals directly with the physical world, etheric energy is pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in the spirit world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical humans do not see it at the present time, although we do have the potential ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle senses and, as we progress through The Shift, people will find this ability unfolding naturally. Research into etheric energy today is in its infancy. Remember that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was still a mere curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it was said, could

be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen in the sky as lightning, and observed in biology as the force which moves muscles. When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small charge of static electricity, was invented, the door was opened to more research into electricity. Then, with Volta's invention of the chemical battery and its ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments became much easier to perform. It wasn't long before there were instruments to measure voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's inventions of the electric motor and the electric generator opened the way for electricity becoming the new motive power in the Industrial Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working fluid. Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are etheric energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research will yield machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It will

also produce, among countless other benefits, the means to affect and control the weather. Rain dances are not superstition, by the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the balance of etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically affects the weather conditions. Etheric energy devices can also achieve that same effect. Rain-making, etheric energy devices have already succeeded in some basic experiments by Trevor Constable. When he served on merchant marine ships, he would secure his experimental, etheric energy projector tubes to the deck of the ship. The passage of the ship through water continuously recharged the ship with etheric energy. His projector tubes directed some of that energy towards the sky ahead of the ship. Within 15 minutes rain would appear - on a fine day, around the ship, and nowhere else! The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning

to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being. The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?" then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever. Physics, the study of nature, will grow to

include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics. The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. http://www.infinitebeing.com/theshift You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try it now. InnerVision Crystals Ebay Store http://stores.ebay.com/InnerVision-CrystalsInnerVIsion Crystals WHOLESALE SITE http://www.innervisioncrystals.net Consciousness http://www.awakened1.blogspot.com

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It is ALWAYS open,we just do not always listen!!



<starchildrebelborninutah@...> wrote:

> What your is saying is inopposition to what I have

> been taught and what I have experianced.

> If the Carnal mind is always open I don't believe

> it is open to Spirit infact it has been my

> experiance that Carnism tends to block your mind

> from recieveing the Higher self and Spirit Mind.

> Then Dark Entitities latch on to excuses to try and

> suck the light from you while saying that they'll

> give you your soul back if you trust and believe in

> their false hoods.


> Th Carnal mind is open to animalistic survival,

> Sex and aquasition there for the Carnael mind is

> also open to Greed, Doubt, Fear, Poverty, abuse and

> Jealousy


> The Spirit Mind is open to love, trust, Learning,

> Bueuty, Recieving of the Annointment of the Christ

> Spirit, Wealth, Sharing and the Child...


> Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Rebekah, while we live in the lower

> dimensions what you call the Carnal mind is always

> opened. We have to train ourselves to the Spiritual

> mind. A few people are born with it open at

> different levels, but that isn't the case for the

> average person. If it was, then All would recognize

> each spark of God. There would be no wars, murder,

> need for theft or negativity. One of the goals in

> this dimension is to relearn to tap into our

> Spiritual mind and remember whence we came from.


> All Owens is saying here, is as more people become

> aware of the Spiritual element, there won't be a

> division between physics and metaphysics. That's

> all, Honey.


> Blessings, Joy

> Re: [ ] Article: The Death

> of Metaphysics



> I can't get through this and I don't believe that

> the fact I can't get into into it is becouse of

> interferance from some dark entitity although I have

> been having that problem when I read that doesn't

> seem to be the case here.


> First off: The Word Meta Means Beyound

> Physics is a Science that deals with the Known

> laws of the Physical world to traditional Science on

> Earth

> The root word is Physical. There for the word

> Metaphyics refers to the world beyound Phyisical

> matter or the Spiritual kingdom. When open to the

> Spirit World that is all about and within us all

> things can speak to you. Liviing Mountains Talk,

> Plants say Hello, The Table will tell you if it's

> depressed ect... My Moms Purple lamp just lit up

> with a suposedly dead light bulb in it hmmm.


> There for the Physical referes to a more carnal

> state. A person who I'd like to call a dear friend

> and teacher taught me that the Carnal Mind is Closed

> while the Spiritual Mind is always open.


> If we see that Spirit is everywhere than there is

> no way that the Metaphyisical world can Die.

> It is when a person fallls asleep in a Dream of

> seperation from the Creation that the gift of

> enlightenment apeers to wane.


> Nelda Sparks <gentlerain88888@...> wrote:


> The Death of Metaphysics

> by Owen Waters


> Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a

> point where

> it will cease to exist?


> To answer that, you have to understand the

> definition of the

> word metaphysics. It means 'beyond physics,' i.e.

> 'beyond the

> study of the phenomena of nature.'


> Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of

> nature suggests

> something supernatural. However, as nothing can

> exist outside

> of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being

> natural.

> Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts

> itself.


> 'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact

> estimate,'

> 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite

> maybe.' How can

> anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More

> likely, it is

> something beyond the understanding of physicists

> because it is

> too subtle to be included in today's physics.


> Let's drop the use of the word supernatural.

> 'Supernatural'

> implies that some things are permanently beyond our

> understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude

> just

> doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it

> can be

> understood. The first step is to admit that it does

> exist.


> For example, there is overwhelming evidence to

> support the

> idea that the human aura exists. The human aura is

> an envelope

> of etheric energy surrounding the physical body.

> While only

> clairvoyants can currently see the human aura, what

> will happen

> when a device is invented which allows the aura to

> be displayed

> on a physical monitor screen? One thing that will

> happen, is a

> boost in our ability to diagnose health conditions

> before they

> can physically manifest and cause real damage.


> The study of etheric energy is in its infancy today.

> Etheric

> energy is life energy, an energy more subtle than

> electromagnetic energy. While electromagnetic energy

> deals

> directly with the physical world, etheric energy is

> pre-physical. Clairvoyants can see it, and people in

> the spirit

> world can see it, as etheric light. Most physical

> humans do not

> see it at the present time, although we do have the

> potential

> ability to do so by developing our in-built, subtle

> senses and,

> as we progress through The Shift, people will find

> this ability

> unfolding naturally.


> Research into etheric energy today is in its

> infancy. Remember

> that electrical energy, in the early 1800s, was

> still a mere

> curiosity of scientific pioneers. Electricity, it

> was said,

> could be felt from an electric eel, it could be seen

> in the sky

> as lightning, and observed in biology as the force

> which moves

> muscles.


> When the Leyden jar, a device for storing a small

> charge of

> static electricity, was invented, the door was

> opened to more

> research into electricity. Then, with Volta's

> invention of the

> chemical battery and its ability to produce a

> controlled

> current, laboratory experiments became much easier

> to perform.


> It wasn't long before there were instruments to

> measure

> voltage, current and resistance. Then, Faraday's

> inventions of

> the electric motor and the electric generator opened

> the way

> for electricity becoming the new motive power in the

> Industrial

> Revolution, largely replacing steam as a working

> fluid.


> Today's challenges to physics, and metaphysics, are

> etheric

> energy and consciousness. Etheric energy research

> will yield

> machines which diagnose and heal automatically. It

> will also

> produce, among countless other benefits, the means

> to affect

> and control the weather. Rain dances are not

> superstition, by

> the way, they are conscious attempts to alter the

> balance of

> etheric energy in the vicinity, which automatically

> affects

=== message truncated ===

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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