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By E. Rosenbaum, M.D.

How did the Japanese become the longest-living industrialized people on earth?

Perhaps they know something others don't. Oneof their secrets is a unique super food. It is…

The Top Selling Health Food Supplement in Japan!

In fact, the Japanese now take more of this supplement per person than Americans take vitamin C.

Now U.S. doctors are catching on too. Never before has one simple solution helped so many doctors.

Read here the remarkable stories of eight American doctors with The Japanese Secret...

Doctors report remarkable results for…

Cholesterol Levels … impressive new study results to maintain healthy levels

Joints… A way to feel less stiffness every morning

Blood Pressure Levels … a natural solution to help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels and circulation healthy

Loss of Energy… what’s really making you so tired and what to do about it

Problem Skin… a simple way that you can get smooth, beautiful skin your friends will envy

Natural Defenses … a simple tablet that builds up your defenses unlike other fruits or vegetables can

Vital Organs … a natural solution fights off foreign invaders that could be making you sick

Digestive Concerns … calms irritable bowels

Memory…stay sharp, creative and focused

And so much more! Dear Friend, I’d like to introduce you to a whole food — found in a tiny tablet — that’s documented in clinical study after clinical study and suggests the critical nutrients that your body needs for revitalization and renewal…despite your age.

When you get this amazing nutritional discovery working for you in your body, there’s a strong chance you’ll feel better than you’ve felt in years.

Even if you indulged yourself for years with bad health practices, soon your friends will be asking,“What are you doing to look SO GOOD?”

You may notice that some of your challenges associated with premature aging start to disappear. You’ll have the energy you need to keep up with your family, friends…and even your active grandchildren. You’ll love it when you get your energy back and can participate once again in hobbies or sports you may have given up years ago.

And perhaps best of all, your body will have a constant supply of the weapons it needs to stay healthy like never before.

That’s exactly what I experienced… and respected doctors I know all over the country have experienced…once we discovered this marvelous gift from nature and began taking it for ourselves.

Remarkably, many of us — and now our patients — have been taking it for five, 10 or even 20 years and still experience a host of new benefits and an intense feeling of overall well-being every day!

Why did we give it a try in the first place? Because…

…when it comes to nutritional solutions, doctors expect nothing less than these two key results:

1. Some are great at DETOXIFYING your body — they cleanse all the bad stuff out so your organs so your body can function at peak efficiency. And,

About the Author E. Rosenbaum, M.D.

Physician, nutritionist and expert on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine and alternative healthcare

Author of “The Natural Way to Energize & Revitalize Your Life,” “Super Supplements” and “Solving the Puzzle of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”

Sought-after lecturer and television and radio guest 2. Others are great at NOURISHING your body — they give your body all of the nutrients needed to get stronger and to fight the appearance of the premature aging.

But this outstanding whole food I’m going to tell you about can actually do BOTH JOBS AT THE SAME TIME!

For you, this means feeling better faster and staying healthy even under stressful conditions.

Doctors I know all over the country agree that this discovery is one of the most important nutritional advances they’ve seen in their lifetime…because they’ve personally used it to improve their own health challenges. And now they’re seeing more and more of their own patients get healthier than ever before!

I’ll tell you what this amazing food is…

My name is E. Rosenbaum, M.D. and I’m sending you this special bulletin to let you in on one of the best nutritional discoveries my colleagues and I think is too good to keep to ourselves.

We were the first to try this whole food years ago…but today this remarkable breakthrough is now becoming one of the most popular and scientifically-researched food in the world. It’s called Sun Chlorella — a single-cell freshwater green algae with an unusually high concentration of important nutrients — including a variety you won’t find in any vitamin or mineral supplement. This “superfood” contains vital key nutrients your body needs to purify your system and to trigger your body’s own natural revitalizing power.

Doctors love Sun Chlorella because it contains over 20 nutrients that can’t be found in these concentrated amounts!

— , Ph.D. Specialist at the Center for Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, CA and co-host of the radio show “Health Talk, A Second Opinion”

Trigger an ENERGY EXPLOSION in Your Body!

Clinical study patients taking Sun Chlorella show a 62% improvement in energy levels and get a better night’s sleep, too!

If you…

wake up tired and sluggish every morning and need a nap in the afternoon…

run to the vending machine or depend on colas or coffee to keep you going…

stay home at night because you’re too tired to stay awake through a movie or enjoy a night on the town with your friends…

Then get ready for new energy…new stamina…and a brand new life! Because Sun Chlorella replenishes your body’s energy tank by delivering more oxygen to your system than any other fruit, vegetable, vitamin or mineral.

It’s like an energy explosion in your body!

In one study, 62 percent of patients who took Sun Chlorella for just two months reported it helped improve joint or muscle conditions, extreme tiredness, or frequent sleep disturbances!

But since I’ve been taking Sun Chlorella for the past seven years, I have more energy and endurance — even better than when I was in my 30s! This remarkable natural breakthrough has changed the way I enjoy my favorite hobby and the way I practice medicine, too. It has made a huge difference in the lives of my patients…and it can do the same for you.

In fact, I know doctors all over the country that say if they could use only one supplement…

…they’d choose the whole food, Sun Chlorella. Even those who don’t take any vitamins or minerals at all love Sun Chlorella!

But now there’s hope for all of us — because of this amazing “superfood” from nature.

When I started taking Sun Chlorella over 18 years ago, I was a little worried that I’d be ridiculed by my more conservative colleagues.

Now, every doctor I know who takes Sun Chlorella daily — even those who were skeptical at first — are talking about it to other doctors, their patients, and to anyone else who wants the powerful purifying, youth-enhancing, and energizing benefits of this remarkable natural solution.

Keep reading, because you’re about to read some of the most astonishing personal health-turn-around stories from doctors that I’ve ever heard. Plus, I’ll tell you…

How the Sun Chlorella revolution started

Dr. Mark Drucker:

Mark Drucker, M.D. Co-founder and medical director of The Center for Advanced Medicine, and certified member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

How Sun Chlorella Changed My Life…

A few years ago, I got the shock of my life. I was plagued by constant underlying fatigue…

…that bogged me down and made me feel tired all the time — and I was the head of a natural medicine practice! Even though I was a healthy eater and exercised regularly, I still ran out of steam before the day was over. For a while I attributed it to the stress of my workload.

I had a number of tests run and was surprised when the toxicity test results came back. It turned out I was carrying quite a toxic load of mercury in the most unsuspecting place…my teeth! As a child, I had a mouthful of dental fillings, which over the years, released toxic mercury that leached into my body and sucked my energy levels dry.

I immediately had the fillings removed by my dentist, and began looking for a way to purify the rest of my body. Out of every natural solution I found, Sun Chlorella was the ONLY one that could provide me with both:

1. A broad spectrum of powerhouse nutrients unlike any you’ll find in an ordinary vitamin or mineral supplement, and

2. The best purifying agent around, due to its superior chlorophyll content and unique fiber that helps your body remove hidden toxins.

I’ve taken Sun Chlorella religiously for eight years now, and recommend it every day to my patients, and even some dentists who are concerned about mercury toxicity!

I treat a lot of people with fatigue and a lot of other common health concerns. Again and again, I hear from people who begin taking Sun Chlorella say they just “feel better!”

If you want to feel better, I know you’ll feel the difference that Sun Chlorella can make, like it’s done for me, my family and many of my patients.

Everyone knows doctors work long hours, especially when we’re in training. That’s when I started taking Sun Chlorella — I was an exhausted medical intern who was overweight and had no time or energy to exercise. My digestive system was a nightmare. And I was always tired and sore, but could never get a restful night’s sleep. And I was only in my twenties!

But once I added Sun Chlorella to my diet every day, it really made the difference in how I performed during all those 24-hour shifts!

I’m more healthy and fit than I was 33 years ago when I started practicing medicine. I often get pulled aside by my patients and friends who want to know my secret!

It never fails… they quietly confide in me that they’re tired of dragging themselves around and know they need nutritional help, but don’t know what to take.

And boy, is it easy to tell who takes me up on my advice to start taking Sun Chlorella and who doesn’t…Suddenly I notice those who did have a new spring in their step and new color in their face. The tiredness and puffiness vanishes from their appearance. They have more energy to exercise because they simply FEEL BETTER all around.

They’re back to enjoying their work and their families once again because they feel more fit and healthy on the inside…so it shows on the outside!

Now that they’ve felt the amazing results themselves, they’re recommending the wholesome green goodness of Sun Chlorella to their patients, too. And they’re witnessing amazing transformations of new health and extra energy, unlike anything they’ve ever seen.

There’s even more good news…

As a medical doctor, I urge you to keep reading this special issue. In the next few pages, I’ll tell you more about how this truly powerful discovery can help you live a healthy, more vital life.

You’ll also learn where you can get it at the best price from my friends at Sun Chlorella USA at the end of this special bulletin. But first I want to share with you…

The “double” secret of Sun Chlorella’s success

Sun Chlorella has helped thousands of people get their health back on track, because it has something no other food has. Because they’re healthier on the inside, and along with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, many people report such positive changes as:

Maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Removal of toxins stored in your body from the harmful effects of cigarettes, poor diet choices and environmental chemicals that can bog you down and trigger health challenges

A more restful night’s sleep and more get-up-and-go to enjoy activities you love

Better elimination and digestion

Improved skin tone, soft, thick hair and strong nails

…and so much more!

Dr. Joyce

Joyce , Ph.D. Top nutritional doctor and natural health care pioneer, leading expert in biochemistry and blood analysis, and President of the Wellness Center of America in Laguna Beach, CA

How Sun Chlorella Changed My Life…

“Doctors told me to trade in my ballet shoes…but now I’m dancing my toes off at age 72!”

How do you go from feeling like you will never dance again to jumping higher, stretching deeper, and twirling longer than ever? I’ll let you in on the most amazing revitalization secret…

When I was 37, doctors said to give up dancing which was my life!

I desperately wanted a second chance. I called my mother to break the bad news to her and she urged me to start studying to find a way to get myself well. How powerful a mother’s wisdom can be! From then on, I was more determined than ever to discover the hidden problem that was turning me into an invalid.

I found renewed health with the most amazing, energizing, purifying, natural health-boosting discovery I’ve ever found — Sun Chlorella. You see, many health conditions are directly linked to unseen, but dangerous toxins, chemicals and poisons. These toxins can lead to fatigue, inflammation, stiff joints, brain fog, weak defense system and a host of other health worries.

I was shocked that no doctor had ever told me this before!

I knew I just had to get these toxins out of my body to get well. I took charge by changing my lifestyle and began taking Sun Chlorella right away.

After that I felt like a new woman! Sun Chlorella nourishes my body to help overcome ‘old, tired blood’ and fatigue, supercharges my defenses and fuels my body’s youth-enhancing abilities so I feel and look years younger!

I wanted the world to know my secret, so I started speaking out everywhere about how Sun Chlorella can trigger your body’s own renewal. Soon I went to school to become a nutritional doctor so I could help others solve their health concerns naturally.

Now, at age 72, I’m still dancing ballet and I’m having a ball! Most people don’t believe me when I tell them my story because I don’t look like I’ve been sick a day in my whole life.

Believe me…it’s never too late to get a second chance at healthy living with Sun Chlorella. You’ll love the stunning effect it can have on your whole body…and your life! *How can one whole food supplement do all of this? At the very core of each Sun Chlorella cell lie two amazing properties…

1. The richest source of nucleic acids — more than any other food on earth! You may know that nucleic acids are the basic building blocks of life — and are critical to keep your natural defense system working in peak condition. An abundance of these nucleic acids helps your body to reproduce the enhancing cells that can help you feel young, healthy and vibrant.

Research shows that your body loses its precious ability to make nucleic acids — or RNA and DNA — as you age, making your cells inefficient. This means YOU feel weak…and tired and old. You even look old!

One of the best ways to revitalize your body is to get these vital nucleic acids into your diet.

Unfortunately, most foods today are depleted of nucleic acids through processing. But ounce-per-ounce, Sun Chlorella has much more than even canned sardines, which were once thought to have the highest nucleic acid content of any food.

For you this means Sun Chlorella may help build stronger natural defense system to get healthy and stay healthy!

2. The remarkable Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) provides super youth enhancement to help your body renew itself and fight off the effects of the premature aging process.

You won’t find CGF in any vitamin, mineral or herb.

It is only found in chlorella and it contains a unique mixture of nature’s most potent agents that nourish and replenish your body. CGF is naturally “built in” to the heart of each Sun Chlorella cell in a way that optimizes your body’s ability to absorb and benefit from it the most.

The CGF complex is mainly composed of nucleic acids and amino acids. By way of nucleic acids chlorella produces, divides, and enhances cellular growth and balances the activity of cellular reproduction.

How does it do this? CGF actually gives your body “the signal” it needs to rebuild healthy cells. When you take Sun Chlorella with CGF, you get a constant supply of strong healthy cells to revitalize your health and make you feel young again.

The internal programming of CGF makes it possible for the chlorella cells to actually quadruple themselves every 24 hours while they’re first being grown in their natural environment. So one cell becomes four new cells, and so on and so on. And when cells keep dividing to create new cells, you see and feel renewal in so many ways. Sun Chlorella may…

replenish your cells for more youthful skin and a fresher appearance

give you more energy to exercise and be more active so you can burn more unwanted fat easier

stimulate new healthy cell growth for stronger, healthier muscles and tissues

speed up your body’s natural revitalization

Dr. Matthias K. Maas:

Matthias K. Maas, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic, member of the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health, and specialist in natural health and nutritional therapies How Sun Chlorella Changed My Life…

“I had a near-death experience …but now I ride my bike eight miles up steep hills to work every day.”

When I began experiencing constant fatigue and lack of energy as a young teenager, my doctors were stumped… but they did what most physicians do.

I still felt awful. Nothing showed up on my tests to indicate there was a problem to “fix.” My heart raced constantly and I felt so overwhelmed and anxious that I missed almost half of my senior year of high school!

My mother, who came from Germany as a nurse and knew about herbs, introduced me to alternative natural solutions. And once she put me on the path, I was determined to find a natural solution to better health and restoration, and I did.

I discovered a whole food called Sun Chlorella. And wow, once I started taking it regularly things began to change for me…I felt so much more energized!

Sun Chlorella restores my energy levels and helps my body remove dangerous toxins.

Years ago I couldn’t get out of bed… and now I ride my bike to work every day — eight miles up steep Washington hills! I feel better than when I was half this age, thanks in part to Sun Chlorella. And my mental clarity has improved, too. I used to have trouble remembering patients’ names, but now I don’t have to look at their chart anymore to remind myself. I used to be a light sleeper but now I sleep even better at night and feel more rested in the morning.

I hope you benefit from my experience…by finding renewed life with nature’s perfect ‘super food’. I’ve taken it for seven years now and I'll continue to take it for the rest of my life!* …and many more benefits you just can’t get from ordinary vitamins and diet.

It’s amazing stuff!

But Sun Chlorella packs in a whole lot more than amazing youth factors alone. Doctors like Sun Chlorella because it contains over 20 nutrients to give your body the nutritional boost it needs.

When you’ve got this kind of power working for you in every cell of your body……you’re bound to see results. In big ways and even in the little daily occurrences that make a big difference in how you live your life.

For instance, the doctors you read about on the following pages who take Sun Chlorella, report that even though they’re around sick people all day they feel great. And they don’t take as many sick days off as they used to. They also gain peace of mind, knowing that they may avoid many of the conditions that they see their patients suffering from.

The doctors I know believe that they have a double secret weapon in Sun Chlorella. Not only does it help them serve their patients better, but every doctor I’ve talked to who takes Sun Chlorella also recommends it to their patients. And they’re seeing some remarkable results like nothing else has ever given them. Just look at how…

Sun Chlorella comes to the rescue of our patients’ most common — and uncommon — health concerns

Let me show you the wide variety of patient health challenges that we doctors try to solve every day. They range from the merely annoying to the most serious, and even life-threatening conditions. I’ll bet you probably have some of the very same concerns, but your doctor may not have an answer for you.

That’s one of the problems with our conventional training. We were given very few natural, long-term solutions to help our patients get to the real root of their problems. That’s why many of my colleagues, including myself, now rely on the amazing versatility and power of the whole food, Sun Chlorella, to do the job, along with a complete plan of healthy food, exercise, and the right supplements. When you put it all together, just look at how Sun Chlorella comes to the rescue in so many different ways:

#1 Patient Concern: Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels & Blood Pressure Levels

Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D. Head of Neurosurgery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia and renowned medical researcher who has done extensive clinical studies on Sun Chlorella

Stunning Research Shows Sun Chlorella Can Help Maintain Healthy Digestion, Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels!

Studies conducted by Dr. Randall E. Merchant at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia, showed the beneficial effects of Sun Chlorella on patients. Here are some of the notable results:


More than 90 percent of study subjects with colon and bowel concerns found that taking Sun Chlorella helped improve these uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions!


Nearly 40 percent of patients in this study maintained healthy blood pressure levels while taking this pure whole food Sun Chlorella every day for two months. Better yet, all of the patients were able to maintain healthy and balanced cholesterol levels.


Nearly 70 percent of clinical trial participants with chronic muscular, tendon and ligament concerns, morning stiffness, and recurring headaches saw an improvement in their overall well-being with the all-natural Sun Chlorella solution.

Until now, your only options for maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels were to starve yourself on a rigid diet of bland foods or become dependent on a long-term prescription drug, which can produce a range of dangerous side-effects.

But a variety of studies convinced me of Sun Chlorella’s proven ability in maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. That’s why I recommend Sun Chlorella to more of my patients who struggle with these tough cardiovascular problems.

For example, Dr. Randall E. Merchant and his team at the School of Medicine of Virginia Commonwealth University uncovered a host of circulatory benefits in their long-term clinical studies on Sun Chlorella. In one study, participants took “placebos” for one month, and then Sun Chlorella every day for two months following.

The results were impressive!

Almost HALF of the patients showed good overall maintenance of their blood pressure levels using Sun Chlorella. And every single one of the study patients maintained healthy cholesterol levels all through the study period.

I’ve seen this in my practice…and so have colleagues of mine…where most conventional or even natural method works well enough to maintain both healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. When my patients take Sun Chlorella every day, along with a reasonably healthy diet and moderate exercise, they like the numbers they see!

Imitations Can’t Do The Job Right! If You Take Chlorella, Make Sure It’s Sun Chlorella — Only Our Patented Pulverization Process by DYNO®-Mill Process Gives You TWICE the Chlorella Power!

You get more chlorella power with Sun Chlorella because Sun Chlorella has over an 85 percent digestibility rate!

Chlorella, as found in nature, is practically indigestible to humans. Its tough outer cell wall makes it pass through our bodies undigested if it’s not properly broken down first.

Sun Chlorella’s patented pulverization process by DYNO®-Mill completely pulverizes the tough cell wall — in fact it’s 95 percent pulverized! This exclusive method preserves precious nutrients and makes it easy for you to digest. No other chlorella product available compares to this — just take a look at our microscopic pictures (below) and see for yourself!

Test after test shows that Sun Chlorella is the ONLY chlorella with a truly pulverized cell wall. More than 35 years of laboratory research goes into each batch of the highest quality, most absorbable, single-cell chlorella available. So give your body the best — Sun Chlorella — because your health is too important not to!

Common chlorella, like this one, only claim to have a “broken cell wall” and are not easily digested, resulting in a loss of nutrients.

Sun Chlorella, the true “pulverized cell wall”, easily allows optimum digestion and assimilation of nutrients into your body. When you get back test results this good for so many patients…as a doctor, you just can’t ignore it!

But Sun Chlorella doesn’t stop there when it comes to helping my patients feel better… #2 Patient concern: Stiff Joints and Muscles

Most doctors will tell you that when you get older, you’re bound to feel stiff and move around more slowly, but that’s simply not true! In fact, if you suffer from any type of muscle or tendon conditions or recurring headaches, you’ll be surprised to learn that there may be another factor besides normal aging that could be making you worse off. Another cause of your conditions may more than likely be hidden chemical irritants!

Scientists have discovered that nerves can be irritated by dozens of invisible toxins found in our everyday environment. These toxins can trigger a chain reaction of chemical changes in your body.

This is because toxins love to set up housekeeping in your bowel and eventually can damage the intestinal wall. This damaged lining lets bacteria and other poisons enter the blood and react against your joint tissues…leaving you sore and stiff morning, noon and night!

I’ll tell you this now: You can do something about your stiff joints and muscles! Here’s how …

In another important study conducted by Dr. Merchant’s group, they gave Sun Chlorella daily for two months to a group of people who were experiencing stiff joints, sore muscles, and more.

The results astonished even the researchers! Nearly 70 percent of those who took Sun Chlorella faithfully throughout the study period saw measurable improvement in how they felt. And 45 percent found comfort at last.

Natural help for your stiffness! New hope for stiff joints and backs

Jogging at 80!

“At age 80, I still jog and fast walk 7 days a week. I feel that I have a lot of energy and stamina. I attribute this to the amount of Sun Chlorella I take every day, a healthy diet and moderate exercise. I very seldom experience joint conditions from old age. It’s amazing what Sun Chlorella has done for me. I am healthier and I expect to live to be 100 years old.” — A. Baquera, TX

Functioning Like A 29-Year Old!

“Despite my age, I have been able to function more like the 29-year-old I would like to be. In the past few months I have been able to go from place to place to do my shopping, thanks to Sun Chlorella.” — I. LaSerra, NY

Feet and legs feel better!

“Before taking Sun Chlorella, my back was stiff all the time and my feet and legs were a concern. After taking Sun Chlorella for a month, I feel better. I have a lot of energy and feel better than I have in years… It’s a miracle worker.” *— A. Hubbard, OK Sun Chlorella has long been known as a natural defense enhancer and purifier, and now important medical research — and thousands of Sun Chlorella users — show it can also help you:

Promote joint health

Enjoy natural reprieve from stiffness

Support a normal range of motion

You see, Sun Chlorella can help you, too! Here’s another reason I’m so excited about it…

#3 Patient concern: Lack of Energy And Sleep

If you find yourself petering out by mid-afternoon or canceling social engagements at night because you’re too tired to go out, I have great news for you that could put much more fun into your life! Sun Chlorella provides more purification power and unique nutrients to give you a super energy boost than any single vitamin known to science.

Patients tell me that from the very first week they begin taking Sun Chlorella, they can feel more improved energy than they’ve had in years! I’ve seen people go from couch potato to active dynamo in a number of weeks — in some cases even days! You won’t believe how much more alert and active you can feel.

And one of the best benefits you’ll feel from Sun Chlorella is the solid, good sleep you may get when your body is free of toxins and working in peak condition. You might find that getting up in the morning is a little easier because you feel more rested.

How Doctors Stay Slim and Vibrant!

Doctors know that the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.

But they also know that even if you’re dieting and exercising, you may still need help. That’s because toxins from processed foods and refined sugars. And when toxins stay in the fat cells, we get sluggish digestion, constipation…and the pounds start to add up fast.

Sun Chlorella can help purify your body so your metabolism and intestinal tract receive the support they need to run more efficiently and smoothly. It’s the only food with enough high-powered chlorophyll content to stimulate the production of friendly bacteria into your stomach — the kind you need for digesting fats properly! Just look how these people have achieved their goals — you can too:

LOST 46 pounds!

“After changing my lifestyle and being on Sun Chlorella for three to four weeks, I noticed a drastic change in my eating habits: I was losing weight and also had an increase in energy…My skin is clear and much softer, I feel very good and will never stop taking Sun Chlorella…when everyone asks how I did it I tell them all about Sun Chlorella…what a great feeling to find something that actually works.” — B. Laney, AZ

No More Sugar Cravings!

“After only a few months use, I have noticed a great improvement to my general overall health with an increase in my energy level, better digestion, weight loss, and most of all a significant reduction in sugar cravings!” *— M. Duplanty, CA This is due in part to Sun Chlorella’s amazingly high chlorophyll content, which helps to purify your body of unwanted toxins from bad food choices, prescription drugs, cosmetics that seep into your blood stream through your skin, and so much more. Sun Chlorella also contains powerful antioxidants and vitamin B-12 to fight free radicals and give you a daily shot of extra energy.

When more energy gets delivered to your cells, suddenly you’re ready to take on extra projects or exercise longer because you have more stamina. Now who couldn’t use a boost like that?

Just imagine how you’ll feel if you’re able to…

Wake up in the morning and feel completely refreshed and relaxed

Bounce out of bed instead of hitting the snooze button

Feel good about your body all day long

Work or enjoy hobbies the entire day without feeling like you need a nap

Say goodbye to dependence on coffee, tea, candy, or cola drinks to get you through the afternoon!

I’ve heard tales from people who’ve told me that Sun Chlorella gave them these benefits and more! Now you can feel good — and even look good, too…

#4 Patient concern: Skin, Hair, Wrinkles and Nail Problems

Believe it or not, Sun Chlorella is the #1 best kept natural beauty secret in America. This amazing superfood treats your skin just as well, if not better than any avocado facial, mud bath, or salt scrub!

That’s because not one of those treatments contains the high amounts of nucleic acids that Sun Chlorella does. These nucleic acids — also known as RNA and DNA — have been shown to have considerable beauty and youth-enhancing skin benefits!

The late , M.D. showed this back in 1974 in his ground-breaking book, Dr. ’s No-Aging Diet. He found that a diet rich in nucleic acids can help you look and feel years younger! That’s more than30 years ago, when few people in this country even knew about Sun Chlorella.

In fact, the only place in the United States that caught on early to the benefits of Sun Chlorella was Hollywood, Calif.!

Now you can fool your friends into thinking you’re years younger with the help of these same nucleic acids and other powerful nutrients found in Sun Chlorella that can help give you…

Rosier skin and glowing good looks

Softer facial lines and liver spots

Tighter pores for a smoother complexion

Improved dry skin and adult acne

Stronger nails and shinier soft hair

Major magazines that track popular beauty trends state that Sun Chlorella can help keep you looking fresh and radiant:

Touts Sun Chlorella as “The third (out of 10) most popular ‘in’ item among Hollywood celebrities,” and is the only whole food supplement recommended.

Says, “…women taking chlorella daily reported smoother, firmer, more radiant skin and fewer wrinkles and age spots in just four weeks” … and…“this nutrient-rich supplement is like eating pure, concentrated mega-helpings of fruits and vegetables.”

Quotes that chlorella, “is unique in the world because it helps to prevent nutritional deficiencies such as getting the [nucleic acids] that allows for better cell replication, and turning back that aging clock.”

Informs men that Sun Chlorella is “the perfect whole food supplement for athletes who are mentally, physically and emotionally conscious of their bodies and well-being.”

Aforementioned quotes may be a result of paid advertisements and may not necessarily constitute endorsement or recommendation for Sun Chlorella products by the publications shown.

Give Your Body the Best Food on Earth!

Your best bet for your money — and your health — is Sun Chlorella. Only Sun Chlorella can help give you all this, ounce-per-ounce:

• more powerful fiber than many fruits and vegetables

• six times more beta-carotene than spinach

• more protein per serving ounce-by-ounce than soy or steak

• the richest nucleic acid food content — even more than sardines — for slowing down the appearance of the premature aging process

• the world’s highest known concentration of chlorophyll — the powerful toxic eradicator

• the Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which is the key to Sun Chlorella’s revitalization power that keeps your cells young and healthy and revs up your natural defense system

• 18 powerful amino acids that prevent weakening of your body’s natural defenses, including Lysine, T-cell building arginine, and cystine.

• more than 20 vitamins and minerals to fuel your natural defense system, including iron, beta-carotene, vitamin B-6, magnesium and other vital nutrients!

No other supplement contains all these nutrients! Packed with the best stuff on earth! Heck, even I fool my friends and co-workers daily…people often think I look 10 or 15 years younger! When you feel this good inside, it shows on the outside, too!

Here’s another way Sun Chlorella makes so many doctors and patients I know feel good inside…

#5 Patient concern: Stomach Upset and Digestive Problems

I’ve got great news if you suffer silently from a nightmare array of digestive upset and stomach concerns. I sure did when I was in my early years of practice, after piling up a huge load of mental stress on the job and catching fast food meals on the run.

After years of medical practice, I see that as my patients get older, they tend to suffer all kinds of digestive concerns, stomach upset from medications and certain foods, and other bothersome intestinal problems. Maybe you’re looking for something to help you, too.

In another of Dr. Merchant’s ground-breaking studies, researchers looked at people who suffered from a serious medical condition involving abdominal problems, appetite loss, and fatigue, and those who’d lost measurable amounts of body fluids and nutrients. For two months straight, those patients took Sun Chlorella every day. Once again the results were impressive!

More than 90 percent — almost everyone — felt improvement. They also reported a 61 percent decrease in other health worries, too!

These kinds of results mean no more upset and “blahs.” No more avoiding foods you love all the time. Now you can eat fibrous foods and not worry about how you’ll feel afterward.

Betty Kamen, Ph.D., authority on natural health for women and author of many books, including her latest, “She’s Gotta Have It: Natural Ways to Enhance Libido, Increase Sexual Pleasure and Have Satisfying Sex…At Any Age”

The Natural Way to Get Your Groove Back!

The Sun Chlorella secret to a more satisfying love life and increased sexual pleasure!

If you feel too tired or stressed out to enjoy sex…or just want a more satisfying love life, then I’ve got a secret for you that can increase your sexual pleasure and restore your passion to a healthy level.

Sun Chlorella can help you overcome these pleasure obstacles to revitalize your love life as it was meant to be enjoyed well into your later years. Sun Chlorella can help you ignite your natural instincts with:

A better body image with smoother, fresher-looking skin

Greater stamina and energy

More passion and emotional satisfaction because you’re more mentally alert and can handle stress better

Properly nourished sex glands and circulatory system

And especially, promotes normal hormone

Sun Chlorella helps sweep out sneaky, dangerous compounds called xenoestrogens — the name for any hormonal disrupter that is, or emits, a synthetic estrogen in your body — right out of your body. That’s because chlorella is packed with more chlorophyll than any known food, and chlorophyll is nature’s most powerful purifier.

And when your hormones are in balance and you nourish your arteries, circulatory system, and sex glands, you can enjoy a healthy, pleasurable and even sizzling sex life!

My young fiancé thanks you!

“I can’t get enough of Sun Chlorella…It has rejuvenated my sex life. I am an athletic 53 year-old man. I have found that I routinely hibernate during winter and am more relaxed and tired. Now that I’ve been taking Sun Chlorella I am reawakened and my younger fiancé is very pleased our love life has reached it’s peak. Thanks Sun Chlorella for the stamina.”

— E. Macias, CA

Whooping it up at 82!

“I am 82 years old. I sleep well and I still have regular sex twice a week. What more could anyone expect? It’s been a blessing to me. I hope more people will take the product. It’s amazing how good you can feel — it’s like a new life again. I no longer have weak muscles nor constantly feel tired. I recommend Sun Chlorella products to anyone who wants a better life…try it. It’s wonderful to feel good again.” *

— C. Rosien, Canada

The high fiber content in Sun Chlorella goes to work immediately in your digestive tract. It actually binds itself to heavy metals and chemicals left over from processed junk foods, bad water, dental amalgam fillings, a lack of exercise and even stress to help relieve your system of toxins and maintain a healthy colon.

Many people tell me, gratefully, that their elimination becomes more efficient and more regular. Sun Chlorella works like a gentle “power-washer” inside your digestive tract to flush out the bad stuff.

Sun Chlorella can deliver these kinds of results because of its high chlorophyll content — which is nature’s hardest-working powerful purifier. Sun Chlorella contains up to 7 percent chlorophyll — more than any other food and four times more than in any other algae product, including lower-quality forms of chlorella or spirulina — to help naturally purify your body.

Sun Chlorella also helps stimulate the production of friendly bacteria, which promote healthy intestinal flora. That’s the good bacteria that your intestines need to process food properly without upset and prevent toxic overload.

If you have trouble digesting or even chewing raw vegetables, then I definitely recommend you take Sun Chlorella. Or, if you simply just can’t seem to get these important green foods into your diet, then make sure you take your green superfood.

Once Sun Chlorella starts making you feel this good on a day-to-day basis, you’ll start to reap the true, long-term rewards it has to offer, such as…

#6 Patient concern:

Immune Health

The first are nucleotides — natural compounds that we all have in our bodies, but we lose as we age. Their job is to help strengthen your body’s natural defenses against the hundreds of different types of germs that cause life-threatening health problems. Nucleotides have been shown in an important research study to help strengthen the natural defenses of study participants more than those who just ate a high protein, nucleotide-free diet.

Keeping your natural defense system strong along with nucleotides is Sun Chlorella’s high-powered stash of polysaccharide compounds called beta-glucans. People in Asian cultures have long used beta-glucans as beneficial foods in the form of mushrooms. Polysaccharides have an amazing ability to release powerful compounds in your body’s own bacteria-stopping macrophage cells.

Two studies have shown some amazing results: In one, polysaccharides in chlorella were actually increasing the number of macrophage cells in the body — as well as revving up their activity. This meant a major natural defense boost to the study participants. Another study was even more impressive — it showed that chlorella’s polysaccharides triggered the production of interferon, which you may know is the “gasoline” that powers your body’s natural defense system “engine” that helps your body stay healthy.

And last, Sun Chlorella wakes up your body’s natural army of protectors — called T-cells — with special protein-carbohydrate complexes known as glycoproteins. These glycoproteins wake up the army and move them into action where your body needs them most.

Doctors Discover What’s Really Making You Sick! Just Look at the 6 Hidden Household Toxins …

1. Respiratory Toxins

Our air is filled with both indoor and outdoor pollutants that wreak havoc on our basic effort to breathe.

2. Weight Gain Toxins

To stay healthy and fit, your cells need to be purified regularly. But when your cells are dragged down by toxins it can slow your metabolism and cause “toxic weight gain” that’s often blamed on aging.

3. Fatigue Toxins

Shocking amounts of heavy metals found in our water sources have been linked to fatigue, as well as to other health problems.

4. High Cholesterol Levels, Blood Pressure Levels & Circulation Toxins

Pollutants from radiation, fried foods and processed foods can unleash an army of free radicals on your system and trigger dangerous LDL cholesterol levels. Lead in drinking water has been linked to 680,000 cases of increased high blood pressure levels.

5. Digestive Toxins

The FDA lists more than 2,800 food additives, many of which come from sources that are unnatural to our bodies. These can create a sluggish bowel and occasional gas, constipation, cramps and diarrhea.

6. Joint, Muscle & Toxins

If you suffer from any type of distress, you should be aware that chemical irritations may be the root cause. Nerves are irritated by a host of environmental toxins, such as cigarette smoke, prescription drug use and even microscopic allergens in the air and water — all of these cause a chain reaction that can often lead to inflammation and migraines.

Sun Chlorella also provides potent antioxidants and flavonoids to help you ward off free radicals that trigger health concerns and speed up the aging process. And it contains more beta-carotene per serving and iron than carrots or even spinach to help improve your natural defense function.

Translated from all this medical language, that means Sun Chlorella can help you:

Boost your natural defense system

Support white blood cell counts at a healthy number to promote well-being

Stimulate the activity and movement of your body’s own supply of life-giving T-cells.

That’s a whole lot of peace of mind. Nothing makes it easier to help improve your health faster and keep you healthy for the long-run. Most of my patients — and many of my doctor friends notice they feel healthier and even when they do feel run down, it’s less intense and doesn’t last as long.

You’ll notice you just plain FEEL BETTER, stronger and more protected — more than you will with any other natural supplement or whole food I’ve ever discovered.

Doctors and patients alike know that with Sun Chlorella, you not only feel better physically, but mentally, too. Just look…

#7 Patient concern: Memory Problems

So now you know there’s no question that Sun Chlorella purifies and nourishes your body for whole health. But it also gives your brain vital nutrients it needs for better mental function and memory retention, too!

This is a critical worry of my patients over age 50 who worry that someday their mental function may rob them of their independence before their body wears out. After all, none of us want to be “put out to pasture” before we’re ready.

I plan to be as sharp as a tack at age 70, 80 and even 90! I want to enjoy my family, keep up with my busy practice and continue working on all the creative and scientific projects I’m involved with.

Sun Chlorella’s helping me do just that. This amazing nutritional breakthrough will not only help to keep your mind and memory sharp, but it can help you think better and more clearly, too!

— J. Shima, M.D. General Family Practitioner and Director of The Health & Longevity Institute

Doctors Know A Good Thing When They See It:

“The rich nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and high fiber content found in Sun Chlorella all help support and activate your body’s own natural revitalizing power. It’s the only food I know that can do all that for you.”

You may find that all of a sudden you’re better at strategic games and puzzles, new ideas come to you at work, or you can concentrate longer on an intense project or activity that requires mental focus.

That’s because the fibrous cell wall in Sun Chlorella is so powerful that it helps reduce your blood supply free of heavy metal deposits.

Plus, Sun Chlorella is packed with antioxidants to help enhance mental sharpness.

This was proven in one key study with 49 patients who were suffering from deteriorating mental capacity. For six months, they took six grams of chlorella faithfully every day. And guess what? An amazing 32 percent of them noticed some improvement . That means it may help you to:

Remember names, faces, and dates without any trouble

Enjoy mental challenges, such as games, puzzles, cards, riddles and more

Learn new things every day

Make better decisions because you can think clearly

Stay alert and sharp to work longer on the job or task at hand

Feel less mental stress and less psychologically bogged down

Sun Chlorella's Tough Growing, Harvesting and Manufacturing Standards Make It the Best!




Only Sun Chlorella has:

The most rigid, high-tech manufacturing processes that are still gentle enough to produce a natural food product.

The patented process utilizing the DYNO®-Mill machine that breaks down Sun Chlorella's cell walls, has proven to have up to a 95% pulverization rate – so you can absorb twice as much chlorella power!

The full power of the sun's energy and precious nutrients, because it's grown right at the equator in pools of pure mineral water.

No sugars and no dyes that'll upset your body's natural balance.

Independent laboratory tests show that no other product has a true pulverized cell wall despite the claims they make.

Highly trained Sun Chlorella inspectors, advanced computer systems, and state-of-the-art facilities ensure freshness and purity in every tablet.

If you're going to take Chlorella… make sure it's Sun Chlorella!

Order your Sun Chlorella Starter Pack today and get these five FREE gifts…

Total Combined Value: $93.70 Total Savings: $53.75

If all this doesn’t convince you that Sun Chlorella is the most powerful defense-boosting, energizing and purifying nutritional breakthrough available today, then maybe you need to know my final…and perhaps my most critical…reason why you should take it:

Sun Chlorella gets you back on track no matter your previous health habits

Many of my first-time patients walk into my office frustrated and afraid for their future. Typically, they’ve been to three or four specialists and have had all kinds of tests, but nobody can help them with their health problem.

That’s why the first thing I do is to put them on Sun Chlorella. Why? Because over the years I’ve discovered that to get people back on track is to simply reduce their total load.

This fact is overlooked time and time again by conventional medicine. But the answer really is quite easy. Sun Chlorella has the unique ability to bind with those toxins and sweep them out of your body — and it does it better than any other nutritional supplement or food I’ve found.

The key to many of these “unsolvable” health concerns may be in the probiotics — the more than 400 types of friendly bacteria — that live in your body. The job of these microscopic bugs is to keep your body balanced by aiding digestion in your stomach, intestines and bowel, and to fortify your natural defense system.

But what many screening tests overlook is that your friendly bacteria — probiotics — can get crowded out by toxins, chemicals and other harmful environmental factors that beat down your good health.

That’s where Sun Chlorella comes in and does what other remedies can’t. Four major components — chlorophyll, CGF, protein and fiber — that make up Sun Chlorella kick into high gear to speed up purification and keep your probiotic levels balanced.

Sun Chlorella helps solve many more “unsolvable” health problems just by:

1. Supporting your body, which is the key to keeping your other organs and your arteries healthy.

2. Helping to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. It helps to sweep your body clean of heavy metals and chemicals to promote normal healthy blood flow.

When you’ve got all these important nutrients found in Sun Chlorella working together for you, it’s hard not to feel healthy! And you’ll see the results, too…Your next visit to the doctor’s office could be your most successful yet!

I recommend Sun Chlorella to almost all of my patients, regardless of their health status

I put most of my patients on Sun Chlorella first thing because I know it’s the safest and quickest way to help people. People who came to me with no hope now have a new lease on life. I’ve seen how Sun Chlorella can help patients make remarkable recoveries — even their other doctors are astonished and have become true believers.

I believe…as do many of my colleagues you’ve read about today…that just about everyone should be taking Sun Chlorella every day.

Even if you’re eating the right foods…

Even if you’re trying to exercise right…

Even if you’re taking a multi-vitamin…

Even if you’re doing all those things…you still need the power of Sun Chlorella to help you feel revitalized, healthier and more energized.

I’ll tell you what I tell my patients: You must feed your body the nutrients it loses every day due to constant attacks from environmental toxins, household chemicals, polluted air, stress and bad foods…the list goes on and on!

That’s the number one reason why I recommend Sun Chlorella to my patients. Because if it passes the test for my family and me, then I know it’s a product I can trust to give to my patients.

I stand together with many of my colleagues beside me to urge you now to rebuild, renew and revitalize your health with Sun Chlorella. A new life may be waiting for you, too!

Sincerely, E. Rosenbaum, M.D.

P.S. — I’ve had such good results with Sun Chlorella that I can tell you that it’s definitely worth it. I hope you’ll keep reading this special issue and decide for yourself, like so many of my patients, family members and colleagues have.

* Results not typical.

Let a “Sun Chlorella Starter Pack” give you new hope and renewed health — just like it’s helped so many doctors get past some of their most annoying and persistent health challenges!

Your Sun Chlorella “Good Deal Starter Pack” of 300 tablets is just $24.95 — you save $17.95 total!

It includes:

300 Sun Chlorella tablets (reg. $32.95). That’s an automatic $8 savings! Plus…

Receive this FREE BOOK: “The Amazing Superfood of the Orient”

Learn the amazing story of the Sun Chlorella breakthrough and its natural power. In this exclusive 96-page book, you’ll discover:

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• Mother nature’s best kept secret to stamp out harmful elements. It works wonders!

• The effortless way to get your energy back. Don’t miss this all-natural secret to renewed vitality.

• What to do to about stiffness. You’ll feel so good!

• How to increase your sexual pleasures and enjoy intimacy…without depending on drugs or surgery! Simple natural way that may help turn up the volume on your love life.

• Starving yourself to lose weight? Here’s one natural breakthrough to help you slim down and control unwanted fat…without restricting your diet.

• If you want to improve your health …read this Texas man’s amazing story. Don’t miss his most important health secret that can help you, too!

• Doctors’ warning: Avoid the eight most dangerous toxins that drag down your health…and the best natural way to purify and protect yourself now.

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• And so many more healing secrets you’ve probably never heard before!!

Wouldn’t You Love to Be the One Who People Ask…

“What in the World Are You Doing to LOOK SO GOOD!”

The 300-tablet Sun Chlorella “Good Deal Starter Pack” is a combined value of $42.90, so you save a total of $17.95! But…if you want an even better price, turn the page now for our “Best Deal”…

E. Rosenbaum, M.D. “It’s your turn for an amazing health breakthrough. You’ll love the new energy…new health…and new outlook on life that Sun Chlorella can give you!”

Save even more with our Best Deal Starter Pack

Get 3 more gifts and save $53.75!

Your Sun Chlorella “Best Deal Starter Pack” of 600 tablets is just $39.95 — you save $53.75 total!

It includes: 600 Sun Chlorella tablets (reg. $65.90). Plus…

Receive this FREE BOOK: “The Amazing Superfood of the Orient”, and:

FREE GIFT #2: “Beat the 10 Biggest Health Worries”

FREE GIFT #3: “Healthy Intimacy”

FREE GIFT #4: “Energy the Easy (and Natural) Way”

Three remarkable special reports give you all the inside natural revitalizing secrets of some of the country’s top doctors. You’ll learn hundreds of ways to help your body unleash its own power to help fight off a host of health worries. Plus you’ll discover simple new ways to get your energy back and get your body in shape to help you look and feel your best. Just look at all that’s waiting for you in your three FREE special reports…

“Beat the 10 Biggest Health Worries”

MEMORY LOSS: This critical pair of nutrients helps boost your brain power and support your memory.

STRESS: The simplest way to stop stress from ruining your health…your metabolism holds the key.

TIREDNESS: Feel alive again with this …even if you feel weak and tired all the time.

POOR SLEEP: Before you try over the counter sleep aids, get a good night’s sleep just by eliminating the two major causes that may be keeping you up at night!

BAD DIGESTION: Correct stomach problems with this natural solution that makes sure your body gets all the nutrients from food that you may not be absorbing.

WEAK NATURAL DEFENSE SYSTEM: Here’s the easiest way to reinforce your natural protection, even if you don’t take any vitamins at all!

ALLERGIES: Reduce annoying seasonal discomfort with the one natural approach.

UNWANTED FAT: Fat is just one of the three main causes of weight gain…learn the simple natural secret to avoiding the other two. (HINT: They’re not starvation and exercise!)

SKIN PROBLEMS: Toxins could be at the root of your worst skin problems…

“Healthy Intimacy”

The four pleasure-stoppers that may be ruining your sex life! Easy to identify and eliminate with the help of these two all-natural solutions.

The natural way to strengthen and amplify your satisfaction.

Sex at 50, 60, 70, 80 and beyond? You can protect your sex drive well into your later years with this all-natural secret.

How some medications may dampen your sex drive. Learn what you need to know.

The two hidden reasons for a low sex drive…and they’re easy to correct naturally, without the use of popular new drugs.

Hormones can help your sex life, right? WRONG! Find out what most doctors aren’t telling you about these popular but harmful medications.

And many more secrets to help you enjoy the long and healthy sex life you deserve!

“Energy the Easy (and Natural) Way”

Want the energy boost without the side-effects of caffeine? Here’s an easy way …without the jitters.

The most common everyday energy stealers. Are they robbing you of your extra energy?

The invisible toxins that gobble up your “energy” nutrients. What to do to avoid them and what to take to make sure your body has enough of these nutrients to make the energy you need.

Fill your body’s “engine” with premium energy fuel…all it takes is this simple trick.

Say goodbye to fatigue and tiredness…just by igniting the natural energy factory in your body.

Plus many other super energy secrets that you’ll wish you’d had ten or more years ago!


The 600-tablet Sun Chlorella “Best Deal Starter Pack” — the lowest price available at $39.95 — is a combined value of $93.70, so you save a total of $53.75!

Get an extra FREE GIFT for promptness! Order within the next 10 days and we’ll send you… “Nature’s Fountain of Youth: Astonishing New Anti-Aging Secrets”

Doctors know the best natural tricks for keeping their youthful looks and slowing down the premature signs of aging. In this extra Free special report, you’ll learn all of their best secrets that you can use right away to feel more vivacious and young at heart than ever before. You’ll discover how to…

Eliminate the invisible toxins out of your body that can add years to your looks! So simple to do and your skin will love you for it.

Maintain healthy cholesterol levels without harmful side effects. Best natural way around.

The proven way to slow down the appearance of the premature aging process. This simple solution can help you too.

Why starvation diets and sugar substitutes can actually make you pile on more unwanted weight. Get the skinny on how to stay slim the natural way.

Stomach trouble? Enjoy improved digestion with nature’s best-kept secret for good digestion.

Discover a little-known substance found in foods that can build new red blood cells.

Are your vitamins and minerals all-natural…or are they synthetic wannabe’s? How to tell if you’re really getting the natural nutrients your body needs.

The amazing breakthrough that can actually enhance your body’s production of defense-boosting T-cells. Don’t miss this vital secret for staying healthy as you age.

And all the greatest secrets we know to look and feel younger even as you grow older!

To Get This Extra Free Gift, You Must Order Your Sun Chlorella Within 10 Days…So Order Today!

“Love Sun Chlorella Or You’ll Get Every Penny Back — Even If You’re Down To The Last Tablet — With Our 100% Money-Back Guarantee For Life!”

When you see how one natural solution helps hundreds of customers go through such remarkable health transformations — such as we have at Sun Chlorella USA — you know you’ve found something special.

That’s why I can totally stand behind this superior, health-giving breakthrough. Be assured that you risk absolutely nothing when you try a special “Sun Chlorella Starter Pack.”

Your order is protected in three, rock-solid ways:

Guarantee #1: Sun Chlorella is guaranteed to be the purest, most absorbable and powerful form of chlorella available. It is scientifically shown to be TWICE as digestible as ordinary heat-treated chlorella.

Guarantee #2: With Sun Chlorella, you can achieve your own amazing health breakthrough story with its…

• Unmatched Purifying Power — to fight the effects of past health habits and slow down the signs of premature aging

• Unmatched Nourishing Power — to boost your natural defenses to trigger your own body’s natural health and revitalizing powers.

If you don’t love the results you get from Sun Chlorella, you can return your initial purchase for a full refund, even if you’ve opened it and you’re down to the last tablet! You’ll get every penny back — even your shipping and handling costs — if you’re not satisfied for any reason.

Guarantee #3: If you decide to seek a refund, all of your Free Gifts — the Free Book, Free Reports, and the Free “Quick Response” Bonus — are yours to keep with my compliments.

Of course, the very best gift you can give yourself right now is Sun Chlorella, because you risk nothing and you have so much to gain. I urge you to order your Sun Chlorella today!

Hank Noma, President, Sun Chlorella USA

The statements in this issue have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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