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MAY 2008



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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and



Love by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

This newsletter reaches a core group of 9390+

dedicated planetary LightWorkers and births itself into completeness from that

point forward




*** MOTHER EARTH SPEAKS ’it is time to listen

to your mother’



*** White Buffalo Calf Woman: Riding fully in all the

bareness of your being







As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan


MUSE! The Muse were birthed to inspire creativity, music,

writing, art, and just pure inspiration! The year that comes will be a year of

grandness and a-muse-ment as humanity enters a doorway of necessary

creativity, at a level never before embraced. You will go amusing in

your life as a butterfly that dances from flower to flower, stem to stem,

pistil to pistil gathering, gathering, and gathering some more. The Universe

gives this a-musement to humanity as a much-needed relief from pressure. 


the doorway to the Muse so that humanity can heal their inner turmoil and

trauma. Using the healing

modality of creativity, song, dance, movement, writing, creating with the

hands, with words that are written, with words that are spoken, and words that

are held deep within the heart that for so long have wanted to see the light of


The Muse comes to all of

earth to gather around each everyone of you. You must invite them in, if they

are to assist you in the healing process. Allow your inner child to finally be

free. Open the doorway to your heart where they have stayed in silence for far

too long. Bring forth from within you the creative gifts you have sequestered

away from this lifetime as well as others.

Remember when you were a

potter, when you were a healer, when you were a scribe. Remember when the music

of the spheres sang through you? The Muse assist you

in drawing out with a healing salve, what has been painful, what has been

hidden. Many of you have not allowed your full potential to be experienced. You

have been as an eternal bud, a flower that has never opened fully into their

sweetness, into their beauty, into their potential, and into their heart.

Even those of you who are

in relationships, in love, in marriage have not allowed yourself to enter fully

into love. You have not allowed yourself to give fully of yourself in heart, in

commitment. What you hold back, from yourself and those you love poisons you.

You must give of yourself as if you are the last grain of wheat and your life

and heart is the farmer. Allow your heart to be harvested in full. Your bounty

is love.

Each of you has the

potential to sing as an angel. To recite poetry that will drop Kings and Queens to their knees in humbleness. To write a truth

that will liquefy the soul of another. Each of you has the potential to move as

the wind and dance in your life and let your body no longer be weighty,

strained and stressed, but fluid and flowing and beautiful. Embrace the freedom

and sacredness of it all. Shed false pretenses and allow yourself to become one

with nature.

Nature will be your great

Healer in the next sequence of time. Allow the Earth, the animals, the sand,

the plants, the water, the fire, and the wind to embrace you. For the Muse are

not just musical and poetic and song full. The Muse hold

within them ancient secrets that have been dormant for far too long. Creativity

may come in a recipe that you create for another that is sick of life, sick of

body, sick of heart. As you stir the muffin mix or the cookie batter, place

within it, grand doses of healing, handfuls of love, and pinches of peace, all

ingredients of the soul.

All of Earth asks you to

express what is hidden and separate within your being. You have sequestered

away what you have forgotten. Remember when you were a child and you would

pretend. You would pretend to be a mommy or a daddy. You would pretend to be a

nurse or a doctor. You would pretend that you could fly with or without a

plane. You would pretend that you were the Queen and the Princess. You were

pretending your heart’s desires. As you grew older, that pretending became

pretentious and you forgot how to play, how to sway with the music, and clap

when you were excited, and jump up and down when you were filled with joy. You

walked instead of skipping and talked instead of singing. You have forgotten

the magic. All of earth has a great heaviness in their heart waiting for your

remembering. As the Muse are released so is the energy

of Faith, of Hope, and Charity. These angelic beings come to earth as mother

earth asks for their presence (presents). Ask for the presence (presents) of

more faith, more hope, more charity, and more love to come into your heart and


The essences of the Muse

and the Angels dance all around you, all the time. They cannot enter your life,

no matter how hard they knock unless you open the door to them, in your heart,

in your mind, and in your words.

Invite in Faith where

there is none. Send Faith where there is none. Invite in Hope when you feel you

cannot go on one more day. Wrap it in love and Give it to another. Invite in

Charity, to home and hearth. Many need to heal with those that are your blood

and your kin. Invite in Love, for even though you think you have it, you have

but a small fragment of the being of Love. Invite in a Love that is bigger and

grander than all other Loves. Let love come in and stretch its golden wings

around everything lifting up those whose hearts are closed – to a higher love.

Let the Muse whisper the

longings that you once had as a child, and have forgotten. You have wrapped

yourself in the swaddling clothes of an adult. You have closed the corridor and

strangled your childlike qualities. There is a little child in everyone, no

matter how old and wrinkled they may be. Allow your heart to open to these

people that feel like a little abandoned child. Send Faith, Hope, and Charity

and love to them.

Let everyone know that

they are loved, because everyone is feeling very unloved at this time on planet

earth. Everyone is feeling abandoned, abandoned by God, abandoned by hope,

abandoned by faith, and abandoned by charity, and most of all, abandoned by

love. Ask the energies of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love to walk with you

throughout your day. Allow these beautiful beings to be One

with you. Touching everyone you pass, sprinkle them with fairy dust creating a

twinkle in their heart, eye and future.

I am an Angelic Being

that speaks for the Muse and Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love. I have not a name,

only a sound, a color, and a twinkle, but you can feel me. Listen to these

words in your heart and then stretch them to fit everyone in your world. I

leave you with Peace on Earth.


As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

All energies

move forward in a continuum of invisible manifestation. No event is wrong or

right that serves the higher creation. This sequestering all thoughts into

doorways of right or wrong damages the birth process. One does not nor can not

see what the outcome creations are in vibrational change. For all that is

expected, births the unexpected. Everything leads to evolution no matter where

the path begins. It is by walking upon your own creations that you will

understand your dormant abilities.

As you walk into the

wholeness and the holiness of the expression of who you know yourself to be,

you will find that the lines that divide and sever your being begin to fade

with time, with wisdom, with love. You will find that the expression of self

that you know as the beginning and the ending of this life no longer are

divided components. They become streamlined in the natural sense of the word

flowing forward naturally. Issuing notices of cleansing and

clearing. Issuing different levels of knowledge, of wisdom, of strength,

of being of young, of old, of was, of will be.

Open the gate to the

Allness that you have forgotten that you are. Open the gate to all that keeps  separated in

thoughts, in fears, and longings. Open the gate to a future in which you are

totally in health, in love, in joy, in beauty, in youth. For

it is only your belief systems that decay the body. It is only your

belief systems that keep you from moving forward in leaps and bounds. It is

your canyon that seems endless in a sky that seems cloistered. Open the gate

and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly,  to swim, to tunnel

deep into the earth. Open the gate to everything that your

parents, your teachers, and your lovers told you that you could not be, you

could not accomplish, you could not experience.

Experience the flowing of

the trueness of your beginning without end, and your end without beginning. Let

go of all self-imposed limitations and programs. Let go of all excuses that you have worn as medals.  Un-pot the potential that

you have kept sequestered away, growing root-bound in containers of thought that

limit you, and containers of fear that only grow weeds. Open to see all

that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe.

What you seek is inherent

within everything. What is of value to you? Is it diamonds? Is it gold? Is it

wood? Is it water? It depends on what part of the universe you park. You can

beckon to you all things that inherently hold the richness that you desire. The

letting go of perimeters, of expectations, of boundaries, of containers, frees

you up to be it all. Are you ready to become

what you are in truth able to be, to conceive, to perceive, to birth, to

create, to manifest? What about becoming a universe? Are you ready

for such expansion? Are you ready to open your arms and your heart and your

mind and your eyes to such a placement of totality??


God, the Almighty One, the Source, the Prime Creator desires, that desire is

enough to make it available. Your desires have great

potential within them. It is one level of the Commandment of Creation; desire, passion, want, need – all of these are descriptions

of Creation. God does nothing but desire an

outcome and it is made so and so it is with you. Watch your world

more closely and you will see what we speak is not divided truth, is not

diluted truth, but expanded truth.

Let go of the way you

define yourself and allow your soul to re-define you in a way that serves the

soul’s illumination and soul path. The soul is deemed to expand, to re-create,

and re-define your lineage of light. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light be

brave enough to run barefoot into your future. We will be there to guide you.



As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan


enter my womb as I enter yours. You enter my heart as I enter yours. You walk

within the sacred sound, your soul upon my body as I sing in the very cells of

your being. You open up portals within me as I open up and transcend portals within

you. Each level of your being comes into sensories and awareness' that have not

been seen or felt or experienced. You each represent a part of my personality,

a part of my flesh, a part of my heart. From beyond time you have worshipped

me, you have wept upon me, you have knelt in prayer

upon me. From beyond space you have come and incarnated into the Stars in



the Stargate of your own heart. Stop waiting for that perfect day, the perfect

mate, that perfect understanding. Do not squander your dreams, your heart, your

feelings, and your message. Do not hold onto what inherently screams inside of

you, but sing it from the treetops and the mountaintops, and from the very

rooms of your soul. Don’t hold tight as you have in the past to the secrets,

the messages, the truths for it is now time to partake of all that you have

known. Sup upon it and prepare a banquet, a wedding feast as you commit parts

of your own soul into marital bliss beyond your human understanding, of heaven

and earth.

For the

light escorts itself into more light and the heart

escorts itself into more heart. I the mother dance within each cell of your

body and create a convergence. In that convergence I will triangulate and

create a threshold, a gate for you to remember. Let my voice enter your heart,

as you speak my truth, setting it free from the very stones of earth into the

air, setting it free as it has been held hostage in your lungs, and in your



great release has happened, as many have been set free from the earthly bonds

of the flesh. I have held back for so long trying hard to make my children listen

to how their actions sound and penetrate the heavens. The fighting the upheaval

the anger wells and wears upon my body, until I contract in pain and great

planetary upheavals are birthed.

As a

living being I feel your sadness but you have waited too long to feel me. You

fight for the very fluids that run thru my body holding them hostage from one

another when all I have is for all of my children. As this fighting continues

on all levels I will continue to let you feel my anger as a mother that wants

what is good for her children. I will continue to let you feel my present when

you think all is perfect in your life. I will continue to push you into

understanding the after affects of wastefulness and selfishness as any good

mother would do. Listen to me so I do not have to scream any louder above the

voice of the masses that plays too loud in my ears.

What I

do I do because I love you. You spend what you have in

abundance on obsolete features of life when those at a different longitude have

no roof over their head and cannot feed their children. You may be all from

different fathers and different universes but you are all my children and I

intend to make this clear. I am all levels of SHE. Blessings Mother Earth.



As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan


am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into your

blessedness, for you are blessings to me. You stretch yourself and you walk

upon the path of enlightenment, which is often strewn with many earthly hazards

and physical pains. You are such blessings to me because you try to fly in your

mind and your heart with the wings of the Gods and the Goddesses that you are.

You are blessings to me because you continue to pray as I pray against all



are my blessings and I come on this day to help you remember the sacred

contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your

spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You

hold within you an earthen trinity. You house the universe and all of its

octaves in your physical body. This past WESAK gave to you doorways of entrance

into the Void. Look through the two ‘O’s " in the word " moon " and

see them as glasses. Place them on yourself right now and you can see through

dimensions. You can see into your future. You can see into the past. You can

see into another’s heart, and you can see into another’s body. Look through

these glasses that give to you the 'god lens of your soul'. The concave and the

convex of the soul patterning that you inherently house within you.


at your body as a 'great universe'. You can look into that universe and can see

all that it consists of and what it houses or you can your view outwards into

the heavenly realm that lives around your private universe. It is up to you.

These 'god-lenses of the soul' will give to you perceptions, abilities, and

clarity of seeing. You have begged and asked to see what truth is, to see true love,

to see what is to come for you, to see your past so that you can heal it, to

see into your body to see the blockages so that you can dissolve them.


of this came to you in the time of WESAK when the Buddha and the Christ came

together. This year they do not separate their gifts they become Soul Mates

with one another and they merge transfigured and transmigrated blending as One. The Buddha now holds the vibrations of the Christ and

the Christ, holds the vibrations of the Buddha. As you merge with them

vibrationally you will blend like water that has been in a jar too long and

seeks the ocean as a lonely lover that has been apart too many days. You are

seeking, you are embracing, you are becoming the fluidness of your future as

you allow yourself to be poured into new formats, and new geometry's. You will

stretch yourself beyond what you know yourself to be.


the last year humanity has contracted themselves they have been afraid to

stretch because of war, because of disease, because of fear of not having

enough,  gas, money,

or food. They have contracted and in this contraction, they have created

pockets of poisons within their mind, within their words and within their

bodies that now ask to be released.


is a time for all of humanity to dispense with the contractions, to dispense

with the fear, to dispense with the anger. 

Even though most people would like to hate and blame others the hate is

turned inward. They spew it and spit their angry words but like a snake, the

venom is held inside. Snakes are very wise beings. They have figured out how to

hold toxins and not to become toxic, but humans are not snakes.


the Buddha and the Christ come to you and ask you to dispense with all that is

toxic or negative, release it, let it go, say " take it from my body, take

it from my words, take it from my heart. " These dispensations come to you

as cleansing bubbles that land upon you and gather what has hardened, and is

cancerous, and toxic. Lightness will be assured and insured as you walk through

the rest of the cleansing summer with a supreme knowing that you are ready to

move forward.


recent energies have ushered you into the dark abysses and crevices of your

fears and doubts. You cannot be allowed the pleasure of doubting. You cannot

doubt your work, your thoughts and your intentions, or you choices. Dispense with what keeps you less than. Dispense with

what keeps you from loving another. Dispense with what keeps another from

loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep yourself

immobilized in the present. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.


As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

I am He that glides upon

the emanations of the past, the present, the future.  I am He that is faster then the speed of

light, deeper then the speed of sound.  I

am He that dwells in-between space and time. 

I am ELOHEIM, as I am you.  I come

to bring you into awareness of the aspects of yourself that you have pushed

away throughout time and space. 

In this corridor of time

you now enter there is a blending of every aspect of yourself that has been

un-embraced.  All of the doings and the

un-doings of this life experience that have been pushed into the cellar of your

mind, every aspect of this and all earth experiences that you have not

embraced.  They all come together at the

summit of your human-ness, meeting at the entrance and the exit, the rip tide,

the flow and the ebb of your being-ness. Adjoining and conjoining together to awaken

the sleeping dormant giant and dragon within you. 

It is beyond time for you

to stand in the very center circle of every experience that you have known and

un-known, and walk forward once and for all to meet them.  They represent all of whom you once were.  In order for you to move forward into

totality, into placement of honor, and placement of light – you must fully

integrate every aspect that you have not acknowledged, every

anger that you have sequestered away. 

Every toxic thought throughout existence now takes form and now stands there



that you have ever called upon throughout all time and space gathers -- to once

again invite you through a gauntlet of initiation without giving in to fear,

without giving in to temptation, without giving in to anger.  You are asked to love these elements that try

and stop you from succeeding, that want to pay you back for calling them up in

the first place, that want to gift you with whatever life form you granted them

asylum originally.

It is this portal that

you have cried for, that you have prayed for, that you have begged God

for.  It is not an easy entrance.  It is as traveling through a black hole free

falling in order to find one’s self. 

Then one finds that they have landed upon the island of every experience

that one has ever encountered.  Some of

these experiences will integrate in your dreams. Others will come through

individuals that you meet that mirror this. 

You may even see individuals that appear human and catch a glimpse that

they are not -- as your eyes discern clearly as the eyes of an owl through all

darkness illusions, fogs, and mirrors. 

This is the Trans-portal that you enter. 

A portal that will take you beyond space and time

completely into other levels of yourself. 

You enter into what is

considered to be an energy field where entire levels of consciousness are

transformed and transferred into the next level of their journey.  There is a completion and an un-doing.  There is a movement forward and there is

movement backward.  There is a great dark

and there is a great light.  For you

stand in front of all that God explains itself to be –

which is every essence on every level.  Every shade of gray, every shade of white, and every shade of

black.  This experience is a

completion.  After this encounter is

deemed completed, you will no longer have the fractures, the broken pieces, that

keep you limited.

White Buffalo

Calf Woman Speaks

‘Riding Fully In All  The Bareness Of

Your Being’

As received by Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

I am she who breathes with you as you breathe in all possibilities, as

you breathe in hope, as you breathe in a new day. I am she who gently

closes your eyes as you end a day of stress, a day of details. I am the

face that you see in the hummingbird’s wings as a vibration that pulses before

your eyes. You see my face in the reflection as oil and water tries to

merge into one-ness, still holding on to their separateness. You see my

face in the clouds laced with the flight of birds. I am the one who is

known as White Buffalo Calf Woman. I come to you as you sit in strength, in

power, in serenity embracing the female that lives deep in the recess of your


For so long you have kept her captive. You have kept her silent,

and you have kept her in a state of weeping. For so long, you have kept

her in a dungeon in the very bottom level of your heart and of your soul –

afraid to let her out – for her hair is long and wiry and flies in the wind, in

the storm, and in the new day. Her breasts run deep with passions and

sexuality – she not afraid of what runs in her veins, what runs in her

thoughts, or what pulses through her thighs? She is one who embraces and

straddles power as if she was riding a horse.

On this day, I ask you to stand fully in your Goddess, in your feminine,

in your divinity, and in your womanhood. See yourself wearing all the

garbs the costumes that you have worn through time. Some of you have worn

veils over your face. Others have sequestered and cloistered away – every

inch of their flesh. Others have shown fully – every curve of their

being. While others have just laid in the meadows and let the grass, the

trees, and the flowers embrace you. Allowing nature to

make love to you when no man of earth could.

On this day, straddle the possibilities of the wild stallion of your

future – riding it powerfully – gripping it with your flesh as you dig your

heels into what is to come. Holding on to the mane, the neck of something

that is so powerful, you feel that you would lose yourself at any given

moment. This is the passion that you must ride –in the upcoming year, in

the upcoming minutes, in the upcoming heartbeats – riding fully in all of the

bareness of your being. Exposing your self in ways you thought you never

could show to others – the passions, the needs, the wants, the insights, and

the power.

You are all such beautiful beings – all different shapes and sizes and

colors and personalities. Throw yourself into the pool of creation and

blend with Mother Earth, with Mother Nature, with Mother . Blend with

the feminine face of God that shines so brightly on this day in time.

Blend with the cycles of the moon, of the earth and of your body.

Blend with every part of you that you have been ashamed of and have hid

because you were told that it was dirty, that it was bad, it was unclean.

Love every fluid of your body. Love every hair upon it – even though most

of them you pluck apart from their seams.

Enjoy the fullness of your body or the slenderness of your body – for God

touches and kisses every ounce of flesh that you are. Do not be ashamed

if you are too little or too large or too buxom– but know that the Goddess

lives in every aspect, in every ounce of flesh that you wear.

Wear her with your head held high as a queen that is drawn by a carriage

of six white horses created from truth instead of rodents and pumpkins.

Do not be afraid that the clock will strike 12:00 and you will lose yourself again – for that day will

never come. You are empowered, you are beautiful, you are gentle, and you

are loved beyond your knowing. Give to the women of your tribe, what they

seek, what they love, what they need. Give to each other what you are not

finding in your world – support each other in a cosmic sisterhood, as you all

embark upon a journey up the mountain of " She " .

Mother Earth for too long has allowed her children to direct her, to

cajole her into thinking that all was okay. She will empower herself with what

needs to be done, what needs to be healed. She will do this gently and

with love. Be thankful that she is gentle and loving—for the earth would

shatter and break apart – if she was otherwise. Let down the hair of your soul and show the true

being that you are. Stand on a cliff over the pounding shores,

remembering those times when you went to the mountaintops, and called the air,

when you sang to the water, and talked to the elements – and they

listened! Direct the elements of your life and know that they honor

you. They have been waiting for you to come back fully into your

power. The men of your world will look at you with eyes of wonder – and

eyes that gleam with a passion as they finally see who you really are.

Every man of the world waits for this empowered Goddess to be born. He

waits for a woman to gently show him how to find his way home to his own

power. It is up to you. Mentally and prayerfully stop the abuse, --

stand tall, and say, “NO” to what does not honor the spirit of women.

Each of you will have a different ideal of what that is. I come on this

day to applaud the boldness of your beauty, the boldness of your spirit, and

boldness of your intent. Do not let Earth whip you into submission.

Do not let your very own creations make you barren of emotions, barren of

passion. If what you have created does not honor you let it go. Resurrect

what was once burned at the stake and drowned in the waters of fear. I am

White Buffalo

Calf Woman. I go




very rare one of a kind earthen beauties come to give us gifts and teachings we

don’t even know we need. They come from a special place in minas Brazil and we

at the quantum awakening are the only ones in the world that have them at this

point in time. They have named themselves MYSTERY SCHOOL TEACHER CRYSTALS. They

house several different kinds of minerals in a quartz matrix. They are CODE

TALKERS aligned with the GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD. Held within these crystals

are geometric schematics in a collective of sacred venues. A multitude of

instructions are held within their hidden text and ancient script just waiting

for the right touch or word to activate.


Mystery school is a university of the soul, a

school for the study of the mysteries of the inner nature of man and nature. By

understanding these mysteries, the student perceives his intimate relationship

with divinity, and strives to become at one with his inner god. Ancient

mystery teachings taught the meaning of the various geometrical forms and

symbols, and the effect of those forms on and in nature. The ancient mystery

teachings were structured within a series of initiations. New initiates would

enter the temple through what they called the “Outer Door.” A door would open

in the presence of the gathered initiates and within would be a statue of a

deity. It would be in an exact pose, its form having an exact geometry which

would create an energy field. As the initiates were exposed to that field, the

energies would enter their auras, shifting their whole being in such a way that

they would never be quite the same. It is said the field created by the

geometry would literally change them – rip off their old masks, alter their

physical mental and spiritual bodies in such a way that they would have a

greater capacity to understand and learn the secrets of life and the universe.


the centuries this knowledge of the symbols and vibrational qualities of

geometric forms has been lost. Our ancestors did what they could to ensure that

it would not be completely lost. They imbedded these sacred symbols in our

writing systems, in decorative elements found on walls, pottery, so it would

never be completely lost and forgotten. It was disguised as decoration, but it

held enormous power.  It is the same with

these magnificent MYSTERY SCHOOL TEACHER CRYSTALS. They house the sacred text

and encoded geometries that trigger activation via the eye and the touch. Each

place on the crystal has a geometric ‘outer doorway’ an entrance point that

invites you in to a different ancient and future teaching.

The true Great White

Brotherhood dates back to Sumeria 6000 BC, it was not

until Egypt

where this society became first officially documented as a working order.

Throughout the ages, there have been men and women in every race and religion

that have mastered time and space, transcended the cycles of karma and rebirth,

and returned to the Source of all life. By attaining Ascension, these

individuals have become Ascended Masters. The Great White Brotherhood is the

body of Ascended Masters guiding this system of worlds. Working with earnest

seekers in every field of human endeavor

Few realize there are

souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch

and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. They are who

have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the flame,

that spiritual principle in man now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen

temple. The

Great White Brotherhood, is perceived as a spiritual organization composed of

those ascended masters who have risen from the Earth into

immortality, but still maintain an active watch over the world. The Great White

Brotherhood also includes members of the Heavenly Host, the Spiritual Hierarchy

directly concerned with the evolution of our world.


some of the minerals found within these stones

Quartz crystal, Smoky

quartz , Tourmaline, Dolomite, Titanite, Andalsuite, Mica, Druzy quartz, Opal,

Citrine, Uvite, Beryl, Dendrite, Agate, Septarian

These crystals

will be available soon go to www.thequantumawakening.com

THE 2nd Annual



‘The Shamanic She’


Two full days and

venues of several speakers each offering their energy and truth to what we see

as a larger group of woman than last year. The first day we

will all gather as One and listen to all speakers and musicians the second day

will be separate workshops by each speaker allowing you to attend one or all.

Event will be held


Gatlinburg http://www.hiddenmountain.com/lodge_at_hm.html  cabins are also available on the property will have more info

on that shortly


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great way to reach 10,000's of Real Light*Workers and support the Quantum



to the New Consciousness -


World in Transition Conference

Saturday May 17, 2008


Mesa, AZ

Convention Center Cost $85


Unity Consciousness:

The Future Transforming Pathway to Human Empowerment and Wholeness ­ Finbarr Ross

The Sacred Feminine: An Enigma Offering Hope and Change - Tate

Forgiveness & the New Consciousness ­ Dawn Bothie

Sound Healing Crystal Singing Bowls - Tryshe Dhevney

Building A, Apache Hall

263 N. Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201


Celtic Mystical Journeys offers

conferences in the US and Europe and

sacred site tours of Ireland, England,

France, Sri Lanka, and India.




Shifting the

Quantum Blueprint: MatrixChange, Inc.

What is really happening when the Law of Attraction brings unwanted

results? Your UNconscious programming

is not aligned with your conscious intentions.


founder of MatrixChange, Inc., a gifted oracular seer

and pioneer in 'hacking consciousness', uses her abilities to facilitate key

shifts in energy alignment that allow unconscious programs to be permanently

released and energy fields to be re-configured. MatrixChange

consultations and programs identify the roots of unconscious

programming, dissolve the deep agreements that create and run those

programs, and re-configure the energy blueprint to align with your divine

matrix and conscious intentions.  change@...

www.matrixchange.com, 510-273-2452





When you have dealt with a serious illness. perhaps one that required surgery,

chemotherapy or radiation, you need to address the spiritual cause of

disease. If you fail to do so, the disease may return within five

years. Or maybe you have another type of disorder such as congestive

heart, kidney failure, liver disorders, hot flashes, migraines, chronic

fatigue, pain, asthma, allergies, sleeplessness or an emotional issue...and the

list goes on. Whatever your age, current modern medicine sometimes fails

to address an issue or has no answer for your problem. Everything

pertaining to the field of medicine is not BLACK AND WHITE. CALL ME

at 561-827-3319. As an Intuitive Healer/Hypnotist I need only to hear

your name, and I can tune into your past lives, genetics and current

life to analyze " what is going on " ; and bring forth the energy

to heal what you are willing to heal. Allow me to assist in

restoring you to better health.

Jane Gray Ford, Inc. Intuitive

Healer/Hypnotist www.globalenergyhealing.com



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May love & light...always be your guide



What is radionics? All

living things, not only have a physical body, but an anti body of energy called

an aura, or electromagnetic force field. It

can be tapped into and worked on by a radionics machine. A

radionics machine is like a FAX machine, you can send a balancing frequency to

stabilize a problem, distance is never a factor.

Learn to do radionics, machines, books, videos, supplies,

dowsing rods, silver colloidal machines, kirlian cameras, Radionic

services, available, rehook silver cord,

dispossessions, haunted house clearing, charkas, hexes removed, alien implants

removed. Caroline Connor Radionic consultant P.O. Box 1002, Melbourne,

Fl 32902,


(321)727-1117 or cj31@...  

Visit: http://home.earthlink.net/~cj31/ 

FR.EE Sound

Healing, Energy Balancing,

and Meditation ebook

and Audio Training

“At last... discover why most

courses are DEAD wrong about self-healing and how it could be costing you years

off your life – without ever knowing...”

You can now learn the 'forbidden

secrets' about meditation, energy balancing and sound healing that the Buddhist

masters and Shamanic healers don’t want you to know! Learn how to awaken your

inner-self, increase your self-awareness, psychic abilities and feel

spiritually at peace, emotionally balanced and totally calm...

Also includes important information

for healers, reiki practitioners and kinesiologists.

Go to: www.beaumiles.com/quantum 

You’ll be surprised!

Empower Your Life!

Experience Metaphysical Phenomena,

Manifestation and Miracles!

Have you ever had a day when circumstances were in your favor?  When you knew you could accomplish anything

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Attain the Missing Link in the Manifestation of Your Goals!  Achieve the Ultimate in Personal Empowerment!

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Zrii~A lustrous, potent drink of fruits & herbs

Built upon 5,000 years of

Ayurvedic wisdom, natural resources, and western science Zrii

blends fruits and herbs for a vibrant nutritional drink

supplement. It's preservative free meaning no harmful chemicals or

contaminants. Zrii, the Sanskrit word for light,

luster, prosperity, splendor reflects the overall

philosophical foundation of the company's founder Bill Farley dedicated to

mentorship, leadership through poise, confidence and excellence. Bill

Farley partnered with Deepak Chopra to bring Zrii to

the forefront globally as the first 3rd party product The Chopra Center for

Wellbeing has ever endorsed. See for yourself and follow your

intuition. Enjoy the journey to your ever increasing clarity.

Contact: Beth McClelland  http://bethmcclelland.myzrii.com

E-mail: calliopepurple@...



AIM Energetic Balancing Program increases Consciousness

and the

body's ability to heal itself

Dr. Wayne Dyer:

“(AIM)…this is real, it is transforming, it is true


Rev. Beckwith,

‘The Secret’ DVD, “(self-healing)….cutting edge technique made available by

visionaries such as and the AIM Program” The purpose of the AIM Program is to

assist you in releasing the blockages that impede you from having and doing all

you want; to raise your Life Force for maximum ability to self-heal;  and to assist you

in expanding your consciousness to live in the fullness of who you truly are.

www.aimforjoy.com contact: patti@...


Inner Wisdom….You

were born with it. It’s in your genes & in every cell of your body. It’s

your intuition & gut feelings. It’s your conscience, the part of you that

always knows what’s right.  It is your true, authentic self.

It lives in your heart & originates in your soul. Please check out

Personal Mantras Bracelets at www.shinefromdawn.com

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee







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