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Re: Fw: Emailing: congress-quietly-repeals-martial-law-provision

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It all takes time, but all will be better soon.

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

 Hi Antoinette. Thank you dear. He seems to be, but it will be at least a month, before he can start attempting to do his chores. He is kind of impatient. It does help, when he sees me doing them.

Sorry, I haven't posted to the group much. I have been kind of tied up here at home. Blessings All, Joy

Re: [ ] Fw: Emailing: congress-quietly-repeals-martial-law-provision

I hope your Dad is improving more each day

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:01 PM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

 I am so behind, in answering my email, commenting on the groups email, and researching, but this was sent to me just now and it's good news. Everyone can breathe a little easier. Looking after Dad, doing both of our chores, is not giving me much time for the computer and is really tiring. Lol! But I had to take a break today when cutting the weeds behind the garden down today, and that is why I posted the articles on the group. Hope all is well.

My notes on diabetes, that I gave my neighbor are lost. So I will have to redo them. I will post them on the group and put them in the files, as I do them. I do know that Atie and Sherrie need them. By the way, Welcome aboard Sherrie. :-)

Blessings, Joy


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Congress Quietly Repeals Martial Law Provision

April 17, 2008 in News by Bovard | 33 comments

In late 2006, Congress revised the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act to make it far easier for a president to declare martial law. Those changes were repealed at the end of this January as part of Public Law 110-181 (HR 4986), the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (signed into law by President Bush on January 28, 2008).

Senator Leahy (D-Vt), who championed the opposition to the original law, was also the hero of the repeal. It helped that all the nation's governors opposed the 2006 law.

Boise State Professor Charlotte Twight, the author of the excellent Dependent on DC, alerted me to the change last night. I checked on Nexis and the only news coverage I found regarding the repeal was a 322-word Gannett News wire story from February 1 that focused on how the repeal made governors happy.

I first wrote about the Posse/Insurrection peril for American Conservative a year ago. My most recent piece on the subject was an article for the January issue of the Future of Freedom Foundation's (FFF) Freedom Daily. The law was changed between the time the piece was published and when FFF posted the January article online on April 9.

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Comment by Jim

2008-04-17 06:50:11

No matter - Bush will take care of that with another 'signing statement'.

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Comment by abraham

2008-04-17 08:13:50


Don't stop buying ammunition just because the pigs in DC undid a mistake.

The law can always be re-written. Bullets do their job once and can't be undone.

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Comment by

2008-04-17 08:44:57

IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZOR!(Comments wont nest below this level)

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Comment by Ron

2008-04-18 00:48:07

Agreed. Everyone should have at least two or three CASES of ammo for every caliber of firearm you own, because bullets can only be used once. Reloading should also be encouraged. I think it is going to take a second armed American Revolution to return this nation to the control of We The People.

(Comments wont nest below this level)

Comment by Chandler

2008-04-18 06:33:56

While conventional small arms are needed. People really do need to learn the design and making of EFPs and invent/design things for handling helicopters and armored vehicles. You won't last long with just a rifle these days.

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Comment by mark david

2008-04-17 07:24:39

At least they are finally waking up and seeing the truth. How they could ever pass the law to begin with is unreal. I hope this is a new beginning for Congress.

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Comment by Steve Hogan

2008-04-17 07:39:16

A new beginning? Thanks for the early morning chuckle.

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Comment by

2008-04-17 07:40:14

The drift toward authoritarianism results from the deteriorating capabilities of the American state. Don't expect this process to reverse.(Comments wont nest below this level)

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Comment by DonT

2008-04-17 09:53:22

Not a Republic, but an oligarchy…since about 1896. A fascistmilitary dictatorship with a fourth estate turned into a fifth column.

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Comment by travis_bickle

2008-04-18 07:44:02

You can say that again. The black hole of power that must accelerate trying to control every aspect of our lives until they implode. Its impossible to accomplish what they are doing without destroying what they say they are trying to protect. Turn off the TV unless you just want to see what they're using to distract the slaves.

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Comment by Baker

2008-04-17 11:59:36

Congress actually did something–how shocking.

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Comment by

2008-04-17 12:03:35

Something productive, that is. Truly, a once in a lifetime event.

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Comment by daveg

2008-04-17 12:55:41

So, the Posse Comitatus Act is back in effect, more or less?

This is newsworthy.

The signing statement is interesting in that is he claiming the law was not effective prior to the previous revision, which last some 100+ years?

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Comment by R.

2008-04-17 16:32:17

Thanks for your role in this, Jim.

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Comment by Bovard

2008-04-17 20:01:12

Thanks, !

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Comment by 8Ball

2008-04-17 17:13:37

Just in case anyone has forgotten, it is an election year …

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Comment by

2008-04-17 17:17:20

And here is 8Ball to bring us back to Earth.

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Comment by FirstCasualty

2008-04-17 23:13:29

It's inevitable :D. If you're not pro-revolution you are not anti-war brother.

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Comment by Eugene Costa

2008-04-17 23:35:27

If it is a Revolution, it will be as bad as or worse than a McCain Revolution or Clinton Revolution, and any of them will fail and be utter disasters.

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Comment by FirstCasualty

2008-04-18 01:11:45

You simply have failed to smell the wind or gauged the direction of the America people. They will simply not stand for more oppression or dissection of the Constitution. It's not a candidate revolution it's America's and your inaction and failure to even address the issue with your vocabulary and lack of logic seems utterly sad. A form of autism on the other spectrum I would suspect. Utter dissapointment if your only purpose is to be a shill

for pro-war candidates. LOL :D(Comments wont nest below this level)

Comment by Eugene Costa

2008-04-18 01:56:50

Another ist right?

stands by with two criminals as Chief Executive and Vice President, and initially opposes impeachment and then hides in proper procedure.

He defuses the anti-war vote.

He goes to New Hampshire and runs commercials about immigration.

Ten to one you can't even tell me where the big influx of Brazilians is.

Instead he blabbers on about self-ownership, immigration, the Federal Reserve (by the way I agree that it is a monster).

The " American People " don't have one age or mind or direction, and are not even one people, but many, and to say they do and to smell that wind shows the provincialism of the people you are standing too closely behind.

Giraldi has it right about Obama–all " mights " . But all the others are " no way " .

To stop an attack on Iran, impeachment now.

To stop a new king, impeachment now.

To open the possibility of a quick exit from Iraq impeachment now.

Trying to save the Republican Party that brought the United States the biggest disaster in its history, as is evidently trying to do, is almost as lunatic as what the Neo-Cons are up to.

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Comment by Eugene Costa

2008-04-17 23:58:27

Worrying about Presidential " signings " and suspensions of Posse Comitatus is valid.

But it is worrying about the symptoms rather than the disease.

The disease in this case is the continuing claim, Left and Right, to unrestricted Executive Power.

The cure for that is impeachment of both Bush and Cheney–and, after Kucinich, Cheney first.

Impeachment also provides the possibility of an exit strategy from Iraq. Not the only one perhaps, but possibly the only one that it is not catastrophic to whatever is left of the United States and the Constitution.

Is this the only disease? No. The ailments are so numerous and deep and chronic that just curing one improves the prognosis only marginally. But one also has to be careful not to cure one ailment with a remedy that produces ten new diseases.

For the moment a Congress of incompetent and venal clowns, at one another's throats, is far superior to an autocratic and incompetent King.

Incidentally, the argument can be made that Shaw and many of the Fabians were not " Socialist " at all, save contingently. That was how bad their diagnosis was.

Also calling " Liberals " or Clintonites " Progressive " is nonsense.

The Democrats and Republicans are both now Fascist, with a slightly different makeup, and with only a few exceptions.

The addition to the mix of a thoroughly coopted " mainstream " media and key Zionist groups, Left and Right, makes this an unprecedented and highly combustible mixture.

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Comment by Svensker

2008-04-18 04:20:23

Good news — that one was worrying me. Are you sure there was no signing statement?

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Comment by Hans Gruber

2008-04-18 06:39:01

You have a criminal elite who performed a nearly complete coup d'Etat, on 11-09-01. Were it not for one renegade, fighter squadron pilot (USAFR), the plane downed in PA was likely head for the congressional bldg. Any congress " person " worth a damn (that's not many) knows this. Congress has lived in fear, with Cheney/Bush in the Whitehouse after two stolen elections in a row. The congress criters know this too. YET, congress has gone along with it all. The tiny flicker of courage during the final months of the Cheney/Bush Regime, is NOT a sign of a turnaround, yet.

Cheney/Bush/Neocons/Pentagon/Et Al, the entire cabal, should have been arrested, impeached, jailed, and hanged in a public display. Instead, congress, those who themselves didn't deserved to be arrested, have cowered down and gone along with this junta.

They deserve no accolades. Not even for this legislative turnaround.

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Comment by liberranter

2008-04-18 09:28:50

Spot on! Not only do these cowardly criminals NOT deserve praise for finally doing something just and legal, as is their sworn mandate, but they deserve censure and reprimand, at a minimum, and removal from office, ideally, for failing consistently over the last seven years (if not the last seven decades, or longer) to uphold the Constitution that is their sole purpose of office. OTOH, since the bulk of the Amoricon sheeple are by turns ignorant or contemptuous of and apathetic about the Constitution and the concept of limited federal powers, they too deserve mass censure and condemnation.

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Comment by D.C.

2008-04-18 08:43:13

I don't believe it! Something good for a change!!However, Posse Comitatus only protects US Citizens from US Troops, not United Nations or Canadian Troops. And we just signed an agreement with Canada that will allow Canadian troops to deploy here on US Soil in a peace keeping role!

Hmmm, Maybe they'll send the French Canadian troops!?

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Comment by liberranter

2008-04-18 09:30:51

And we just signed an agreement with Canada that will allow Canadian troops to deploy here on US Soil in a peace keeping role!

The rounds from my assault rifle will be just as effective against Canadian, Mexican, or other foreign mercenaries as they will be against domestic criminals in the State's employ.

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Comment by Nike

2008-04-18 11:10:01

LMAO, it sure sounds like a bunch of Americans are fixin' to shoot people. Yehaaaa!

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Comment by

2008-04-18 11:38:25

What was it Jefferson said about the right to revolution again?

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Comment by viper

2008-04-18 11:41:26

These " Signing Statements " have no validity in the law making process, the CONSTITUTION mandates that the President either sign the bill into law or return it to congress with his objections, the President has NO OTHER AUTHORITY to say that he/she will only enforce a part of a law…………..read the Constitution……….. " anything which is repugnant to the constitution is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. "

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