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Re: Fw: [SPAM] Obama doesn't want you to know about U.S. gov medical experiments on blacks

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wasn't it a joint effort with England and the u.s.

that developed the aids virus in Africa!!!

--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> I have know about this for years. Actually, the US

> government have used many people for medical

> experimentation. They have used their military

> people without informing them. I have read that the

> USA isn't the only government that has done this.

> Our world is in a sad state of affairs.

> [sPAM] Obama doesn't want you to know about

> U.S. gov medical experiments on blacks



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> Dear NaturalNews readers,




> You've heard all the fuss about Rev. vs.

> Obama in the mainstream media, right? Well, did you

> know Rev. is actually quite correct when he

> talks about the history of blacks being used for

> medical experimentation by the U.S. government? I

> know this isn't a happy subject, but the truth is

> that blacks are still being exploited by the cancer

> industry, which aims to keep black men and women

> ignorant of simple, low-cost prevention strategies

> for breast cancer and prostate cancer. And today,

> I've posted a feature story that dares to tell the

> truth about the cancer industry and the

> exploitation of blacks by Big Pharma and the medical

> establishment. Obama won't want to read this story,

> that's for sure... (see below)




> I've also posted a new podcast called The Racist

> Cancer Industry, Blacks and Chemical Enslavement.

> You'll find that here:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcasts.html




> By the way, sorry that the podcast RSS feed file I

> announced yesterday didn't work on some browsers. It

> turns out that IE doesn't like the .rss filename, so

> I've changed the file to .XML. Now the NEW RSS file

> for the podcast feed is:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/RSS-podcast.xml




> Also today: Air fresheners cause asthma | Nutrasweet

> exposed! | Big Pharma employee reveals shocking

> truth | Merck dumps vaccine chemicals into water

> supply | Veggies that fight prostate cancer | and

> more!




> Click any headline below to read the stories you

> want:




> Health: Rev. is Right about how

> U.S. Government Uses Blacks for Medical Experiments,

> Including AIDS

> (NaturalNews) Regarding the current

> controversy about Rev. and U.S. Presidential

> candidate Barack Obama, Rev. is actually

> quite correct about the U.S. government's

> exploitation of black Americans for medical

> experiments (and worse). What...



> Environment: Household Cleaners, Air Fresheners

> Linked to Asthma in Adults

> (NaturalNews) Regular use of household

> cleaning sprays and air fresheners may increase the

> risk of adult-onset asthma, according to a new study

> published in the American Journal of Respiratory and

> Critical Care Medicine. Researchers analyzed...



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> Increased Cancer Risk

> (NaturalNews) A comprehensive review of 7,000

> studies on the risk factors for cancer has uncovered

> a surprising link between being tall and increased

> risk. The report, jointly released by the World

> Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for

> Cancer...



> Health: Nutrasweet - the History of this Toxic

> Chemical and Its Promotion (Part 1)

> In December of 1965, while Schlatter, a

> chemist for G.D. Searle & Company, was working on an

> anti-ulcer drug candidate he accidentally discovered

> aspartame. He was recrystallizing aspartame from

> ethanol when the mixture spilled onto...



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> Truth About Drug Testing

> k , a psychiatry professor at the

> Oregon State Health and Sciences University, woke up

> one day and realized that he was acting as a shill

> for pharmaceutical corporations. Worse, he was

> promoting drugs that not only provide very...



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> Ownership of DNA

> An article published in the April 4, 2008

> issue of World Net Daily outlines a plan that has

> state and federal governments staking claim to the

> ownership of every newborn's DNA in perpetuity. This

> Orwellian like plan is advancing under...



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> Cancer

> Yesterday I was working in London, and as I

> waited for the bus I saw a sign that said " One man

> in Britain dies from Prostate Cancer every hour. " As

> my dad, grandfather and great grandfather have all

> had Prostate cancer, it is of particular...



> Health: Merck Plant Dumps Vaccine Waste and

> Chemicals Into Water Supply

> Merck, the maker of the very controversial

> Gardasil vaccine, has a pharmaceutical plant located

> in West Point, Pennsylvania, that discards

> pollutants from this facility into the Upper

> Gwynedd...



> Health: New Evidence Links Mercury Emissions to

> Rates of Autism

> Researchers at the University of Texas Health

> Science Center (UTHSC) say that " for the first time

> in scientific literature, a statistically

> significant association between autism risk and

> distance from the mercury source " has been

> established...



> Humor: Lip Balm Bends Light, Defies Laws of

> Physics, Announces Washington Post

> (NaturalNews) A new " sunlight scare story "

> report in the Washington Post claims that lip balm

> " attracts the sun's rays to the lips. " This is

> certainly news to everybody who thought light

> traveled in a straight line. Apparently, lip balm

> can now alter...




> Regards,


> - Mike


> The Health Ranger


> Editor, NaturalNews.com











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> Ragnar, the Juice Man and many more!

> May 31 - June 1, Atlanta, GA



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> May 31st through June 1st, I'll be joining

> Wolfe, Ragnar, Tony Balistreri, Jay Kordich

> (formerly the " Juiceman " ), and other presenters in a

> live, two-day event called The Vitality Experience.




=== message truncated ===

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