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The American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives Providing New Perspectives on HIV and AIDS and More.

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The American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives Providing New Perspectives on HIV and AIDS Many experts now contend that AIDS is not a fatal, incurable condition caused by HIV, and that the symptoms associated with AIDS are treatable using non-toxic, immune-enhancing therapies that have restored the health of people diagnosed with AIDS and have allowed those truly at risk to remain well. The American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives supports open dialogue on the HIV = AIDS paradigm based on a growing body of scientific, medical, and epidemiological data and promotes awareness of life-affirming facts to HIV positive diagnosed persons and concerned citizens worldwide. They are a 501 c 3 non-profit corporation founded by HIV positives who have learned to live in wellness without AIDS drugs and without fear of AIDS. Founder/director Maggiore tested HIV positive in 1992 and was given five to seven years before she could expect to die of AIDS. More than eight years later, she is the naturally healthy mother of an exceptionally bright and healthy toddler. Her book What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong? has been translated into four languages and is used as course curriculum at several American universities. The Work of the Foundation Bringing together medical doctors and researchers from within and outside our organization, AFAA designs and sponsors uniquely practical and innovative AIDS research. The goal of our research is to fill the gaps of understanding left by current AIDS research and to generate meaningful insights and approaches to HIV and AIDS that can be inexpensively applied and disseminated. Additionally, AFAA produces books, audio and video tapes and other educational tools which are available by donation, or are donated to individuals and organizations throughout the world. Our books are carried in public and university libraries, public and private medical and research institutions, on-line and physical bookstores, and a variety of literary and health catalgos. They provide a national network of peer support and a national referral list of medical and alternative practitioners who honor the right and the ability of HIV positive and AIDS diagnosed persons to achieve and maintain good health through non-toxic therapies. Their extensive web site at www.aliveandwell.org gives thousands of national and international visitors new perspectives on HIV and AIDS based on scientific and medical studies, government health publications, and news reports from a variety of well-respected sources. The site's Q and A column receives more than 200 email inquiries per week from people around the globe with urgent and compelling concerns about HIV, AIDS and health.

Boosting the Immune System

In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence made a revolutionary discovery while studying tuberculosis. He determined that an immune response could be transferred from a donor to a recipient by injecting an extract of white blood cells (leukocytes) from a previously infected, now healthy, subject into a newly infected patient. He found that this extract contained a factor capable of transferring immunity. He named the substance "transfer factor." Dr. Lawrence's discovery came in the midst of the discovery and use of antibiotics. Transfer factors have been used throughout the antibiotic age in different regions of the world such as China, Poland, Italy and others, but never have been available commercially due to the lack of technology. An early success with Immune Boosting naturally in a young man with HIV. KG is a 20 year old with Hemophilia who contracted HIV many years ago from "dirty" clotting factors used to treat his Hemophilia. KG has been on many regimens for his HIV, including most recently (within the past year), an experimental regimen with no positive response. If anything, he suffered from many of the side effects of retro-viral therapy. Five months ago, KG started a high dose regimen of transfer factors (3 caps 3 times daily) and enhanced transfer factors (2 caps 3 times daily), concurrent with his experimental therapy. He has remained infectious disease free throughout his transfer factors boosting. He also came to us with very exciting news in 9/99: he has a ZERO viral count and an increasing, now close to normal CD4 count of 475!!! Is Kenny out of the woods completely? No, but he is now well on his way to possibly being disease free. Kenny is a peer counselor and educator for HIV/AIDS and he is now spreading the word about transfer factors to members of the AIDS community. He is also a 4LR distributor and hopes to build a huge sales organization of persons challenged with HIV and Hepatitis C. As such, he said that he would not have to deal with the prejudices against those infected with HIV: seems that 4LR may just give Kenny a NEW LIFE, on many different levels. Update (Winter 2000): As many of you will remember, we introduced Kenny, a hemophiliac young man who was diagnosed as HIV positive ten years ago. After many years of experimental meds, Kenny started taking transfer factors and enhanced transfer factors in high doses some 9 months ago. We announced his first ZERO viral count and almost normalized CD4 (white blood count) in our last QV newsletter. Now three months later, he has had repeated counts of ZERO HIV viral counts and a normal CD4 count. And continues to be infection-free! You may have seen Kenny's story in the November issue of Teen People Magazine. Now Kenny is sharing his extraordinary experience with others who suffer with HIV disease. Amazing what the immune-boosting power of transfer factors and enhanced transfer factors can do! As for Kim, our father our 37-year-old, father of four with Hepatitis C, he continues to very well, feeling stronger every day with virtually no GI problems whatsoever. We await his last set of liver function tests. ID, our 11-year-old with leukemia, continues in full remission, taking transfer factors and enhanced transfer factors daily, and again, with no infectious insults along the way. He attends school daily and lives the life of a normal, healthy school-aged child. , PhD - "The immunity provided by transfer factors is long lived and can help all ages who are suffering from a variety of ailments or those who want to stay well " Dr. is an Infectious Disease Microbiologist and Immunologist, who is enjoying retirement from a 21-year career with the University of California where he specialized in food and water quality and safety. He received his Doctorate in Comparative Pathology from the University of California, . He has an extensive background in milk quality and disease control, water resource policy, food safety, public policy of natural resources, etc. He has also served as an advisor for the FDA and USDA. Rob on, MD - "There is no other product in a nutritional substance, nor a drug, that has this kind of power and ability to affect our immune system. With the increase of killer viruses, mutated germs, super-resistant germs, and food contaminations, our only hope and defense, must lie within our own immune system." Dr. See received his degree from the University of California, Irvine. Academic appointments include: Assistant/Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine: Investigator, California Collaborative Treatment Group: and Infectious Disease Consultant, Liver Transplantation Service. He has received contracts, grants, and research awards from Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals, Roche Molecular Systems, Harvard Biotechnology, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and more.

Immune System: The body's defense department - Alternative Medicine The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics used to fight infections actually depress the immune system when used long-term. But natural nutritive forces, like healing foods and herbal medicines can and do support the immune system. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears.

Dr. Lawrence - "To strengthen the immune system, one must address the needs of the whole body. A strong immune system is essential for health. It is a very complex system of the body, involving the skin, intestines, nasal mucosa, blood, lymph and many other organs and tissues. Factors that impair the immune system include nutrient deficiencies, contaminated air, water and food, unhealthful lifestyles and too much exposure to harmful microbes. Other factors that weaken the immune system are negative attitudes and emotions and the presence of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and biological toxins in the body. Others are sluggish metabolism, lack of rest and sleep, excessive stress or too much exercise. As these causative factors are removed or corrected, the immune system improves."

Profound Life-Giving Properties of Marine Phytoplankton

Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, from the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, explains that the micronutrients and electrolytes in marine phytoplankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. Not surprisingly, the composition of human plasma, or fluid surrounding cell membranes, is similar to that of sea water. Relying solely on land-based food sources may lead to deficiencies in these micronutrients and electrolytes. Containing a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and cellular materials, marine phytoplankton promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body. When the body is missing critical components, it is unable to maintain the balance of these systems, and malfunctions (disease) result. Overdependence on land-based food sources often lead to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. The marine phytoplankton are Nature's gift to assist us on our journey to optimal health and wellness through balanced nutrition.. more

HIV Positive Journey into Healing - Man Recovered his Health and his Life After He Stopped Taking the Meds

"I was found to be positive in 2002. I have always been a healthy person and very intuitive about my health. In the couple of years before the positive diagnosis I had been not only neglecting my health (living an unhealthy lifestyle; i.e.: drinking, eating poorly, occasionally using recreational drugs, etc), but I had come under an enormous amount of financial and emotional stress. Suddenly I was also given one of the most devastating diagnosis; HIV positive. It was only then that I began to get sick. At initial diagnosis I was told, that judging from my "numbers" I'd probably been infected for many years (though as recently as 4 years before I'd tested negative and my girlfriend of 6 years at that time was negative despite the fact that up to my diagnosis we had been having unprotected sex and (often unprotected anal sex). Within 6 months my numbers worsened. The stress was brutal. The doctors were now practically insisting I begin medication. I had begun to clean-up my lifestyle, but I acquiesced to the meds. Then I REALLY began to get sick. I got so weak and sick I could not even get up to answer the telephone, no less work. 3 months later, at my insistence, my meds were changed. Another combination of drugs (still including AZT in some form). This was no help. I continued to be so sick that I could not function in any sort of daily life. At this point, after having always lived a life that I loved, I began to pray for death. I was so sick that this for me was not life any more. I decided I had to do something myself or die, as conventional medicine was failing me. I took the time to to take a "vision quest" out in the wilderness and, as my head became clearer, there was a clear message that the medical community was wrong about this and I should stop the meds and seek alternate therapies. To make a much longer story shorter; I followed my heart and instincts, stopped the meds and began to heal, get stronger and live again. At the same time some wonderful material found it's way into my hands ( Null, Maggiore, Kary Mullis just to name a few). I was blown away when I read some of this stuff! I realized that so much of what we're being "fed" is unfounded CRAP. This led me even more energetically on my search for some truth and to continue doing the best I could to care for myself and to seek out and try any alternatives that might help. But I truly felt like a pioneer as the only available information out there was limited, spotty and often outdated. I began to build my own protocol; testing my own theories and those of the so-called "dissidents", and consequently, in the last 2 years, though my so-called numbers have fluctuated somewhat, I remain healthy, vibrant and symptom free. I have re-claimed my life. My beautiful woman is still by my side and continues to test HIV negative (though still, we never have unprotected sex any more). I have compiled a list of alternative therapies, herbs, foods, and spiritual practices that I believe is has had a major affect in my good health. I still have a difficult time dealing with the shame and loneliness that accompanies this "label". All the misinformation in the name of making money has caused so much fear that it is still very difficult to find many people that can discuss this unbiasedly. To find your website is a great gift. I want to thank you so much for your work. You are the ones who are really attempting to save lives and speak the truth, as opposed to being some entity that is only really interested in having a $40,000-$50,00 0a year pharmaceutical client. I so support your work. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you (and consequently to help others like me who, like me, feel lost, alone and scared shitless and feel they are all out there on their own if they don't buy-into conventional thinking on this topic), but I would welcome any opportunity to help. Please feel free to contact me, use me as a reference, ask me to help, ask me to work and/or show me what I can do to help my brothers and sisters in this so they are not lead down the path of sickness, despair, isolation and hopelessness. I believe with all my heart there are other answers to this. I am (so far) living proof. Tell me: what can I do to help dismantle this awful machine that's been put in place in the name of money and politics; this machine that's actually killing people? And what can I do to help forge a new, better, healing path for those who so need it?

Low Cholesterol and HIV/AIDS

Young, unmarried men with a previous sexually transmitted disease or liver disease run a much greater risk of becoming infected with HIV virus than other people. The Minnesota researchers, now led by Dr. Ami Claxton, followed such individuals for 7-8 years. After having excluded those who became HIV-positive during the first four years, they ended up with a group of 2446 men. At the end of the study, 140 of these people tested positive for HIV; those who had low cholesterol at the beginning of the study were twice as likely to test postitive for HIV compared with those with the highest cholesterol. Similar results come from a study of the MRFIT screenees, including more than 300,000 young and middle-aged men, which found that 16 years after the first cholesterol analysis the number of men whose cholesterol was lower than 160 and who had died from AIDS was four times higher than the number of men who had died from AIDS with a cholesterol above 240. The idea that too much animal fat and a high cholesterol is dangerous to your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth. Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. Researchers at the University San Diego School of Medicine UCSD point out that high cholesterol in those over 75 years of age is protective, rather than harmful and that low cholesterol is a risk factor for heart arrhythmias (leading cause of death if heart attack occurs). Researchers from the University of Denmark report that about 15% of cholesterol lowering drug users over the age of 50 will suffer from nerve damage as direct result of using statin drugs. USA Today reported that Statins have killed and injured more people than the government has acknowledged. more

AIDS/HIV/AZT ControversyA growing number of scientists world-wide have publicly denounced the total failure of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, questioned the meaning of the "AIDS test", and criticized the use of AZT which has been proven to be a toxic poison that makes the patient sicker and is actually the cause of AIDS deaths. Toxic Effects of AZT on Pregnant Women and Babies - Mothers Opposing Mandatory Medicine AIDS/HIV/AZT: medical fascism In Cananda and the USA parents are forced to administer AZT, a toxic DNA chain terminator and known carcinogen, to their newborn children. The Origin of AIDS: Man-Made Holocaust? A WHO official admitted, "Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of African AIDS." Gallo added, "The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis.

AIDS: A Second Opinion argues that the AIDS drama has exposed problematic issues having to do with the functioning of U.S. medical institutions. Null explores a new type of health care, grounded in patients' own choices and dispositions, that poses a challenge to the top-down, expert-controlled medical systems favored by the establishment. Drawing from Dr. Null's many years of study of alternative, traditional, and orthodox medicine as well as from interviews with many long-term survivors, the book dissects the claims of the AZT and drug-cocktail approach to treating AIDS and offers a trilogy of treatment strategies based on wide views of how to enhance the immune system and improve overall functioning.

Dr. Willen - "I first heard of this new field of science and nutrition in February or March of 2003. As open minded as I like to think I am, I was not very open to the information at the time. I thought I had the field of nutrition and supplementation down. Afterall, I used hundreds of products in my office and was getting great results with most of my cases. How could there be something out there I'd never heard of? I began doing the research and the reading on this subject and was incredibly impressed with the science backing these products. Four out of the last eight Nobel Prize winners won their prizes because of their research in this area called glycobiology, and thousands of new research papers are published each year in the field. Needless to say, I have continued to use this type of nutrition in my practice since. The reason I am telling you this is because many healthcare practioners, conventional allopathic doctors as well as alternative ones, can become stagnant in their practices, convinced that they know all there is to know. Sometimes it's not ignorance we deal with when it comes to our practitioners, but an "assumption of knowledge"...king of like, "the world is flat and everyone knows that..." mentality. This kind of pride-full arrogance can be annoying in a healthcare professional, but more importantly, it can be tragic. Knowing what I know now about this incredible nutritional technology, my only regret is that I didn't open my mind to them 9 months sooner. You see, during that time three of my patients passed away, from complications surrounding HIV, Hepatitis C and cancer, that I believe could have been helped with the super immune building properties of these nutrients."

Cured AIDS: A testimonial Excerpt from Alive and Well Website Living Quilt-Ed since 1954 "...As I write this it has been eleven years since I first got tested....I take no medications, no medical treatments, no vitamins or herbal supplements, just good food and ten minutes a day of the exercise for the immune system. Had I listened to the doctors in 1988 I wouldn’t be here today. Now in my mid-fifties I have a better body than I've ever had in my life. I thank God that I was smart enough to "just say no" to the doctors, so it didn’t cost me my health. If anything, as a result of what I learned, I’m healthier today than I’ve ever been.

Toxicologist saves patients life A testimonial from Larry J. Boyd, Suisun City, California "The medical evidence presented in Dr. Al-Bayati's Book "Get All The Facts: HIV does not Cause AIDS" definitely shows beyond a shadow of doubt that drugs and starvation causes AIDS, additionally, his findings and evaluations of corticosteroids treatment by medical professionals are impressive. I whole heartily agree with Dr. Al-Bayati's findings based on my own experience. On a personal level, I developed medication induced AIDS from being treated with "Prednisone" at 60 mg per day for two Months, additionally, and at the same time "Azathioprine" was being administered at 50-150 mg per day for two weeks. Being treated with these medications for a chronic lung fibrosis, mysteriously my CD4 T cells count reached 255/ul of blood and CD4/CD8 ratio of 0.6. These are the hallmarks for AIDS. I was tested for the HIV three times and the results were always the same, "negative" I also developed fungal infections and pneumonia, additionally; these are also hallmarks of Big "Aids." My immune system returned to normal following four weeks prednisone cessation. Additionally, The CD4 T cell count reached 657 per ul. I was cured from pneumonia and fungal infection following treatment with a short Course of antibiotic and antifungal cream. In late Dec 1997, I was given only a Few months to live. Taking daily doses of "Alpha Lipoic Acid" over-all my general health condition has improved. Furthermore, I can honestly state that Dr. Al-Bayati's intervention and recommendations saved my life. This wonderful book is for all peoples to read. Especially individuals with AIDS, or are HIV positive, as well as persons who are suffering from chronic illnesses and are being treated with Immunosuppressive medications. The information presented can save your life, furthermore, your vital resources. This book absolutely contains the most valuable information ever written." Larry J. Boyd

Resolution of AIDS in HIV Positive Patients: A Clinical Study of Non-HIV Causes and Treatments for AIDS Illnesses Mohammed A. Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT , MD, PhD M. Hosbein, MD, FACOG Maggiore, American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives

Study Objectives The objectives of this study are to resolve AIDS-defining illnesses, and to return to optimal health, the HIV positive-diagnosed patients involved in the study by providing objective, individualized diagnosis and supportive medical care based on sound scientific facts rather than on hypothesis and assumption. As the medical evidence presented below and in the published literature demonstrates, treatment protocols based on the HIV hypothesis fail to successfully resolve AIDS illnesses or to restore normal immune function. Moreover, this collection of data shows that the antiviral drugs and corticosteroids currently used in the treatment of HIV positive and AIDS diagnosed patients may compromise immunity; exacerbate or provoke AIDS-defining illness; inflict serious, irreparable harm; and even cause death. Non-Toxic Resolution Through Differential Diagnosis This study employs an effective, non-toxic approach to resolving AIDS which has been used with success on a small group of immune-compromised, HIV positive diagnosed patients under the care of Drs. and Hosbein. At the basis of this approach is a process designed by Dr. Al-Bayati known as differential diagnosis. Differential diagnosis involves a detailed evaluation of all the medical evidence and medical records concerning each patient. Using this process, the specific and unique cause(s) of immune depression and other illness are identified in each patient allowing each patient to receive individualized care based on scientific protocols that focus on reversing their particular illness/es

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