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Fw: [SPAM] [SPAM?] We lifted the Restrictions

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This was accidentally sent to me, but have any of you seen this. This is the ultimate slap in the face. They want to take away our supplements, but can now sell their prescription meds without a prescription. I sent an article on this, it was in the planning stages but now pharmaceuticals are accessible! How foolish is the FDA if they are suppose to be protecting us. Well, this shows they are protecting big business!


[sPAM] [sPAM?] We lifted the Restrictions

Restrictions have been lifted:

As of today, we have lifted all restrictions on any Lilly or Pfizer pharmaceutical order.

What does this mean?

We NO LONGER require medical consultations or prescriptions on any of our products.(Over 2000)We are not sure how long our products will be offered restriction free but if you order from our site during this period then you will be exempt from any restrictions that may occur in the future.


We still ship our products via express postage (2 - 3 days)

Our packaging will remain discrete to ensure your privacy.



lisliea.com is a member of the Online Pharmaceutical Association (OPA)

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