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Fw: [DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plague

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I do not really know what to make of this.

Cheers, Doug

[DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to

deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plague

Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's

biowarfare global plague


I am announcing a critically-important Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to take

place this Monday, June 2. (Your specific time is at the bottom of this


The JPE’s purpose is to counteract the Cabal's planned imminent releasing of

a biowarfare agent that will result in a global plague. Star Nations says

that this plague, if not stopped, will result in the killing of

three-quarters of the Human population.

My inner team and I learned Thursday that the Cabal plan to unleash a

bioengineered plague across the U.S. and beyond, thereby inducing chaos,

instability and panic, and enabling the Cabal to " plausibly " invoke national

(and soon global) Martial Law and assume absolute power.

The Cabal don't care if everybody else goes down, because 1) they have

innoculated themselves against the bioengineered organism they'll unleash;

and 2) they have those plush secret underground cities they built with your

FEMA tax dollars, and they can last down there until all us " expendables "

top-side die off.

The Cabal's bioengineered organism is deadly. Based on its symptom and

vector characteristics we were psychically shown, it is an advanced

bio-engineered composite microorganism, combining the hemorrhagic properties

of an Ebola virus with the multi-antibiotics-resistant properties of a new

drug-resistant strain of respiratory flu, and with water-borne properties

and the hardy survival in the open environment characteristic of a pathogen

like leptospirosis. Cabal scientists have used nano-technology to

encapsulate their hybrid organism colonies into something like

sub-microscopic nano-tube capsules engineered with a mechanism that will

release the capsule's contents into every host human victim's bloodstream

upon receiving an electromagmetic signal which the Cabal will send out.

This bioengineered pathogen is initially water-borne, then, when the dark

blood blisters break through the victim's skin, the organisms become

air-borne through air movement and eventually rise to the sky as part of

evaporative moisture where, if they encounter rain clouds, they then become

water-borne again and can spread and multiply; and thereafter it will be a

" black rain " indeed. The infected rain washes into streams, reservoirs and

lakes, from which the Cabal pathogen is consumed in the drinking water, and

spreads and repeats the cycle. Everyone who ingests the pathogen becomes a

carrier, spreading the silent, waiting organisms to others. Since people are

symptom-free these first 24 months until the Cabal switch it on, no one

would be aware of what they are spreading.

After spreading through the population, this bio-engineered plague is

planned to become activated (via Cabal remote signal) in about 24 months,

and reach a peak of pandemic infection in 3-5 years.

Information from one of the Altimarian scientists here, , corroborated

by independent observations by Zeta observers, shows that the Cabal plan is

to introduce these bio-engineered organisms into the New Croton Reservoir

near Croton Falls, New York. The drinking water from that reservoir flows

through the New Croton Aqueduct on to New York City. There it enters the

Jerome Park Reservoir in The Bronx, then continues to flow through the rest

of New York City until it mixes with water from the Catskill Aqueduct in

Manhattan, and finally continues through the NYC boroughs of Brooklyn and

Staten Island.

From the Cabal’s point of view, New York City makes an " excellent "

infection-spreading site because of the constant flow in and out of business

persons, tourists, and people catching flights to every part of the world.

In the two years between when the Cabal starts dosing NYC's water supply any

day now and when they turn on the nano-switch to get their bugs to go

active, there is enough time to infect many, many times the city's resident

population of 8 million. By the time the infections have spread and later go

active, the pathogens will erupt into a sudden global pandemic.

One might say, " People wouldn’t do such a horrible thing. " But the Cabal are

getting ready to do just that. And now you can see why Star Nations

classifies the Cabal as a sub-species of Human. As in sub-Human (morally).

The Cabal plan to introduce these pathogens into New York City’s water

supply very soon. That is why we need to act promptly. Thus our Joint

Psychic Exercise this coming Monday. Please get everyone you can to join us.

Our task during this Exercise is to get in a quiet space, develop mental

focus and inner calm, and then focus attention of the Cabal pathogen storage

tanks (wherever they are), and then form the intention to use your psychic

ability of telekinesis or teleportation to transfer the life force within

these organisms’ cells back into Mother Earth's basic energy matrix; (from

which we all derived our life energy.)

Cells are already self-programmed to terminate their life by a natural

process called apoptosis (programmed cell death.) You may wish to visualize

these target cells immediately switching to apoptosis mode Monday.

Star Nations have said that they will be joining us in this effort. But they

want it very clear that they do not engage in the direct taking of life.

Their cooperation is only upon the explicit request which the Councillor of

Earth has made, and they emphasize that the approach is an accelerated

recycling of cellular energy back into Mother Earth’s fundamental life

energy pool, and is not the traumatic annihilation of living beings, even

microorganisms. Such may seem a fine distinction to some Humans but Star

Nations are constrained by their ethical standards to take the approach

outlined, and Star Nations operate ethically.

As before, Star Nations will help by adding their multiplying energies to

the efforts of each Human lightworker (you) who participates, so that each

of you will have your effort matched by corresponding individuals from each

of the 1483 races in contact with Earth, giving your efforts a X 1483

multiplier effect. Just form the intention to hook into that multiplier

energy that Star Nations has mobilized for our earlier JPEs.

Plan to devote 15-30 minutes to this Joint Psychic Exercise.

If you do not feel adept at psychic energy work, you can instead make a

prayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to the threat posed by the

pathogenic organisms.

The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is as follows

(Daylight Saving/Summer Time where applicable):

Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am - Monday

Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am

Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am

Denver/Calgary (MDT): 9 am

Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10am

New York/Washington, DC/San , Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11 am

Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon

Sao o, Brazil: 12 noon

Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3


London/Dakar: 4 pm

Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pm

Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm

Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm

Dubai: 7 pm

New Delhi: 8:30 pm

Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, Monday

Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Monday-Tuesday

Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Tuesday

Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Tuesday

Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Tuesday

Auckland, NZ: 3 am Tuesday

Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Tuesday

If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and

back-time or forward-time (time-jump by intention) your effort to coincide

with ours.

Thank you.

in the light,

Boylan, Ph.D.

Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of Earth

President, Star Kids Project, Ltd

Email: <mailto:drboylan@...> drboylan@...

Website: <http://www.drboylan.com/> www.drboylan.com

Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA

To get on my free reports/emails mailing list, send one email to:

<mailto:DrRichBoylanReports-subscribe >


To join my on-line, interactive group of Star Seeds and lightworkers,

send a subscribing email to:


<mailto:UFOFacts-subscribe >

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Rubbish. My daughter consults psychics for everything and what they don't know is a lot, in my not so humble opinion. Do you ever see them get anything right? Myth busters can and have shown the smoke and mirrors way they operate. I could be wrong. Murray <doublaswalter@...> wrote: I do not really know what to make of this.Cheers, Doug [DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plagueAnnouncing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the

Cabal'sbiowarfare global plagueFriends,I am announcing a critically-important Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to takeplace this Monday, June 2. (Your specific time is at the bottom of thismessage.)The JPE’s purpose is to counteract the Cabal's planned imminent releasing ofa biowarfare agent that will result in a global plague. Star Nations saysthat this plague, if not stopped, will result in the killing ofthree-quarters of the Human population.My inner team and I learned Thursday that the Cabal plan to unleash abioengineered plague across the U.S. and beyond, thereby inducing chaos,instability and panic, and enabling the Cabal to "plausibly" invoke national(and soon global) Martial Law and assume absolute power.The Cabal don't care if everybody else goes down, because 1) they haveinnoculated themselves against the bioengineered organism they'll unleash;and 2) they have those plush secret

underground cities they built with yourFEMA tax dollars, and they can last down there until all us "expendables"top-side die off.The Cabal's bioengineered organism is deadly. Based on its symptom andvector characteristics we were psychically shown, it is an advancedbio-engineered composite microorganism, combining the hemorrhagic propertiesof an Ebola virus with the multi-antibiotics-resistant properties of a newdrug-resistant strain of respiratory flu, and with water-borne propertiesand the hardy survival in the open environment characteristic of a pathogenlike leptospirosis. Cabal scientists have used nano-technology toencapsulate their hybrid organism colonies into something likesub-microscopic nano-tube capsules engineered with a mechanism that willrelease the capsule's contents into every host human victim's bloodstreamupon receiving an electromagmetic signal which the Cabal will send out.This

bioengineered pathogen is initially water-borne, then, when the darkblood blisters break through the victim's skin, the organisms becomeair-borne through air movement and eventually rise to the sky as part ofevaporative moisture where, if they encounter rain clouds, they then becomewater-borne again and can spread and multiply; and thereafter it will be a"black rain" indeed. The infected rain washes into streams, reservoirs andlakes, from which the Cabal pathogen is consumed in the drinking water, andspreads and repeats the cycle. Everyone who ingests the pathogen becomes acarrier, spreading the silent, waiting organisms to others. Since people aresymptom-free these first 24 months until the Cabal switch it on, no onewould be aware of what they are spreading.After spreading through the population, this bio-engineered plague isplanned to become activated (via Cabal remote signal) in about 24 months,and reach a peak of

pandemic infection in 3-5 years.Information from one of the Altimarian scientists here, , corroboratedby independent observations by Zeta observers, shows that the Cabal plan isto introduce these bio-engineered organisms into the New Croton Reservoirnear Croton Falls, New York. The drinking water from that reservoir flowsthrough the New Croton Aqueduct on to New York City. There it enters theJerome Park Reservoir in The Bronx, then continues to flow through the restof New York City until it mixes with water from the Catskill Aqueduct inManhattan, and finally continues through the NYC boroughs of Brooklyn andStaten Island.From the Cabal’s point of view, New York City makes an "excellent"infection-spreading site because of the constant flow in and out of businesspersons, tourists, and people catching flights to every part of the world.In the two years between when the Cabal starts dosing NYC's water supply

anyday now and when they turn on the nano-switch to get their bugs to goactive, there is enough time to infect many, many times the city's residentpopulation of 8 million. By the time the infections have spread and later goactive, the pathogens will erupt into a sudden global pandemic.One might say, "People wouldn’t do such a horrible thing." But the Cabal aregetting ready to do just that. And now you can see why Star Nationsclassifies the Cabal as a sub-species of Human. As in sub-Human (morally).The Cabal plan to introduce these pathogens into New York City’s watersupply very soon. That is why we need to act promptly. Thus our JointPsychic Exercise this coming Monday. Please get everyone you can to join us.Our task during this Exercise is to get in a quiet space, develop mentalfocus and inner calm, and then focus attention of the Cabal pathogen storagetanks (wherever they are), and then form the

intention to use your psychicability of telekinesis or teleportation to transfer the life force withinthese organisms’ cells back into Mother Earth's basic energy matrix; (fromwhich we all derived our life energy.)Cells are already self-programmed to terminate their life by a naturalprocess called apoptosis (programmed cell death.) You may wish to visualizethese target cells immediately switching to apoptosis mode Monday.Star Nations have said that they will be joining us in this effort. But theywant it very clear that they do not engage in the direct taking of life.Their cooperation is only upon the explicit request which the Councillor ofEarth has made, and they emphasize that the approach is an acceleratedrecycling of cellular energy back into Mother Earth’s fundamental lifeenergy pool, and is not the traumatic annihilation of living beings, evenmicroorganisms. Such may seem a fine distinction to some Humans

but StarNations are constrained by their ethical standards to take the approachoutlined, and Star Nations operate ethically.As before, Star Nations will help by adding their multiplying energies tothe efforts of each Human lightworker (you) who participates, so that eachof you will have your effort matched by corresponding individuals from eachof the 1483 races in contact with Earth, giving your efforts a X 1483multiplier effect. Just form the intention to hook into that multiplierenergy that Star Nations has mobilized for our earlier JPEs.Plan to devote 15-30 minutes to this Joint Psychic Exercise.If you do not feel adept at psychic energy work, you can instead make aprayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to the threat posed by thepathogenic organisms.The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is as follows(Daylight Saving/Summer Time where applicable):Hawai'ian

Islands: 5 am - MondayAnchorage, Alaska: 7 amLos Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 amDenver/Calgary (MDT): 9 amChicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10amNew York/Washington, DC/San , Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11 amHalifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noonSao o, Brazil: 12 noonUniversal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3p.m.,London/Dakar: 4 pmParis/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pmAmman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pmMoscow/Riyadh: 7 pmDubai: 7 pmNew Delhi: 8:30 pmBeijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, MondayTokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Monday-TuesdayAdelaide, AU: 12:30 am TuesdayBrisbane, AU: 1 am, TuesdayCanberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am TuesdayAuckland, NZ: 3 am TuesdayKamchatka, Russia: 4 am TuesdayIf you absolutely cannot make this time, join

us as soon as you can, andback-time or forward-time (time-jump by intention) your effort to coincidewith ours.Thank you.in the light, Boylan, Ph.D. Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of EarthPresident, Star Kids Project, LtdEmail: drboylan@...Website: www.drboylan.comDiamond Springs, California 95619, USATo get on my free reports/emails mailing list, send one email to:DrRichBoylanReports-subscribe To join my on-line, interactive group of Star Seeds and lightworkers,send a subscribing email to:UFOFacts-subscribe ------------------------------------

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....i make it to be an absurd crock of crap.

if it's not, it's just one more good reason to abandon attempted life on

this planet. they can have it ... after the slaughter they'll viciously

consume each other for sure. i'll be blissfully elsewhere or nowhere

(probably not my call).

> [ ] Fw: [DrRichBoylanReports]

> Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's

> biowarfare global plague



> I do not really know what to make of this.

> Cheers, Doug

> [DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic

> Exercise (JPE) to

> deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plague



> Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's

> biowarfare global plague


> Friends,

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Guest guest

Thanks for your response. I threw this out as it is an interesting though

frightening possible scenario.

Cheers, Doug

[DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE)

> to

> deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plague



> Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's

> biowarfare global plague


> Friends,


> I am announcing a critically-important Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to

> take

> place this Monday, June 2. (Your specific time is at the bottom of this

> message.)


> The JPE's purpose is to counteract the Cabal's planned imminent releasing

> of

> a biowarfare agent that will result in a global plague. Star Nations says

> that this plague, if not stopped, will result in the killing of

> three-quarters of the Human population.


> My inner team and I learned Thursday that the Cabal plan to unleash a

> bioengineered plague across the U.S. and beyond, thereby inducing chaos,

> instability and panic, and enabling the Cabal to " plausibly " invoke

> national

> (and soon global) Martial Law and assume absolute power.


> The Cabal don't care if everybody else goes down, because 1) they have

> innoculated themselves against the bioengineered organism they'll unleash;

> and 2) they have those plush secret underground cities they built with

> your

> FEMA tax dollars, and they can last down there until all us " expendables "

> top-side die off.


> The Cabal's bioengineered organism is deadly. Based on its symptom and

> vector characteristics we were psychically shown, it is an advanced

> bio-engineered composite microorganism, combining the hemorrhagic

> properties

> of an Ebola virus with the multi-antibiotics-resistant properties of a new

> drug-resistant strain of respiratory flu, and with water-borne properties

> and the hardy survival in the open environment characteristic of a

> pathogen

> like leptospirosis. Cabal scientists have used nano-technology to

> encapsulate their hybrid organism colonies into something like

> sub-microscopic nano-tube capsules engineered with a mechanism that will

> release the capsule's contents into every host human victim's bloodstream

> upon receiving an electromagmetic signal which the Cabal will send out.


> This bioengineered pathogen is initially water-borne, then, when the dark

> blood blisters break through the victim's skin, the organisms become

> air-borne through air movement and eventually rise to the sky as part of

> evaporative moisture where, if they encounter rain clouds, they then

> become

> water-borne again and can spread and multiply; and thereafter it will be a

> " black rain " indeed. The infected rain washes into streams, reservoirs and

> lakes, from which the Cabal pathogen is consumed in the drinking water,

> and

> spreads and repeats the cycle. Everyone who ingests the pathogen becomes a

> carrier, spreading the silent, waiting organisms to others. Since people

> are

> symptom-free these first 24 months until the Cabal switch it on, no one

> would be aware of what they are spreading.


> After spreading through the population, this bio-engineered plague is

> planned to become activated (via Cabal remote signal) in about 24 months,

> and reach a peak of pandemic infection in 3-5 years.


> Information from one of the Altimarian scientists here, ,

> corroborated

> by independent observations by Zeta observers, shows that the Cabal plan

> is

> to introduce these bio-engineered organisms into the New Croton Reservoir

> near Croton Falls, New York. The drinking water from that reservoir flows

> through the New Croton Aqueduct on to New York City. There it enters the

> Jerome Park Reservoir in The Bronx, then continues to flow through the

> rest

> of New York City until it mixes with water from the Catskill Aqueduct in

> Manhattan, and finally continues through the NYC boroughs of Brooklyn and

> Staten Island.


> From the Cabal's point of view, New York City makes an " excellent "

> infection-spreading site because of the constant flow in and out of

> business

> persons, tourists, and people catching flights to every part of the world.

> In the two years between when the Cabal starts dosing NYC's water supply

> any

> day now and when they turn on the nano-switch to get their bugs to go

> active, there is enough time to infect many, many times the city's

> resident

> population of 8 million. By the time the infections have spread and later

> go

> active, the pathogens will erupt into a sudden global pandemic.


> One might say, " People wouldn't do such a horrible thing. " But the Cabal

> are

> getting ready to do just that. And now you can see why Star Nations

> classifies the Cabal as a sub-species of Human. As in sub-Human (morally).


> The Cabal plan to introduce these pathogens into New York City's water

> supply very soon. That is why we need to act promptly. Thus our Joint

> Psychic Exercise this coming Monday. Please get everyone you can to join

> us.



> Our task during this Exercise is to get in a quiet space, develop mental

> focus and inner calm, and then focus attention of the Cabal pathogen

> storage

> tanks (wherever they are), and then form the intention to use your psychic

> ability of telekinesis or teleportation to transfer the life force within

> these organisms' cells back into Mother Earth's basic energy matrix; (from

> which we all derived our life energy.)


> Cells are already self-programmed to terminate their life by a natural

> process called apoptosis (programmed cell death.) You may wish to

> visualize

> these target cells immediately switching to apoptosis mode Monday.


> Star Nations have said that they will be joining us in this effort. But

> they

> want it very clear that they do not engage in the direct taking of life.

> Their cooperation is only upon the explicit request which the Councillor

> of

> Earth has made, and they emphasize that the approach is an accelerated

> recycling of cellular energy back into Mother Earth's fundamental life

> energy pool, and is not the traumatic annihilation of living beings, even

> microorganisms. Such may seem a fine distinction to some Humans but Star

> Nations are constrained by their ethical standards to take the approach

> outlined, and Star Nations operate ethically.


> As before, Star Nations will help by adding their multiplying energies to

> the efforts of each Human lightworker (you) who participates, so that each

> of you will have your effort matched by corresponding individuals from

> each

> of the 1483 races in contact with Earth, giving your efforts a X 1483

> multiplier effect. Just form the intention to hook into that multiplier

> energy that Star Nations has mobilized for our earlier JPEs.


> Plan to devote 15-30 minutes to this Joint Psychic Exercise.


> If you do not feel adept at psychic energy work, you can instead make a

> prayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to the threat posed by

> the

> pathogenic organisms.


> The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is as follows

> (Daylight Saving/Summer Time where applicable):


> Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am - Monday


> Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am


> Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am


> Denver/Calgary (MDT): 9 am


> Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10am


> New York/Washington, DC/San , Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11

> am


> Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon


> Sao o, Brazil: 12 noon


> Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3

> p.m.,


> London/Dakar: 4 pm


> Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pm


> Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm


> Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm


> Dubai: 7 pm


> New Delhi: 8:30 pm


> Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, Monday


> Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Monday-Tuesday


> Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Tuesday


> Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Tuesday


> Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Tuesday


> Auckland, NZ: 3 am Tuesday


> Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Tuesday


> If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and

> back-time or forward-time (time-jump by intention) your effort to coincide

> with ours.


> Thank you.


> in the light,


> Boylan, Ph.D.



> Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of Earth

> President, Star Kids Project, Ltd

> Email: drboylan@...

> Website: www.drboylan.com

> Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA

> To get on my free reports/emails mailing list, send one email to:


> DrRichBoylanReports-subscribe

> To join my on-line, interactive group of Star Seeds and lightworkers,

> send a subscribing email to:

> UFOFacts-subscribe







> ------------------------------------



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Guest guest

Thanks Bob,

Getting quite a few varying comments on this different and frightening


Cheers, Doug

[DrRichBoylanReports] Announcing a Joint Psychic

>> Exercise (JPE) to

>> deactivate the Cabal's biowarfare global plague



>> Announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise (JPE) to deactivate the Cabal's

>> biowarfare global plague


>> Friends,



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