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Re: Still at 4 drops MMS with no improvement

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LD, the first thing that comes to mind is the plugged liver. We all have "gallstones" in our bile ducts which hamper bile flow, which is involved in detoxing and digestion. the Hulda liver cleanse is the one I do. I substitute melatonin instead of the ornithine for sleeping. It is important to follow through once you begin. http://curezone.org is a good place to look it up.

[ ] Still at 4 drops MMS with no improvement

Hi As the subject line states, I'm taking 4 drops of MMS and even thenthe exacerbation of symptoms is very hard to take. I've been working my way back up since I took a break when I had the overwhelmingexacerbation at the time I also started iodine. I've been up to 11drops 2'ce daily and as low as 1 drop daily in order to manageexacerbation. Arthur and stated that it cures theirconstipation but it hasn't helped my situation. I'm still taking 2magnesium tabs and 2 Senekot daily as an aid.I've also worked up from 1/2 Iodoral iodine tablet to 1 full tabletdaily plus I'm using 10 mls magnesium oil. , I tried to make itto 15 mls but that's an awful lot of skin to cover and I'm obese! Oneis supposed to rub it all the way in but it doesn't do that well orspread well either. Hopefully I'm using a good one. What do youthink? I got this one:http://www.mfcd. net/depot/ magoil.aspI go back and forth in my head about whether iodine or MMS is best forme so I am not sure whether to raise the MMS or iodine next. Bothcause exacerbation. I can't do the salt loading with the iodine (tohelp release bromines/fluorines) because my lymphedema worsens alarmingly.I just bought some DMSO from ebay to try. Does anyone have any ideaas to a recommended dosage applied topically?My biggest issue seems to be inability to detox.Thanks...... ..LD

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Try eating 6 raw prunes and 6 dates. They can move mountains.


tesa4trill wrote:


As the subject line states, I'm taking 4 drops of MMS and even then

the exacerbation of symptoms is very hard to take. I've been working

my way back up since I took a break when I had the overwhelming

exacerbation at the time I also started iodine. I've been up to 11

drops 2'ce daily and as low as 1 drop daily in order to manage

exacerbation. Arthur and stated that it cures their

constipation but it hasn't helped my situation. I'm still taking 2

magnesium tabs and 2 Senekot daily as an aid.

I've also worked up from 1/2 Iodoral iodine tablet to 1 full tablet

daily plus I'm using 10 mls magnesium oil. , I tried to make it

to 15 mls but that's an awful lot of skin to cover and I'm obese! One

is supposed to rub it all the way in but it doesn't do that well or

spread well either. Hopefully I'm using a good one. What do you

think? I got this one:


I go back and forth in my head about whether iodine or MMS is best for

me so I am not sure whether to raise the MMS or iodine next. Both

cause exacerbation. I can't do the salt loading with the iodine (to

help release bromines/fluorines) because my lymphedema worsens


I just bought some DMSO from ebay to try. Does anyone have any idea

as to a recommended dosage applied topically?

My biggest issue seems to be inability to detox.


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At 08:30 PM 2/05/2008, Arthur wrote: " ...plugged liver.

We all have " gallstones " in our bile ducts which hamper bile

flow, which is involved in detoxing and digestion. the Hulda

liver cleanse is the one I do. It is important to follow through once you

begin. "

Arthur, I was doing just the Epsom salt flushes to open the hepatic

ducts on the advice of Duncan Crow because I don't have a gall

bladder. They sure do give me diarrhoea. How often would you

say they are necessary?

Although I said that detox seems to be my biggest issue, I said that

because it is what everyone tells me. However, even though I

believed it at first, I have begun to wonder if it is actually my problem

because I'm experiencing an exacerbation of my symptoms not something

different that might indicate I'm not releasing the endotoxins (with past

and present treatments). With the help of various substances,

including magnesium tabs, vit C and Senekot and some Epsom salt flushes

my bowels are kept active. Plus, I've tried various products now

that are supposed to deal with the detox issue and all, except those that

activate the bowels, have just caused more pain. And those that

activate the bowels don't lessen the exacerbation of pain from treatments

(e.g., MMS, iodine, etc). I'm perplexed about why anything I've

tried hasn't actually eased the exacerbation if detox is my issue?

If it is the liver, then why do I not get pain or distress in that


Also, even though I had constant exacerbation of symptoms while I was

following the Marshall protocol (MP) for 2 and a 1/2 years, when I

stopped I felt way better than I had in many years. So many

symptoms were completely gone for a while. IF detox was my problem,

why when I stopped did I feel such an improvement? Surely the

endotoxins would have been so built up from my inability to detox that I

would not have felt better? And if you are wondering why I don't

just go back to the MP, it's because it invoked the very worst

exacerbation of various symptoms and virtually put me in bed for the last

12 months on it. I'm looking for a gentler way. I was told by

the MP forum staff that my issue was that I had so much infection

throughout the body. Detox issues were never raised other than to

indicate that everyone experiences some detox symptoms and the more

infection one has the worse will be the herx.

It's not that I'm against the idea that detoxing is my issue but I just

don't understand what that idea is based on in my case. If you or

anyone could direct me to some studies and reading from experts about the

detox issue I'd be grateful.

Thanks Arthur et al..........LD

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At 12:12 PM 3/05/2008, you wrote: " Try eating 6 raw

prunes and 6 dates. They can move mountains. "

Thanks Judith but the magnesium tabs, Senekot and Vit C are achieving the

job and I'm Insulin Resistant so I cannot take either of the above.

I wish I could as I love and miss them!

Best wishes........LD

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A symptom of blocked bile ducts would be light colored stools. Even if you don't see what you think is light, you may still have blockage. There have been times when I see -black- after a cleanse. I've had 2 experiences which really got my attention, when I used them thr first time. After my "internal medicine doctor" told me there was nothing that could be done for my swollen liver (He pronounced it "enlarged") I went home and decided I had nothing to lose by trying the HD liver cleanse. Next day, all was well (in that department) Btw, I didn't really have much pain, just ther beginning of a pot belly, with pressure in the liver area. 3 days later, I discovered my strength took a dramatic increase as I worked out at the

gym. The ideal protocol is to do the cleanse until you count 2,000 "stones" - some chaff would count, I guess. One every 2 weeks is ideal. Btw, raw beet juice works well to increase bile flow. Drinking B J after a cleanse (and a glass a day)seems like a good idea.

This is just my opinion, but it seems that when the liver is really the key to correcting all the other issues. When you adopt a lifestyle that promotes liver health, every other organ benefits. Its claimed that the liver is 80% lymph, which is used to clean the system.

Secondly, heres evidence of why I think the liver is so critical. It is my understanding that the lymph system runs along side the blood arteries and eleswhere throughout the body and carries off toxic waste. The waste is taken to the liver, detoxed, and disposed of -(in ideal situations) (this is another reason why active people stay well more often- activity "squeezes" and pushes lymph fluid, resulting in faster cleansing) Before I did the first liver cleanse, I did a Castor oil pack over the thymus gland -which is located about two fingers (laid sideways) blow the top breastbone. A day or 2 later, I began to have severe fatigue, and developed approx 10 boils on my chest and stomach. The fatigue was so bad, I couldn't work. 3 days later, I had a seriously cleansing BM; (sorry for the graphics) and felt great. So my best theory is

that the castor oil moved stagnant lymph to a plugged liver- more than it could handle, which caused a back-up through the skin. My diet and habits back then were the SAD we all know about. This castor oil protocol calls for one night Lymph, one night liver, one night spleen, and repeat- taking the weekend off. If you decide to do it, be aware of using a -clean- flannel.. Boil the flannel to be used, after washing in environmentally friendly soap. Don't use any clear plastic anywhere near the oil. The CO is very penetrating, and will carry whatever is in the flannel in with it. It also has to be cold pressed oil- not the drugstore brand.

Re: [ ] Still at 4 drops MMS with no improvement

At 08:30 PM 2/05/2008, Arthur wrote: "...plugged liver. We all have "gallstones" in our bile ducts which hamper bile flow, which is involved in detoxing and digestion. the Hulda liver cleanse is the one I do. It is important to follow through once you begin."Arthur, I was doing just the Epsom salt flushes to open the hepatic ducts on the advice of Duncan Crow because I don't have a gall bladder. They sure do give me diarrhoea. How often would you say they are necessary? Although I said that detox seems to be my biggest issue, I said that because it is what everyone tells me. However, even though I believed it at first, I have begun to wonder if it is actually my problem because I'm experiencing an exacerbation of my symptoms not something different that might indicate I'm not releasing the endotoxins (with past and present treatments). With the help of various substances,

including magnesium tabs, vit C and Senekot and some Epsom salt flushes my bowels are kept active. Plus, I've tried various products now that are supposed to deal with the detox issue and all, except those that activate the bowels, have just caused more pain. And those that activate the bowels don't lessen the exacerbation of pain from treatments (e.g., MMS, iodine, etc). I'm perplexed about why anything I've tried hasn't actually eased the exacerbation if detox is my issue? If it is the liver, then why do I not get pain or distress in that area?Also, even though I had constant exacerbation of symptoms while I was following the Marshall protocol (MP) for 2 and a 1/2 years, when I stopped I felt way better than I had in many years. So many symptoms were completely gone for a while. IF detox was my problem, why when I stopped did I feel such an improvement? Surely the endotoxins would have been so built up

from my inability to detox that I would not have felt better? And if you are wondering why I don't just go back to the MP, it's because it invoked the very worst exacerbation of various symptoms and virtually put me in bed for the last 12 months on it. I'm looking for a gentler way. I was told by the MP forum staff that my issue was that I had so much infection throughout the body. Detox issues were never raised other than to indicate that everyone experiences some detox symptoms and the more infection one has the worse will be the herx.It's not that I'm against the idea that detoxing is my issue but I just don't understand what that idea is based on in my case. If you or anyone could direct me to some studies and reading from experts about the detox issue I'd be grateful.Thanks Arthur et al.......... LD

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Hey Arthur, this is great info!   I think I desperately need to cleanse my liver but I get anxious about doing it right and getting the ingredients together etc...   Do you know where I could do a one stop shopping for the cleanse protocol and all the ingredients needed packaged and sold all together nice and easy and neat?    You know, like a "Lymph, Liver, Spleen Clean for Dummies" :).    Thanks and best regards,LydiaOn May 3, 2008, at 8:01 AM, arthur rambo wrote:A symptom of  blocked bile ducts would be light colored stools. Even if you don't see what you think is light, you may still have blockage. There have been times when I see -black- after a cleanse. I've had 2 experiences which really got my attention, when I used them thr first time.   After my "internal medicine doctor" told me there was nothing that could be done for my swollen liver (He pronounced it "enlarged") I went home and decided I had nothing to lose by trying the HD liver cleanse. Next day, all was well (in that department) Btw, I didn't really have much pain, just ther beginning of a pot belly, with pressure in the liver area.      3 days later, I discovered my strength took a dramatic increase as I worked out at the gym.  The ideal protocol is to do the cleanse until you count 2,000 "stones" - some chaff would count, I guess. One every 2 weeks is ideal.  Btw, raw beet juice works well to increase bile flow. Drinking B J after a cleanse  (and a glass a day)seems like a good idea.  This is just my opinion, but it seems that when the liver is really the key to correcting all the other issues. When you adopt a lifestyle that promotes liver health, every other organ benefits. Its claimed that the liver is 80% lymph, which is used to clean the system.  Secondly, heres evidence of why I think the liver is so critical. It is my understanding that the lymph system runs along side  the blood arteries  and eleswhere throughout the body and carries off toxic waste. The waste is taken to the liver, detoxed, and disposed of -(in ideal situations)  (this is another reason why active people stay well more often- activity "squeezes" and pushes lymph fluid, resulting in faster cleansing)    Before I did the first liver cleanse, I did a Castor oil pack over the thymus gland -which is located about two fingers (laid sideways)  blow the top breastbone.   A day or 2 later, I began to have severe fatigue, and developed approx 10 boils on my chest and stomach. The fatigue was so bad, I couldn't work.  3 days later, I had a seriously cleansing BM; (sorry for the graphics) and felt great. So my best theory is that the castor oil moved  stagnant lymph to a plugged liver- more than it could handle, which caused a back-up through the skin.   My diet and habits  back then were the SAD we all know about.      This castor oil protocol calls for one night Lymph, one night liver, one night spleen, and repeat- taking the weekend off.  If you decide to do it, be aware of using a -clean- flannel.. Boil the flannel to be used, after washing in environmentally friendly soap. Don't use any clear plastic anywhere near the oil.  The CO is very penetrating, and will carry whatever is in the flannel in with it. It also has to be cold pressed oil- not the drugstore brand.    Re: [ ] Still at 4 drops MMS with no improvementAt 08:30 PM 2/05/2008, Arthur wrote: "...plugged liver. We all have "gallstones" in our bile ducts which hamper bile flow, which is involved in detoxing and digestion.  the Hulda liver cleanse is the one I do. It is important to follow through once you begin."Arthur,  I was doing just the Epsom salt flushes to open the hepatic ducts on the advice of Duncan Crow because I don't have a gall bladder.  They sure do give me diarrhoea.  How often would you say they are necessary?  Although I said that detox seems to be my biggest issue, I said that because it is what everyone tells me.  However, even though I believed it at first, I have begun to wonder if it is actually my problem because I'm experiencing an exacerbation of my symptoms not something different that might indicate I'm not releasing the endotoxins (with past and present treatments).  With the help of various substances, including magnesium tabs, vit C and Senekot and some Epsom salt flushes my bowels are kept active.  Plus, I've tried various products now that are supposed to deal with the detox issue and all, except those that activate the bowels, have just caused more pain.  And those that activate the bowels don't lessen the exacerbation of pain from treatments (e.g., MMS, iodine, etc).  I'm perplexed about why anything I've tried hasn't actually eased the exacerbation if detox is my issue?  If it is the liver, then why do I not get pain or distress in that area?Also, even though I had constant exacerbation of symptoms while I was following the Marshall protocol (MP) for 2 and a 1/2 years, when I stopped I felt way better than I had in many years.  So many symptoms were completely gone for a while.  IF detox was my problem, why when I stopped did I feel such an improvement?  Surely the endotoxins would have been so built up from my inability to detox that I would not have felt better?  And if you are wondering why I don't just go back to the MP, it's because it invoked the very worst exacerbation of various symptoms and virtually put me in bed for the last 12 months on it.  I'm looking for a gentler way.  I was told by the MP forum staff that my issue was that I had so much infection throughout the body.  Detox issues were never raised other than to indicate that everyone experiences some detox symptoms and the more infection one has the worse will be the herx.It's not that I'm against the idea that detoxing is my issue but I just don't understand what that idea is based on in my case.  If you or anyone could direct me to some studies and reading from experts about the detox issue I'd be grateful.Thanks Arthur et al.......... LDBe a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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