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Re: iv's and barleygrass

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Hi Helen

HOLD IT Helen.

What you put in your mouth gets broken down into it's basic building blocks BEFORE it gets into your blood stream.

DO NOT try to bypass your stomach like that (proteins into blood stream) EVER.

I believe you are, if you have such an acidic urine, heading for acidosis and osteoporosis difficulties. To lift your pH you must increase the alkalinity of the foods that get into your stomach, just like I had to do to stop my urine from being acidic. The superior foods to provide the alkalinity essential and vital for your good health are raw, fresh, vegetables and fruits.

If you want to read up about Dr Wigmore and her diet knowledge read "Green for Life" by Boutenko. In this book there is important (for you) to read about, to ease you into the changes necessary.


[ ] iv's and barleygrass


Do you give yourself iv's.

Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted?

I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass

juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer.

Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I

understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is

now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of

us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively

healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter

of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like

arthritis, diabetes, etc.

If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting

barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic

barleygrass. I would buy some good water and I'd soak the

barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any

pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine

mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly washed first in

a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv.

It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and

such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing

the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria

cannot live in a high alkaline like barleygrass.

I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing

symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the

form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they

did happen I would know they would only last a few days.

How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass

liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH each

morning to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH

was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce

the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0

range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline.

You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass

liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I

understand that when you take too much, you get a

pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know.

Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just





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Hello Phil I read a couple of Ann Wigmore's books and in one of them she talks about working with a doctor for a brief period and she mentioned the doctor giving wheatgrass intravenously. She herself never did so in her clinic. I wonder if she is still alive. I'm sure there are easy ways to find out if there would be any harm in doing that. Unfortunately, you cannot go to your allopathic doctor with these questions because, as you know, they know nothing about these things as a rule. However, a call or two

to a university should result in some answers. I should call my scientist friend. What I was trying to say is that if I was having to take iv's anyway, I would be trying the barleygrass. Don't worry; I would be asking a lot of people a lot of questions first. If you read my last letter, you will have noticed that I was careful to say what I would do but I was not telling anyone else what to do. I am surprised at your concern about this when you take what seems to me to be a very toxic chemical ...just a thought; I am not casting a judgement on anyone for taking it. I am sure I would be taking it also if I had Lyme's. That's the problem with acidosis. It can lead to all sorts of disease. I know how to bring my pH up and I do it all the time but it is a constant struggle when the water you get to drink is only 5.5 pH. This has to be a problem for many in this group. Our body is about 85% water I read somewhere. If you are forever putting

5.5 water in it, how can the body stay alkaline? I am tempted to buy a Kangen water alkalizing machine but the expense is a bit much. I realize I can get a cheaper one but I would like the $4,000 model that Kangen makes. I am well aware of eating raw vegs and fruit and I consume them everyday but that does not change the fact that most of us cannot get water that is above 5.5 pH. I eat some of the best foods available on the earth when I eat URI's foods which I do daily. They are Raw, Live, Organic, Whole Foods and alkaline or alkaline forming. I also eat lots of raw foods from the grocer but I

also drink lots of water. What I am saying is that if we were able to drink 7.3 pH water, more than half the battle would already be won. This isn't just about me; this is true for almost everyone. Helen Phil and Carol Conway <philcar@...> wrote: Hi Helen HOLD IT Helen. What you put in your mouth gets broken down into it's basic building blocks BEFORE it gets into your blood stream. DO NOT try to bypass your stomach like that (proteins into blood stream) EVER. I believe you are, if you have such an acidic urine, heading for acidosis and osteoporosis difficulties. To lift your pH you must increase the alkalinity of the foods that get into your stomach, just like I had to do to stop my urine from being acidic. The superior foods to provide the alkalinity essential and vital for your good health are raw, fresh, vegetables and

fruits. If you want to read up about Dr Wigmore and her diet knowledge read "Green for Life" by Boutenko. In this book there is important (for you) to read about, to ease you into the changes necessary. Phil

[ ] iv's and barleygrass Hi Do you give yourself iv's. Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted? I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer. Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like arthritis, diabetes, etc. If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic barleygrass. I

would buy some good water and I'd soak the barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly washed first in a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv. It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria cannot live in a high alkaline like barleygrass. I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they did happen I would know they would only last a few days. How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH

each morning to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0 range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline. You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I understand that when you take too much, you get a pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know. Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just kidding. Helen 604-420-1544 www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Hi Helen

I "spoke-up" because of my concern about the concept of introducing foreign proteins into veins. I gather it is very hazardous indeed.

Water at 5.5pH. Well that is right outside of my experience!

Our reticulated water is about 8pH, and I put our drinking water through a Jupiter Melody Ionizer (around about $US1500) to get alkaline water at around 10.3pH. Wouldn't you like a lot of that? We've been drinking it since 31 August 2005 (yes, Five). I am sure it helps us a lot, but to me it is imperative that we have heaps of raw greens too (and ample magnesium).

I suppose your bottled water is also acidic? - or far too expensive.

Why is your water so acidic? Is it your doing? How long do people live on 5.5pH water?


[ ] iv's and barleygrass


Do you give yourself iv's.

Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted?

I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass

juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer.

Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I

understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is

now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of

us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively

healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter

of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like

arthritis, diabetes, etc.

If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting

barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic

barleygrass. I would buy some good water and I'd soak the

barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any

pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine

mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly washed first in

a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv.

It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and

such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing

the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria

cannot live in a high alkaline like barleygrass.

I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing

symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the

form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they

did happen I would know they would only last a few days.

How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass

liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH each

morning to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH

was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce

the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0

range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline.

You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass

liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I

understand that when you take too much, you get a

pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know.

Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just





Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Thanks so much for that response Phil. Some " persons " should be

careful about the advice he/she gives before someone gets hurt and

maybe someone else gets sued!

Oh and just want to remind folks to check out ebay for that holy tea

that is advertised in here ALL of the time. You can get a month's

supply for $15-$16 with no shipping. In fact any time any

interesting supplement or protocol is mentioned you should do your

own research and also look around for a better deal. Alot of us are

dealing with serious conditions (for me it's Hep C) and we need to

save all the money we can to buy our necessities to make us better.

Just a " freebie " for ya'll. :)



> Hi Helen


> HOLD IT Helen.

> What you put in your mouth gets broken down into it's basic

building blocks BEFORE it gets into your blood stream.

> DO NOT try to bypass your stomach like that (proteins into blood

stream) EVER.


> I believe you are, if you have such an acidic urine, heading for

acidosis and osteoporosis difficulties. To lift your pH you must

increase the alkalinity of the foods that get into your stomach, just

like I had to do to stop my urine from being acidic. The superior

foods to provide the alkalinity essential and vital for your good

health are raw, fresh, vegetables and fruits.

> If you want to read up about Dr Wigmore and her diet knowledge

read " Green for Life " by Boutenko. In this book there is

important (for you) to read about, to ease you into the changes



> Phil

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Hello Phil I would want to know more before putting the wheatgrass in an iv, too, but I would not listen to just one medical person about it. I would be picking everyone's brain first. If they all could tell me why it was not advisable, then I may decide not to do it, of course. I guess in my first letter about it, I was just thinking out loud for cathy's sake. I keep thinking about when my Mom was sick with cancer. She did not want to eat. Getting anything

down her would have been a big chore but who knows what might have happened if we had been able to put a dilution of wheatgrass or barleygrass in her iv. It would have been a much easier way to do it and since she was dying anyway, what did she have to lose? We didn't do that and she did die, of course. She may have died anyway. But then we all have to go sometime. I have considered the Jupiter Melody Ionizer and I might go with that. I really like the Kangen though and I can get it on payments without a lot of

interest. Also I can sell it and make some money to pay for mine but that is easier said than done, too. It's a decision noone can make for me; I have to do it myself (sigh). I suppose I could sell the water to locals and make money to pay for it. The water most of us can afford is the water comes from the faucet ...ie, from the city supply. It is not of our own doing. It is 5.5 pH. So I began looking at bottled waters and I brought a few of them home. They also tested 5.5 pH. Fiji water

is supposed to test higher but it is difficult to find because it costs more so not every store carries it and when they do, you have to buy 6 liters at a time which is what I will probably do next time I go to the store. Packing water home is not easy either since I don't have a car. In spite of the highly acidic water, people live quite long on it ...to 75 and 80 years old. Many of them take little or no supplements. Many of them suffer varying degrees of arthritis, diabetes 2, and various other diseases that I doubt they

would have if they had a neutral water. I figure they would live longer, too. To me, it is not so much about living longer as it about living healthily while you are alive. This is the whole point ... I see people suffer who need not be suffering if they could increase their pH. Often it is not about me; it's about them. A few people on this group come to mind. If they could get properly alkalized water, they would have half or more of their problems beat. Speaking of living

with pain, for years when I was a younger woman, I had constant pain in the balls of my feet when I was standing or walking. I did not have it when I sat down. Having alkalized water would have made a big difference. I could not do my housework for more than 20 minutes without taking a pain killer. Finally, after 15 years of this, I read something totally unrelated, that made me think that maybe it would help me to take more calcium. The story suggested not to expect results for 6 months. So imagine my surprise when one day I had been working on my feet for about 5 hours and it struck me that my feet did not hurt! I had taken no pain killers either. I was one happy

camper. In those days, I knew nothing about acid/alkaline as it pertains to food and/or supplements and I did not realize calcium was an alkalizer. I do get lots of greens in my diet especially from the URI Raw, Organic, Live foods. This food is far superior to any food I could get in any grocery store. If I could grow my own, it would help but even so I could not do what URI does. I also supplement my diet with Calcium Citrate and Magnesium (1:1) which helps to alkalize my body but like I said it is a struggle as my pH

is up and down. I also take other supplements. With water that has a pH of 7.3 or even a bit higher, I should be able to have a proper urine pH pretty much all the time. In spite of my concerns in this area, I am in relatively good health for someone my age and I have virtually no pains. I want to keep it that way and that is the reason for getting properly alkalized water now. I have much for which to be thankful. Helen 604-420-1544 www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Phil and Carol Conway <philcar@...> wrote: Hi Helen I "spoke-up" because of my concern about the concept of introducing foreign proteins into veins. I gather it is very hazardous indeed. Water at 5.5pH. Well that is right outside of my experience! Our reticulated water is about 8pH, and I put our drinking water through a Jupiter Melody Ionizer (around about $US1500) to get alkaline water at around 10.3pH. Wouldn't you like a lot of that? We've been drinking it since 31 August 2005 (yes, Five). I am sure it helps us a lot, but to me it is imperative that we have heaps of raw greens too (and ample magnesium). I suppose your bottled water is also acidic? - or far too expensive. Why is your water so acidic? Is it your doing? How long do people live on 5.5pH water? Phil ----- Original

Message ----- From: helen/zhebee wrote [ ] iv's and barleygrass Hello Phil I read a couple of Ann Wigmore's books and in one of them she talks about working with a doctor for a brief period and she mentioned the doctor giving wheatgrass intravenously. She herself never did so in her clinic. I wonder if she is still alive. I'm sure there are easy ways to find out if there would be any

harm in doing that. Unfortunately, you cannot go to your allopathic doctor with these questions because, as you know, they know nothing about these things as a rule. However, a call or two to a university should result in some answers. I should call my scientist friend. What I was trying to say is that if I was having to take iv's anyway, I would be trying the barleygrass. Don't worry; I would be asking a lot of people a lot of questions first. If you read my last letter, you will have

noticed that I was careful to say what I would do but I was not telling anyone else what to do. I am surprised at your concern about this when you take what seems to me to be a very toxic chemical ...just a thought; I am not casting a judgement on anyone for taking it. I am sure I would be taking it also if I had Lyme's. That's the problem with acidosis. It can lead to all sorts of disease. I know how to bring my pH up and I do it all the time but it is a constant

struggle when the water you get to drink is only 5.5 pH. This has to be a problem for many in this group. Our body is about 85% water I read somewhere. If you are forever putting 5.5 water in it, how can the body stay alkaline? I am tempted to buy a Kangen water alkalizing machine but the expense is a bit much. I realize I can get a cheaper one but I would like the $4,000 model that Kangen makes. I am well aware of eating raw vegs and fruit and I consume them everyday but that does not change the fact that most

of us cannot get water that is above 5.5 pH. I eat some of the best foods available on the earth when I eat URI's foods which I do daily. They are Raw, Live, Organic, Whole Foods and alkaline or alkaline forming. I also eat lots of raw foods from the grocer but I also drink lots of water. What I am saying is that if we were able to drink 7.3 pH water, more than half the battle would already be won. This isn't just about me; this is true for almost everyone. Helen Phil and Carol Conway <philcarxtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote: Hi Helen HOLD IT Helen. What you put in your mouth gets broken down into it's basic building blocks BEFORE it gets into your blood stream. DO NOT try to bypass your stomach like that (proteins into blood stream) EVER. I believe you are, if you have such an acidic urine, heading for acidosis and osteoporosis difficulties. To lift your pH you must increase the alkalinity of the foods that get into your stomach, just like I had to do to stop my urine from being acidic. The superior foods to provide the alkalinity essential and vital for your good health are raw, fresh, vegetables and fruits. If

you want to read up about Dr Wigmore and her diet knowledge read "Green for Life" by Boutenko. In this book there is important (for you) to read about, to ease you into the changes necessary. Phil [ ] iv's and

barleygrass Hi Do you give yourself iv's. Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted? I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer. Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like arthritis, diabetes, etc. If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic barleygrass. I would buy some good water and I'd soak

the barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly washed first in a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv. It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria cannot live in a

high alkaline like barleygrass. I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they did happen I would know they would only last a few days. How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH each morning

to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0 range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline. You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I understand that when you take too much, you get a pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know. Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just kidding. Helen 604-420-1544 www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep

for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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mygemsrj <pamelad33@...> wrote: Thanks so much for that response Phil. Some "persons" should be careful about the advice he/she gives before someone gets hurt and maybe someone else gets sued!Oh and just want to remind folks to check out ebay for that holy tea that is advertised in here ALL of the time. You can get a month's supply for $15-$16 with no shipping. In fact any time any interesting supplement or protocol is

mentioned you should do your own research and also look around for a better deal. Alot of us are dealing with serious conditions (for me it's Hep C) and we need to save all the money we can to buy our necessities to make us better. Just a "freebie" for ya'll. :)Pamela>> Hi Helen> > HOLD IT Helen. > What you put in your mouth gets broken down into it's basic building blocks BEFORE it gets into your blood stream. > DO NOT try to bypass your stomach like that (proteins into blood stream) EVER.> > I believe you are, if you have such an acidic urine, heading for acidosis and osteoporosis difficulties. To lift your pH you must increase the alkalinity of the foods that get into your

stomach, just like I had to do to stop my urine from being acidic. The superior foods to provide the alkalinity essential and vital for your good health are raw, fresh, vegetables and fruits.> If you want to read up about Dr Wigmore and her diet knowledge read "Green for Life" by Boutenko. In this book there is important (for you) to read about, to ease you into the changes necessary.> > Phil Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for

HTC 604-420-1544

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Hi Helen

I would expect anaphylactic shock to develop if proteins from barleygrass were introduced to your blood stream. The severity of such a shock is something I cannot guess at, but at worst it would be fatal. Take care!

I understood that the Jupiter make is the industry leader. I glanced at the Kangen site and, well, it may be fine. I would suggest care, and having them state exactly what performance you could expect with a 5.5pH water supply, from all your possible ionizer suppliers.

HIgh pH water might help, but is not in the same class as a high pH raw fresh food intake with an adequate water intake with the exclusion of sugar and processed "foods".

These thoughts are from a retired electrical engineer. Phil

helen/zhebee wrote Re: [ ] iv's and barleygrass

Hello Phil

I would want to know more before putting the wheatgrass

in an iv, too, but I would not listen to just one medical

person about it. I would be picking everyone's brain first.

If they all could tell me why it was not advisable, then I

may decide not to do it, of course. I guess in my first

letter about it, I was just thinking out loud for cathy's


I keep thinking about when my Mom was sick with

cancer. She did not want to eat. Getting anything down

her would have been a big chore but who knows what

might have happened if we had been able to put a

dilution of wheatgrass or barleygrass in her iv. It would

have been a much easier way to do it and since she

was dying anyway, what did she have to lose? We

didn't do that and she did die, of course. She may

have died anyway. But then we all have to go sometime.

I have considered the Jupiter Melody Ionizer and I might

go with that. I really like the Kangen though and I can

get it on payments without a lot of interest. Also I can

sell it and make some money to pay for mine but that is

easier said than done, too. It's a decision noone can

make for me; I have to do it myself (sigh). I suppose I

could sell the water to locals and make money to pay

for it.

The water most of us can afford is the water comes from

the faucet ...ie, from the city supply. It is not of our own

doing. It is 5.5 pH. So I began looking at bottled waters

and I brought a few of them home. They also tested 5.5

pH. Fiji water is supposed to test higher but it is difficult

to find because it costs more so not every store carries

it and when they do, you have to buy 6 liters at a time

which is what I will probably do next time I go to the

store. Packing water home is not easy either since I

don't have a car.

In spite of the highly acidic water, people live quite long

on it ...to 75 and 80 years old. Many of them take little

or no supplements. Many of them suffer varying degrees

of arthritis, diabetes 2, and various other diseases that

I doubt they would have if they had a neutral water. I

figure they would live longer, too. To me, it is not so

much about living longer as it about living healthily while

you are alive.

This is the whole point ... I see people suffer who need not be suffering if they could increase their pH. Often

it is not about me; it's about them. A few people on

this group come to mind. If they could get properly

alkalized water, they would have half or more of their

problems beat.

Speaking of living with pain, for years when I was a younger

woman, I had constant pain in the balls of my feet when I

was standing or walking. I did not have it when I sat down.

Having alkalized water would have made a big difference.

I could not do my housework for more than 20 minutes

without taking a pain killer. Finally, after 15 years of this,

I read something totally unrelated, that made me think thatmaybe it would help me to take more calcium. The story suggested not to expect results for 6 months. So imaginemy surprise when one day I had been working on my feet for about 5 hours and it struck me that my feet did not hurt!

I had taken no pain killers either. I was one happy camper.

In those days, I knew nothing about acid/alkaline as it

pertains to food and/or supplements and I did not realize

calcium was an alkalizer.

I do get lots of greens in my diet especially from the URI

Raw, Organic, Live foods. This food is far superior to any

food I could get in any grocery store. If I could grow my

own, it would help but even so I could not do what URI

does. I also supplement my diet with Calcium Citrate andMagnesium (1:1) which helps to alkalize my body but like I said it is a struggle as my pH is up and down. I also take

other supplements. With water that has a pH of 7.3 or even a bit higher, I should be able to have a proper urine

pH pretty much all the time. In spite of my concerns in

this area, I am in relatively good health for someone my

age and I have virtually no pains. I want to keep it that

way and that is the reason for getting properly alkalized

water now.

I have much for which to be thankful.




Phil and Carol Conway <philcar@...> wrote:

Hi Helen

I "spoke-up" because of my concern about the concept of introducing foreign proteins into veins. I gather it is very hazardous indeed.

Water at 5.5pH. Well that is right outside of my experience!

Our reticulated water is about 8pH, and I put our drinking water through a Jupiter Melody Ionizer (around about $US1500) to get alkaline water at around 10.3pH. Wouldn't you like a lot of that? We've been drinking it since 31 August 2005 (yes, Five). I am sure it helps us a lot, but to me it is imperative that we have heaps of raw greens too (and ample magnesium).

I suppose your bottled water is also acidic? - or far too expensive.

Why is your water so acidic? Is it your doing? How long do people live on 5.5pH water?


[ ] iv's and barleygrass


Do you give yourself iv's.

Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted?

I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass

juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer.

Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I

understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is

now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of

us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively

healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter

of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like

arthritis, diabetes, etc.

If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting

barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic

barleygrass. I would buy some good water and I'd soak the

barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any

pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine

mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly washed first in

a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv.

It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and

such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing

the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria

cannot live in a high alkaline like barleygrass.

I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing

symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the

form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they

did happen I would know they would only last a few days.

How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass

liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH each

morning to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH

was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce

the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0

range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline.

You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass

liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I

understand that when you take too much, you get a

pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know.

Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just





Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Thanks, Phil I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good to have input from someone isn't trying "to get" me as it were but gives good (and sincere) information with right motives. I do appreciate your status as an electrical engineer but that alone would not make me sit up and take notice. I know that I know far more about health and nutrition than many medical people do and I do not have a degree. Many in this group know more, as well. ly you don't have to

know much to know more than most allopathic doctors about nutritional supplements and such so for me to say I know more about supplements than they do isn't saying much. There are many who don't have degrees who can learn as easily as those with degrees. All that is needed is a desire to learn and an inquisitive (and sometimes an analytical) mind. There are things that doctors do know that I don't know but that does not mean we couldn't learn those things if we wished to know them. I don't need a degree to

know how to read and do research, etc. On the other hand, having a great education could be a hindrance to learning because after years of being brainwashed, many of these people find it impossible to get out of the box in which their education put them and that goes for many different vocations. If there is one thing I have learned, it that I could have been a doctor and have degrees coming out of my ying yang and I would still be listening to my most uneducated patient or contact for any new gem I might learn from them. It is not likely that I will ever get to try taking barleygrass through iv's since I am not now on ivs and I wouldn't know where to begin to get an iv. I don't think I would get one if I requested one as they are usually prescribed, are they not? Maybe you should tell the others to be careful if they are thinking of doing this ...but then they are reading these emails. :)) Helen Phil and Carol Conway <philcar@...> wrote: Hi Helen I would expect anaphylactic shock to develop if proteins from barleygrass were introduced to your blood stream. The severity of such a shock is something I cannot guess at, but at worst it would be fatal. Take care! I understood that the Jupiter make is the industry leader. I glanced at the Kangen site and, well, it may be fine. I would suggest care, and having them state exactly what performance you

could expect with a 5.5pH water supply, from all your possible ionizer suppliers. HIgh pH water might help, but is not in the same class as a high pH raw fresh food intake with an adequate water intake with the exclusion of sugar and processed "foods". These thoughts are from a retired electrical engineer. Phil helen/zhebee wrote Re: [ ] iv's and barleygrass Hello Phil

I would want to know more before putting the wheatgrass in an iv, too, but I would not listen to just one medical person about it. I would be picking everyone's brain first. If they all could tell me why it was not advisable, then I may decide not to do it, of course. I guess in my first letter about it, I was just thinking out loud for cathy's sake. I keep thinking about when my Mom was sick with cancer. She did not want to eat. Getting anything down her would have been a big

chore but who knows what might have happened if we had been able to put a dilution of wheatgrass or barleygrass in her iv. It would have been a much easier way to do it and since she was dying anyway, what did she have to lose? We didn't do that and she did die, of course. She may have died anyway. But then we all have to go sometime. I have considered the Jupiter Melody Ionizer and I might go with that. I really like the Kangen though and I can get it on payments without a lot of interest. Also I can sell

it and make some money to pay for mine but that is easier said than done, too. It's a decision noone can make for me; I have to do it myself (sigh). I suppose I could sell the water to locals and make money to pay for it. The water most of us can afford is the water comes from the faucet ...ie, from the city supply. It is not of our own doing. It is 5.5 pH. So I began looking at bottled waters and I brought a few of them home. They also tested 5.5 pH. Fiji water is supposed to test higher but it is difficult to find because it costs more so not every store carries it and when they do, you have to buy 6 liters at a time which is what I will probably do next time I go to the store. Packing water home is not easy either since I don't have a car. In spite of the highly acidic water, people live quite long on it ...to 75 and 80 years old. Many of them take little or no supplements. Many of them suffer varying degrees of arthritis, diabetes 2, and various other diseases that I doubt they would have if they had a neutral water. I figure they would live longer, too. To me, it is not so much about living longer as it about living healthily while you are alive. This is the whole point ... I see people suffer who need not be suffering if they could increase their pH. Often it is not about me; it's about them. A few people on this group come to mind. If they could get properly alkalized water, they would have half or more of their problems beat. Speaking of living with pain, for years when I was a younger woman, I had constant pain in the balls of my feet when I was standing or walking. I did not have it when I sat down. Having alkalized water would have made a big difference. I could not do my housework for more than 20 minutes without taking a pain killer. Finally, after 15 years of this, I read something totally unrelated, that made me think thatmaybe it would help me to take more calcium. The story suggested not to expect results for 6 months. So imaginemy surprise when one day I had been working on my feet for about 5 hours and it struck me that my feet did not hurt! I had taken no pain killers either. I was one happy camper. In those

days, I knew nothing about acid/alkaline as it pertains to food and/or supplements and I did not realize calcium was an alkalizer. I do get lots of greens in my diet especially from the URI Raw, Organic, Live foods. This food is far superior to any food I could get in any grocery store. If I could grow my own, it would help but even so I could not do what URI does. I also supplement my diet with Calcium Citrate andMagnesium (1:1) which helps to alkalize my body but like I said it is a struggle as my pH is up and down. I also take other supplements. With water that has a pH of 7.3 or even a bit higher, I should be able to have a proper urine pH pretty much all the time. In spite of my concerns in this area, I am in relatively good health for someone my age and I have virtually no pains. I want to keep it that way and that is the reason for getting properly alkalized water now. I have much for which to be thankful. Helen 604-420-1544 www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Phil and Carol Conway <philcarxtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote: Hi Helen I "spoke-up" because of my concern about the concept of introducing foreign proteins into veins. I gather it is very hazardous indeed. Water at 5.5pH. Well that is right outside of my experience! Our reticulated water is about 8pH, and I put our drinking water through a Jupiter Melody Ionizer (around about $US1500) to get

alkaline water at around 10.3pH. Wouldn't you like a lot of that? We've been drinking it since 31 August 2005 (yes, Five). I am sure it helps us a lot, but to me it is imperative that we have heaps of raw greens too (and ample magnesium). I suppose your bottled water is also acidic? - or far too expensive. Why is your water so acidic? Is it your doing? How long do people live on 5.5pH water? Phil [ ] iv's and barleygrass Hi Do you give yourself iv's. Can you put something into the iv's yourself if you wanted? I am thinking of something like wheatgrass juice or barleygrass juice. If I remember correctly when I read Wigmore's book yearsago, they had given wheatgrass by iv with tremendous successwhen treating cancer. Both wheatgrass and barleygrass are highly alkaline and I understand that pathogens of any kind would not want to stayin a body that has a pH of 7.3 Do you know what your pH is now and do you know how to test for your urine pH? Most of us have a urine pH of 5.0 or 5.5 even those who are relatively healthy have a pH that is far too low and it is just a matter of time before we would get cancer and other diseases like arthritis, diabetes, etc. If I had a way to do iv's, I would be wanting to try putting barleygrass in my iv. I would be looking for the best organic barleygrass. I would buy some good water and I'd soak the barleygrass powder in this water. Then I would strain any pulp or residue out of the barleygrass solution using a fine mesh cotton cloth that had been thoroughly

washed first in a natural soap. I would put this strained solution in the iv. It is important to do this avoiding chemicals from soaps and such. Taking measures to prevent bacteria such as sterilizing the cloth and utensils is good, too, but I don't think I would be overly concerned about any bacteria because bacteria cannot live in a high alkaline like barleygrass. I would just use a little in the iv at first, drinking any of the solution left over. Taking very little

at first and slowly over time increasing the amount should prevent any detoxing symptoms that might manifest themselves ...usually in the form of flu-like symptoms, rashes, itching and etc. If they did happen I would know they would only last a few days. How would I know when I was taking too much barleygrass liquid? Well, first of all, I would be testing my urine pH each morning to see if I was becoming more alkaline. If my pH was over 7.3, I would continue the iv but I would reduce the amount by just a bit. If the pH was getting in the 8.0 range, I would back off more. 8.0 is far too high alkaline. You probably would be taking too much of the barleygrass liquid in your iv if you found you were getting high on it. I understand that when you take too much, you get a pleasant 'high'. I've never taken too much so I don't know. Come to think of it I sure could use a high :)) Just kidding. Helen 604-420-1544 www.uriinternational.com/raworganicfoods Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body

Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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If you are speaking of me I feel that my post was definitely sincere in

that I want people to be able to buy their supplements at the most

reasonable price available. I would hope you would want that as well.

And of course we should do our own due diligence, wouldn't you agree?




> Thanks, Phil


> I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good

> to have input from someone isn't trying " to get " me as it

> were but gives good (and sincere) information with right

> motives. . . .


> >

> Helen

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Hi Pamela, Take the comments with a grain of salt. I don't think you should take it personally as the bottom posters comments below could be directed and accusatory towards anyone who offered a viable alternative for the exact reasons you did.mygemsrj <pamelad33@...> wrote: If you are speaking of me I feel that my post was definitely sincere in that I want people to be able to buy their supplements at the most reasonable price available. I would hope you would want that as well. And of course we should do our own due

diligence, wouldn't you agree? Pamela > > > Thanks, Phil > > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good > to have input from someone isn't trying "to get" me as it > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right > motives. . . . > > > > Helen Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Thanks Carol Ann. I will do just that.


> >

> >

> > Thanks, Phil

> >

> > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good

> > to have input from someone isn't trying " to get " me as it

> > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right

> > motives. . . .

> >

> > >

> > Helen







> Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you


> http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html


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when comes to supplement , to get the biggest bang for the buck the question. I find that natural sea salt evaporation hand harvested will may be not give you iodine but all the minerals of the sea are present and is shure a cheap way to get minerals. More expensive than table salt wich is pure sodium chloride , more a chemical that nutrient.

[ ] Re: iv's and barleygrass

If you are speaking of me I feel that my post was definitely sincere in that I want people to be able to buy their supplements at the most reasonable price available. I would hope you would want that as well. And of course we should do our own due diligence, wouldn't you agree?Pamela>> > Thanks, Phil> > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good> to have input from someone isn't trying "to get" me as it > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right > motives. . . .> > > > Helen

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No, I wasn't 'speaking of you'. It's still more or less a free country ...but it won't be for long since Americans are doing nothing about it so enjoy the freedoms you have left while you can. Soon you will not be able to get herbs and other supplements and that will include MMS and Holy Tea if noone takes action which could be a little as writing one letter to your Senator or Congressman and voice your concerns there. My comments will be of no concern to you then. You wouldn't even know about Holy Tea if it weren't for me. mygemsrj <pamelad33@...> wrote: If you are speaking of me I feel that my post was definitely sincere in that I want people to be able to buy their supplements at the most reasonable price available. I would hope you would want that as well. And of course we should do our own due diligence, wouldn't you agree?Pamela---

In , helen/zhebee <zhebee@...> wrote:>> > Thanks, Phil> > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good> to have input from someone isn't trying "to get" me as it > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right > motives. . . .> > > > Helen Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC


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Excuse me Helen, but I had heard of Holy Tea before you came to this

group; please don't assume otherwise.


> >

> >

> > Thanks, Phil

> >

> > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good

> > to have input from someone isn't trying " to get " me as it

> > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right

> > motives. . . .

> >

> > >

> > Helen







> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544


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Hello Pamela I'll stop assuming when you do. It just shows that we shouldn't cast judgement. Accept my apologies. Helenmygemsrj <pamelad33@...> wrote: Excuse me Helen, but I had heard of Holy Tea before

you came to this group; please don't assume otherwise.Pamela> >> > > > Thanks, Phil> > > > I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. It's always good> > to have input from someone isn't trying "to get" me as it > > were but gives good (and sincere) information with right > > motives. . . .> > > > > > > Helen> > > > >

> > Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC


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