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Re: Cody my furkid/Samala

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Thank you for that suggestion Samala. Why do you prefer Oleander over MMS? I see because you think it's easier but is it as effective?

I have never heard of Oleander but think I saw a movie once with Pfiffer named that. I plan to do a quick search on this.

Thank you for the offer!


Bonnie & Cody

PS: Here is what I found, probably won't try it after reading this...

The oleander plant is poisonous, and many people have died from eating parts of the plant or drinking tea made from it. Death has resulted from heart failure or respiratory paralysis. Some of the symptoms and signs of oleander toxicity are nausea, vomiting, colic, appetite loss, dizziness, drowsiness, high potassium levels, heart block, dilated pupils, bloody diarrhea, seizures, loss of consciousness, and slow or irregular pulse. There have been reports of death occurring after oral and/or rectal administration of the extract from the plant. The FDA has received reports of at least 2 deaths linked to the use of Anvirzel before the filing of the Investigational New Drug application.

Skin irritation from contact with oleander has occurred and allergies are possible. There has been one report observing that, when oleander was taken by a pregnant woman 12 hours before delivery, her baby was affected with seizures and a slowed heart rate. No other cause for the seizures and low heart rate was found. This herb should be avoided, especially by children and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Please, if you have cancer, or a loved one with cancer, do NOT be afraid of oleander. The soup is perfectly safe. It saves lives. Not one person has ever died, or gotten worse, from taking properly made oleander soup or the pills. There is a science lab that makes the concentrated soup--though it is expensive to buy that way, and a company that makes the oleander pills, which are cheap. Both have been used for years. The soup has been used for over 20 years, safely, and has cured the worst cancers. The list owner just stated that only one person ever reported having to go to the hospital after taking oleander. It was to stabilize her heart--but this was because she drank eight ounces of the soup at one sitting!! You only take a maximum of 3 tablespoons a day--not 8 ounces. But even at 8 ounces of the oleander--which in it's natural, raw growing state IS poisonous--the person did not die. It cures cancer. There are many, many testimonials of oleander curing stage 4 cancers of all types. Plus many, many other diseases like Hepatitis C, Aids, etc.

Yes, I would absolutely take oleander. As a matter of fact, we do. My whole family--just as we have all taken MMS. Oleander is an anti-oxident, and the MMS is an oxident, so they can't be taken at the same time. If I had any serious disease I would take Oleander during the day and MMS at night before bed. Oleander is a super immune booster--supposedly the strongest on earth. They do give precautions about taking oleander if a person has auto-immune disease, but even then it has not been proven that Oleander makes an auto-immune problem worse. It's just a precaution. Personally I would experiment with oleander in small doses if I had an auto-immune disease.

But we take oleander now as a preventative against cancer, and though we don't get colds or flu, most people that take it as a preventative say they rarely get colds or flu anymore.

So yes, I made and take oleander, I make and take MMS and I think the 2 of them together would be the most powerful combination a person could come up with. But if I had to choose just one, for ease of use and no side effects, I would choose oleander.

Both are cheap (or free) to use, both are powerful, both are safe--though the oleander is safer--both should be in everyone's house.

Of course, this is my opinion. :-)


-------Original Message-------

Thank you for that suggestion Samala. Why do you prefer Oleander over MMS? I see because you think it's easier but is it as effective?

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Can you tell me where to get the pills cheap. So far the only

place I have found is in south Africa and they are rather expensive.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Gaiacita

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:24 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Cody my furkid/Samala

Please, if you have cancer, or a

loved one with cancer, do NOT be afraid of oleander. The soup is

perfectly safe. It saves lives. Not one person has ever died, or

gotten worse, from taking properly made oleander soup or the pills.

There is a science lab that makes the concentrated soup--though it is

expensive to buy that way, and a company that makes the oleander pills, which

are cheap. Both have been used for years. The soup has been used

for over 20 years, safely, and has cured the worst cancers. The list

owner just stated that only one person ever reported having to go to the

hospital after taking oleander. It was to stabilize her heart--but

this was because she drank eight ounces of the soup at one sitting!!

You only take a maximum of 3 tablespoons a day--not 8 ounces. But even

at 8 ounces of the oleander--which in it's natural, raw growing state IS

poisonous--the person did not die. It cures cancer. There are

many, many testimonials of oleander curing stage 4 cancers of all

types. Plus many, many other diseases like Hepatitis C, Aids,


Yes, I would absolutely take

oleander. As a matter of fact, we do. My whole family--just as we

have all taken MMS. Oleander is an anti-oxident, and the MMS is an

oxident, so they can't be taken at the same time. If I had any serious

disease I would take Oleander during the day and MMS at night before

bed. Oleander is a super immune booster--supposedly the strongest on

earth. They do give precautions about taking oleander if a person has

auto-immune disease, but even then it has not been proven that Oleander makes

an auto-immune problem worse. It's just a precaution. Personally

I would experiment with oleander in small doses if I had an auto-immune


But we take oleander now as a

preventative against cancer, and though we don't get colds or flu, most

people that take it as a preventative say they rarely get colds or flu


So yes, I made and take oleander, I

make and take MMS and I think the 2 of them together would be the most

powerful combination a person could come up with. But if I had to

choose just one, for ease of use and no side effects, I would choose


Both are cheap (or free) to use,

both are powerful, both are safe--though the oleander is safer--both should

be in everyone's house.

Of course, this is my opinion.





Thank you for that

suggestion Samala. Why do you prefer Oleander over MMS? I see

because you think it's easier but is it as effective?

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Yes, let me go and get the emails about the pills.

-------Original Message-------

Can you tell me where to get the pills cheap. So far the only place I have found is in south Africa and they are rather expensive.

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Hi ,

At 11:24 AM 12/06/2008, you wrote: " They do give precautions about

taking oleander if a person has auto-immune disease, but even then it has

not been proven that Oleander makes an auto-immune problem worse.

It's just a precaution. "

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think

he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are

based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander

site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

Thanks in advance.....LD

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The precautions are because oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore, someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible, and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very helpful.



-------Original Message-------

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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Hi ,

I'm not actually thinking of taking it myself. At least not at this

time. I want to know more about it, be able to direct people to it

and read it myself occasionally. Duh.......of course, re the immune

system booster. It IS hard to get one's head around, isn't

it? Trevor Marshall believes that all autoimmune diseases are TH1

conditions. He believes that those of us with TH1 have CWD bacteria

living in the phagocytes of the immune system and feed on Vit

1,25-D. Thus he says to restrict Vit D as it converts to the former

and supports the bacteria. Once having eradicated the CWD

with several different abx, restricting Vit D and taking Benicar, one

will be well, can stop the abx/benicar and get plenty of Vit D

again. One will then just do maintenance with the Benicar and abx

bi-annually or thereabouts. That's a very limited explanation

. There is more here:


I followed the protocol for more than 2 years and never had a good day or

any improvement. It's successful for some. I don't know the

stats on that though. It takes ages for most with long term

illness. I had a couple of months where I felt better after

stopping but regressed very quickly and couldn't face more of the same

bedridden existence and pain so never went back on it.

I'm now waiting on some treatment for methylation mutation for people who

cannot detox, which is what Amy Yasko and Rich Van Konynenburg believe is

at the bottom of CFS:


I'm just going to start with the simplified protocol and see how I


Thanks for the information .........LD

At 01:07 PM 12/06/2008, you wrote:

The precautions are because

oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that

they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore,

someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate

the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in

VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible,

and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to

believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system

attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think

that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if

this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that

auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a

race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page

where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the

list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very




-------Original Message-------

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think

he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are

based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander

site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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Ah. Some illnesses can be SO complicated, huh? I use to think it was all diet related. Fix the food, fix the supplements you fix the problem. But now I have learned "it ain't that easy" sometimes. I think it is a step by step process, and it is different for everyone. That's why some protocols work for some people but not for others, though on the surface their problems seem to be the same.

We are individuals, and our bodies react differently to stimulus, and the only way we can know for sure is to learn to tune into our bodies and pay very close attention to the signals it is giving us. I believe our bodies know how to fix themselves, we just don't know how to listen. :-( I also believe the fix is not on any one dimension. I believe we have to address the physical, the emotional and the spiritual, all at the same time, or no permanent health can be achieved.

The only way to figure a health issue out is to keep researching, following all leads, experimenting, and learning to listen to our body. Include the things the body needs--sun (I think it is lack of sun that causes most problems, but will read what the Marshall protocol says), air, water, food, prayer, exercise, quiet, laughter and joy. Sooner or later you will hit on the right combination.

Good luck to you.


-------Original Message-------

I'm not actually thinking of taking it myself. At least not at this time. I want to know more about it, be able to direct people to it and read it myself occasionally.

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At 02:43 PM 12/06/2008, you wrote: " I believe our

bodies know how to fix themselves, we just don't know how to

listen. :-( I also believe the fix is not on any one

dimension. I believe we have to address the physical, the emotional

and the spiritual, all at the same time, or no permanent health can be

achieved. "

Yes indeed! No matter what, the opportunity to change is always


I Am The Dreamer, the dreaming and the dream. :)

Lovingly, LD

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[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Gaiacita

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 7:07 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Cody my furkid/Samala

Yes, let me

go and get the emails about the pills.

-------Original Message-------

Can you tell me where to get the pills cheap. So far the

only place I have found is in south Africa and they are rather expensive.

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Here's just another "crumb".

I also find it hard to believe that the immune system

will attack the body.

I think what is happening, more often than not, is a

toxic soup in the intestines caused from improper

elimination. Imagine, if you will, that you had a piece of steak or hamburger sitting on the kitchen counter for several days and then cooking up this rotting piece of meat for dinner. You would never do that, would you?

But we do that all the time in our gut. Imagine that

instead of cooking and eating a rotten steak, you

cooked a nice fresh piece of meat and ate it. It should

fully leave your body in about 4 - 6 hours. This is

not the case with most of us, however. Some of us

only have a bm (bowel movement) once a day if we

are lucky. For many, it is once every two or three

days and then only some of the stuff we ate a few

days ago gets out. That means that this piece of

meat is sitting in our intestines rotting and putrifying,

sometimes for days, creating toxins which seep into

the blood, the immune system and the entire body

which may even cause genetic disorder, among a

raft of other problems.

This is really what is attacking our bodies.

Go to YouTube and Search "Colon" or "Intestinal

Parasites" and find some of the videos that show

what can and does come out of people when they

do certain cleanses. This is stuff that would have

stayed in the intestine indefinitely if the person

had not done a cleanse.



From: Gaiacita <gaiacita@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Cody my furkid/Samala Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 8:07 PM

The precautions are because oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore, someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible, and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very helpful.

Http://groups. / group/oleanderso up/


-------Original Message----- --

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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I think it is a combination of things. Perhaps leaky gut, bad elimination, toxic organs, chemical sensitivities, perhaps even heavy metal toxicity. The body is just too overloaded and can't handle all the toxins. Because we are all so different I think certain bodies show symptoms that doctors interpret as auto-immune.


-- Re: [ ] Cody my furkid/Samala Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 8:07 PM

The precautions are because oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore, someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible, and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very helpful.

Http://groups. / group/oleanderso up/


-------Original Message----- --

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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What then is leaky gut if it is not caused by a bowel

full of putrifying and rotting food etc? It may be caused by a chemical or w.h.y but if the bowel

were passing things more quickly AND efficientlythe chemical may not have time to create a leaky


What causes toxic organs if not the sludge from a

bowel filled with putrifying and rotting food, etc?

Chemical sensitivities and heavy metals may not

be caused by the gut but would they not pass

through faster if the bowel were moving things on

out like they should be doing if we fed them properly and used herbs for cleanses?

It is my opinion that we are not all that different.

What is really different is our diets.

Hope you don't mind the rebuttal but as is so often

said by health practitioners, "Death begins in the intestines." Maybe I should add here, ...except for

Lyme disease which is a horse of a different color.

Have a great and thankful day ...everyday!


From: Gaiacita <gaiacitagmail (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Cody my furkid/Samalamiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 8:07 PM

The precautions are because oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore, someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible, and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very helpful.

Http://groups. / group/oleanderso up/


-------Original Message----- --

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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Yes, you are right about the bowels being supremely important. I was thinking leaky gut was more in the stomach area, caused by too much acid foods--not so much from gunk in the bowels. But you could be right. It's hard for the body to be anywhere near healthy if the intestines are not emptying as they are meant to.

It use to be they said "you are what you eat" then it was "you are what you digest" and now it is "you are what you eliminate".


-- Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Cody my furkid/Samalamiracle_mineral_ supplementDate: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 8:07 PM

The precautions are because oleander soup is a super immune booster. I've read on the list that they think it is the strongest immune booster known. Therefore, someone that has an auto-immune disease is unlikely to want to stimulate the immune system. Although I personally think I would do it in VERY small increments, after getting all my organs as clean as possible, and my systems working as good as possible. I just find it hard to believe that the body is destroying itself through the immune system attacking the body. Hard to wrap my mind around--I tend to think that there's a misdiagnosis someplace along the line. Because if this were as common in our genetic make-up as the doctors saying that auto-immune disease is today, then how could we have survived as a race? Seems just to odd.

Anyway, yes--it is a group. Here's the link to the home page where you can join. Ask any questions you want on the list--the list owners (and there are doctors there that use oleander) are very helpful.

Http://groups. / group/oleanderso up/


-------Original Message----- --

Trevor Marshall believes that FMS/CFS is autoimmune and I don't think he's alone. I'd like to know what the precautions for Oleander are based on. Do you know if that has been discussed on the Oleander site? Is it a group? I'd like to join.

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