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Hello ,

I have ordered some MMS today and they are sending along with this two dvd's about the person who invented this and how to use it. It sounded quite easy on the phone and she said if I had any questions I could call anytime for answers.

I am continuing using the baking soda/maple syrup mixture for Cody day three now. I want to know if anyone else has used this solution successfully? It just makes sense to me why it works or might work.

I plan to use both MMS and the baking soda mixture on top of the chemo Cody gets. However, I wish I didn't have to do anymore chemo if this would work for him.

Thank you for your suggestion on reading the book and I plan to read it when I have time in between the hospital and Cody, etc.

Many thanks,

Bonnie & Cody

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Oleander removes all side effects of chemo--even hair loss, except for one particular type of chemo. If your dog is having any side effects (vomiting, tiredness, etc) from the chemo you may want to look into oleander. (I know, sorry to keep harping on it, but for cancer oleander would be my top choice, even over MMS, and I was recommending MMS for everything before I found oleander)

The thing with MMS is the side effects from pathogen die off. As I said before, it is easy to take--you just need to be aware of going too fast, of nausea, of diarrhea, of stomach problems, of many of the things that Jim Humble doesn't mention. People on this list can tell you that some people have very serious reaction to MMS--others hardly any more than slight diarrhea. That's why I said it's necessary to know what all can happen, so you know what to look for. And a dog will be hard pressed to tell you. :-)

I have shrunk and eliminated tumors in my cats with MMS, and they had zero side effects. Other people's pets have had all side effects. My friend had a dog with lymphoma. Lucy was getting chemo, and it made her super tired. She no longer played, nor jumped on the bed. Just slept all the time. I gave my friend MMS for her dog, and she started giving it to Lucy and immediately Lucy's energy picked up. Her appetite came back, her energy came back, she was able to jump up on the bed again. This lasted for 6 or 8 months (sorry, can't remember the exact number right now). Lucy was still on chemo as a precaution because her vet thought it best. But Lucy did so good those last few months--my friend attributes those extra months to the MMS. Then one day Lucy played and was looking normal, the lumps in her neck had shrunk to almost nothing, and she went to bed besides my friend's bed. The next morning when my friend got up Lucy's neck was hugely swollen back up, she could hardly breath, and was already in a semi-coma. My friend rushed her to the vet, but Lucy passed away in a few hours.

I am not saying this to discourage you--but to say that my friend feels like MMS gave Lucy 6 to 8 months of extra life, and that life being GOOD life. Instead of sleeping all day long Lucy was able to get back into the river and swim, which she loved, she played with the other dogs again, she went for rides again. She did not have any pain anymore, she ate everything she wanted. So the MMS made her last months better even though it couldn't save her. Which is all anyone can truly hope for. We all have to pass on, but it is so much better to go while feeling good, instead of lingering and being sick and miserable.

Good luck, no matter what you choose to do. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I have not seen the dvds but I'm sure they will give you lots of good information.


-------Original Message-------

I have ordered some MMS today and they are sending along with this two dvd's about the person who invented this and how to use it. It sounded quite easy on the phone and she said if I had any questions I could call anytime for answers.

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That has happened often to Cody, where after he came out of remission from his chemo and his neck and lungs became swollen up from the lymph nodes and prevented him from breathing properly. This is why he is on rescue chemo now as he does not respond to the chemo treatments of the Madison Wisconsin Protocol anymore.

However Cody was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma well over a year ago. We feel very grateful that he is still with us and want to continue to help him through this. He has the MDR1 gene and I have to be cautionary as to what types of meds he gets including supplements. You would have to know him to see what a true little trooper this little guy truly is.

I don't think there any studies on oleander with dogs with lymphoma or ones having the MDR1 gene.

Right now I am giving Cody the baking soda/maple syrup, will be day four today. I can always tell when his lymphoma is coming back because he starts with the choking. He is due for chemo tomorrow but has been having a bout of diarrhea for over two weeks now. He is on flagyl for it. Don't think he's up to it tomorrow and actually I would like to keep doing the baking soda/syrup thing longer before the chemo anyway.

We are now awaiting to get the MMS in the mail.

Many thanks and hugs to you today,

Bonnie & Cody

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Cody is also on prednisone smaller dosage now to see if the last chemo worked for him - elspar. One thing I learned that I did not know is that many of the chemo treatments are in actuality antibiotics!

Each time he gets one of these rescue chemos it compromises his bone marrow and liver. I just wish I could stop the science - chemo and use something that would work other than that.

When you mention that oleander works 90% of the time I should join that group also to see if it truly might help Cody through it. Did your friend use it for Lucy or maybe you had not heard of oleander to help at that time?

Many many thanks to you and for your wonderful help with this and your prayers, I do know they help too!

Bonnie & CodyVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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I just put in a request to join the group so thank you for that!

I would probably order the tea or pills as I just don't feel comfortable myself making it. I was making essiac tea for Cody and found out that the tincture is more potent and better for him although I have stopped this while he has had diarrhea for so long now and still trying to get this under control.

I could never put MMS in Cody's food as I have a hard enough time getting him to eat as it is now.

Lymphoma is truly a tough cancer to deal with and Cody's cancer has become very aggressive now.

Many thanks and hugs,

Bonnie & Codyboy

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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I live in Rochester, NY and have never heard of Oleander growing here ever. I did read that it grows in the Carolina's however.

Thank you,

B & CVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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What a fighter Cody must be!! And you are such a good mom to help him through all this. Lucy did have chemo that shrunk the nodes, but they came back, and though she was still on chemo and some other medicine, the vet had said there was nothing else to help. They thought she was going to die at the vets. They had her on transfusions and round the clock watch, and the vet told my friend she wasn't going to make it. My friend took the MMS up and there is an IV protocol that I had suggested she use. But the vet, never having heard of MMS, was leery of doing the IV method. She did read the ebook I sent her, but decided to try it orally instead. She later told my friend that she did not expect Lucy to make it through the night, and was totally shocked to see Lucy not only still alive, but feeling 100% better the next morning. She said she had never seen such a quick turn around in a dog before. She took Lucy off the IV and sent her home. Lucy continued with the chemo, but stopped all oral medicine except the MMS. I mix MMS in the dogs food because of nasty taste, but my friend just squirted the AMMS (activated MMS) into Lucy's mouth. She said it was like Lucy knew it was helping her because she would wait while my friend made the AMMS up and gladly take the squirt. :-)

But this is why I say you need to really understand MMS. My friend could squirt the AMMS into Lucy's mouth without ill effect. Another person said they did that to their cat and it burnt the cats throat, the cat foamed at the mouth, etc. Every person, and every animal can react differently. Just watch the videos and be aware of any changes at all. Understand that you should start out slowly and gradually move up in dose.

No, I seriously doubt there have been any tests done on oleander and dogs with Cody's problem. There weren't any with the MMS either, until people on the list tried and reported it. This is where most all our information comes from--personal reports. On the other hand--it would not hurt to ask on the oleander list. Tony, the list owner, and Mark, the maker of the extract/pills might know of pre-human trials, or people on their lists that have tried it. But in any case, we do know that oleander has cured many, many types of stage 4 cancers. It works in 90% of the cases. That's more than any other protocol that I know of.

Good luck to you and Cody. I will keep you both in my prayers.

-------Original Message-------

That has happened often to Cody, where after he came out of remission from his chemo and his neck and lungs became swollen up from the lymph nodes and prevented him from breathing properly.

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I did not know of oleander at the time of Lucy's illness. If I did I would have suggested that. I totally believe in MMS, but it does not 1) have the track record with cancer that oleander does (it was developed to stop leukemia) 2) it is harsher on the system than oleander is--meaning it takes much more adjusting IN SOME CASES than oleander does 3) you need to be more careful of what you take it with, meaning more for people than for dogs, as MMS cannot be used with any sort of Vit. C, which many people take in many forms. Oleander has no such barriers and can be taken with any medications. Many people on the MMS lists think that MMS also takes out good bacteria from the gut, that it doesn't help get toxins out of the body, and that it depletes C in the body. So there are adjustments to be made in all these cases. For some people it does seem to stir up toxins (pathogen die off, plus releasing heavy metals) but does not get them all out of the body. Although for some people this is not a problem at all, I now always advise people to take some sort of liver support and perhaps some oral chelators to help the body remove the toxins. You just never know who is going to be the one that the toxins stay in the body on MMS. So it is better to be safe than sorry. Plus now we see it is important for most people to also take some C while on MMS--though they can't be taken within 2 hours of each other or the C counters the MMS.

See what I mean about understanding MMS? I hope all this is in the DVD's you are getting. It's information we have learned over the past 10 months that was NOT listed anywhere, in any book or web site. I still think MMS is necessary, and extremely helpful, in most cases of illness. But, you have to know what can happen on MMS and know how to counter it.

So far, from all that I have read on oleander, none of this is necessary. Oleander is an anti-oxident, so it doesn't take away the good vitamins in the body. It is an immune booster which allows the body to fight everything. It is not known to interfere with any drug, though it may over stimulate the heart for someone on certain heart medicines--but again, not to the danger point. It is known to work on cancer quickly--that is mostly what oleander is used for. Cancer. MMS on the other hand, has certainly worked on some cancers quickly, some more slowly, and some not at all. But it doesn't have the track record for cancer that oleander does. It was made to combat malaria. Most all the other benefits of disease controll has come through trial and error via people on the lists.

Certainly do join the oleander list, give Cody's background, and ask what the experts think. They can't do anymore than say "I don't know, give it a try". There are just some situations that have no other recourse than experimentation. On the other hand, if you ask, you may find someone who has been through exactly what you and Cody are going through! It's a big list.


-------Original Message-------

Cody is also on prednisone smaller dosage now to see if the last chemo worked for him - elspar. One thing I learned that I did not know is that many of the chemo treatments are in actuality antibiotics!

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They just had a big discussion on the time it is taking for the pills to get to people. It can take from 5 to 30 days, normal being 12. Mark sends it out within 24 hours, but it seems it is the US post that takes the longest. He said he sent 3 packages out the same day, to the US. One got there in 4 days once it hit the US, the other 2 packages took another week beyond that.

So in case you are wanting to give it to Cody soon, you should probably order it now. Write Mark at the email I posted a few messages back, to see what he thinks and if he can get it out to you now.


-------Original Message-------

I would probably order the tea or pills as I just don't feel comfortable myself making it.

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Oh, I forgot to say that if you lived where oleander grew, you might want to make a small batch of the soup to get Cody started while waiting for the extract to get here. The extract is exactly the same as the soup recipe I sent, except it also has that south African anti-cancer plant added. Therefor it is a bit stronger than the soup alone. But it may take too long for it to get here, while instead you could have Cody on the oleander soup within 1 day if you are where oleander grows.


-------Original Message-------

I was making essiac tea for Cody and found out that the tincture is more potent and better for him although I have stopped this while he has had diarrhea for so long now and still trying to get this under control.

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It grows all over the south. Some people up north think so highly of the medicine it makes that they have ordered an organically grown bush and keep it in a pot outside during the summer and bring it indoors for the winter. I'm in south Texas. It grows all over here. Not wild, but so many people have it in their yards. I don't, though I am buying some plants to put in.


-- Re: [ ] MMS/


I live in Rochester, NY and have never heard of Oleander growing here ever. I did read that it grows in the Carolina's however.

Thank you,

B & C

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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