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Re: For Colleen, re CS

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Hi Colleen

About your use of colloidal silver - I gather you used a "homebrew, made with tap water", and the base of your nails are blue. I wonder if that colour is still there?

I suspect that the CS used, had silver chlorides in it. This will result if salt is put in the water to make the water more conductive. Of course CS can be made without the use of salt. If ("well-made") CS were available would you want to continue using CS?

I have made my own CS for some time and I can suggest how it may done (by some-one with the interest to do so).

My method makes use of very low milliamps per electrode wire (I use 6* pairs of silver wires), a polarity reversing synchronous relay (mine reverses every 10 minutes.), a 36 volt DC power pack ex a PC printer and some series resistors, a small hydroponics/aquarium pump, and a large glass jar (4.7 litres). I make 4.3 litres of CS in 8 hours. At 7.5 hours the voltage across the pairs of electrode was 17.55, and the current was 10.5 milliamps (1.75mA for each pair of electrodes). (*With only one pair of wires it would take 48 hours.) The pump circulates continuously and I suspect the impeller discourages large silver particle sizes. Checking with a small laser light shows (by the "Tyndall effect") very few large particles. I think that the ppm of my CS is about 10. (My ppm meter died on me when I tried it on a different solution.) Oh yes, I always use distilled water, and would NEVER use salt in it!

The nano-particle sized CS might be a superior product but this* does not seem to have been verified; certainly the hype used to promote the new CS says so. But for all of that the old CS has been used for a very long time. *Why was this not proven? - it would have been a very good way to promote the "nano" CS.


(A retired electrical engineer)

Colleen wrote, I believe,

[ ] Re:MMS

I have been sickish for a long time. My sister recently died of Lupus, Arthritis, Heart Problems...you name it, at 36. She liked to go to the Dr. and took everything they prescribed. I don't trust Dr.s. I know they can't afford to really care. The number of patients they see everyday alone prohibits that. The drug companys buy them (at least the one I worked for) lunch, literally, several times a week.

So, this is my story: I grew up in the country, central AL. I married an Air Force man and we moved to Japan, where I got that horrible thing that made Pres. Bush puke all over the place??? Anyway, I wasn't quite over that, when we got on a plane headed for the states. I contracted TB--not active TB, but I took the meds for like, however long you take them...a long time. I had a baby to protect...I tried to be a good patient (that was my worst mistake). So, I think this ruined my immune system??? Anyway, we came back to the states and I got this throat infection that would just kind of hang around. I took abx and it would subside, but never go away completely. This went on for years. Finally, I had sleep apnea so bad that they were willing to do surgery. (All this time I was VERY depressed, and taking antidepressants, as well). So they removed my tonsils, corrected deviated septum on both sides, and stitched my uvula-that thingy that hangs down the back of your throat, up to the roof of my mouth.

In the mean time, I got this system wide staff infection from crawling under the house. It came up eventually as a boil on my knee. I was on IV antibiotic in my home (home health care) for about a month after my hospital staff. They were afraid I might lose a leg. Or that it was that flesh eating thing that was so popular at the time.

I was still not as well as I thought I should be. So I started taking allergy shots.... As you might imagine my Dr. bills, co pays were through the roof. I was not working. But I had a friend who challenged my beliefs. She encouraged me to think differently about the medical industry. She insisted I get off the antidepressants. So, finally I did. She is the one who turned me onto Dr. Hulda , The Cure For All Cancers. My Father-in-law was dying of cancer at the time. I read that book, and tried to do some cleanses...that was probably the turning point. I could only do the first few days of a cleanse then I slept all day.

I was still sick a lot. I knew that when I was sick, it would lead to more antibiotic, etc. etc. I had loaned that book to my brother. He actually made a zapper, and CS. He brought some over when I was so sick. (I mean, this is the kind of sick when you just lay in bed and pray that God will either go on and take you, or heal you.) (When my husband candled my ears, there was so much yeast that the side of my face was covered in yellow powder. I had to take a shower.)So, I drank about 6-8 oz. It felt just like I had taken an antibiotic. In about 6 hours, I drank more. I got better. Over the course of the next couple of years, I drank CS daily. Then, I would drink it whenever I felt that I needed to. That first year, my insurance deductible went from paid in January, to not met for the entire year. My family has not met the deductible since, unless there has been a surgery.

So I drank so much CS, homebrew, made with tap water, that the base of my nails are blue. I was wondering why my nails were blue. I started really looking for that answer...I knew it was the CS, and I came across Daddybob, who had the same problem, and he told me that he didn't know what my problem was, but my sister had Lyme's. So, I started treating for Lyme's the last part of 07. My health is improving. My sister died with a bottle of MMS in the fridge. A full bottle.

I began taking MMS, December of 07, I am improving. I haven't taken CS since then. I have taken Cgold. I WOULD NEVER BY WITHOUT CS. It is the best, least expensive antibiotic available to anyone who wants to make it for themselves. MMS is fantastic.

So, I think I have Lymes. I don't have proof. Course the tests are only 40% accurate, and then they will put me on antibiotics...Forever in debt to their priceless advice. C

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Dear Phil,

> (A retired electrical engineer)

> Perhaps you didn't catch in my poorly written missive that I WOULD

NOT BE WITHOUT CS. (Of course I wrote BY, so there was probably room

for misinterpretation.) (Also, " boil " should read " Carbuncle " , and I

use " got " way too much and should probably invest in a

Thesaurus.) :))

Yes, I used salt when I first began making CS; but I stopped using

salt very quickly. I took CS for probably 8 years and would take it

now, if I felt I needed to (THIS WAS MY POINT.). I do make it with

Distilled water now...and I do feel the benefits far out-way the

risks. But I was so sick; I didn't care if I turned blue. It

doesn't bother me too much now that my nails are blue-ish. If it

did, I would keep them painted, which I don't.

I can say that since beginning the MMS, I haven't felt the need to

take CS. I would not hesitate to take CS, even CS homebrew with salt

added if I thought I needed it. Although, the only reason I know to

have put salt in it to start with is because someone told me to. In

my experience, I never really needed the salt. I made CS with two

silver rods immersed in filtered tap water with approx 30 volts

running through from 7-10 minutes, anymore time than that and it

tastes very bad. (I started with 3, 9 volt batteries wired together,

but later bought an adaptor at Radio Shack so I could just plug it in

the wall.) Now that I know better, I use distilled water (but how in

the world you KNOW it's distilled, I can't fathom) and leave it for

an hour.

BTW, yes my nailbeds are still blue-ish. At times they seem to be

less and more purple. I anticipate them becoming clear again in the

next few months-years as I have added selenium supplements to my

diet. I would also encourage anyone taking any type of antibiotic

and/or MMS to supplement their diet with pro biotics: Acidophilus;

Yogurt; Kombucha tea; etc.

Thank you for your help, C


> Hi Colleen


> About your use of colloidal silver - I gather you used a " homebrew,

made with tap water " , and the base of your nails are blue. I wonder

if that colour is still there?


> I suspect that the CS used, had silver chlorides in it. This will

result if salt is put in the water to make the water more conductive.

Of course CS can be made without the use of salt. If ( " well-made " ) CS

were available would you want to continue using CS?


> I have made my own CS for some time and I can suggest how it may

done (by some-one with the interest to do so).

> My method makes use of very low milliamps per electrode wire (I use

6* pairs of silver wires), a polarity reversing synchronous relay

(mine reverses every 10 minutes.), a 36 volt DC power pack ex a PC

printer and some series resistors, a small hydroponics/aquarium pump,

and a large glass jar (4.7 litres). I make 4.3 litres of CS in 8


> At 7.5 hours the voltage across the pairs of electrode was 17.55,

and the current was 10.5 milliamps (1.75mA for each pair of

electrodes). (*With only one pair of wires it would take 48 hours.)

The pump circulates continuously and I suspect the impeller

discourages large silver particle sizes. Checking with a small laser

light shows (by the " Tyndall effect " ) very few large particles. I

think that the ppm of my CS is about 10. (My ppm meter died on me

when I tried it on a different solution.) Oh yes, I always use

distilled water, and would NEVER use salt in it!


> The nano-particle sized CS might be a superior product but this*

does not seem to have been verified; certainly the hype used to

promote the new CS says so. But for all of that the old CS has been

used for a very long time. *Why was this not proven? - it would have

been a very good way to promote the " nano " CS.


> Phil

> (A retired electrical engineer)


> Colleen wrote, I believe,

> [ ] Re:MMS



> I have been sickish for a long time. My sister recently

died of Lupus, Arthritis, Heart Problems...you name it, at 36. She

liked to go to the Dr. and took everything they prescribed. I don't

trust Dr.s. I know they can't afford to really care. The number of

patients they see everyday alone prohibits that. The drug companys

buy them (at least the one I worked for) lunch, literally, several

times a week.


> So, this is my story: I grew up in the country, central

AL. I married an Air Force man and we moved to Japan, where I got

that horrible thing that made Pres. Bush puke all over the place???

Anyway, I wasn't quite over that, when we got on a plane headed for

the states. I contracted TB--not active TB, but I took the meds for

like, however long you take them...a long time. I had a baby to

protect...I tried to be a good patient (that was my worst mistake).

So, I think this ruined my immune system??? Anyway, we came back to

the states and I got this throat infection that would just kind of

hang around. I took abx and it would subside, but never go away

completely. This went on for years. Finally, I had sleep apnea so

bad that they were willing to do surgery. (All this time I was VERY

depressed, and taking antidepressants, as well). So they removed my

tonsils, corrected deviated septum on both sides, and stitched my

uvula-that thingy that hangs down the back of your throat, up to the

roof of my mouth.


> In the mean time, I got this system wide staff infection

from crawling under the house. It came up eventually as a boil on my

knee. I was on IV antibiotic in my home (home health care) for about

a month after my hospital staff. They were afraid I might lose a

leg. Or that it was that flesh eating thing that was so popular at

the time.


> I was still not as well as I thought I should be. So I

started taking allergy shots.... As you might imagine my Dr. bills,

co pays were through the roof. I was not working. But I had a

friend who challenged my beliefs. She encouraged me to think

differently about the medical industry. She insisted I get off the

antidepressants. So, finally I did. She is the one who turned me

onto Dr. Hulda , The Cure For All Cancers. My Father-in-law was

dying of cancer at the time. I read that book, and tried to do some

cleanses...that was probably the turning point. I could only do the

first few days of a cleanse then I slept all day.


> I was still sick a lot. I knew that when I was sick, it

would lead to more antibiotic, etc. etc. I had loaned that book to

my brother. He actually made a zapper, and CS. He brought some over

when I was so sick. (I mean, this is the kind of sick when you just

lay in bed and pray that God will either go on and take you, or heal

you.) (When my husband candled my ears, there was so much yeast that

the side of my face was covered in yellow powder. I had to take a

shower.)So, I drank about 6-8 oz. It felt just like I had taken an

antibiotic. In about 6 hours, I drank more. I got better. Over the

course of the next couple of years, I drank CS daily. Then, I would

drink it whenever I felt that I needed to. That first year, my

insurance deductible went from paid in January, to not met for the

entire year. My family has not met the deductible since, unless

there has been a surgery.


> So I drank so much CS, homebrew, made with tap water, that

the base of my nails are blue. I was wondering why my nails were

blue. I started really looking for that answer...I knew it was the

CS, and I came across Daddybob, who had the same problem, and he told

me that he didn't know what my problem was, but my sister had

Lyme's. So, I started treating for Lyme's the last part of 07. My

health is improving. My sister died with a bottle of MMS in the

fridge. A full bottle.


> I began taking MMS, December of 07, I am improving. I

haven't taken CS since then. I have taken Cgold. I WOULD NEVER BY

WITHOUT CS. It is the best, least expensive antibiotic available to

anyone who wants to make it for themselves. MMS is fantastic.


> So, I think I have Lymes. I don't have proof. Course the

tests are only 40% accurate, and then they will put me on

antibiotics...Forever in debt to their priceless advice. C


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You can buy a water distiller for a little over a hundred bucks on eBay. Just make sure it's metal inside rather that all plastic. Oh wait I think I bought mine on Amazon.colleen102203 <colleen102203@...> wrote: Dear Phil,> (A retired electrical engineer)> Perhaps you didn't catch in my poorly written missive that I WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT CS. (Of course I wrote BY, so there was probably room for misinterpretation.) (Also, "boil" should read "Carbuncle", and I use "got" way too much and

should probably invest in a Thesaurus.) :))Yes, I used salt when I first began making CS; but I stopped using salt very quickly. I took CS for probably 8 years and would take it now, if I felt I needed to (THIS WAS MY POINT.). I do make it with Distilled water now...and I do feel the benefits far out-way the risks. But I was so sick; I didn't care if I turned blue. It doesn't bother me too much now that my nails are blue-ish. If it did, I would keep them painted, which I don't. I can say that since beginning the MMS, I haven't felt the need to take CS. I would not hesitate to take CS, even CS homebrew with salt added if I thought I needed it. Although, the only reason I know to have put salt in it to start with is because someone told me to. In my experience, I never really needed the salt. I made CS with two silver rods immersed in filtered tap water with approx 30 volts running through from 7-10 minutes,

anymore time than that and it tastes very bad. (I started with 3, 9 volt batteries wired together, but later bought an adaptor at Radio Shack so I could just plug it in the wall.) Now that I know better, I use distilled water (but how in the world you KNOW it's distilled, I can't fathom) and leave it for an hour. BTW, yes my nailbeds are still blue-ish. At times they seem to be less and more purple. I anticipate them becoming clear again in the next few months-years as I have added selenium supplements to my diet. I would also encourage anyone taking any type of antibiotic and/or MMS to supplement their diet with pro biotics: Acidophilus; Yogurt; Kombucha tea; etc.Thank you for your help, C>> Hi

Colleen> > About your use of colloidal silver - I gather you used a "homebrew, made with tap water", and the base of your nails are blue. I wonder if that colour is still there?> > I suspect that the CS used, had silver chlorides in it. This will result if salt is put in the water to make the water more conductive. Of course CS can be made without the use of salt. If ("well-made") CS were available would you want to continue using CS?> > I have made my own CS for some time and I can suggest how it may done (by some-one with the interest to do so).> My method makes use of very low milliamps per electrode wire (I use 6* pairs of silver wires), a polarity reversing synchronous relay (mine reverses every 10 minutes.), a 36 volt DC power pack ex a PC printer and some series resistors, a small hydroponics/aquarium pump, and a large glass jar (4.7 litres). I make 4.3 litres of CS in

8 hours. > At 7.5 hours the voltage across the pairs of electrode was 17.55, and the current was 10.5 milliamps (1.75mA for each pair of electrodes). (*With only one pair of wires it would take 48 hours.) The pump circulates continuously and I suspect the impeller discourages large silver particle sizes. Checking with a small laser light shows (by the "Tyndall effect") very few large particles. I think that the ppm of my CS is about 10. (My ppm meter died on me when I tried it on a different solution.) Oh yes, I always use distilled water, and would NEVER use salt in it!> > The nano-particle sized CS might be a superior product but this* does not seem to have been verified; certainly the hype used to promote the new CS says so. But for all of that the old CS has been used for a very long time. *Why was this not proven? - it would have been a very good way to promote the "nano" CS.> >

Phil> (A retired electrical engineer)> > Colleen wrote, I believe,> [ ] Re:MMS> > > I have been sickish for a long time. My sister recently died of Lupus, Arthritis, Heart Problems...you name it, at 36. She liked to go to the Dr. and took everything they prescribed. I don't trust Dr.s. I know they can't afford to really care. The number of patients they see everyday alone prohibits that. The drug companys buy them (at least the one I worked for) lunch, literally, several times a week.> > So, this is my story: I grew up in the country, central AL. I married an Air Force man and we moved to Japan, where I got that horrible thing that made Pres. Bush puke all over the place??? Anyway, I wasn't quite over that, when we got on a plane headed for the states. I contracted TB--not active TB, but I took the meds for like, however long you take

them...a long time. I had a baby to protect...I tried to be a good patient (that was my worst mistake). So, I think this ruined my immune system??? Anyway, we came back to the states and I got this throat infection that would just kind of hang around. I took abx and it would subside, but never go away completely. This went on for years. Finally, I had sleep apnea so bad that they were willing to do surgery. (All this time I was VERY depressed, and taking antidepressants, as well). So they removed my tonsils, corrected deviated septum on both sides, and stitched my uvula-that thingy that hangs down the back of your throat, up to the roof of my mouth.> > In the mean time, I got this system wide staff infection from crawling under the house. It came up eventually as a boil on my knee. I was on IV antibiotic in my home (home health care) for about a month after my hospital staff. They were afraid I might lose a

leg. Or that it was that flesh eating thing that was so popular at the time. > > I was still not as well as I thought I should be. So I started taking allergy shots.... As you might imagine my Dr. bills, co pays were through the roof. I was not working. But I had a friend who challenged my beliefs. She encouraged me to think differently about the medical industry. She insisted I get off the antidepressants. So, finally I did. She is the one who turned me onto Dr. Hulda , The Cure For All Cancers. My Father-in-law was dying of cancer at the time. I read that book, and tried to do some cleanses...that was probably the turning point. I could only do the first few days of a cleanse then I slept all day.> > I was still sick a lot. I knew that when I was sick, it would lead to more antibiotic, etc. etc. I had loaned that book to my brother. He actually made a zapper, and CS. He brought some over

when I was so sick. (I mean, this is the kind of sick when you just lay in bed and pray that God will either go on and take you, or heal you.) (When my husband candled my ears, there was so much yeast that the side of my face was covered in yellow powder. I had to take a shower.)So, I drank about 6-8 oz. It felt just like I had taken an antibiotic. In about 6 hours, I drank more. I got better. Over the course of the next couple of years, I drank CS daily. Then, I would drink it whenever I felt that I needed to. That first year, my insurance deductible went from paid in January, to not met for the entire year. My family has not met the deductible since, unless there has been a surgery. > > So I drank so much CS, homebrew, made with tap water, that the base of my nails are blue. I was wondering why my nails were blue. I started really looking for that answer...I knew it was the CS, and I came across

Daddybob, who had the same problem, and he told me that he didn't know what my problem was, but my sister had Lyme's. So, I started treating for Lyme's the last part of 07. My health is improving. My sister died with a bottle of MMS in the fridge. A full bottle.> > I began taking MMS, December of 07, I am improving. I haven't taken CS since then. I have taken Cgold. I WOULD NEVER BY WITHOUT CS. It is the best, least expensive antibiotic available to anyone who wants to make it for themselves. MMS is fantastic. > > So, I think I have Lymes. I don't have proof. Course the tests are only 40% accurate, and then they will put me on antibiotics...Forever in debt to their priceless advice. C>

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> You can buy a water distiller for a little over a hundred bucks on

eBay. Just make sure it's metal inside rather that all plastic. Oh

wait I think I bought mine on Amazon.



Dear Edy,

Thank you for your kind words before, and thank you for the advice. I

will probably continue to purchase distilled water at Walmart for under

$1.00 a gallon for a while. One hundred dollars is a lot of money to

my faimily right now. But, it's nice to know distillers are available.

Your name reminds me of the Celestine Prophecies, but that was

Redfield. I think I would like to read those books again. I think I

was introduced to his wife once. Anyway, thanks again, C

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