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Re: Re: Removing heavy metals

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From what I've read a hair analysis for mercury is the best way to find out where you stand. It's not that your hair will show the mercury. It may not. Andy Cutler has a book about how to interpret the test and for a nominal fee will interpret it for you as having mercury on board will show up in other mineral imbalances and is a pretty sure way to figure out what's going on. Sometimes the mercury is so deeply imbedded in tissue that a blood work up for it its useless and do NOT do a DMPS challenge test if you still have amalgums. I sorry to say before I know this I did that challenge test and am worse now that I was before. www.endomet.com. ARL Analytical research Labs. (602)995-1580. <vandalsem@...> wrote: > > Does it say how to manage mercury if you can't afford to have the > fillings taken out? I too would like to know this. Four months ago I was certain I hadmercury poison - I have two small amalgam fillings and a larger onethat was just replaced last September (before I knew anything aboutthem). I had a holistic doc order a Porphyrine Urine test fromMetametrix Labs to the tune of over $300 for the visit/test and itcame back negative

for mercury and other heavy metals, except for aslight elevation in arsenic. Which, I thought to be strange.I am not entirely convinced that there's no mercury poisoning going onin my body since it is *impossible* for me to lose weight, even thoughfollowing an absolute No Junk diet/lifestyle - which I consider tosomewhat "manage" anything if I do need detoxing.Oil pulling, non-aluminum baking soda tonic bombs in the morning, beetkvass and a homemade version of holy tea are some of the things I'veemployed over the last few months. MMS is next on the list and I'veworked my way up to 5 drops, but it's kept me awake at night and I'mskiddish to take it in the day when I have to chase after my sonduring business hours. He's two.-vanessa

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What about your thyroid? Even when most doctors will tell you that you are in the "normal" range, it is actually out of range for YOU. If you are not loosing weight I'd certainly put at least kelp into my diet daily, better still would be magnescent iodine--because you can get that without a prescription. Lugols is good to take, but it can be hard to get now after they took the higher strength iodines off the shelf. I think you can still buy a 2 ounce bottle of it on line though.

Also, you may want to look into the purslane products I just posted about. I had forgotten about them until I asked about the fillings.

Why would you not want to take the MMS during the day, if it is keeping you awake at night. It must be giving you more energy--which would give you more energy to run after your son. :-)


-------Original Message-------

I too would like to know this. Four months ago I was certain I had

mercury poison -

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One word of warning about taking MMS during the day...Even though it is done being processed in 2 hours, it is still in your body for 12 hours. That means the effects of any other killing products you take (silver, salt, etc) will be intensified. I once took MMS late at night and woke up early and took my first dose of medicine for the day. This was within the 12 hours after the dose of MMS. I got very nauseous which never happens to me and the herxing was more intense.

So please be careful if you do not normally take the MMS during the day and lower your dosages of other meds to compensate.

-- Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

What about your thyroid? Even when most doctors will tell you that you are in the "normal" range, it is actually out of range for YOU. If you are not loosing weight I'd certainly put at least kelp into my diet daily, better still would be magnescent iodine--because you can get that without a prescription. Lugols is good to take, but it can be hard to get now after they took the higher strength iodines off the shelf. I think you can still buy a 2 ounce bottle of it on line though.

Also, you may want to look into the purslane products I just posted about. I had forgotten about them until I asked about the fillings.

Why would you not want to take the MMS during the day, if it is keeping you awake at night. It must be giving you more energy--which would give you more energy to run after your son. :-)


-------Original Message-------

I too would like to know this. Four months ago I was certain I had

mercury poison -

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Done being processed? I'm not sure I know what you mean--MMS works for up to 12 hours, with diminishing returns as the time goes on. Not just for 2 hours. Two hours are usually set for being the distance to take C and MMS. Better to take the C first because it will mostly be used up in 2 to 4 hours anyway, then the MMS. But if you take MMS first and then 2 hours later take C, the C will stop the rest of the MMS in your system from working.

But yes, MMS can make other things more potent. At least some people believe that--other's don't. :-) Hard to be sure because MMS works so differently for everyone.


-------Original Message-------

One word of warning about taking MMS during the day...Even though it is done being processed in 2 hours, it is still in your body for 12 hours.

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Hey . MMS does change sleeping habits for some people. At first it may make them sleepy but that wears off after a while. For some people it gives a lot of energy--and for certain ones that wears off too, but for others it seem to last as long as they take MMS.

So the only thing you can do is experiment to see how it effects you. I would not rule out better sleeping, because for many, in the long run, that seemed to stay with them. But the napping in the day usually left after an amount of time--meaning they could take the MMS during the day and stay awake. It's just so different for everyone, no on can say "for you, I know this will happen". Sigh Many people don't like experimenting on themselves, but that's what you have to do with MMS. :-)

I've sent a few posts now about the Canadian intuitive so you can get the info from them.

As for the nigari, have you tried foot baths? You soak your feet for a half hour to 40 minutes (40 minutes is best) instead of spaying it on your body.


-------Original Message-------

Yesterday I chickened out and didn't take it at all.

I guess I'll give it another go after this post. :/

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II'm a new member, and you're so well-informed I'd like to ask you a question, if I may?

My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of dialysis. She was well

and happy until she caught a virus that made her very sick with vomiting and diarrhoea, for

about six weeks. She was left very weak, and never recovered her strength. After many tests

we finally learned she has vasculitus. I would have liked to put her on MMS but we are worried

that it will strengthen her immune system, which would cause her body to reject the transplanted

kidney. Do you know of any safe treatment for her? She's short of breath and has trouble walking

by herself because her balance is bad, as well as the debilitating weakness. There are skin lesions

on her arms and lower legs and she can't speak above a whisper. The poor love feels so miserable!

Thank you, Gaele Maat.

Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

Hey . MMS does change sleeping habits for some people. At first it may make them sleepy but that wears off after a while. For some people it gives a lot of energy--and for certain ones that wears off too, but for others it seem to last as long as they take MMS.

So the only thing you can do is experiment to see how it effects you. I would not rule out better sleeping, because for many, in the long run, that seemed to stay with them. But the napping in the day usually left after an amount of time--meaning they could take the MMS during the day and stay awake. It's just so different for everyone, no on can say "for you, I know this will happen". Sigh Many people don't like experimenting on themselves, but that's what you have to do with MMS. :-)

I've sent a few posts now about the Canadian intuitive so you can get the info from them.

As for the nigari, have you tried foot baths? You soak your feet for a half hour to 40 minutes (40 minutes is best) instead of spaying it on your body.


-------Original Message-------

Yesterday I chickened out and didn't take it at all.

I guess I'll give it another go after this post. :/

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I know I did not word that entirely correctly and I apologize for that. But I just wanted to relate my experience on taking the MMS within that 12 hour time period as other meds so that others can monitor their reactions and not go overboard if they are not used to taking it in the morning.

-- Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

Done being processed? I'm not sure I know what you mean--MMS works for up to 12 hours, with diminishing returns as the time goes on. Not just for 2 hours. Two hours are usually set for being the distance to take C and MMS. Better to take the C first because it will mostly be used up in 2 to 4 hours anyway, then the MMS. But if you take MMS first and then 2 hours later take C, the C will stop the rest of the MMS in your system from working.

But yes, MMS can make other things more potent. At least some people believe that--other's don't. :-) Hard to be sure because MMS works so differently for everyone.


-------Original Message-------

One word of warning about taking MMS during the day...Even though it is done being processed in 2 hours, it is still in your body for 12 hours.

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Oh, sorry. I didn't understand. But you are right about letting others know your experience. Thanks--it is important.


-------Original Message-------

I know I did not word that entirely correctly and I apologize for that. But I just wanted to relate my experience on taking the MMS within that 12 hour time period as other meds so that others can monitor their reactions and not go overboard if they are not used to taking it in the morning.

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Wow, this is really tough to answer. My first thoughts are that it would be ok to take MMS, small doses and start VERY slowly, because MMS is more of a virus/bacteria/fungus killer than immune booster. Jim Humble has said that he thinks that IN THE LONG RUN, meaning when you have killed all the pathogens and continue taking MMS, that it strengthens the immune system. So, according to him it will strengthen it, but over time, after everything has been killed off.

On the other hand--I cannot say for certain that MMS would NOT strengthen her immune system enough so that it would jeopardize her transplant. I would recommend you to write Jim Humble himself-- at www.miraclemineral.org -- and ask him if any of the doctors that he knows that have worked with MMS have run across this scenario before.

There's probably not a lot of even natural pathogen killers, like garlic and such, that would not also boost the immune system to some extent. I'm thinking maybe colloidal silver might not--but just am not sure. I will ask on another list, where the person that make an excellent form of commercial silver is, and see what he says and then let you know.


-------Original Message-------

My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of dialysis.

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....CSilver with high ionic content (like homebrew EIS)will probably boost

the immune system directly but possibly beneficially since silver ions gets

involved with DNA. low ion, high particulate CS might be more of a straight

bug killer with less immune system direct effects like MMS seems to be.

my guess is that MMS doesn't boost it at all, but rather allows it a chance

to recover from overload & " confusion " by taking over the job of killing off

pathogens... MMS like suggests seems like the way to go to start with.

it'll be interesting to see what JH has to say about it.

i'm just speculating.

what's that trick that was discovered recently that helps transplant

recipients get off the drugs by making the body adapt to the DNA of the

donor ... something is injected into the recipients bone marrow - maybe some

of the bone marrow or blood of the donor? - and then the body's immune

system becomes harmonized/naturalized with the donor's DNA? it's pretty

amazing and worked well. i think it might've been discovered in Japan and

also tried in the USA. that would be pretty cutting-edge and your friends

doc's would have to get up to speed with it.

sorry i can't remember more and don't have links.

Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

Wow, this is really tough to answer. My first thoughts are that it would be

ok to take MMS, small doses and start VERY slowly, because MMS is more of a

virus/bacteria/fungus killer than immune booster. Jim Humble has said that

he thinks that IN THE LONG RUN, meaning when you have killed all the

pathogens and continue taking MMS, that it strengthens the immune system.

So, according to him it will strengthen it, but over time, after everything

has been killed off.

On the other hand--I cannot say for certain that MMS would NOT strengthen

her immune system enough so that it would jeopardize her transplant. I

would recommend you to write Jim Humble himself-- at

www.miraclemineral.org -- and ask him if any of the doctors that he knows

that have worked with MMS have run across this scenario before.

There's probably not a lot of even natural pathogen killers, like garlic and

such, that would not also boost the immune system to some extent. I'm

thinking maybe colloidal silver might not--but just am not sure. I will ask

on another list, where the person that make an excellent form of commercial

silver is, and see what he says and then let you know.


-------Original Message-------

My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of dialysis.

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Thanks, Bob.

We seem to be lagging behind, in Australia.

My niece hasn't been treated for the vasculitis,

although it was diagnosed a year ago. We weren't

even told about it until my niece's husband demanded

her medical files so we could find some real help for her.

We didn't understand the doctors' merry-go-round, and

have wasted all this time trusting them to do something.

May the Force be with you.


RE: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

....CSilver with high ionic content (like homebrew EIS)will probably boostthe immune system directly but possibly beneficially since silver ions getsinvolved with DNA. low ion, high particulate CS might be more of a straightbug killer with less immune system direct effects like MMS seems to be.my guess is that MMS doesn't boost it at all, but rather allows it a chanceto recover from overload & "confusion" by taking over the job of killing offpathogens... MMS like suggests seems like the way to go to start with.it'll be interesting to see what JH has to say about it.i'm just speculating.what's that trick that was discovered recently that helps transplantrecipients get off the drugs by making the body adapt to the DNA of thedonor ... something is injected into the recipients bone marrow - maybe someof the bone marrow or blood of the donor? - and then the body's immunesystem becomes harmonized/naturalized with the donor's DNA? it's prettyamazing and worked well. i think it might've been discovered in Japan andalso tried in the USA. that would be pretty cutting-edge and your friendsdoc's would have to get up to speed with it.sorry i can't remember more and don't have links.-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of GaiacitaSent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:45 AM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metalsWow, this is really tough to answer. My first thoughts are that it would beok to take MMS, small doses and start VERY slowly, because MMS is more of avirus/bacteria/fungus killer than immune booster. Jim Humble has said thathe thinks that IN THE LONG RUN, meaning when you have killed all thepathogens and continue taking MMS, that it strengthens the immune system.So, according to him it will strengthen it, but over time, after everythinghas been killed off.On the other hand--I cannot say for certain that MMS would NOT strengthenher immune system enough so that it would jeopardize her transplant. Iwould recommend you to write Jim Humble himself-- atwww.miraclemineral.org -- and ask him if any of the doctors that he knowsthat have worked with MMS have run across this scenario before.There's probably not a lot of even natural pathogen killers, like garlic andsuch, that would not also boost the immune system to some extent. I'mthinking maybe colloidal silver might not--but just am not sure. I will askon another list, where the person that make an excellent form of commercialsilver is, and see what he says and then let you know.Samala,-------Original Message-------My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of dialysis.------------------------------------

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Hi Avril. Yeah, great minds think alike. :-)

No, she's not afraid of the feds. She's Canadian. :-) I did post her web site, which is www.naturalplantation.com She had 4 purslane products at the time I met her in December--the capsules, the powder, the deodorant and the cream. She has more now, and I want to try the shampoo.

I forgot to mention something about the cream--it lasts through several hand washings, even though once it is absorbed into your skin, it doesn't feel greasy at all!! Many creams will feel greasy to me, but not this one, and you can put in on and wash your hands without needing to reapply. Great stuff.

You can certainly make your own pigweed powder or capsules, if you allow enough of it to grow. We rarely have it here in my part of south Texas (at least none on my property) but back home in Illinois I could have grown a whole garden of it. Lol I don't know how many plants I would pull out weekly--some as big around as a basketball. If you let it just grow you get a biiiig plant. Not tall, for those of you who may not know pigweed, as it is flat, but tends to grow in a dish shape. Nice to eat when it's young.

So you can eat in fresh while it is growing and still dry some for winter. Or just buy hers. :-) Though she doesn't ship to America. You have to contact her for American distributors.


-------Original Message-------

Sometimes we seem to hit on the same things: first "Egoscue" and now

purslane! :o) I first read about purslane in a book titled "The Omega


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I would guess to dry it you would put it in a food dryer and wait it out. Or the sun--just be sure to bring it inside over night so it doesn't rehydrate with the damp night air. I'm sure they have some special process in her lab--but if I wanted to dry it I'd be throwing it in a food dryer or very, very low oven. Sooner or later everything dries out. I have an old food drying book and it tells how to dry soup. :-) You just pour it out on a sheet with raised edges so it doesn't run off the sides, put it in the dryer and wait. I built my food dryer back in the 70's and still have it. We don't dry stuff too often, but it's here if I need it.

Actually, once I was in a gourmet tea shop. The place had these really strange unusual teas. Like Grape Tea that you could really taste the grapes, watermelon tea--etc. I asked him how the heck he did it and he said they would mix up real blenderized fruits (or whatever), then they would evaporate the liquid--and the powder that was left was super flavorful and they put that into dry tea.


-------Original Message-------

How would I go about drying it? Does it really dry...it's so rubbery?

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Is it anything like aloe vera, which is just as juicy and a cactus. It's not dried, but made into liquid form to take.Gaiacita <gaiacita@...> wrote: I would guess to dry it you would put it in a food dryer and wait it out. Or the sun--just be sure to bring it inside over night so it doesn't

rehydrate with the damp night air. I'm sure they have some special process in her lab--but if I wanted to dry it I'd be throwing it in a food dryer or very, very low oven. Sooner or later everything dries out. I have an old food drying book and it tells how to dry soup. :-) You just pour it out on a sheet with raised edges so it doesn't run off the sides, put it in the dryer and wait. I built my food dryer back in the 70's and still have it. We don't dry stuff too often, but it's here if I need it. Actually, once I was in a gourmet tea shop. The place had these really strange unusual teas. Like Grape Tea that you could really taste the grapes, watermelon tea--etc. I asked him how the heck he did it and he said they would mix up real blenderized fruits (or whatever), then they would evaporate

the liquid--and the powder that was left was super flavorful and they put that into dry tea. Samala, -------Original Message------- How would I go about drying it? Does it really dry...it's so rubbery?

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Hi Avril, Just a thought. I've never actually seen the plant itself, but when it was referred to as a succulant, well, I grow a lot of those here in CA and mostly they have pretty big leaves. I take aloe vera in a very pure form that was made into something that looks just like water.Avril <loullew3@...> wrote: Hi Edy,I haven't tried juicing it. It's leaves are very small, unlike the aloe plant. You would have to use it a lot of it to get any juice, I suppose.

Though, maybe I could try to get some juice and then freeze it for future use.AvrilIn , Edy Rayfield <edyrayfield@...> wrote:>> Is it anything like aloe vera, which is just as juicy and a cactus. It's not dried, but made into liquid form to take.>

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Hi Gaele Maat, re your niece.

I wonder if some magnesium chloride applied to her skin should be tried. This is the solution that is made from sea water, having all the sea water minerals except sodium (sodium is rinsed out in the processing. The balance is similar to the minerals that normally is in the blood plasma. The chlorides are absorbed well through the skin.

The magnesium chloride helps restore normal functioning of the body. It is sold as "Magnesium Oil" for transdermal applications. Do not use any other form of magnesium - the chloride form is ideal (saves the body having to make alternative magnesiums into chlorides - which requires a good digestive function.)

Good luck


Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals

II'm a new member, and you're so well-informed I'd like to ask you a question, if I may?

My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of dialysis. She was well

and happy until she caught a virus that made her very sick with vomiting and diarrhoea, for

about six weeks. She was left very weak, and never recovered her strength. After many tests

we finally learned she has vasculitus. I would have liked to put her on MMS but we are worried

that it will strengthen her immune system, which would cause her body to reject the transplanted

kidney. Do you know of any safe treatment for her? She's short of breath and has trouble walking

by herself because her balance is bad, as well as the debilitating weakness. There are skin lesions

on her arms and lower legs and she can't speak above a whisper. The poor love feels so miserable!

Thank you, Gaele Maat.

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Re Colloidal Silver

The other day I spent time turning over (mixing) some compost, (and then

weeded my garden plots). As usual for me I had coughing bouts afterwards. I

put this down to mould spores that I would have breathed in. Later I tried

spraying some CS into my mouth as I breathed as deeply as I could. This

helped. I have repeated this again, and again I seem to have benefitted. I

shall continue for a time. Maybe there is someone who could try this form of

application wiht benefits.


Re: [ ] Re: Removing heavy metals



> Wow, this is really tough to answer. My first thoughts are that it would

> be

> ok to take MMS, small doses and start VERY slowly, because MMS is more of

> a

> virus/bacteria/fungus killer than immune booster. Jim Humble has said

> that

> he thinks that IN THE LONG RUN, meaning when you have killed all the

> pathogens and continue taking MMS, that it strengthens the immune system.

> So, according to him it will strengthen it, but over time, after

> everything

> has been killed off.


> On the other hand--I cannot say for certain that MMS would NOT strengthen

> her immune system enough so that it would jeopardize her transplant. I

> would recommend you to write Jim Humble himself-- at

> www.miraclemineral.org -- and ask him if any of the doctors that he knows

> that have worked with MMS have run across this scenario before.


> There's probably not a lot of even natural pathogen killers, like garlic

> and

> such, that would not also boost the immune system to some extent. I'm

> thinking maybe colloidal silver might not--but just am not sure. I will

> ask

> on another list, where the person that make an excellent form of

> commercial

> silver is, and see what he says and then let you know.


> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> My beloved niece had a successful kidney transplant after years of

> dialysis.






> ------------------------------------



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Many people on the CS list have used it this way. One trick they did, if they didn't have a nebulizer to put the CS in, was to buy a pump type bottle of nasal spray. They'd pry off the top, dump the nasal stuff out and fill it with CS. When you pump it, it makes a very fine CS spray. They point it in their mouths and pump as many times as possible while breathing in. This takes the CS in mist form right into the lungs to kill any infection there.


-------Original Message-------

Later I tried

spraying some CS into my mouth as I breathed as deeply as I could. This

helped. I have repeated this again, and again I seem to have benefitted. I

shall continue for a time.

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You can also buy spray colloidal silver...ACS200...already in a perfect spray form. Nano particles as well so it really gets in there. AZCnano is for chelating mercury and other heavy metals. They're recommended to use together.Gaiacita <gaiacita@...> wrote: Many people on the CS list have

used it this way. One trick they did, if they didn't have a nebulizer to put the CS in, was to buy a pump type bottle of nasal spray. They'd pry off the top, dump the nasal stuff out and fill it with CS. When you pump it, it makes a very fine CS spray. They point it in their mouths and pump as many times as possible while breathing in. This takes the CS in mist form right into the lungs to kill any infection there. Samala, -------Original Message------- Later I tried spraying some CS into my mouth as I breathed as deeply as

I could. This helped. I have repeated this again, and again I seem to have benefitted. I shall continue for a time.

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Yes, this is true. Most of the people that did the method I recommended make their own CS.


-------Original Message-------

You can also buy spray colloidal silver...ACS200...already in a perfect spray form. Nano particles as well so it really gets in there. AZCnano is for chelating mercury and other heavy metals. They're recommended to use together.

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Well, the expert on the other list said that CS would be useful for your niece, as it will kill pathogens and support the immune system, but not "boost" it. It is given to people with auto-immune diseases, so it is safe for them and they feel like it would be safe in the case of organ transplant. Just take a little at a time.

The CS would be easier for her to take--no taste, plus it doesn't need to be so carefully monitored so as not to give her diarrhea or vomiting, like MMS does.

There are many types of CS out there, but a good one is Utopia Silver. Here is a link to their silver



-------Original Message-------

The poor love feels so miserable!

Thank you, Gaele Maat.

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