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Re: Message for Mr Jim Humble

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Jim is not on this list. Did you send this to his web site? He has a page where you can send questions or comments.

-- [ ] Message for Mr Jim Humble

A question to Mr Jim Humble.

This follows your development of the use of chlorine dioxide to control/eliminate pathogens.

Some people have promoted Magnesium “oil” to transdermally raise the cellular magnesium in cells.

I have precipitated sea water minerals, 30 litres at a time with caustic soda (NaOH) and after the precipitate settles, I’ve siphoned off the “water”. After rinsing the precipitate and then siphoning off the water almost all NaCl is rinsed away. Then the precipitate is left several days and the final water is siphoned off. Next the precipitate is dissolved with 38% HCl to leave about 2.5 litres of a clear precipitate of magnesium chloride and other trace sea mineral chlorides. The solution is filtered to remove any particulates and plankton. Finally the solution is reduced by dehydration to about 1.6 litres volume per 30 litres of sea water.

This chloride solution is sprayed on the skin, absorbed and transported directly by the blood to all body cells.

Mark Sircus in “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy” writes of the work by Drs Seeger and Budwig of Germany showing “mainly the result of a faulty energy metabolism in the powerhouses of the cells, the mitochondria. ATP and most of the enzymes involved in the production of energy require magnesium. A healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels. The problem with low magnesium is that calcium builds up inside the cells while energy production decreases as the mitochondria calcify.”

When I applied magnesium chloride to my skin for several weeks I experienced several changes. More energy (– after some days): This was very noticeable. I am 78 years old and I was tired. Finding the get-up-and-go to get things done was not easy before my energies improved. My skin tingled, I walked faster, In heaps of ways I was something of a new man. I noticed too, that my urine ran dark for perhaps 3 weeks that might have been due to my cells being given a deeper detox.

Considering how with MMS, chlorine dioxide ex NACl2 becomes activated and is active within the body I suspect that once magnesium chloride reaches a cell and gives up the magnesium to replenish magnesium in cells the chlorine dioxide component left may be able to act to decalcify the cell and its mitochondria.

Now I am a retired electrical engineer and know almost nothing about chemistry, so it is only the considerable gain in energies that lets me imagine that the chlorine dioxide component left may have acted to decalcify the cell and its mitochondria.

I have read this “Iodine Fulfilment Therapy” by Bruce West, DC.

http://iodine4health.com/overviews/clinicians/west_clinician.htm that advocates iodine therapy with the goal of reaching a whole body iodine sufficiency.


“Iodine supplementation markedly increases urinary excretion of fluoride and bromide” - Letters to the Editor. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, May, 2003

This paper writes about an increased iodine intake lowering fluoride and bromide levels in the thyroid etc., i.e. leading to more detoxing.

I feel (when I don’t know, “feeling” is about all I can do!) that the benefits that seem to follow magnesium chloride getting into cells might lead on to Iodine supplementation inducing further detoxing.

Would you, as time permits, consider this matter and advise me if you can imagine that something quite beneficial may be happening in the body cells attributable to the magnesium chloride.

Thank you

Phil Conway

Ps Pass this information on if you see fit to do so.

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No, I tried but the contact link on his website did not work.

I sent it here instead of deleting it, thinking that maybe someone might know how to contact Jim Humble.


[ ] Message for Mr Jim Humble

A question to Mr Jim Humble.

(Details snipped)

Would you, as time permits, consider this matter and advise me if you can imagine that something quite beneficial may be happening in the body cells attributable to the magnesium chloride.

Thank you

Phil Conway

Ps Pass this information on if you see fit to do so.

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I had an accident yesterday and am having to type with one hand. So sorry I'm not being real helpful, but Jim's address is in his book. You can write him there. Just know that he gets lots of mail so it takes him time to answer. You have a good question so I know he will.

-- Re: [ ] Message for Mr Jim Humble


No, I tried but the contact link on his website did not work.

I sent it here instead of deleting it, thinking that maybe someone might know how to contact Jim Humble.


[ ] Message for Mr Jim Humble

A question to Mr Jim Humble.

(Details snipped)

Would you, as time permits, consider this matter and advise me if you can imagine that something quite beneficial may be happening in the body cells attributable to the magnesium chloride.

Thank you

Phil Conway

Ps Pass this information on if you see fit to do so.

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Thanks . I hope you're okay real soon.


[ ] Message for Mr Jim Humble

A question to Mr Jim Humble.

(Details snipped)

Would you, as time permits, consider this matter and advise me if you can imagine that something quite beneficial may be happening in the body cells attributable to the magnesium chloride.

Thank you

Phil Conway

Ps Pass this information on if you see fit to do so.

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I've read somewhere that you need to put " success

story " in the subject line or else he doesn't read them.

Thanks for writing to him Phil. I'm looking forward to his response


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