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Re: Removing heavy metals

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Unfortunatley, and albeit well meaning, this article is FULL of very bad information.First of all, DMSA, although very useful for mercury chelation (IF dosed properly), does NOT remove mercury from the brain in any significant amounts if at all, andit does not allow mercury to cross theblood brain barrier. The only currently known substances that do this are Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cilantro, the latter  who's pharmacokinetics are not yet understood, and it is a bit like playing Russian roulette to use it for mercury removal.Second, the so-called "natural" cocktail  is a great way to cause lots of problems. Garlic is NOT a chelator, but a high sulfer food, and anybody who understands anything about mercury and the sulfhydral groups will udnerstand that it only serves to stir up mercury, which in turn will allow it to be redistributed to other new places in the body, hence causing further damage. Most folks who are mercury toxic do well to avoid high sulfer foods, like garlic.I coudl go on....but if anybody really wants to learn the skinny about mercury and how it works and interacts with the brain and body, the best and most cutting edge information out there can be found in a great book called "Amalgam Illness" by Hall Cutler. (Check out http://www.noamalgam.com)~IngaOn Jun 20, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Gaiacita wrote:I was looking into magnetic mattresses and stumbled on this page.  It has a product listed as being the best at pulling out heavy metals, and the author says that it is not a natural product, so he chose to go the natural route and listed his own methods.  I thought it might be interesting to some people, and as the author says, up to each person to decide if they want to go the natural route or use the doctor recommended product.  Anyway, the page is interesting.http://www.harvesthaven.com/health_devices/magnetico/ourmagneticoexperiences.htm  Samala,---who will report more on the "hernia & magnet" story in another week or so.

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Interesting, thanks.

Does it say how to manage mercury if you can't afford to have the fillings taken out?


-------Original Message-------

I coudl go on....but if anybody really wants to learn the skinny about mercury and how it works and interacts with the brain and body, the best and most cutting edge information out there can be found in a great book called "Amalgam Illness" by Hall Cutler. (Check out http://www.noamalgam.com)

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Andy Culter's book is a must read. I agree. This is not good info. DMPS is the one that grabs mercury and escorts it out without dropping it along the way. All the "natural" products can be too weak to keep glommed on and by dropping it somewhere else in the body can cause severe symptoms.Ingrid Mager <wolfiebear@...> wrote: Unfortunatley, and albeit well meaning, this article is FULL of very bad information. First of all, DMSA, although very useful for

mercury chelation (IF dosed properly), does NOT remove mercury from the brain in any significant amounts if at all, andit does not allow mercury to cross theblood brain barrier. The only currently known substances that do this are Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cilantro, the latter who's pharmacokinetics are not yet understood, and it is a bit like playing Russian roulette to use it for mercury removal. Second, the so-called "natural" cocktail is a great way to cause lots of problems. Garlic is NOT a chelator, but a high sulfer food, and anybody who understands anything about mercury and the sulfhydral groups will udnerstand that it only serves to stir up mercury, which in turn will allow it to be redistributed to other new places in the body, hence causing further damage. Most folks who are mercury toxic do well to avoid high sulfer foods, like garlic. I coudl go on....but if anybody really wants to learn the skinny about mercury and how it works and interacts with the brain and body, the best and most cutting edge information out there can be found in a great book called "Amalgam Illness" by Hall Cutler. (Check out http://www.noamalgam.com) ~Inga On Jun 20, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Gaiacita wrote:

I was looking into magnetic mattresses and stumbled on this page. It has a product listed as being the best at pulling out heavy metals, and the author says that it is not a natural product, so he chose to go the natural route and listed his own methods. I thought it might be interesting to some people, and as the author says, up to each person to decide if they want to go the natural route or use the doctor recommended product. Anyway, the page is

interesting. http://www.harvesthaven.com/health_devices/magnetico/ourmagneticoexperiences.htm Samala, ---who will report more on the "hernia & magnet" story in another week or so.

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You can't afford not to have the fillings out. The fumes from chewing are poisoning you everytime you eat. They MUST go and by a good bio-dentist that knows how to safely remove them. If you try to chelate with them in it will pull mercury from them and redistribute it and you will get sicker.Gaiacita <gaiacita@...> wrote: Interesting, thanks. Does it say how to manage mercury if you can't afford to have the fillings taken out? Samala, -------Original Message------- I coudl go on....but if anybody really wants to learn the skinny about mercury and how it works and interacts with the brain and body, the best and most cutting edge information out there can be found in a great book

called "Amalgam Illness" by Hall Cutler. (Check out http://www.noamalgam.com)

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> Does it say how to manage mercury if you can't afford to have the

> fillings taken out?

I too would like to know this. Four months ago I was certain I had

mercury poison - I have two small amalgam fillings and a larger one

that was just replaced last September (before I knew anything about

them). I had a holistic doc order a Porphyrine Urine test from

Metametrix Labs to the tune of over $300 for the visit/test and it

came back negative for mercury and other heavy metals, except for a

slight elevation in arsenic. Which, I thought to be strange.

I am not entirely convinced that there's no mercury poisoning going on

in my body since it is *impossible* for me to lose weight, even though

following an absolute No Junk diet/lifestyle - which I consider to

somewhat " manage " anything if I do need detoxing.

Oil pulling, non-aluminum baking soda tonic bombs in the morning, beet

kvass and a homemade version of holy tea are some of the things I've

employed over the last few months. MMS is next on the list and I've

worked my way up to 5 drops, but it's kept me awake at night and I'm

skiddish to take it in the day when I have to chase after my son

during business hours. He's two.


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Well, I'm not asking on my behalf. I have zero problems with my fillings. They have been in for, some of them, over 30 years. I figure I'd stir up more problems by taking them out. As it is, I have almost no mercury toxicity in my body--I'm just good at detoxing I guess.

I had a medical intuitive check me for mercury. She didn't say that's what she was doing until after she did it. She was totally surprised, saying that she could only find a tiny bit of it still left in my spine, and she said she had not run across anyone else like me that had not specifically been doing mercury detox (which I have never done).

She was a very interesting lady. She had spoken at a health expo I attended. She is a scientist and studied plants. In her garden she kept weeding out purslane, and finding that it just wouldn't die. She realized that was something important. She had been praying to God for something to help people get rid of metal toxins and she thought God showed her that the purslane may have some benefit, so she had the purslane tested by 3 different labs and they all came back the same--that it pulls mercury out of the body!!

So she spent her money and time figuring out how to use the plants and now has a line of purslane products. She's a very humble and honest lady. You could tell when she was speaking (during the lecture) that she was nervous about talking in front of so many people. Her whole family was there--husband, daughter and son in law, helping her with her booth. They were all very nice people it seemed.

She has purslane powder you can put in foods, purslane capsules. But the one thing she was most pleased with was her deodorant. She said she continued to pray and ask how best to use the purslane for detoxing mercury and metals and was given that it should be applied in the arm pits--because that's where the major lymph glands are and that it would pull the metal out through the lymph glands.

As you can tell, I was very impressed with her. She's Canadian. Her products are a bit hard to come by here in the US as she doesn't have but one or two distributors here.

I was at her booth looking at her set up and there were only 2 other people there. When she finished with them she turned to me and asked me if I wanted her to do a medical reading. I asked how much it cost and she said it was free--that it was just a mini reading (she does full readings over the phone). I said sure. That's when she checked for the mercury and for bacteria. She was also very, very surprised that I had no bacteria in my system--that was when I was doing the MMS regularly and I was not surprised when she said it. And that's also why I think the MMS pulls mercury out of the body too, because she only found those 2 spots of mercury in my spine.

I know she was being honest because she was so surprised at my health. She certainly expected to find lots wrong with me, as she normally finds with most people.

Anyway, as I said, I don't plan on having my fillings out. No need, for me at least. Others might not be as lucky about detoxing as I am, though I would suggest anyone with mercury to stay on MMS, plus because some people here that have used the MMS (past members that I don't know if they are still here or not) feel as though the MMS pulls the mercury out of the organs, but then can't take it out of the body--that people should use some sort of agent like clay or charcoal to bind the metal and help eliminate it. I feel that MMS detoxes, too, but some people don't. So it never hurts to tell people to also take a detoxer, and to support their livers. As a matter of routine, now, I tell everyone this when I tell them about MMS.


-------Original Message-------

You can't afford not to have the fillings out.

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> What about your thyroid? Even when most doctors will tell you that

> you are in the " normal " range, it is actually out of range for YOU.

I haven't ruled that out. I've had all the " tests " and we're now just

switching insurances with a new job. I'd like to go back and have the

24 hour cortisol test done. I believe adrenal fatigue is involved.

> If you are not loosing weight I'd certainly put at least kelp into

> my diet daily,

Yes, yes. I need to do that! I have kelp, dulse and other seaweed in

the pantry and it's one of those brain things - have to remember to do

it. I also just purchased 5lbs. of Nigari and since we have no bath

tub and spraying it on my skin makes it crawl ... I need to get

creative with using it.

> better still would be magnescent iodine--because you can get that

> without a prescription.

Have not heard of magnescent iodine - I have Iodoral and that seems to

make me really fatigue-y. I know my body needs it because all my

patch tests don't last more than 12 hours.

> Also, you may want to look into the purslane products I just posted

> about.

I would like more info on your Canadian intuitive.

> Why would you not want to take the MMS during the day, if it is

> keeping you awake at night. It must be giving you more energy--which

> would give you more energy to run after your son. :-)

The first time I did just the one drop, during the day, I had to take

a nap with the baby. After that, I took it at night till I got up to

four drops and slept SO WELL! I thought I could throw out the

melatonin. Then came five drops and I tossed and turned, didn't take

any the next day/night and tossed and turned. I probably did that all

wrong, but sleep is important to me. The day before yesterday I did

five drops and couldn't really tell one way or the other - I think I

napped anyway. Yesterday I chickened out and didn't take it at all.

I guess I'll give it another go after this post. :/


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Would you mind posting her website? This sounds like another good product for the old toolbox.

-- Re: [ ] Removing heavy metals

Well, I'm not asking on my behalf. I have zero problems with my fillings. They have been in for, some of them, over 30 years. I figure I'd stir up more problems by taking them out. As it is, I have almost no mercury toxicity in my body--I'm just good at detoxing I guess.

I had a medical intuitive check me for mercury. She didn't say that's what she was doing until after she did it. She was totally surprised, saying that she could only find a tiny bit of it still left in my spine, and she said she had not run across anyone else like me that had not specifically been doing mercury detox (which I have never done).

She was a very interesting lady. She had spoken at a health expo I attended. She is a scientist and studied plants. In her garden she kept weeding out purslane, and finding that it just wouldn't die. She realized that was something important. She had been praying to God for something to help people get rid of metal toxins and she thought God showed her that the purslane may have some benefit, so she had the purslane tested by 3 different labs and they all came back the same--that it pulls mercury out of the body!!

So she spent her money and time figuring out how to use the plants and now has a line of purslane products. She's a very humble and honest lady. You could tell when she was speaking (during the lecture) that she was nervous about talking in front of so many people. Her whole family was there--husband, daughter and son in law, helping her with her booth. They were all very nice people it seemed.

She has purslane powder you can put in foods, purslane capsules. But the one thing she was most pleased with was her deodorant. She said she continued to pray and ask how best to use the purslane for detoxing mercury and metals and was given that it should be applied in the arm pits--because that's where the major lymph glands are and that it would pull the metal out through the lymph glands.

As you can tell, I was very impressed with her. She's Canadian. Her products are a bit hard to come by here in the US as she doesn't have but one or two distributors here.

I was at her booth looking at her set up and there were only 2 other people there. When she finished with them she turned to me and asked me if I wanted her to do a medical reading. I asked how much it cost and she said it was free--that it was just a mini reading (she does full readings over the phone). I said sure. That's when she checked for the mercury and for bacteria. She was also very, very surprised that I had no bacteria in my system--that was when I was doing the MMS regularly and I was not surprised when she said it. And that's also why I think the MMS pulls mercury out of the body too, because she only found those 2 spots of mercury in my spine.

I know she was being honest because she was so surprised at my health. She certainly expected to find lots wrong with me, as she normally finds with most people.

Anyway, as I said, I don't plan on having my fillings out. No need, for me at least. Others might not be as lucky about detoxing as I am, though I would suggest anyone with mercury to stay on MMS, plus because some people here that have used the MMS (past members that I don't know if they are still here or not) feel as though the MMS pulls the mercury out of the organs, but then can't take it out of the body--that people should use some sort of agent like clay or charcoal to bind the metal and help eliminate it. I feel that MMS detoxes, too, but some people don't. So it never hurts to tell people to also take a detoxer, and to support their livers. As a matter of routine, now, I tell everyone this when I tell them about MMS.


-------Original Message-------

You can't afford not to have the fillings out.

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according to Bradley's research, CS will plate metallic silver onto

amalgam over time that'll seal it against chemistry in the mouth that would

otherwise cause further leaching of mercury. it'll also accumulate into

pits, cracks, fissures in the teeth eventually clogging them up with silver

that still kills bacteria on sustained contact. i would think the teeth

will get pretty brownish-blackish over time but that's for the vain to fret

over... but if there's root canal " therapy " under the amalgams that aren't

well sealed then that's another problem.

Re: [ ] Removing heavy metals

Interesting, thanks.

Does it say how to manage mercury if you can't afford to have the fillings

taken out?


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Sure, I'll have to look it up. Oh wait! I bought her deodorant spray. It's on there. I really do like her spray. It takes away body odor, has no odor of it's own, and keeps me dry.

Ok, just went and get the bottle--it says Ingredients: Reverse osmosis water, purslane herb extract, potassium sulfate and mineral salts, all natural, no aluminum chlorohydrate or any other chemicals. Well shoot--there's no address or any way to contact her on the bottle!

Let me Google it--right. The name on the bottle is the name of her company, so I googled it as a web site and it is


I was truly impressed with her talk. I think she said that her daughter runs her web site, and you have to contact them to see who sells in America, because at the time she didn't want to ship out of Canada. I guess she wanted to protect her American distributors. That may have changed now, or she may have more American distributors.

But you can call for a phone consultation for her medical intuitive knowledge. She said she travels a lot lecturing (she's a bio chemist I believe?, something like that) but that appointments can be made through her daughter.


-------Original Message-------

Would you mind posting her website? This sounds like another good product for the old toolbox.

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I looked it up and and I am not able to purchase anything online. Perhaps because I am in the US? I will try to call MOnday and ask. I would also be interested in possibly getting a reading to see what she says. Sounds very interesting.

-- Re: [ ] Removing heavy metals

Sure, I'll have to look it up. Oh wait! I bought her deodorant spray. It's on there. I really do like her spray. It takes away body odor, has no odor of it's own, and keeps me dry.

Ok, just went and get the bottle--it says Ingredients: Reverse osmosis water, purslane herb extract, potassium sulfate and mineral salts, all natural, no aluminum chlorohydrate or any other chemicals. Well shoot--there's no address or any way to contact her on the bottle!

Let me Google it--right. The name on the bottle is the name of her company, so I googled it as a web site and it is


I was truly impressed with her talk. I think she said that her daughter runs her web site, and you have to contact them to see who sells in America, because at the time she didn't want to ship out of Canada. I guess she wanted to protect her American distributors. That may have changed now, or she may have more American distributors.

But you can call for a phone consultation for her medical intuitive knowledge. She said she travels a lot lecturing (she's a bio chemist I believe?, something like that) but that appointments can be made through her daughter.


-------Original Message-------

Would you mind posting her website? This sounds like another good product for the old toolbox.

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No, they did not want to send into the US. Maybe customs? Well, in December they did have at least 2 American distributors. They can send you the info on them if you write or call them.


-------Original Message-------

Perhaps because I am in the US? I will try to call MOnday and ask. I would also be interested in possibly getting a reading to see what she says. Sounds very interesting.

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I, too, believe in taking an iodine supplement daily. I take kelp

tablets. I read somewhere that added chlorine and flouride can block

iodine from the body's cells as well. So water/shower filters and no

flouride toothpastes are a good thing.



> What about your thyroid? Even when most doctors will tell you that

you are

> in the " normal " range, it is actually out of range for YOU. If you

are not

> loosing weight I'd certainly put at least kelp into my diet daily,


> still would be magnescent iodine--because you can get that without a

> prescription. Lugols is good to take, but it can be hard to get

now after

> they took the higher strength iodines off the shelf. I think you

can still

> buy a 2 ounce bottle of it on line though.


> Also, you may want to look into the purslane products I just posted


> I had forgotten about them until I asked about the fillings.


> Why would you not want to take the MMS during the day, if it is

keeping you

> awake at night. It must be giving you more energy--which would give

you more

> energy to run after your son. :-)


> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> I too would like to know this. Four months ago I was certain I had

> mercury poison -


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Hi ,

Sometimes we seem to hit on the same things: first " Egoscue " and now

purslane! :o) I first read about purslane in a book titled " The Omega

Plan " . I was researching food processing and discovered how our diets

are so heavy in Omega 6's compared to a several decades ago. The

author talked about purslane being a vegetable source that is high in

omega 3's. It's a common weed that I also have in my backyard. I try

to harvest and eat it because of it's omega 3 content. My neighbor

looked at it and called it " pigweed " since people feed it to pigs. I

said that those must be some smart pigs!

Now I discover (thanks to you) that it helps detox mercury. Yippee!!

I shall have to be more diligent about picking and eating it. It sure

grows better than the cukes and red peppers I planted.

Could you post the name of the lady who makes the capsules? Perhaps

you'd prefer to email me off-line. Maybe she's trying to fly under

the radar.



In , " Gaiacita "

<gaiacita@...> wrote:


> Well, I'm not asking on my behalf. I have zero problems with my


> They have been in for, some of them, over 30 years. I figure I'd

stir up

> more problems by taking them out. As it is, I have almost no


> toxicity in my body--I'm just good at detoxing I guess.


> I had a medical intuitive check me for mercury. She didn't say

that's what

> she was doing until after she did it. She was totally surprised,


> that she could only find a tiny bit of it still left in my spine,

and she

> said she had not run across anyone else like me that had not


> been doing mercury detox (which I have never done).


> She was a very interesting lady. She had spoken at a health expo I


> She is a scientist and studied plants. In her garden she kept

weeding out

> purslane, and finding that it just wouldn't die. She realized that


> something important. She had been praying to God for something to


> people get rid of metal toxins and she thought God showed her that


> purslane may have some benefit, so she had the purslane tested by 3

> different labs and they all came back the same--that it pulls

mercury out of

> the body!!


> So she spent her money and time figuring out how to use the plants

and now

> has a line of purslane products. She's a very humble and honest

lady. You

> could tell when she was speaking (during the lecture) that she was


> about talking in front of so many people. Her whole family was

> there--husband, daughter and son in law, helping her with her

booth. They

> were all very nice people it seemed.


> She has purslane powder you can put in foods, purslane capsules.

But the

> one thing she was most pleased with was her deodorant. She said she

> continued to pray and ask how best to use the purslane for detoxing


> and metals and was given that it should be applied in the arm pits--


> that's where the major lymph glands are and that it would pull the

metal out

> through the lymph glands.


> As you can tell, I was very impressed with her. She's Canadian.


> products are a bit hard to come by here in the US as she doesn't

have but

> one or two distributors here.


> I was at her booth looking at her set up and there were only 2

other people

> there. When she finished with them she turned to me and asked me

if I

> wanted her to do a medical reading. I asked how much it cost and

she said

> it was free--that it was just a mini reading (she does full

readings over

> the phone). I said sure. That's when she checked for the mercury

and for

> bacteria. She was also very, very surprised that I had no bacteria

in my

> system--that was when I was doing the MMS regularly and I was not


> when she said it. And that's also why I think the MMS pulls

mercury out of

> the body too, because she only found those 2 spots of mercury in my



> I know she was being honest because she was so surprised at my

health. She

> certainly expected to find lots wrong with me, as she normally

finds with

> most people.


> Anyway, as I said, I don't plan on having my fillings out. No

need, for me

> at least. Others might not be as lucky about detoxing as I am,

though I

> would suggest anyone with mercury to stay on MMS, plus because some


> here that have used the MMS (past members that I don't know if they


> still here or not) feel as though the MMS pulls the mercury out of


> organs, but then can't take it out of the body--that people should

use some

> sort of agent like clay or charcoal to bind the metal and help

eliminate it.

> I feel that MMS detoxes, too, but some people don't. So it never

hurts to

> tell people to also take a detoxer, and to support their livers.

As a

> matter of routine, now, I tell everyone this when I tell them about



> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> You can't afford not to have the fillings out.


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That's it, ! We have great minds. :o)

Purslane is a succulent so it has juicy leaves and rounded stems.

You're right...it hugs the ground. It would be a good groundcover if

it was prettier. If you want, when mine start going to seed, I'll

mail you some seeds. ;o)

How would I go about drying it? Does it really dry...it's so rubbery?

I'll try to email them or call them on Monday. Thanks for the website.


In , " Gaiacita "

<gaiacita@...> wrote:


> Hi Avril. Yeah, great minds think alike. :-)



> You can certainly make your own pigweed powder or capsules, if you


> enough of it to grow. We rarely have it here in my part of south

Texas (at

> least none on my property) but back home in Illinois I could have

grown a

> whole garden of it.

Not tall, for those of you who may not know pigweed, as it

> is flat, but tends to grow in a dish shape. >

> So you can eat in fresh while it is growing and still dry some for


> Or just buy hers. :-) > Samala,




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Hi Edy,

I haven't tried juicing it. It's leaves are very small, unlike the aloe

plant. You would have to use it a lot of it to get any juice, I

suppose. Though, maybe I could try to get some juice and then freeze it

for future use.


In , Edy Rayfield

<edyrayfield@...> wrote:


> Is it anything like aloe vera, which is just as juicy and a cactus.

It's not dried, but made into liquid form to take.


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Hi Edy,

Thanks for the suggestion. I might try some in my juicer and see what I




In , Edy Rayfield

<edyrayfield@...> wrote:


> Hi Avril,


> Just a thought. I've never actually seen the plant itself, but

when it was referred to as a succulant, well, I grow a lot of those

here in CA and mostly they have pretty big leaves. I take aloe vera in

a very pure form that was made into something that looks just like



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