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Re: Fwd: [] Attacks on Natural Solutions: Beware! Don't believe the propaganda!

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Thank you, roger! RRM <rmor67@...> wrote: this is a reply on dr. rima ????????????????????????????????? rogerNote: forwarded message attached. no-forced-vaccination From: "Natural Solutions Foundation" <dr.laibow@...>Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 15:54:15 -0000Subject: [no-forced-vaccination] Attacks on Natural Solutions: Beware! Don't believe the propaganda! Folks,These weird attacks on Rima and Bert surface every once in a while.My wife Kathy and I have been active in the health freedom movementfor decades (for example, in 1979, as a young lawyer, I was cited byNational Health Federation for my work with people seeking alternativecancer therapies). We worked hard to get DSHEA passed and we've beenloud and clear on our opposition to

forced vaccination.I had heard a bit about Rima and Bert in the late '90s (she was one ofthe few psychiatrists who took close-encounter expeiencers seriously)and finally met them in 2005 at a meeting of various health freedomadvocates, called to try to create an umbrella group. That nevermaterialized and we started working with Rima and Bert through NaturalSolutions Foundation (I became the third trustee and dealt withgetting the tax exempt status).In Spring of 2007 NSF led the response to the FDA's attempt to sneakthrough its nefarious anti-CAM guidance document and our eAlert systemgrew by 150,000 people in a month... amazing what the internet can dowhen people are really concerned. That's when NSF became the largestactivist health freedom group on the Internet. That also seems to bewhen the attacks materialized.Then, in late 2007 both land and NJ gave us the "opportunity" tobring people together

on the Forced Vaccination issue, and this forumwas the result. We are really pleased how people are self-organizingthrough the forum and we have plans to make it even better.The long awaited Vaccination eBook, authored by leading vaccinationattorney Alan J. , with some help from others on this forum,is just about ready.We see Natural Solutions Foundation as a necessary part of the healthfreedom movement, engaging the international and national agencies todemand that they protect people, not special interests. Our "Codex 2Step" offers health conscious countries a way to opt out of much ofthe worst that Codex has done.So, what have I learned about Rima and Bert by working with them dailyfor the past couple years? Simply this: they are genuine. The attackson them are "turf" inspired. We avoid responding to those attackssince response just energizes them. Our time needs to be spent on theissues,

not organizational silliness.Yes, Dr. Rima is a psychiatrist. She practiced drug-free medicine fordecades. Yes, Gen. Bert is a retired Army officer with a distinguishedcareer, culminating as head of Army intelligence. Yes, he was involvedin bringing advanced techniques such as remote viewing to themilitary. He has always had a keen interest in "borderline" scienceand is intellectually open to an astounding array of ideas. Hisstrategic sense is a great asset to our movement. I hope you eachsomeday have a chance to just sit down and talk with Bert; it is aneye-opening experience!They are accused of somehow really being "Big Pharma" shills althoughall our positions and actions are aimed at taking down the Bigs! Ican't figure that out... unless it's just some sort of big lietechnique being used against them because we are being effective.Take a look at our list of accomplishments to see what I mean:http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=195We really appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm... alone, weare each just a "voice in the wilderness" of cyberspace; together ourvoices are growing powerful!Ralph Fucetola JDNSF TrusteePS - This is another web site we're developing for NSF:www.naturalsolutionsfoundation.org--- In no-forced-vaccination , Trina Radford<miiitymous@...> wrote:>> Does anybody here feel like they have been led astray? I sure don't.My first exposure to Codex was Dr. Rima's video. I owuld say she hasgood info and is working hard to change the legislation behind it. > > Rehmeier <cafefanatik@...> wrote: I seem toremember character battles

in politics typically involve both or allparties Democrat and Republican or whatnot)????> > > > > > putney1963@... wrote:> This kind of thing usually doesn't surface until pressure isbeing felt and they begin to get scared by that pressure. Whenopponents find themselves up against a wall or backed into a corner,they go on the offensive. The easiest path for them is characterassassination. It seems to me this resembles the present-day battlefor the Democratic Presidential nomination. Ugly. ~~Ruth/REU> > > Beware! ..... Natural health freedom> > > I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health FreedomUSA", and decided to double check with a friend who is verykowledgeable and has

studied these things for years. Hear is what shereplied:> > > "Hi Na> Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband(Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military(intelligence I think) guy. > > The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the rightthings. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likelythat they are a wolf in sheep's clothing, sucking people into theirsite and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions whenthey have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such ascritical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact timewhen people should have been focusing on important legislation and soforth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recentcritical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they saidwas a big deal). > > The National Health

Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) andAlliance for Natural Health (heahttp://www.alliance-natural-lth.org)are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I knowabout. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they aredefinitely not working for "citizens." (unless you count corporationsand big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). RimaLaibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The NationalHealth Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowedto attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also worksclosely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization whichhas been fighting CODEX regulations in the European courts. I'm fairlycertain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a "shill" for bigpharma interests. "> >

> ---------------------------------> > > > > Natural health freedom> > > > > If anyone is interested in learning more about what is > happening to your health freedoms and what you can do> about it, go to this site >>

www.HealthFreedomUSA.org > > Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every > way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannot> do it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or > another.> > I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it> a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will> reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending > emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.> > I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every > month off of my credit card. The more products I will> be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,> $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than > nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half> million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.> They travel to the government to lobby the

politicians.> They also travel to various parts of the world where > the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.> > If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very > interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot> information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. > > Also please send this email to as many people and > groups as you can. > > Thank you Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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