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Re: Beware! ..... Was Re: Natural health freedom

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Hi Naomi From all that Dr Rima says about CODEX and big pharma and big business in general, it is natural that these companies would not want her to attend CODEX meetings/sessions. She is dangerous to their 'cause'. Wouldn't you think that that is a good sign about her? Could it be that these big companies and their friends in high places are trying to spread disinformation about her? I have a lot of questions about people/organizations that are in good with CODEX. Another thing that bothers me is when people want "critical legislation". Surely we have enough legislation. If the legislation made steps to protect our freedoms and if it cared about what the people want, I could be for it but that has not been the case. Every legislation is giving the FDA and Health Canada more and more powers when the powers they have had until now, they have abused. Almost every thing they have done has been to take away supplements that are helpful and to protect pharmaceutical companies and their harmful drugs. Dr Rima does not mince words and I have not heard her say one thing that would suggest that she is trying to to "shill" (or is)for big pharma interests, whatever "shill" means. If I were big pharma, I would not want her on my side. If the National Health Federation is in good with CODEX that would make me suspect of them and their agenda. CODEX is not a health organization. It is a trade organization. Who decides who is allowed to participate in CODEX

proceedings? It would be CODEX, would it not? Helen HelenNaomi <naomilh@...> wrote: I had recalled hearing warnings about this group,

'Health Freedom USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied: "Hi Naomi- Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy. The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal). The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) and Alliance for Natural Health (http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations in the

European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. " [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her

videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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I have also heard this about this organization as well and have always blocked messages from them. It is a lot of fear mongering.--

-- Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom

I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health Freedom USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied:

"Hi Naomi-

Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy.

The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal).

The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) and Alliance for Natural Health (http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations in the European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. "

[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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I asked my friend to respond to the points you raised. Here's what she said:

"Helen makes some interesting points (corporate interests wouldn’t want a health freedom advocate around), but the fact remains that she was instrumental on a few occasions in diverting the public’s attention from efforts to block legislation that passed which now gives the FDA power to override DSHEA and one by one outlaw supplements. Her efforts just *coincidentally* came up at the same time as these important issues. She’s been caught lying on a few occasions, and the reason she was banned from CODEX meetings is that she is a trouble maker. I know, that could be a good thing but in her case it isn’t.

The National Health Federation is a consumer advocate organization that is actually trying to work within the system to change things. Trying to directly buck heads with establishment / elite / big pharma / CODEX isn’t going to work. If you try to fight them in the way Laibow did, you’re going to be thrown out on your ass (just as she was). (And by the way, I don’t think Laibow had a genuine intent to fight them – in any case her tactics have not been effective.) People can choose who they want to believe, but at least check out the National Health Federation and Alliance for Natural Health. These two groups have been fighting for health freedom in the most effective way possible for quite a while. I believe you can probably email the NHF and ask them their opinion of Natural Solutions Foundation.

By the way, it’s a very effective tactic to say most of the right things but throwing in a few things that aren’t correct. Their general tone and info engenders trust so when they say stuff that isn’t correct, most people trust them and don’t question anything they say, partly because of the trust they’ve gained and partly because they don’t know any better.

I guess the bottom line for me is that NSF has caused trouble in the past which may have been responsible for the public being unsuccessful in blocking fairly recent harmful legislation. Here’s another web site – that of long time health freedom fighter Hammell: http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/nocodexgenocide.html. Hammell has been one of the most visible and effective people in this fight, and he was very much instrumental in DSHEA being passed in 1994. Hammell can be a bit of a “loose cannon” at times too and was also banned from CODEX meetings. He is very, very much of the opinion that Laibow is not on our side."

[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Hi We have things happening of which we should be afraid. We have something happening that needs action and fear may be the motivater. If we are not concerned, we either have our heads in the sand or we don't believe that what is proposed by CODEX can really happen. It can and already is beginning to happen in Europe. According to the video (mentioned below), a woman in France is being charged for selling Vitamin C caps that contain 500mg of Vit C. As I mentioned in my previous post, CODEX is not a health organization; they

are a trade organization. They are interest in increasing trade for themselves. What I failed to mention is that the drug companies and other large companies such as Big Agra, Big Chemical and Big Food companies are wanting to monopolize business by eliminating the competition. Natural supplements are a major source of competition for Big Pharma because more and more people have been discovering that natural supplements work! Drug companies, too, know that supplements work and it is why they want to make them difficult and expensive to get or better yet, to eliminate

them altogether. I checked out one of the links in Naomi's email because she makes some good points of which we also need to be made aware such as the fact that we might be led astray by someone's private agenda. Listen to the video at the Alliance for Natural Health's site http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?action=wbs2 It is saying some things that are not so different from what Dr Rima is saying. I would go so far as to say that she and ANH are on the same

page. I cannot prove it but I think that the drug companies are so afraid of what Dr Rima is doing that they are spreading disinformation about her. They are very good at that sort of thing and especially since they have all the money to do what they wish. Also the media gives them lots of freebies to 'air' and publish their propaganda. At the very least, I need more concrete information than what was in the Naomi's friend's portion of the email whose name is not even on it. Many of the statements are not substantiated. For example, what 'critical' legislation is she talking about, and 'insignificant nonsense' is she talking about. Why would I take one person's word for it? There also may be a bit of infighting, if you will, between these natural health organizations since they depend on donations and they are vying for the same donated dollar. So then do they do things to discredit each other? I don't know but I hope not. Each organization has something powerful to offer. It does not change that we

need to do something ourselves. It does not have be through an organization. As a matter of fact, one of the most effective things we can do is to write a hand written letter to our representatives. One of the best things I think we can do is to educate politicians about natural health with one little letter at a time whenever we find something to help us do that. Let's show them our concerns at the same time. The healthcare systems are very expensive now. Imagine what it will be like when noone can get the supplements they need to maintain health. Don't think for a minute, that your letter cannot make a difference. It can and it will! Remember Madeline O'Hare (not sure of spelling)? She managed to remove prayer from schools in the USA and she did it pretty much single-handedly and this in a country that has a high percentage of Christians. It was truly amazing ...and disgusting (in my opinion). If I were a young person now, I might be asking my parents, "Where were you when this happened? What did you do about it?" How many of these older parents would have to hang

their head in shame and say, "Nothing". Yes, you can make a difference. Have a great and thankful day and write a letter or two if you can. If you are too sick for that, by all means, do not attempt to do this. The rest of us will do it for you and we'll do it happily. Helen susan <ssiegel5@...>

wrote: I have also heard this about this organization as well and have always blocked messages from them. It is a lot of fear mongering.-- -------Original

Message------- From: Naomi Date: 5/19/2008 3:07:42 PM Subject: Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health Freedom USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied: "Hi Naomi- Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy. The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble

is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal). The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) and Alliance for Natural Health

(http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations in the European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. " [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is

all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as

many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look

younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Thanks, Naomi Naomi <naomilh@...> wrote: Helen, I asked my friend to respond to the points you raised. Here's what she said: "Helen makes some interesting points (corporate interests wouldn’t want a health freedom advocate around), but the fact remains that she was instrumental on a few occasions in diverting the public’s attention from efforts to block legislation that passed which now gives the FDA power to override DSHEA and one by one outlaw supplements. Her efforts just *coincidentally* came up at the same time as these important issues. She’s been caught lying on a few occasions, and the reason she was banned from CODEX meetings is that she is a trouble maker. I know, that could be a good thing but in her case it isn’t. The National Health Federation is a consumer advocate organization that is actually trying to work within the system to change things. Trying to directly buck heads with establishment / elite / big pharma / CODEX isn’t going to work. If you try to fight them in the way Laibow did, you’re going to be thrown out on your ass (just as she was). (And by the way, I don’t think Laibow had a genuine intent to fight them – in any case her tactics have not been effective.) People can choose who they want to believe, but at least check out the National Health Federation and Alliance for Natural Health. These two groups have been fighting for health freedom in the most effective way possible for quite a while. I believe you can probably email the NHF and ask them their opinion of Natural Solutions Foundation. By the way, it’s a very effective tactic to say most of the right things but throwing in a few things that aren’t correct. Their general tone and info engenders trust so when they say stuff that isn’t correct, most people trust them and don’t question anything they say, partly because of the trust they’ve gained and partly because they don’t know any better. I guess the bottom line for me is that NSF has caused trouble in the

past which may have been responsible for the public being unsuccessful in blocking fairly recent harmful legislation. Here’s another web site – that of long time health freedom fighter Hammell: http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/nocodexgenocide.html. Hammell has been one of the most visible and effective people in this fight, and he was very much instrumental in DSHEA being passed in 1994. Hammell can be a bit of a “loose cannon” at times too and was also banned from CODEX meetings. He is very, very much of the opinion that Laibow is not on our side." [ ] Natural

health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money

I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They

travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org . Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Hi again I want to add that what is really important here is that we are talking about this and hopefully doing something, if we can. Have a great day!Helen Naomi <naomilh@...> wrote: Helen, I asked my friend to respond to the points you raised. Here's what she said: "Helen makes some interesting points (corporate interests wouldn’t want a health freedom advocate around), but the fact remains that she was instrumental on a few occasions in diverting the public’s attention from efforts to block legislation that passed which now gives the FDA power to override DSHEA and one by one outlaw supplements. Her efforts just *coincidentally* came up at the same time as these important issues. She’s been

caught lying on a few occasions, and the reason she was banned from CODEX meetings is that she is a trouble maker. I know, that could be a good thing but in her case it isn’t. The National Health Federation is a consumer advocate organization that is actually trying to work within the system to change things. Trying to directly buck heads with establishment / elite / big pharma / CODEX isn’t going to work. If you try to fight them in the way Laibow did, you’re going to be thrown out on your ass (just as she was). (And by the way, I don’t think Laibow had a genuine intent to fight them – in any case her tactics have not been effective.) People can choose who they want to believe, but at least check out

the National Health Federation and Alliance for Natural Health. These two groups have been fighting for health freedom in the most effective way possible for quite a while. I believe you can probably email the NHF and ask them their opinion of Natural Solutions Foundation. By the way, it’s a very effective tactic to say most of the right things but throwing in a few things that aren’t correct. Their general tone and info engenders trust so when they say stuff that isn’t correct, most people trust them and don’t question anything they say, partly because of the trust they’ve gained and partly because they don’t know any better. I guess the bottom line for me is that NSF has caused trouble in the past which may have been responsible for the public being unsuccessful in blocking fairly recent harmful legislation. Here’s another web site – that of long time health freedom fighter Hammell: http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/nocodexgenocide.html. Hammell has been one of the most visible and effective people in this fight, and he was very much instrumental in DSHEA being passed in 1994. Hammell can be a bit of a “loose cannon” at times too and was also banned from CODEX meetings. He is very, very much of the opinion that Laibow is not on our side." [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look

younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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I take exception to your tone and the implication in your comments below:

"At the very least, I need more concrete information

than what was in the Naomi's friend's portion of the

email whose name is not even on it. Many of the

statements are not substantiated. For example,

what 'critical' legislation is she talking about, and

'insignificant nonsense' is she talking about. Why

would I take one person's word for it?"

Her name was not on it because I took it off before I sent it.

I know her as a knowledgeable, highly informed person on this subject. She was good enough to respond with 2 detailed, informative replies.

I did not ask her to prove, substantiate, or document, and she was under no obligation to do so.

Nobody expects you to take her word or anybody else's. If you want a PhD dissertation, do your own research and write one.

I submitted this as a caution and as information. Not to start an argument or prove a point.

I would suggest, however, that before you galvanize others to action that might turn out to have an effect you didn't intend, that you do the research. She gave you the places to look.

Disinformation campaigns are real and can be very skilled, and it's entirely possible that you have been drawn into promoting one. If that is not your intent, then beware!


[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Please try not to get so defensive. I think everyone on this list is aware of what is happening in the health care industry and care deeply about preserving our health freedoms. Discernment is key though when deciding what messages to listen to and which are just trying to create distraction and fear. I regret even mentioning my opinion and will in the future keep it to myself where your posts are concerned.


-- Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom

I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health Freedom USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied:

"Hi Naomi-

Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy.

The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal).

The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) and Alliance for Natural Health (http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations in the European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. "

[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Actually, allopathic medicine is THE alternative. A few generations have been indoctrinated, conditioned and have it all backwards. Natural medicines such as Homeopathic, Acupuncture,Herbology, Massage are ancient by comparison. Before the turn of the century, medicine as we now no it didn't exist. Allopathic medicine are new fangled inventions of chemicals and machines. RRM <rmor67@...> wrote: this is hard to (gets part of the donation money) ???? (only speculation on their part) is she a

federal spie? plant? who knows. there seames to be a lot of SPIN on every thing alternative http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55028 http://herballure.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat= & Board=IAHF & Number=236059 & page=0 & view=collapsed & sb=5 & o= & fpart=1 roger susan <ssiegel5verizon (DOT) net> wrote: Helen, I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Please try not to get so defensive. I think everyone on this list is aware of what is happening in the health care industry and care deeply about preserving our health freedoms. Discernment is key though when deciding what messages to listen to and which are just

trying to create distraction and fear. I regret even mentioning my opinion and will in the future keep it to myself where your posts are concerned. Sincerely, -- Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health Freedom

USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied: "Hi Naomi- Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy. The NSF has put together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal). The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com) and Alliance for Natural Health (http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations

in the European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. " [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are

working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be

contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse!

Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Actually, I am of the opinion that organizations such as the American Cancer Society is one of the biggest corrupt organizations in existence. susan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: Helen, I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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All the big non-profits are corrupt. I wouldn't give a dime to any of them! They would be out of business if cancer was cured.

-- Re: Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom

Actually, I am of the opinion that organizations such as the American Cancer Society is one of the biggest corrupt organizations in existence. susan <ssiegel5@...> wrote:


I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Yeaaaah! Carol Ann and I agree! Do you need money or a job? Let's create your own by finding a disease and putting together a foundation. You could call it the Reflux Foundation, for example. Then get a bunch of volunteers to go from door to door collecting donations while at the same time letting the public know we are holding meetings with medical doctors present and everything. That way you don't have to worry that they will ever find a "cure" since doctors are trained drug pushers, not curers of anything and they certainly don't question diets so it is not likely to leak out that you could fix Reflux by eliminating certain snack foods from your diet and using enzymes perhaps and etc. and when it does begin to leak out, you announce that something may help Reflux as though it was your idea all along. It will add to your credibility and make it look like you are really doing something. That's what the Cancer Society does. When the money starts coming in, you give a tiny bit of it to some research project and put the

rest in your pocket like the CEO of the Cancer Society does. He/she gets such a huge wage that I understand they won't even say what it is. Helen Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote: Actually, I am of the opinion that organizations such as the American Cancer Society is one of the biggest corrupt organizations in

existence. susan <ssiegel5verizon (DOT) net> wrote: Helen, I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is

different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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That's ok, . It was something I needed to hear so I can try to keep a watch for it. I hadn't thought of Dr Rima possibly being a ruse. I still don't think she is but I am glad I was made aware of the possibility so I'll be on alert and for that reason I am glad you and Naomi brought it up. I have been so angry about what Big Pharma and the FDA and CODEX have been doing, this possibility had not occurred to me and I needed to hear it. These organizations are certainly capable of putting a "plant" out there to distract us while they do their dirty work. They are doing that with an online organization called "quackbusters" I think

they are called. When one really listens to Dr Rima, however, she's saying many things that you wouldn't think Big Pharma would want 'out there'. If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it. No one has to work through any of these health freedom organizations such as Natural Solutions Fdn. Even writing letters on your own and making calls will make a difference. I like the idea of helping Dr Rima because she is our lobbyist. She's not only fighting the system but she is also educating the politicians about natural health and this is much needed. Big Pharma has many lobbyists in government all the time. Politicians cannot know every thing so they use "experts" and they consider drug companies the experts and they are but they have their own agenda which corrupts the system. Helensusan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: Helen, I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Please try not to get so defensive. I think everyone on this list is aware of what is happening in the health care industry and care deeply about preserving our health freedoms. Discernment is key though

when deciding what messages to listen to and which are just trying to create distraction and fear. I regret even mentioning my opinion and will in the future keep it to myself where your posts are concerned. Sincerely, -- Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom I had recalled hearing warnings about this group, 'Health Freedom USA", and decided to double check with a friend who is very kowledgeable and has studied these things for years. Hear is what she replied: "Hi Naomi- Yes, they are the ones – headed by Rima Laibow MD and her husband (Laibow is a psychiatrist and her husband is an ex military (intelligence I think) guy. The NSF has put

together a web site that talks about all the right things. Trouble is they spread incorrect information. It seems likely that they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sucking people into their site and then leading them astray. Proof is in their past actions when they have pointed people away from valid urgent issues (such as critical legislation) with insignificant campaigns at the exact time when people should have been focusing on important legislation and so forth. They were very effective in distracting people away from recent critical legislation with some insignificant nonsense (which they said was a big deal). The National Health Federation (http://www.thenhf.com)

and Alliance for Natural Health (http://www.alliance-natural-health.org) are the only two reliable and trustworthy health freedom sites I know about. Citizens for Health is another organization I ignore – they are definitely not working for “citizens.” (unless you count corporations and big pharma as citizens – which the US government does). Rima Laibow has not been allowed to attend CODEX meetings. The National Health Federation is the only organization of its kind that is allowed to attend and participate in CODEX proceedings, and the NHF also works closely with Alliance for Natural Health, the UK organization which has been fighting CODEX regulations in the European courts. I’m fairly certain that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “shill” for big pharma interests. " [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is

all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as

many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look

younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC


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Exactly!susan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: They would be out of business if cancer was cured. -- Re: Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural health freedom Actually, I am of the opinion that organizations such as the American Cancer Society is one of the biggest corrupt organizations in existence. susan <ssiegel5verizon (DOT) net> wrote: Helen, I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the messages being sent by THAT organization. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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"If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it."

Wrong! It's a very effective method for recruiting, co-opting, and neutralizing the opposition.

"She's not only fighting

the system....."

Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe she's a shill as many, including my friend, suspect. (dictionary definition of shill - "One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle").

"I like the idea of helping Dr Rima "

Big mistake if she is a shill.

Read your Machiavelli or you're going to be seriously out-classed and out- maneuvered.


[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Pleas all Id read what Rog posted about NAU etc...the bottom line is folks - Codex matters little when our constitution is shredded and tehe only pres. candidate that will stand for the continue soverinty of the US is Ron PAUL..I hoep people look into him...his views and elect people locally and state wide who support teh Constitution and a Republic...if we can keep it...:o) we are headed towards EU fascism....

you dont have to be a conservative to like RP...many liberals are supporting him b/c we all shoudl share a love for our constituition and our country......

its a moot point in some respects to fight for all these issues when the biggest one - our Constittion and freedoms are at stake...

On 5/20/08, Naomi <naomilh@...> wrote:

" If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it. "

Wrong! It's a very effective method for recruiting, co-opting, and neutralizing the opposition.

" She's not only fighting

the system..... "

Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe she's a shill as many, including my friend, suspect. (dictionary definition of shill - " One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle " ).

" I like the idea of helping Dr Rima "

Big mistake if she is a shill.

Read your Machiavelli or you're going to be seriously out-classed and out- maneuvered.


[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation


SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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I, too, am hoping that Ron comes from behind to take the Presidency. He is the only one who really says anything of significance. To see what his stance is on the WTO and CODEX, etc, watch this video > > at the Alliance for Natural Health's site http://www.alliance -natural- health.org/ index.cfm? action=wbs2 and Ron 's website is www.Ron2008.com Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on any of the issues to see what his stand is. I hear Ron has another strategy in the bag so let's talk about him a lot and send lots of emails to people and ask people to check him out and ask them to let you what they think. A few prayers wouldn't hurt. Obama, Hillary and McCain ...well, it's just more of the same old.... Helen "Meredith W." <meredithbw@...> wrote: Pleas all Id read what Rog posted about NAU etc...the bottom line is folks - Codex matters little when our constitution is shredded and tehe only pres. candidate that will stand for the continue soverinty of the US is Ron PAUL..I hoep people look into him...his views and elect people locally and state wide who support teh Constitution and a Republic...if we can keep it...:o) we are headed towards EU fascism.... you dont have to be a conservative to like RP...many liberals are supporting him b/c we all shoudl share a love for our constituition and our country...... its a moot point in some respects to fight for all these issues

when the biggest one - our Constittion and freedoms are at stake... On 5/20/08, Naomi <naomilhcharter (DOT) net> wrote: "If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it." Wrong! It's a very effective method for recruiting, co-opting, and neutralizing the opposition. "She's not only fighting the system....." Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe she's a shill as many, including my friend, suspect. (dictionary definition of shill - "One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle"). "I like the idea of helping Dr Rima " Big mistake if she is a shill. Read your Machiavelli or you're going to be seriously out-classed and out- maneuvered. Naomi [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way

they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please

send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC


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Can you email me off line what RP startegy is?

On 5/20/08, helen/zhebee <zhebee@...> wrote:

I, too, am hoping that Ron comes from behind to

take the Presidency. He is the only one who really says

anything of significance. To see what his stance is on

the WTO and CODEX, etc, watch this video > > at the Alliance for Natural Health's site

http://www.alliance -natural- health.org/ index.cfm? action=wbs2

and Ron 's website is www.Ron2008.com Scroll to the

bottom of the page and click on any of the issues to see what

his stand is.

I hear Ron has another strategy in the bag so let's talk

about him a lot and send lots of emails to people and ask

people to check him out and ask them to let you what they

think. A few prayers wouldn't hurt.

Obama, Hillary and McCain ...well, it's just more of the

same old....


" Meredith W. " <meredithbw@...> wrote:

Pleas all Id read what Rog posted about NAU etc...the bottom line is folks - Codex matters little when our constitution is shredded and tehe only pres. candidate that will stand for the continue soverinty of the US is Ron PAUL..I hoep people look into him...his views and elect people locally and state wide who support teh Constitution and a Republic...if we can keep it...:o) we are headed towards EU fascism....

you dont have to be a conservative to like RP...many liberals are supporting him b/c we all shoudl share a love for our constituition and our country......

its a moot point in some respects to fight for all these issues when the biggest one - our Constittion and freedoms are at stake...

On 5/20/08, Naomi <naomilh@...> wrote:

" If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it. "

Wrong! It's a very effective method for recruiting, co-opting, and neutralizing the opposition.

" She's not only fighting

the system..... "

Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe she's a shill as many, including my friend, suspect. (dictionary definition of shill - " One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle " ).

" I like the idea of helping Dr Rima "

Big mistake if she is a shill.

Read your Machiavelli or you're going to be seriously out-classed and out- maneuvered.


[ ] Natural health freedom

If anyone is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or


I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.

I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

month off of my credit card. The more products I will

be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

$5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

They also travel to various parts of the world where

the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.

If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.

Also please send this email to as many people and

groups as you can.

Thank you



Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation


SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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Guest guest

I have been aware of this discussion for quite some time. There is about an

even split as to the consensus of which side she/they are really on. With

all I have read and seen I am inclined that they re shills for big Pharma,

wolves in sheep's clothing.

Cheers, Doug

[ ] Natural health freedom





> If anyone is interested in learning more about what is

> happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

> about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org


> Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every

> way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannot

> do it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or

> another.


> I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

> a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

> reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

> emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.


> I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

> month off of my credit card. The more products I will

> be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

> $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

> nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

> million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

> They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

> They also travel to various parts of the world where

> the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.


> If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

> interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

> information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.


> Also please send this email to as many people and

> groups as you can.


> Thank you


> Helen

> 604-420-1544





> Rima E. Laibow, MD

> Medical Director

> Natural Solutions Foundation

> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org



> Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org









> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544











> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544



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Guest guest

Absolutely! along with the Heart Foundation, and several others.

Cheers, Doug

Re: Beware! ..... Was Re: [ ] Natural

health freedom

> Actually, I am of the opinion that organizations such as the American

> Cancer Society is one of the biggest corrupt organizations in existence.


> susan <ssiegel5@...> wrote:

> Helen,


> I am not saying our health freedoms our not in jeopardy. I am well aware

> of what is going on in this world today! I just did not resonate with the

> messages being sent by THAT organization.










> Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

> http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html


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Thanks Helen

I hadn't seen this video before.

Cheers, Doug

[ ] Natural health freedom





> If anyone is interested in learning more about what is

> happening to your health freedoms and what you can do

> about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org


> Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every

> way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannot

> do it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or

> another.


> I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it

> a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will

> reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending

> emails from time to time, if it will encourage others.


> I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every

> month off of my credit card. The more products I will

> be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now,

> $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than

> nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half

> million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more.

> They travel to the government to lobby the politicians.

> They also travel to various parts of the world where

> the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc.


> If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very

> interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot

> information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter.


> Also please send this email to as many people and

> groups as you can.


> Thank you


> Helen

> 604-420-1544





> Rima E. Laibow, MD

> Medical Director

> Natural Solutions Foundation

> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org



> Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org









> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544
















> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544









> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544




















> Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation?

> More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain

> www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired!

> Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544



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