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MMS update frm BB/Ellen

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I haven't been posting much here lately due to the scrapping and

troll-like activity on here. Hopefully that has come to an end now!

Here's my story so far:

I was diagnosed with ALS a year ago. At that time, I was 36 yrs old

with 5 month old twins and a 3 year old. I fought for a 2nd opinion

and got one a few months later: Lyme Disease. A pos IgeneX WB test

backed that up In December.

I was put on high doses of abx in January of this year: 6000mg

amoxicillin for 2 months and then IV ceftriaxone for over 7 weeks. I

also tried MMS for about 2 months in conjunction with the amoxy but

gave up on it because I felt so bad. I now realize that it was abx,

not MMS... I went downhill FAST when I went on high doses of abx: I

began choking on food, losing the ability to talk, had many bad falls.

It was like I was in a never-ending herx that was contributing to my

degeneration. I also lost 20 lbs. When I saw my LLMD in April, he told

me he wanted to send me back to the ALS clinic!!!

I also belong to the ALS-Lyme group and several people on there

have had the same issue: abx made everything worse, not better. I

believe this is due to the cytokine cascade that happens in some of us

when we take abx. Look it up, this is a real thing. It's an

inflammatory reaction by the immune system to abx.

I took myself off abx 3 weeks ago. Since then, I have been detoxing,

following a gluten-free diet and taking small amounts of MMS (2 drop

doses 2x/day plus 1 drop dose in 2 cups distilled water for an enema).

The only other thing I take for Lyme is homeopathic Ledum. I

am no longer having slurred, nasal speech and I have gained 5 lbs

back. Yesterday, I was able to shower without assistance for the

first time in a few months.

I saw my LLMD last Thursday and he was astounded by the change in me

and he is no longer sending me back to the ALS clinic.

It is early days yet but I think I have turned a corner in my Lyme

treatment. I am still very disabled, with limited use of my arms and

hands but I have hope that I will regain some use with time.

MMS (in low, staggered doses) and homeopathics are the only treatments

I have found that do not cause me to feel worse. Abx, herbs and

salt/c all seemed to create a negative effect for me. I'll keep you

all updated as I continue my journey with MMS!


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Please do I have a friend who has an ALS dx and she is very serious - I will forwatd thsi info minus your email addy for now - but please please keep me posted - I pray she will look into MMS I have suggested it before...

On 5/20/08, b_blackthorn70 <b_blackthorn70@...> wrote:

I haven't been posting much here lately due to the scrapping andtroll-like activity on here. Hopefully that has come to an end now! Here's my story so far:I was diagnosed with ALS a year ago. At that time, I was 36 yrs old

with 5 month old twins and a 3 year old. I fought for a 2nd opinionand got one a few months later: Lyme Disease. A pos IgeneX WB testbacked that up In December.I was put on high doses of abx in January of this year: 6000mg

amoxicillin for 2 months and then IV ceftriaxone for over 7 weeks. Ialso tried MMS for about 2 months in conjunction with the amoxy butgave up on it because I felt so bad. I now realize that it was abx,not MMS... I went downhill FAST when I went on high doses of abx: I

began choking on food, losing the ability to talk, had many bad falls.It was like I was in a never-ending herx that was contributing to mydegeneration. I also lost 20 lbs. When I saw my LLMD in April, he toldme he wanted to send me back to the ALS clinic!!!

I also belong to the ALS-Lyme group and several people on therehave had the same issue: abx made everything worse, not better. Ibelieve this is due to the cytokine cascade that happens in some of uswhen we take abx. Look it up, this is a real thing. It's an

inflammatory reaction by the immune system to abx.I took myself off abx 3 weeks ago. Since then, I have been detoxing,following a gluten-free diet and taking small amounts of MMS (2 dropdoses 2x/day plus 1 drop dose in 2 cups distilled water for an enema).

The only other thing I take for Lyme is homeopathic Ledum. Iam no longer having slurred, nasal speech and I have gained 5 lbsback. Yesterday, I was able to shower without assistance for thefirst time in a few months.

I saw my LLMD last Thursday and he was astounded by the change in meand he is no longer sending me back to the ALS clinic.It is early days yet but I think I have turned a corner in my Lymetreatment. I am still very disabled, with limited use of my arms and

hands but I have hope that I will regain some use with time.MMS (in low, staggered doses) and homeopathics are the only treatmentsI have found that do not cause me to feel worse. Abx, herbs andsalt/c all seemed to create a negative effect for me. I'll keep you

all updated as I continue my journey with MMS!BB/Ellen

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