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OK folks, I'm a ite too, but please refrain from political postings on the MSM Group.Lets keep on the subject of MMS and related health issues.And yes there are important political issues relating to health , but this is not the forum for political issues. IN NChelen/zhebee <zhebee@...> wrote: I, too, am hoping that Ron comes

from behind to take the Presidency. He is the only one who really says anything of significance. To see what his stance is on the WTO and CODEX, etc, watch this video > > at the Alliance for Natural Health's site http://www.alliance -natural- health.org/ index.cfm? action=wbs2 and Ron 's website is www.Ron2008.com Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on any of the issues to see what his stand is. I hear Ron has another strategy in the bag so let's talk about him a lot and send lots of emails to people and ask people to check him out and ask them to let you what they think. A few prayers wouldn't hurt. Obama, Hillary and McCain ...well, it's just more of the same old.... Helen "Meredith W." <meredithbwgmail> wrote: Pleas all Id read what Rog posted about NAU etc...the bottom line is folks - Codex matters little

when our constitution is shredded and tehe only pres. candidate that will stand for the continue soverinty of the US is Ron PAUL..I hoep people look into him...his views and elect people locally and state wide who support teh Constitution and a Republic...if we can keep it...:o) we are headed towards EU fascism.... you dont have to be a conservative to like RP...many liberals are supporting him b/c we all shoudl share a love for our constituition and our country...... its a moot point in some respects to fight for all these issues when the biggest one - our Constittion and freedoms are at stake... On 5/20/08, Naomi <naomilhcharter (DOT) net> wrote: "If they were using her, it would be like shooting themselves in the foot, as I see it." Wrong! It's a very effective method for recruiting, co-opting, and neutralizing the opposition. "She's not only fighting the system....." Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe she's a shill as many, including my friend, suspect. (dictionary definition of shill - "One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a

swindle"). "I like the idea of helping Dr Rima " Big mistake if she is a shill. Read your Machiavelli or you're going to be seriously out-classed and out- maneuvered. Naomi [ ] Natural health freedom If anyone

is interested in learning more about what is happening to your health freedoms and what you can do about it, go to this site >> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org Dr. Rima and her husband are working tirelessly in every way they can to preserve your freedoms but they cannotdo it alone. They need everyone to help in one way or another. I do not normally talk about money I give as I consider it a private matter but if it will help Dr Rima's cause, I will reveal a bit about what I am doing in addition to sending emails from time to time, if it will encourage others. I cannot help a lot financially but I do give $5.00 every month off of my credit card. The more products I will be selling, the more I will be contributing but for now, $5.00 is all I can afford but surely it is better than nothing. 100,000 people all giving just $5.00 is a half million dollars. Dr Rima needs every bit of it and more. They travel to the government to lobby the politicians. They also travel to various parts of the world

where the CODEX meetings are being held and etc, etc, etc. If you follow what Dr Rima does, you will find it very interesting. Please listen to her videos. She gives a lot information and ideas. Subscribe to her newsletter. Also please send this email to as many people and groups as you can. Thank you Helen 604-420-1544 Rima E. Laibow,

MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org SHARE!Tell Your Friends About HealthFreedomUSA.org Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544 Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Make $s if desired! Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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