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Cdns, will this happen?

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If you are not well enough to send emails, please just delete this letter. I am not out to make hardships for anyone ...but I would like to get this word out. I hope noone minds. As a matter of fact, I know there are those who will be glad to get this. Thank you! Hello Everyone, especially Canadians This is extremely important to all of us and our health. Our freedom is being taken away by government and big pharmaceutical companies. It's already happening! Please read the news

article below ...and then come back to this portion of this email. This needs all of us to make some calls! Emailing is NOT enough! It is not enough to send this flying around the internet. If we just keep emailing this stuff, it will not do a bit of good, just because we hope someone will "do something". WE ALL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ...at least make a call. Below is a link to find your Member of Parliament. Yes, it is helpful to send this to everyone but it needs everyone to make calls and even better send a letter to your Member of Parliament, too. So by all means, email this letter again to everyone on your list and

be sure to include this part of my email. Even send it to Americans. This can indirectly affect them. Maybe they will help us make some calls, too, but don't let that stop you from making YOUR OWN CALLS. YOU NEED TO CALL YOUR Member of Parliament! Ask him/her to vote against this C-51 bill. If you do nothing else, CALL for your health's sake. Maybe you are not taking these supplements right now but wouldn't it be good to have them available if you ever need them? What about your children and grandchildren? How do they dare do this?!! These supplements are harmless. Some may not always help but they won't hurt you like drugs do. Often they help something in the body more than you are aware. This is a ploy of the

pharmaceutical companies. Why do you think the Big Pharma wants to get rid of them? BECAUSE THEY WORK, THAT'S WHY!! Do they want you to die? No, they just want you to be sick as long as possible. This health minister should be fired! I wonder how much he was bribed. Did you read the full article (below) to see what they are planning to do? All these years we've been free to use herbs and various dietary supplements and to choose our own doses, etc, and all of a sudden after many years of no harm done they want to just outlaw them?? What is happening to our "Frree Country"?? It would be helpful if you wrote a hand-written letter to the Minister of Health who tabled this dumb bill. If you don't

know what to write, let me know and I send you the words to say but you are the one who has to write it by hand and send it ....and AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. One handwritten letter is considered equal to and counted as 1000 ...or more! If you plan to just forward this email once, then you have not done your share. At the very least, at least make the call. Here's an email link to find your member of parliament

....click on his/her name to get his phone number. It's easy to do! http://webinfo.parl.gc.ca/membersofparliament/ProfileMP.aspx?Key=78914 & Language=E Click on the member's name to get the phone number and more information. Why not call 6 of them ....or why not call 12 of them ...call a bunch! Make a list of their names and phone numbers and call as many as you can. Ask them to vote against Bill C-51. Americans, just pick any of them and please call as many as you can, please. I have been known to sign USA petitions and to help Dr Rima get the word out about problems there. So please, now it's your turn to help us a bit. Just call one Member of Parliament, if you wish, but please do call one and then forward this email to as many as you can. It has to be done right away as they have already gone through some of the readings of this bill. Helen This is not something I can do by myself and these atrocities will happen if we all sit and do nothing or just send a few emails. At least pick up your phone and call your MP to ask him/her to vote against the C-51 bill mentioned below, ..at the very least!! Let's jam their phones and voice mailboxeswith calls and messages. It's so easy to do this! Just say this.... "Please vote against Bill C-51. Stop letting our freedoms erode". This bill was tabled on April 8, 2008. Why has it taken so long for us to find out about it? It is kind of shameful of Canadians that we got this

news from an outsider ...we should thank him. Here's the article..... NaturalNews) A new law being pushed in Canada by Big Pharma seeks to outlaw up to 60 percent of natural health products currently sold in Canada, even while criminalizing parents who give herbs or supplements to their children. The law, known as C-51, was introduced by the Canadian Minister of Health on April 8th, 2008, and it proposes sweeping changes to Canada's Food and Drugs Act that could have devastating consequences on the health products industry.Among the changes proposed by the bill are radical alterations to key terminology, including replacing the word "drug" with "therapeutic product" throughout the Act, thereby giving the

Canadian government broad-reaching powers to regulate the sale of all herbs, vitamins, supplements and other items. With this single language change, anything that is "therapeutic" automatically falls under the Food and Drug Act. This would include bottled water, blueberries, dandelion greens and essentially all plant-derived substances.The Act also changes the definition of the word "sell" to include anyone who gives such therapeutic products to someone else. So a mother giving an herb to her child, under the proposed new language, could be arrested for engaging in the sale of unregulated, unapproved "therapeutic substances." Learn

about more of these freedom-squashing changes to the law at the Stop51.com website: http://www.stopc51.com New enforcement powers allow Canadian government to seize your home or business At the same time that C-51 is outlawing herbs, supplements and vitamins, it would grant alarming new "enforcement" powers to the thugs enforcement agents who claim to be "protecting" the public from dangerous unapproved "therapeutic agents" like, say, dandelion greens. As explained on the www.Educate-Yourself.org website ((http://educate-yourself.org/cn/canadian...), the C-51 law would allow the Canadian government's thugs enforcement agents to:• Raid your home or business without a warrant• Seize your bank accounts• Levy fines up to $5 million and a jail terms up to 2 years for merely selling an herb• Confiscate your property, then charge you storage fees for the expense involved in storing all the products they stole from youC-51 would even criminalize the simple drying of herbs in your kitchen to be used in an herbal product, by the way. That would now be categorized as a "controlled activity," and anyone caught engaging in such "controlled activities" would be

arrested, fined and potentially jailed. Other "controlled activities" include labeling bottles, harvesting plants on a farm, collecting herbs from your back yard, or even testing herbal products on yourself! (Yes, virtually every activity involving herbs or supplements would be criminalized...)There's more, too. C-51 is the Canadian government's "final solution" for the health products industry. It's a desperate effort to destroy this industry that's threatening the profits and viability of conventional medicine. Natural medicine works so well -- and is becoming so widely used -- that both the Canadian and American governments have decided to "nuke" the industries by passing new laws that effectively criminalize anyone selling such products. They simply cannot tolerate allowing consumers to have continued access

to natural products. To do so will ultimately spell the destruction of Big Pharma and the outdated, corrupt and criminally-operated pharmaceutical industry that these criminally-operated governments are trying to protect. Join the rally to protest C-51 On May 9th, 2008, Canadian citizens will be gathering at the Calgary Federal Court to protest C-51 and help protect their access to natural health products. Call 1-888-878-3467 to learn more, or visit the action page of Health

Canada Exposed at: http://www.stopc51.com/c51/what_you_can_do.aspNaturalNews is looking to hire someone with a good video camera to film the event. We'll gladly pay you to video tape this and send us the resulting file, which we will edit and then post for NaturalNews readers. If you have a video camera (with good audio, hopefully) and can attend the May 9th rally, please contact us at (U.S.) 520-232-9300 for details. If you do film there, be sure to use the camera buddy system, where you have somebody in the distance filming YOU with the camera, so that if Canadian law enforcement thugs decide to assault you and steal your video camera in order to censor the event, then somebody else in the distance has THAT on video! You got that? So there are two cameras working,

camera A is filming the rally, and it's very close to the action. Camera B is set back farther from the scene, and it's filming the person holding camera A. This is standard operating practice for filming such events, and it makes it very difficult for government thugs to shut down the video. Often, the person filming with camera B is in a car somewhere, or filming covertly so that they don't attract attention. Zoom lenses help a lot.In any case, if you manage to get some video of this event, then we'd be thrilled to share it with NaturalNews readers. And like I said, we'll pay for footage, so call us for details. Together, we can help spread the word about this important rally for health freedom in Canada.Learn more: http://www.stopC51.com Mike

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