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dmso-msm info.

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Extract3 <extract3@...> wrote: http://www.oralchelation.com/methyl/data/data7.htm Table Of Studies On MSM & DMSO These studies were found using the premium search service, HealthGate, searching the Medlines database. In each case the search was set to find all articles, published from 1977 to current date, without

restriction. The first search term was "methylsulfonylmethane." There were no hits. The next search term was "methyl sulfonyl methane," and there were no hits. Then, the search term was "dimethyl sulfone" and there were no hits. "DMSO2" got no hits. "DMSO" got only six hits, and a quick review of those didn't seem to warrant making further reference to them. Then, "dimethylsulfoxide" was used as the search term and there were only five hits! The term "sulfur" gets 35 hits! But many of these had to do with sulfur dioxide, and are not shown below. the next term searched for was "sports injuries." The term "cell permeability" was searched, and only

five non-relative studies found. The term "MSM" was not expected to find anything relative, and did not. Probably the conclusion from these searches is that very little research has been published on the role of MSM. The fact that even DMSO does not come up with any significant hits means, apparently, that this widely used substance has, itself, not received any significant attention from the normal medical journals. When and as I find some better places and ways to search, I'll return to this page with data. [February 12, 1999] Top Number Title Comments ...1... Source For purchase of DMSO on the web. Click the link number For information purposes, check out the cost of various forms of DMSO. ...2... DMSO Data Brand Name: Rimso-50® ...3... A good source for data about the uses of DMSO ...4... DMSO Therapy Good basics on the function of DMSO ...5... MSM : DMSO After 20 years Article By Dr. ...6... Research by Dr. ...7... More material From Dr.

...8... ...9... ...10... Menu Position #10 ...11... ...12... ...13... ...14... ...15... ...16... ...17... ...18... ...19... ...20... Menu Position #20 ...21... ...22... ...23... ...24... ...25... ...26... ...27... ...28... ...29... ...30... Menu Position #30 ...31... ...32... ...33... ...34... ...35... ...36... ...37... ...38... ...39... ...40... Menu Position #40 ...41... ...42... ...43... ...44... ...45... ...46... ...47... ...48... ...49... ...50... Menu Position #50 Brand Name: Rimso-50®Generic Name: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)Manufacturer: Research Medical, Inc rug Information MSO is the most widely used treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC). It has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is believed to inhibit free radical production, thus reducing pain and inflammation. It also serves as a muscle relaxant and aids in the absorption of other medications. Its liquid form, Rimso-50, was approved by the FDA for use with IC in 1978. Oral and topical forms of DMSO have not been found to be useful in the treatment of IC. nstillations 50% solution of DMSO is instilled intravesically, meaning that the drug is placed, via catheter, directly into the bladder. It is then held in the bladder for 10-20 minutes. This procedure is typically performed in a physician's office.

reatment Protocol C patients initially receive a

series of DMSO treatments. One treatment is given every one or two weeks for four to six treatments, depending on the patient's response to the medication. After this initial series, many patients do find some relief, both in pain and frequency. Additional treatments may be necessary, should symptoms recur. Some patients find they need only one DMSO instillation should a "flare-up" arise. It is best to schedule a treatment as soon as symptoms begin to recur, rather than waiting until symptoms have intensified. DMSO treatments should not be started until 3-4 weeks after IC diagnostic cystoscopy. This waiting period ensures that bladder biopsy sites have healed. hen DMSO is combined with other medications such as heparin, steroids, bicarbonate and analgesics, it may be referred to as a "cocktail". It is recommended that patients begin with just DMSO, and move on to this "cocktail" if no improvement is seen. ide Effects strong garlic-like taste or smell may be present for 24 hours after DMSO instillation. Most patients don't notice this odor, though anyone in close proximity to the patient may detect it. Patients may experience a temporary worsening of bladder symptoms, (a temporary chemical cystitis), lasting 12-24 hrs.

after treatment. Also, some patients have reported short-lived flu-like symptoms after DMSO treatment. Should you experience pain during treatment... Have your physician prescribe anticholinergics such as probanthine or oxbutynin or B & O suppositories to be used prior to instillation. Request a pediatric catheter for the instillation. Apply an analgesic

gel such as lidocaine to the urethra prior to catheter insertion. A numbing agent such as lidocaine or xylocaine may be inserted into the bladder before DMSO instillation. Some patients find that the pain experienced with this procedure subsides with repeated instillations. Pregnancy o controlled studies have been done on the use of DMSO during pregnancy or lactation. The manufacturer of the product does not recommend its use during pregnancy. No studies have been done on the safety and effectiveness of DMSO instillations in children.

Resources and References Interstitial Cystitis, Alan J. Wein, MD & Philip M Hanno, MD, Editors, Urology (supplement), May 1997 Interstitial Cystitis, 's Urology Update #14, 1995 ICA Update, Winter 1994 Standard Intravesical Therapies For Interstitial Cystitis, G. R. Sant, M.D. and D.R. LaRock, M.D., 1994 DMSO Therapy Introduction This is a chemical product—called dimethyl sulfoxide—that has been around a long time but is totally strange to the orthodox medical community. It has been used for years by athletes to help them with painful muscles and joints. DMSO works in a number of ways, but these are entirely new to therapeutic principles. This is not a drug in the usual sense, since a drug treats disease symptoms. DMSO treats altered cellular function or damaged cells. The cells become healed and restored by changing and stabilizing the “water structure” within the cell. It exerts its effects on biological systems by changing the liquid structure of water. Therefore, changes occur in protein and other molecules. These

changes are physical-chemical in nature and difficult to understand without a degree in physics. The fact remains that these products work to restore function in illnesses like arthritis and immune system disease, and they are very helpful in acute inflammatory pain syndromes. What It Does DMSO tends to build up white blood cells and increase immune production of MIF (migration inhibitory factors) of macrophages. Thus, the immune system is made more effective by allowing macrophages to move more quickly. Thus DMSO modulates lymphocytes, and it therefore

reactivates the production of MIF. It also diminishes allergic reactions by unfolding the cell membrane and making more cell receptor sites available to attachment by specific antigens. The modulating effect of DMSO on lymphocytes also tends to increase the production of lymphokines (chemical immune cell mediators) such as interferon. It potentiates cell mediated immunity and can be effective in multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, ulcerative colitis, cancer, etc. What Are Its Major

Therapeutic Properties? It blocks pain by interrupting conduction in the small c-fibers, the non-myelinating nerve fibers. It is anti-inflammatory. It is anti bacterial, fungal and viral. It transports all molecules (drugs, etc.) across cell membranes. It reduces the incidence of platelet thrombi (clots in vessels). It effects cardiac contractility by inhibiting calcium to reduce the workload of the heart. It is a vasodilator, probably related to histamine release in the cells and to prostaglandin

inhibition. It softens collagen. It is a scavenger of the hydroxyl free radical. It stimulates the immune system. It is a potent diuretic.

It increases interferon formation. It stimulates wound healing. Summary DMSO has certain unique physiological characteristics which stem from its molecular makeup: It is a simple small molecule with unusual properties. An exothermic reaction occurs when DMSO is diluted with water (heat is generated). Hydroxyl radicals (OH), which are free radicals (oxidants), are ubiquitous and highly injurious to cells—and thus health. DMSO neutralizes (quenches) these free radicals. It is a free radical scavenger!DMSO substitutes for water in the living cell—it can destroy intracellular free radicals. No other antioxidant can do that.

DMSO increases the permeability of cell membranes yielding a flushing effect of toxins from intracellular location to extracellular. It is an antidote to allergic reactions. It can penetrate any cell wall; thus it can get where most chemicals can’t. It has a very low index of any toxicity. Allergic reactions to DMSO can occur but they are uncommon. DMSO has a myriad of applications in medicine. Some are so dramatically effective that the concept of such therapy just boggles the mind! References Szmant, H. Harry. Physical properties of dimethyl sulfoxide and its function in biological systems, Biological Actions of Dimethyl Sulfoxide ed. by Stanley W. and Herschler. (New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1975), pp. 20-23. Barfeld, H., and T. Atoynatan. N-acetylcysteine inactivates migration inhibitory factor and delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Nature new Bio., 231:157-159, 1971. Barfeld, H., and T. Atoynatan, Cytophilic nature of migration inhibitory factor associated with delayed hypersensitivity, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 139:497-501, 1969. Tschope, M., cited in Raettig, H. “The potential of DMSO in experimental immunology,” Dimethylsulfoxyl, Internationales Symposium in Wien. G. Laudahn and K. Getrich, eds.; 54. Saladruck, Berlin, Germany, 1966. Engel, M.F. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 141:638, 1967. © 1998 B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M. NOTICE: This information is provided for educational purposes. Any medical procedures, dietary changes, or nutritional supplements discussed herein should only be undertaken on the advice of a qualified physician. B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M.The Edelson Center for Environmental and Preventive Medicine3833 Roswell Road, Suite 110 • Atlanta, GA 30342 • (404) 841-0088 • FAX: (404) 841-6416 The Edelson Center for Environmental & Preventive Medicine /

www.EdelsonCenter.com -----Original Message-----From: rmor67@... [mailto:rmor67@...] Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:47 AMextract3@...Subject: Message to Karl Loren from bulkmsm.com ------------------------------ email: rmor67@... date: Monday, April 21st, 2008 at 10:46:58 ------------------------------ Request_Source: http & #58;//www.bulkmsm.com/writetokarl.htm Contact_FirstName: Contact_LastName: Morten email: rmor67@... Contact_Address_1: 108 7 st Contact_City: laurel Contact_State: ne. Contact_Zip: 68745 Contact_Country: USA Message_Text: Dear Karl,<BR>will msm carrie thinks into the body like dmso?<BR><BR>is dmso better the msm?<BR>roger Form data was updated/added in table `writetokarl.contacts` (Contact_ID=7249) Form data was updated/added in table `writetokarl.requests` (Request_ID=8165) Form data was updated/added in table `writetokarl.messages` (Message_ID=7600) __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 3043 (20080421) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. http://www.eset.com __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 3067 (20080430) __________The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.http://www.eset.com

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